white cloud minnow water flow

white cloud minnow water flow

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white cloud minnow water flow

I always do a fishless cycle for the first month. Such a nice surprise. Golden and long-finned varieties have been developed. Emma. The temperature should not exceed 80°F (26.66°C). i just got 4 white clouds and they are swimming around with my comet wich is about 5cm long in a 21 litre tank, they are doing jut fine. How many more should I get if I want to cycle my tank and provide my minnows with a nice school? An are White Clouds cold water of tropical.? I just cant get over the rectangular aquariums...not sure why.. AddictedToBettas: It can be tricky to tell them apart, but when they are ready to spawn, male white clouds will have more intense coloration while females with generally be very plump with eggs. White cloud mountain minnows are omnivores, and they need a diet rich in both plant and animal matter. I really like active fish. Unless you have a 50 gallon or so that is crowded with plants covering every inch of space, all fish do need a filter. The other problem is that vases generally have an opening that fish can jump out of, to their demise. The tank is 9 months old on cycle. At first my big comet chased a few coluds. Their small size means they don't need a large aquarium, but they do need enough room for their activeness and tendency to play around. The other one is still fighting but doesn't have any interest in food, so I am getting concerned. The goldfish would probably eat anything I put in the tank. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Care. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow originates from the gorges of the White Cloud Mountains of China. #che, I believe that you do have to. Will white cloud mountain minnows survive in an outdoor pond? The most ideal for … I not have 15 little tiny white clouds and are done with my tank. Engineer111, CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported, from Wikimedia Commons. That's mostly all i can say (Whats in the question.) In the wild, they live in fast-flowing streams and, unfortunately, are practically extinct. Because I wanted to use no real plants or maybe a few fake ones, and rocks. In the wild, fish don't have a constant schedule of meals, and they eat as much food as they can eat if they find some. Plus, that list is just some of what they can eat. As fast swimmers, they should be kept in 20 gallon tanks. By Lolaby2, 5 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. Re: White Cloud Mountain Minnow Fry. Got any advice? Sorry for such a delay in response, guys! I've got like 15 White Clouds. Some bottom dwellers like corydoras catfish, Shrimp (ghost shrimp, bamboo shrimp, etc. For some reason, when I started keeping six minnows about a year or so ago, since then, I've had 4 die on me. I got 3 mountain minnows 2 days back, and they are very happy and healthy, all exept one. Could ramshorn snails go along with MTS in a white cloud mouontain minnow species tank? This fish can also live at 41°F (5°C). Tank Size: 10+ gallons as they are active schooling fish. Each fish is swimming in peace. Found Fry in the outdoor tropical pond! i have 3 minnows with a Siamese fighting fish (male) only had then for less than a week, it seems that one of the minnow has lost part of his tail, do you think the SFF has gone for it? White Cloud Minnow Biotope. Should I leave it in the tank? Just noticed some fry in the tank today, at least 6 on the side of the tank.Will they survive if they are left in the tank with the adults? When I was a kid I tried to keep neons, and they never lived. His tank mate predeceased him and he lived for 10 years. Tanichthys albonubes species representatives were first found at White Cloud Mountain (also known as Baiyun Mountain) located several kilometers north of central Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6158f1a84b52cc2c In some cases the old rule of one inch per gallon actually does apply, and one of those cases is for slim-bodied small tropical fish. It requires at least 5 gallons tank with plenty of swimming spaces. #michaeel, white clouds require at least 10+ gallons as they are schooling fish. Keeping them with fish like Oscars can spell disaster. Learn how to care for the unique and lively white cloud mountain minnow. Your IP: You will need 2 gallons of water for each White Cloud in your tank. I have white cloud minnows and they get bullied by guppies so we had to give the guppies back to the pet shop. Since, I have soaked the flake and freeze-dried food prior to feeding and have removed all but one plastic plant. I am a novice at fish breeding and only have the 1 tank. However, in 2001, two additional species found in Vietnam were recognized; Tanichthys micagemmae and Tanichthys thacbaensis. If so, are there any fish which would be compatible in the same tank as thin-bodied goldfish? It would help if you adequately cycled your tank before adding in the fish to guarantee it is … The comets are strong fish that can live in anything. These guys will let you know exactly what you need to fix. They should never be put in garden ponds. Golden Fins from California on November 29, 2010: White Clouds seem like a great fish to enjoy in an aquarium. One looked like he was having swim bladder problems and died around noon today. Make sure you cycle the tank before you buy any fish, so the beneficical bacteria can convert the toxic ammonia into the less-poisonous nitrate. These are three fish, (hillstream loach/Borneo sucker, White Cloud Mountain Minnow and Weather Loach), which can be added to aquariums containing goldfish. However, even if you have snails you will still need to perform regular water changes as the snails produce waste that can build up in the tank, as well as the fish. One recently died-today! If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Decor: Having hiding places in a tank is very good for fish. I have six white clouds with three comets. I have 4 white cloud minnows in my 30g. The water flow is also low and moderate at worst. I only have 3. Member. Do research. They were only a few mm long & now they're about an inch. Thanks for a great article! Now, after seeing the video of the biotope, i can't help but wonder, how do these fish do without plants? AquaticBrandon. will fantail goldfish get along with white cloud mountain minnows in a 10 gallon tank? You can tell by the stripe coloration. The White Cloud Mountain minnow is practically extinct in its native habitat, due to pollution and tourism. I have treated with antibiotics and tried swim bladder treatments. They are often mistakenly sold as a tropical fish, but are much healthier and have brighter coloring when kept in cooler temperatures. Savannah Helming: Thank you! I got two new White cloud minnows over a week ago to add to the three others in my 35l tank. Dear Seth, I tried getting them in with goldfish however they bite them alot and kill them so I wouldn't recommend but you can try it and see what happens if the goldfish dies then change it to tropical like me they live better with that type of fish. After reading this article, if you decide you are willing to care for white cloud mountain minnows, have fun! Have a feeling there could be more and the female is still being chased. Here is a list of possible tankmates: If you decide to keep your minnows with larger fish, make sure there isn't a possibility of them eating the minnows. The minnows will come in a bag with water in it so float this in the tank for ten minutes then very slowly let them out. It is even healthy to skip feeding every once in a while. These fish originate from China, where they lived in the gorges of the White Cloud mountains. Sep 30, 2014. Thanks :-) Answer Save. In this case, the pH range should be maintained between 6.0 and 8.5 while hardness and temperature should be 10-15 dGH and 65-75° F respectively. So can i ? White Cloud Mountain Minnow, Tanichthys albonubes Profile, with care, maintenance requirements and breeding information for your tropical fish 05-08-2013, 04:29 PM Timing2012 If all is well everyone will get along. They can be kept as a captive in Pond as a pet. I feed the fish every other day. 6 Answers. I know they prefer floating plants, but I'm not sure if baby tears are good enough. albonubes: from the Latinalbus, meaning ‘white’, and nubes, meaning ‘cloud’, in reference to the species’ type locality (see ‘Distribution’). @wabi, thank you, and it is not strictly necessary that they have plants, but there should be nooks and crannies in the tank that they can hide in if they get scared. These lovely minnows can be kept in a species-only tank or a tropical community, but the temperature should remain at about 72 degrees Fahrenheit. No! White cloud minnow not eating. Its 1.5 ft deep and its about a foot wide..do you think I should get the minnows?Or are there bowl shaped aquariums these days. The white mount is a very popular fish among the pet fish keepers. Lv 6. He did get a hold of one but there was one that sat in the back of the tank for 2 weeks and did not eat at all. Never keep fish without proper air supply, in tap water in JARS!?!? So test yours out first but crayfish only eat sick or dead fish. As long as they have objects in their tank they can hide from things with, then they'll be good! #9 If you already have an air pump you can fill the spare tank with water from the main tank and start by just running an … I don't know what to do! Out of the clouds i have two males and four females. But the other 3 we left for 2 weeks afterwards and they did well and did not disappear. Hi Sal, the problem with the vase you are describing is that it's more deep than wide, and for most fish this can be difficult to swim in, and also the bowl-shaped doesn't allow great gas exchange between the water and the outer atmosphere, so not a lot of oxygen can get in the water and into the water. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow typically occupies the top and middle level of the water column, although it can often be seen swimming and feeding in the middle and bottom levels as well. @sheree, that is a very likely occurrence. 1 minnow just died and another is missing. In fact, “mountains” are made up of 3 peaks and they are a very popular place of tourism, includi… I just love them. i also have afew live plants to keep them all happy :). How do you know if they are a boy or girl? I have a 1gallon tank that has 2 WC's, a ghost shrimp and a snail. Member. I have just set up a 35l cold water fish tank, and was wondering how many wcmm, could live happily in it. Tryingtoberesponsibletogetafish:) on January 01, 2012: If I wanted around 14 of the wcmm's, how many gallons should I get? Hope I helped! Covering it with netting or mesh or similar material could keep them in their tank. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are small, colorful fish, once termed the working man's Neon because they compared to Neon Tetras in color but were not as expensive. how do i know if my white cloud is having babies? All fish produce ammonia. Neon tetras are pretty small fish and are touchy about their water quality being in tip-top shape. I only have anacharis. White cloud mountain minnows can live with tropical fish if the tank is kept at 72 degrees Fahrenheit—a higher temperature is too warm for them, and a lower temperature is too cold for warm-water fish. It must have been on the plant we put in when we got the fish. For over a half century the White Cloud Mountain Minnow was the only species in the newly defined genus. Help would be much appreciated. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. How many white clouds could I keep in a 3 gallon tank? And, also, would platies be suitable for this tank? If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. How often can white clouds get frozen foods(i.e. Make sure to feed them only a small pinch of food a day. All the random stats I can think of about the tank: It's a 2.5 gallon tank with 3 white clouds, a betta, and a snail. Please reply! Unfortunately, the species is extinct in its native habitat. Feel quite worried. Could I keep 5 WCMMs and 2 fan tails in a 28 gallon tank, Hi need some advice. In the wild they are found in Asia. Also, weekly water changes of about 25% are recommended to keep your aquarium healthy. I did a fishless cycle in the tank over 2 months ago and the filter is mature and cycled. I like to use comets during cycle. Glad I could help :). I think one is pregnant. Hi! The hardy and colorful Golden White Cloud adapts well to less-than-perfect water conditions, making it an ideal choice for beginning aquarists. The species is a member of the carp family (family Cyprinidae) of the order Cypriniformes, native to China. planning to add 5 white clouds. White cloud mountain minnow habitat is the Pearl River delta area. Im not sure if it is sick, but this morning, its is just sitting next to the glass rather than chasing the others around. Bought them as feeder so they were only .15 cents each. can wcmm live in a bowl without filtration, I have a school full of white clouds. Tank Size: White cloud minnows are very small—the size of neon tetras—and are not very demanding when it comes to tank size. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Tropical Fish Learn all about the White Cloud Mountain Minnow's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Guppies are popular community fish that can be kept with white cloud mountain minnows. She seems fine for a few days but then after eating almost immediately stats to behaviour wierd. @Beck, unfortunately, that is a very overpopulated tank you've got there. :). They are an active, beautiful, and interesting choice for an aquarium. I have 40 approx White Clouds exclusively in a 55 gal tank. I keep getting differen5 answers which is expected but you seem like an expert. White cloud mountain minnow problem! Happy fish-keeping! Whats this all over my tank glass and in water, Does anyone have any advice about cleaning the tank? This would be suitable for up to 5 Cloud Minnows. Thanks! Would it be plausible to keep them together with white clouds? Also is there any other species I could keep with them, I have read not to keep gold fish with them, as they might eat the minnow, but was wondering if there was anything else. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. White Cloud Minnow. The ideal water temperature of the tank of White Cloud Mountain Minnow is 64-72°F (17.77-22.22°C). Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. pH Level. Get your tank PERFECT before adding any clouds. This easy-to-keep minnow will do well in the community aquarium with other peaceful fish. @Seth, it wouldn't be advisable not only for the reasons you've given, but because that tank is already pretty overcrowded, and no more fish should be put in that tank. I've had my white clouds for almost a week, and for some reason, they will only stay in the top inch of the tank (never going any lower), and I don't understand why. They adapt well to life in captivity and aren’t fussy when it comes to minor details. They are called poor man neon tetra IME, they are superior to neon in hardiness, school tighter, males display interestingly to females, and breed easily as adults don’t eat their young. WCMM's being so tiny, you could get away with that many in a 15G tank. 154535251545321154535251545678 on June 14, 2013: Are platy variatus compatible with 4 white cloud mountain minnows in an unheated 10 gallon tank? The tank should have live plants and gravel substrates with a good water quality. I just got some White Clouds from the pet store and two of them were looking a little sick. However, they are active, schooling fish so I recommend a 10+ gallon aquarium for room for their tank mates and swimming. They were sick. I might be getting some minnows, so I'll hold on to this! • I have minnows that thrive on goldfish food! The two black and white lateral stripes in micagemmae are of roughly equal width. Hello! They are living very happily. Would green cabomba and java fern attached to a rock work with white cloud mountain minnows? This will give them plenty of room to move around. This can result in disease and/or death. However, these fish do have some distinct needs you need to be aware of. I have a matineland biowheel and do a 25% water change weekly or biweekly. 1 decade ago. Mar 28, 2014 - Paradise Fish from Florida Pond Management Fish Stocking A diverse fish population is important to create a healthy and balanced lake or pond. What would you deem to be a good, daily diet for minnows? I would get at least 2-4 more CrawfishCrazy27 . Water Conditions: 6.0-8 and Moderately Hard to Hard Temperature: 18–26 °C (64–79 °F) Maximum Size: 1.5 inches (4cm) The white cloud minnow (Tanichthys alonubes), also known as the poor man’s neon tetra, is a hardy and attractive cold-water fish. Hope this helped! good filtration and water heater keeping it 68-72 degrees F. not sure what type of food they actually eat.. will they eat betta food or the shrimppellet i've around have or is a more specific type of flake or pellet for white clouds. What do they eat duckweed or elodea or wut. White clouds are schooling fish and therefore much happier and healthier when they are kept in a group. I have 4 white cloud minnows in a 10 gallon tank. thanks! The pH level of the water in the tank of White Cloud Mountain Minnow should range between 6.0-8.0. I measure everyday for nitrites and other harmful levels. In the wild, they depend on small insects, plant matter, algae, and anything that fits in their mouth. I currently keep 6 wcmm in a 60 litre tank and up until now have had no problems whatsoever. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Nitrates, ammonia, and nitrites should be kept as 0ppm. The saleswoman told me since they are cold water they could go in with my goldfish. I know it's too small, but wouldn't that be better than being eaten?? do i need to keep white cloud mountain minnows with the use of a filter. When do I have to change the water? Should I just avoid the combination altogether? Housing. ANYWAY, they're in a 29 gal set up. They are great and you could try a crayfish small though for a 10 gallon tank, Im getting 5 males for my Betta community tank. It gave the species its specific name – albonubes (alba nubes – from Latin is white clouds). But once you have those covered, these fish are pretty low-maintenance. A White Cloud Mountain Minnow should be kept in at least a 10 gallon aquarium. I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 3 thin bodied goldfish (a comet, shubunkin, and sarassa). Do you have any idea? Sep 30, 2014. crawfishcrazy27 . Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. All water quality is fine. I would recommend getting TSS . My tank is a cold water and a 5 gallon. Of the two, only Tani… Three minnows and I'm going to put them in my aquarium with a comet ( very small) and a sucking loach. If you think that your betta is aggressive you may want to rehome your WCMM's. Can a white cloud live in a mason jar with no filter? These small schooling fish can be found in two different color varieties – the normal pattern and the gold color. The hillstream loach fish are found in mountain streams with fast flowing water. @fishforme, unfortunately no, if you read my article on why fish bowls aren't humane, you will know that there are several other reasons why fish should not be kept in bowls. We tested him out with 4 white clouds orginally. After 48 hours everyrhing went to normal. What live plants do you think I should put in my minnows' tank? That is good advice. I have a 10 gallon tank and have a very small crayfish too. The water temperature your White Cloud minnow fish encounters in its natural habitat significantly varies both during day and night as well during different seasons of the year. I have got no idea why. Bloodworms (frozen, freeze-dried, or live), Brine shrimp (frozen, freeze-dried, or live), Mosquito larvae (if you harvest them from your backyard, make sure you don't feed your minnows toxic chemicals like fertilizer along with them! WCM are extinct in their native habitat in White Cloud Mountain, China due to industrial pollution, but has no trouble naturalizing outside China in many places due to their cold hardiness. The comets are almost 1-1 1/4'. Even so, they prefer water PH levels of 6.0-8.0. These are several modes, and the powerhead can be turned down so the fish won't be blown out of the water. White Cloud Mountain Minnow care is fairly straightforward. Where i live the absolute minimum the pond gets would be 5 degrees celcius (no colder than that). My white cloud fish died today; he was at least 14 years old! But, you can feed them tropical food, like Omega One's Freshwater Flakes. Answer Save. Finatics is a fish enthusiast and enjoys writing detailed guides on how to care for various species of aquarium fish. Being an adaptable species of fish also means they can live in various temperature ranges. If kept in a school of eight or more, the White Cloud will be more active and colorful. Also, guppies are normally peaceful fish- maybe you had some uncommonly aggressive ones? The main issue I would see happening is the inability to make sure both the clouds and goldfish are fed their own food. Would it be fine if I had 2or3 whiye clouds in a 3.5 gallon tank.? White cloud minnows can withstand a broad range of water fluctuations. Sep 30, 2014. they are so active and beautiful. I knew 1 was female not long after i got them,due to the size of her belly . This really upsets me that I would be told they would be okay. Could I add more minnows? Hello, I was told that white clouds were compatible with goldfish. (i.e. White Cloud Mountain Winnow requires cool water temperature; they cannot adjust in warm water. In the home aquarium, they can quickly eat themselves into obesity and poor water quality. But they do fine in a baby bath filled with water but give the tank live plants planted in gravel/sand/dirt. I have six minnow,got them 1 month ago. Thanks for the tips about White Clouds! These fishes are truly amazing! I'm afraid that I can't upgrade the tank. However, that problem would be solved if you had a filter that can attach to your vase. How many white cloud mountain minnow in 35l cold water tank? Most of the plants in there are fake, although there is one live plant. My only option is to put them in a round base or bowl. Great article! What could possibly be going on? I keep only this species in this tank but I plan to increase the water flow today after learning from you that they like fast moving water and will give lettuce too. Are you thinking of cycling with just the fish? I have had a small 20litre tank for a year, I had 5 minnows, 2 buenosaires tetra and 2 shrimp, which had babies. I've been reading that they love a thoroughly planted tank and the tank from the video has none. They are not swimmers and only really go fast backwards. The black stripe is about 0.9-1.8 times wider than the white stripe here, while in albonubes it’s 0.3-0.6 … Can the fry eat flakes or should i put something different in for them?There is a snail in the tank 2. Lol. Favourite answer. Thank you, Laura! I keep the tank very clean with regular changes. 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