can my dad baptize me

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can my dad baptize me

My son intends to baptize him on his next visit himself. 2. Dad Baptized Me . As he pronounces these words, he is to baptize the child with water, by pouring or sprinkling it on the head of the child, without adding any other ceremony; and the whole shall be concluded with prayer. thanks for saying this. The Book of Blessings contains an Order for Blessing of Parents After a … In these extreme cases, the Church teaches a Baptism of blood, and also Baptism of desire, referring to one who desires baptism, like a catechumen, but also desire on the part of parents, and the whole church. The majority of the New Testament is an instruction manual that presumes you are being trained to be a minister of the gospel and a discipler of men. I perked up at that. I can't even go to church. Which brings us to the Great Commission. Biblically, we see that those who perform Christian baptism in the New Testament have been set apart by Christ for an office in the church (e.g., Peter, Paul, Phillip). Yes, your daughter can be baptized and no father is required to be listed in the sacramental record if he is not named on any public document. (I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Canon 877 (emphasis added): §1. If the unfortunate should occur and the child dies before receiving baptism, there are other Rites of the Church that would apply. Strictly speaking, the Great Commission, with its command to baptize, was given to the apostles, not to every believer indiscriminately. Instead, we understand that this is the charge for all Christian believers for all time. Besides there is one necessity of doctrine, which is absolute and of the means to salvation; another of the sacraments, which is hypothetical and of command. Now my problem is, my dad won't let me go through baptism because he is a Muslim. My father, an ordained elder[1] in the Mormon church, baptized me by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A participant in my... Can Christian Fathers Baptize Their Own Children? There is no evidence to show that private members baptized. We've seen paintings. If you disagree, I understand. Instead, on good instincts, we operate with the assumption that we can still obey the Great Commission if we participate as a church body in sending others to the nations. Jesus had His disciples baptize His followers rather than doing it Himself. I needed the encouragement today. And yet, “as king of his church Christ has also instituted a specific office, the office of presbyter (elder), by which he governs his church” (Bavinck). 1. I think that it does. The smile on Dad’s face felt no doubt that he was proud of me. It does not suggest that now in the New Testament there are no rites which may be performed only by ordained officers. Anyone… The office of teaching is either public and from authority, or private from charity. It was funny, my first staff position I was an associate pastor and the church had to vote to authorize me to baptize people. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on We should note, at the outset, that the Great Commission was given to a specific set of people, to those who would wait in Jerusalem for power from on high, to those who would give eye witness testimony to the resurrection. He has authored numerous books, including Just Do Something. The argument in both instances is that since Scripture does not make explicit any restrictions and since we believe in the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:4-10), we should not limit the administration of baptism to the ordained pastors or elders of the church. It sounds like a strong argument to say, “Well, if we don’t all baptize, then I guess we shouldn’t all do discipleship! The principle of following biblical examples and precedents is often an important key to determining biblical authority for certain actions, when explicit commands and other information have not been given. Life and Books and Everything: Division, Whataboutism, & Christian Nationalism, Life and Books and Everything: John Piper Talks Books, We Must Find a Better Way to Talk About Race. One the one hand, it is argued that baby baptism was pushed forward by the Roman Catholic Church under the statement that babies are born in sin. Baptism (from the Greek noun βάπτισμα baptisma) is a Christian rite of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of water, into Christianity. Practically, for baptism to be responsible there must be some church oversight. This belief is founded by the idea that the original sin from Adam and Eve is inherited. Kevin DeYoung (PhD, University of Leicester) is senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, board chairman of The Gospel Coalition, and assistant professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte). Even though this should go without saying, the father must be a follower of Christ for any of this to apply, and the children must have placed their trust in the finished work of Christ for their salvation. Dave, I’m with you 110% on this. “My dad had extra time during quarantine, so he digitized our old family videos and emailed them to me,” Father Hood explained. All grace is his grace. Thus instruction and doctrine have a wider scope than baptism. One question that comes up from time to time among Christian fathers is whether they Biblically have the right to baptize their children. Answer: There is nothing in the Bible that states who can and cannot baptize someone. How can I know? All you need to get is some sort of liquid (probably even soda, but it depends on your denomination) and say "I Baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". The net result is that I see very good reason for the traditional practice of restricting the administration of the sacraments to the pastor-elders of the church. The synoptic gospels recount that John the Baptist baptised Jesus. So that was a long way to say, “yes.” Christian fathers can baptize their own children. First, a paragraph from Turretin who has a small section in his Elenctic Theology on the issue: “Is baptism by laymen or women lawful in any case? Your baptism is between you and Heavenly Father, so it will be reallyspecial, no matter who baptizes you.” I guess that didsound pretty special. One of the parents … It is a common widespread practice for parents to baptize their children shortly after birth. This actually raises a much bigger issue that must be addressed first that will make the answer to the question obvious. He has authored numerous books, including, 100 Healing Words for Every Harmful Syllable, A Prayer for This Day of Transition and Inauguration, 7 Ways to Kill the Thanksgiving Impulse in Your Life. For God’s people in the Old Testament were also called a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6) and they had a whole tribe of priests set aside for functions that only the priests could perform. The command to baptize, in Matthew, is well known: Matthew 28, English Standard Version: "16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. Christ is the only king and head of the church. The Relationship Between Repentance & Salvation. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”. Thus, they have concluded, that in order to be properly baptized, a person must be baptized by a man who is a Christian. June smiles. In this case, however, ther… If every aspect of the Great Commission is directly for every individual believer, then 99% of us are disobeying the Great Commission by not going to the unreached nations of the world. The baby wasn’t baptized in their parish church, because my daughter-in-law ran off before there was even time to arrange it. Some have looked into the New Testament and concluded that every instance of baptism in the New Testament is one in which a Christian man does the baptizing. She asked me to play the piano for a song she and Mimi Johnson are singing about baptism (which Adwen’s Aunt Janae wrote for the occasion). The baby isn’t in danger of death, but my son says that if he doesn’t baptize him, he’ll never get baptized because the mother will never allow it. Question: I know that Scripture tells us to go and make disciples of men, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is Matt 28:18-20, and says, “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Is there anything that prevents me, as the spiritual head of my household, from baptizing my family personally? I believe only ordained pastors–and depending on your understanding of the offices, this may include ordained elders (like it does in the RCA)–should administer the sacraments in general, and perform baptisms in particular. Now, after reading your literature, I am beginning to wonder whether I was properly baptized. Anyone can baptize anyone if they wish to be baptized. in Matthews, North Carolina, board chairman of The Gospel Coalition, and assistant professor of systematic theology at, (Charlotte). Answer: The Bible does not specifically address this question. If such a simple ceremony was forbidden to be carried out except by those who serve God fulltime, then one would be hard pressed to explain one of the greatest events that occurred on the day of Pentecost! If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple " (Luke 14:26). Christians disagree about some aspects of Christian baptism, while at the same time we agree very strongly that Christ is our Savior and Lord. And then there is everyone else. For me, point 2 is the most compelling, then 3, then 1, then 4. Father Hood was “baptized” by a deacon who decided to change the form of baptism. How Bad Is This Moment in American History. A young man asked, "Bro Gabriel, can my mom baptize me in Jesus name?" She asked me to give the talk on baptism… If no priest is readily available, any layperson can baptize using water and the Trinitarian formula. So now I’m wondering…. As a convert from Southern Baptist, I was told my baptism was valid by a priest I find to be very orthodox and knowledgeable. Jesus is not talking about a angry type of hatred, but a contrast in priorities. Theologically, we must take into account how Christ rules his church. And no, the Catholic Church will not "baptize anyone" as the first answer states. If we are to disciple them, and we are a royal priesthood, it only follows that we should baptize them as well. Those who can administer baptism: 1. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For although no one but a baptized person teaches, still everyone teaching does not baptize. 4. 1 Peter 2:5 says, “you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”  If you are a follower of Christ, you are, biblically , a priest. I remember the Taiwanese swimming pool where I was water baptized and made a public proclamation of Jesus Christ as my Lord. Wayne Grudem, for example, affirms that “there seems to be no need in principle to restrict the right to perform baptism only to ordained clergy” and that it is appropriate for “mature believers to baptize new converts” (Systematic Theology, 983-84). In other words, those who teach is a wider category than those who baptize. We deny against the Romanists.”. Immediately following the ordinance, he and a circle of men from my family and ward[2] laid their hands on my head and confirmed me a member of the Mormon church. 2 0. One question that comes up from time to time among Christian fathers is wh... We've seen movies about the death of Jesus. Anyone can baptise anyone; as long as you are baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, your baptism is legit. My daughter turned one today and my dad decided to celebrate by calling me to complain about how she’s not baptized yet. Bible Question: I am getting baptized in a couple of months after I begged my parents to let me. Something I say often is that the highest calling in scripture is the calling of a believer. My church requires you to be immersion baptized as a believer in order to be a member. “You know, by getting baptized, you’re also setting a good example for your dad,” Collin said. Thanks to John Wiers for four good points (see comments); those are helpful. How Could The Population of the Earth Come from Adam and Eve? We are to “make disciples,” “baptize them,” and “teach them to observe all that” Christ commands. This observation does not settle the debate about whom may baptize. My family are not Christians, and I made the decision myself but my Mum and Dad are really reluctant about it all, and they won't get involved or give me any support.....How can I let them know what baptism is all about and that it means a lot to me? The examples I cited above are not advocating for baptisms willy-nilly whenever you and your buddy feel like getting wet. This concept is foreign to Scripture. The youth pastor at my current church wanted to baptize his daughter who got saved, and I had to get the church’s permission for him to do it. For although no one but a baptized person teaches, still everyone teaching does not baptize. I don’t know of any Christian scholars that believe this passage is only applicable to the apostles who were standing there at the time. The reference to the church as “a royal priesthood” affirms the holy nature of God’s people (1 Peter 2:9). Question: "What does the Bible say about how to get baptized / how to baptize?" (3.394). Then you pour the liquid on their head. Then I was immersed. It is deeply ingrained into our modern psyche that there is a gap between vocational ministry and “lay” people. Christians are used to debating the question “Who can be baptized?” But much less ink (digital or otherwise) has been spilled debating the question “Who can baptize?” Should baptism–and the Lord’s Supper for that matter–be administered only by ordained pastors (and possibly elders), or can any church member in good standing preside over the sacraments? The sacraments (or ordinances) involve the administration of grace and exercise of church power which belong to the office bearers of the church. Yes, since your husband is Catholic, that is all that is necessary. You must say to the candidate, I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I wouldn’t give each of these four reasons equal weight. In other words, those who teach is a wider category than those who baptize. Please don't e-mail me seeking to debate the subject. Please help me, please. It’s better to understand that the Great Commission (1) gave marching orders to the apostles, (2) established the mission priorities for the church second, and (3) by implication encourages individual Christians in what their lives should be about. If either your son or his wife is a practicing Catholic and they both want baptism for their child, there does not seem to be just reason for the priest to deny baptism. I would add this one disclaimer. But it does clear away some of the underbrush that says Jesus was meaning to instruct every Christian about his need to go to Jerusalem, wait for Pentecost, fan out from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria and the ends of the earth, teach people everything Jesus commanded, disciples the nations, and baptize in the Triune name. Recently I read on the website of a church I greatly respect that any believer (male or female), baptized subsequent to salvation, who is a member in good standing of a local church can baptize another believer. Please make sure all fields are filled out. In 1 Corinthians 1:14-16 we read, "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name. Apparently Paul did not personally baptize many people either. All rule is his rule. Answer: In Matthew 28, we have the last recorded words of Jesus on earth: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. All authority is his authority. Lots of good questions and comments (and some not so good questions and comments too). What it does it mean is that we have to understand its significance for us by implication, not by immediate application. I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Even though this should go without saying, the father must be a follower of Christ for any of this to apply, and the children must have placed their trust in the finished work of Christ for their salvation. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'” (Matthew 28:18-20 Matthew 28:18-20 [18] And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. So that was a long way to say, “yes.”  Christian fathers can baptize their own children. Exegetically, an appeal to the priesthood of all believers does not support the administration of baptism by every church member. Let me just briefly touch on the Great Commission, because that is the most common objection being raised. This doesn’t mean the Great Commission doesn’t matter for anyone but office bearers today. Answer: My duty is to teach what God has said. The latter can be exercised by private persons, but not hte former. Because he happened to be born at a time when that moment was videotaped, it … One of the most famous passages in the Bible is what we call the Great Commission. Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children: Ian, Jacob, Elizabeth, Paul, Mary, Benjamin, Tabitha, Andrew, and Susannah. This has me concerned. In this segment from the Busted Halo Show, Father Dave answers a question from someone who attended a recent mission he preached: “If a parent baptizes their child at home in the sink, tub, etc. It may be performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the head, or by immersing in water either partially or completely. A Christian father’s first obligation is to the discipleship of his own wife and children. This is to help and instruct new believers, not to argue about it. You can add any additional wording that you like, but it’s probably best to stick to the bare essentials. As Christ said, sometimes a child has to go against a parent in order to do what is right. " This is a good discussion to have, not least of all because many people who grew up like I did, where ordained officers were the only ones allowed to baptize, may have never considered whether the practice has any justification behind it. Besides there is one necessity of doctrine, which is absolute and of the means to salvation; another of the sacraments, which is hypothetical and of command. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. (3.394). In this teaching I go over my response to him. Does this mean I am not saved? He brings it up constantly and I have told him repeatedly my many reasons why I don’t want to baptize her. It isn't my fault. Answer: Nowhere in Scripture is baptism relegated to ordained clergy. When I am at the side of a child who has died without baptism, there is nothing I desire more than that child’s baptism. ?” But this argument proves too much. 3. If church officers superintend the process–and surely they must if baptism is to be anything other than a private ceremony of personal dedication–it stands to reason that they exercise their Christ-given authority in performed the baptism itself. I am in a theology discussion group on Facebook, and an issue arose from on... How Could Everyone On Earth Come from Just Two People? Now the sacraments as seals of the king are acts of authority which cannot be dispensed by private persons, not even out of charity. Question: "Who is permitted to baptize / perform baptisms?" Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. We have been conditioned to believe that there are “professionals” who have been given some sort of 3rd party credentials that make them “qualified” to be paid to do ministry as a full time career. A number of thoughtful voices have argued that baptism need not be limited to ordained pastors and elders. As his under-shepherds, our Chief Shepherd rules in the church through the elders of the church (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-4). There must be a process of accountability and evaluation. and not in a church by a priest — and not due to danger of death — is the child baptized completely?” Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Question: I was baptized years ago, so at first, when your magazine and your telecast talked about the need for baptism, I assumed it did not apply to me. X Ambassadors & Jacob Banks - Baptize Me (Lyrics) - YouTube The minister said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. She asked me to baptize her. In a couple of days my youngest child, Adwen Lea, is getting baptized. Invariably, as Grudem points out, the pastor(s) of the church are likely involved in determining who can be baptized and who can baptize. Because he is a Muslim are not advocating for baptisms willy-nilly whenever you and buddy... Be limited to ordained clergy this observation does not support the administration of baptism every! Argued that baptism need not be limited to ordained clergy of good questions and comments and! Ordained pastors and elders are helpful problem is, my dad wo n't let me just briefly touch the... Worshiped him, but some doubted help and instruct new believers, not by immediate.... Adwen Lea, is getting baptized in a couple of days my youngest child, Lea... 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