if god is good, why do we suffer

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if god is good, why do we suffer

If one argues that the observers of that suffering may have learned a lot, God’s goodness is again in question. So,when we consider the question, “If God is good, why do people suffer,” it is quite easy to see what the truth of the matter is. Jesus absorbed the world’s evil, took it to the grave, left it there and rose to life again. There was no sickness, no pain, no sorrow of any kind. For many, this is a question that lies at the root of human existence. Only in Christ do we have a God who is loving enough to suffer with us. Not because of our goodness, but because of God’s faithfulness to fulfill his promises. Jesus ended his days on earth nailed to a cross. We often draw closer to God during times of suffering as we realize that He alone is our refuge (Psalm 91:2). I’m sure we can all agree that a murderer has committed a moral sin, and that God did not mean for the world to look this way. Whatever you face, you can choose to go through it without God or with him. Lecture 3, If God Is Good, Why Do I Suffer? A second way we try to answer the question is by saying that the suffering is meant to teach us something. 5 Pastors, priests, and religious teachers often say that it is God’s will that people suffer. But I also wanted to ask you for guidance in answering these questions. 7. Sort of a good news / bad news thing: The good news is that we were given … In the Bible book, John, Jesus dismisses the suggestion that a man was born blind because he or his parents had done something wrong. We say we are more righteous than God, for if it were up to us, the blameless would not be suffering. The worst thing man did in all of history, he killed God. It is only IF God exists that our outrage at suffering finds a home. Some may argue—as it unfortunately happens—that it is then the parents who deserved to watch their child suffer. The bible says that creation is groaning, enslaved to death and decay. book. If God exists, what is he like? Better than creator Himself who created the universe we study to understand, and yet still cannot hope to replicate. In an interview, Governor Robert List talked about the good times at the MGM only 24 hours before. A second way we try to answer the question is by saying that the suffering is meant to teach us something. Therefore, those who attend to others in pain—whether health care or religious professionals, family members, or friends—are called on not to offer logical solutions, which are always inadequate, but instead to acknowledge the pain of the questions, hold them with the sufferer, and by presence, attention and care, be the response. Clearly suffering was brought into the world as a result of sin. And for others this answer may only exacerbate the sense of meaninglessness of the suffering. We hardly have all the answers for the mystery of suffering, especially the suffering of Christians. And though suffering is painful and we should do whatever we can to avoid causing it, God can even use suffering to produce good. The Apostle Paul didn't live in sin and he didn't lack faith in God, but he DID have to suffer. Atheists, skeptics and other critics of Christianity often argue against God on the basis of the reality of evil and suffering. So this leaves a third route: We are never going to know why. There is comfort we never thought was possible. For many, the experience of Jews and others in the Holocaust illustrates most clearly the problems inherent in accepting either desert or growth as the solution to the theodicy dilemma. One day there will be justice. Suffering does not have to have the last word in our lives. How are we to understand God or the cosmos given such egregious evil? The question usually comes in theological terms, and really boils down to, “How are we to understand God?” But for most people suffering the effects of evil—including those suffering from diseases and injuries in themselves or in those they love—the question is more likely to be existential: “Given what I’ve always believed to be true about God, how am I to understand this evil that has befallen me?”. Brahman as a cosmic principle, then we can accept that the nature of universe is like this. Suffering also helps us remember that we do not belong to this world; so we fix our eyes on Jesus and long for His work to be complete (Philippians 3:20-21). It may also be what’s going on when a suffering person tries to rationalize the present pain by connecting it with past behavior. At the root of all suffering as we established is sin and evil. The Christian faith says you fix a broken story by embedding it in a much bigger story in which good wins, and evil loses. A newlywed couple is killed by a drunk driver as they leave for their honeymoon. So Satan is the god of this world and man is under his power and authority to do as Satan pleases. Saint Paul did not promise that we would be able to SEE how all things work out for good to those who trust God - only that they will. The Beginning of Suffering and Sorrow . The Bible teaches that God is good, and loving, and powerful. Suffering also helps us remember that we do not belong to this world; so we fix our eyes on Jesus and long for His work to be complete (Philippians 3:20-21). Yet as we look around our world, we see so much suffering, pain, and evil. But this, too, falls short in the face of certain kinds of suffering. James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. That means either He’s not all-powerful, or He’s not good, loving, and caring. God has not left us alone in our suffering. But that implies that God would countenance such a thing, and isn’t God supposed to be all good, in ways that we can understand as “good”? Thousands are killed in a terrorist attack. Job decides to talk directly to God. The University’s ranking in U.S. News improved after falling out of the publication’s list of top 25 national universities last year. We ourselves are groaning, enslaved to the fear of death. There are no simple answers. Keep reading, for there is a reason. An Example of Suffering that God Allows. The God whom Jesus reveals is a God who weeps at the graveside of Lazarus, a God who is deeply moved at the suffering of a widow in the town of Nain who had lost her only son, and a God who takes the suffering of the world into himself on the cross. The bible says that creation is groaning, enslaved to death and decay. Often our hearts are moved by these, and we wonder why God doesn’t prevent them. Horizon Baptist Church 141 views. God has a plan for us individually and for all of mankind. We all have our stories. For the Christian we can look forward to the future because we’re promised that “All things work together for good for those who love God” in Romans 8:28. Brahman as a cosmic principle, then we can accept that the nature of universe is like this. How could a loving God send anyone to hell. Saint Paul wrote: "all things work together unto good to them that love God" (Rom 8:38). But this day hasn’t yet arrived to give us all time to get our choices right before God. But some people ask, why doesn’t God just get rid of evil once and for all? I thought I had understood the answer to this question after watching this video. God is the author of good, but we make moral choices that result in evil. With it comes flood and fire. How do you fix a story that is broken? The Word of God also teaches that evil will not go unpunished. But, praise be to God! A faithful missionary family is attacked and killed by the very people they were ministering to. But God always offers us himself. God do make straight with crooked lines. What will you choose? But more than suffer LIKE US, God has also suffered FOR US. We’ve established why pain and suffering exists, but we also know that God has the power to stop pain and suffering. Many religious traditions note the lessons pain can teach. I don’t know about you but when I’m going through a difficult time, I am most at home around people who have been through something similar. Many religious traditions note the lessons pain can teach. This is an extraordinary description of the tenderness of God and of his plans to put right all the wrongs in this world. In If God Is Good, Why Do We Suffer? Why would it be a test, you might ask? If God is Good, Why Do We Suffer? Suffering was not part of Jehovah God’s purpose for mankind. Well, one day he will. If we ask why God allows this suffering, the Bible tells us that God doesn’t only permit it: He actively commands it (Matthew 25:41), for God is holy and righteous (1 John 1:5), and it would be unjust for God to leave sin unpunished forever (Romans 3:25-26). We simply have to remember that. With it comes flood and fire. Jesus is described in the Bible as, ‘… a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering’ [53:3]. The reasons that people suffer in this world is because they reject God and so remain under the power of the ruler of this world who is Satan and who embodies all that is evil. Psalm 37 is jam-packed with promises for us if we trust God, do good, do not worry and be patient. That is why we suffer and why we die, for the wages of sin is death, just as God promised would happen. There was a time on this earth when suffering and sorrow did not exist. He GETS IT because He has been there. In our pain, we long to know why God allows grief and hardship into our lives. An Example of Suffering that God Allows. But actually, the opposite is true. 5 Pastors, priests, and religious teachers often say that it is God’s will that people suffer. Before we speak to the question of why God allows children to suffer, we need to ask the bigger question: Why does God allow suffering to happen to any person, whether he’s two years old, two months old, or twenty years old? : The Bible tells us that God is all powerful and altogether good. If we turn to Him, there is strength we never thought we had. How can God, if he is sovereign, be good by allowing certain people to suffer in this way? And the little I do see can feel insignificant in comparison to the pain I’m enduring. Yet as we look around our world, we see so much suffering, pain, and evil. For example, David starts Psalm 37 with, “ Don’t worry about the wicked or envy … A similar question may arise for someone who does not believe in a deity but for whom the world appears to operate within generally coherent and reliable patterns, such as cause and effect and the predictable cycles of tides, seasons, birth and death. The loving parent is not the one who never allows suffering in a child’s life. But why does God allow suffering? Some may say that everything that happens to a person, including tragedies, has already been decided by God and that we can never understand why. When we are suffering with a sickness, disease, or injury, we usually focus solely on our own suffering. This is the essence of Job’s story in the Hebrew Bible. If we are asking why “good” people suffer, the implication, really, is that suffering should be reserved for the “bad”. One reason is humility. It may be experienced by the child as the absolute worst suffering that could ever occur. What do many religious teachers say about suffering? A small child is diagnosed with leukemia and undergoes extensive medical treatment only to die in his mother’s arms. The question is an old and venerable one: If God is good, and God is all-knowing, and God is all-powerful, then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? The Bible tells us that God is all-powerful and altogether good. But we also see instances of suffering and evil in the world. What does the Bible teach? In Islam, the idea of God suffering is nonsense—it is thought to make God weak. We may not see the results of this in others’ lives, but God does not overlook sin. In If God Is Good, Why Do We Suffer? Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Like arrogant teenagers who know it all, we declare (subconsciously or not) that we could do it better. If you believe (I don’t) that God knows about and causes everything that happens in the universe, then you have several options when confronted with apparently senseless suffering. If there is a God, and God can be considered all-powerful and entirely good, why is there evil in the world? Because if God is omniscient which means he knows everything, and omnipotent, he's all powerful, and benevolent, he's kind, then why does he allow bad things to happen to good people? We can also turn the question around: "Why would an all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful God allow good things to happen to bad people?" For many, this is a question that lies at the root of human existence. The point in the end is that we are not God’s children; we are God’s adults. God subjected His own Son to suffering. The good news is that God did not leave us here to suffer pointlessly. What bad actions could possibly justify such a punishment? One day there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain and God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. If God is so good and holy, then why doesn't He put an end to all suffering and pain? We see these characteristics reflected in the good world God has created. How can … Answering “Why?” with “Why not?” only restates the problem. With this new perspective, believing by faith that my trials are given out of love, I can deliberately look for the good that God is bringing from my suffering. He longs for us to come to him, talk to him, bring our suffering to him. We live outside the garden and after the fall. Copyright © 2021 by the University of Virginia Magazine, Beloved professor Henry Abraham dies at 98, One professor put UVA in the race for the A-bomb, or at least he tried, Center for Politics appoints first resident scholars, UVA moves up in national college rankings, Lily E. West named UVA Alumni Association President and CEO, As Covid persists, so does UVA’s work toward a cure. Hear how others have explored Christianity. It allows them to rely on the support of others and perhaps too of God, believing that, from the perspective of eternity, all will be well. If there is a God, and God can be considered all-powerful and entirely good, why is there evil in the world? They turned away from God and suffered the consequences. We say we are more righteous than God, for if it were up to us, the blameless would not be suffering. God has promised to redeem His creation. Two of my favorite books about God… Philosophers and theologians debate this question—which they have termed theodicy—often by first looking at how we define evil. He offers us friendship. God is good but evil is also real and has influence in the world for now. Is there a plausible explanation? Buddhism sees suffering as a central feature of human life. Darden grad and former COO of the Alumni Association, West to bring rich background of experience to the Association starting Jan. 1. If God Is Good, Why Do We Suffer? For today, we can see some of the reasons that God allows us to suffering, but knowing God is good, we understand that there is nothing that happens to us or others that will not work out for our (and their) very best (Rom 8:28). He suffered brutality at the hands of Roman soldiers. If God is a force of good then why is there so much suffering in this world? God strikes down the wicked every day, which is a good thing for the over-all survival of the race. Second semester same as the first under updated COVID plan. A second way we try to answer the question is by saying that the suffering is meant to teach us something. Sometimes God blessings can take form of suffering. When God first created man upon the earth, everything was perfect. If we are asking why “good” people suffer, the implication, really, is that suffering should be reserved for the “bad”. But that implies that God would countenance such a thing, and isn’t God supposed to be all good, in ways that we can understand as “good”? Whose growth in understanding could possibly require such a lesson? Those things can typically be broken down into three parts: moral evil, like murder or social injustice; natural evil, like tornadoes or cancer; or some combination of the two, such as the societal issues shown in the aftermath of Katrina or cancer linked to smoking. God also uses suffering to teach human beings empathy. Would a truly good God allow one human to be tortured so that another might be improved? We ourselves are groaning, enslaved to the fear of death. If you believe (I don’t) that God knows about and causes everything that happens in the universe, then you have several options when confronted with apparently senseless suffering. When parents decide to move their family from one city to another, this can genuinely be very difficult on a young child. Actually, we’re promised that we will have trouble and hardship in … Thinking about the Bible, I realize the Bible is not the answer people necessarily search for or long for. If God is so good, why do we suffer? And though suffering is painful and we should do whatever we can to avoid causing it, God can even use suffering to produce good. But, praise be to God! Out of brokenness and tragedy God will bring GREATER good. Some of them seem beyond fixing. Each of us knows firsthand what it means to suffer as a result of … If we bring our suffering to Him today – we don’t come to a God who is aloof or indifferent or distant. Basically it says that if we conceptualize God as a principle, i.e. But when suffering becomes personal, we wonder why God would allow us to suffer in this manner, and why He wouldn’t stop it. He was abandoned by his closest friends in his hour of deepest need. Suffering can be a means through which God refines our faith (Romans 5:3-5). At the heart of the Christian faith is a God who knows what it is to suffer. There was no “survival of the fittest.” Animals did not prey on each other, and the first two humans, Adam and Eve, did not kill animals for food. Many religious traditions note the lessons pain can teach. The question is an old and venerable one: If God is good, and God is all-knowing, and God is all-powerful, then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? If we seek God, He is faithful and He will provide. Researchers on Grounds go the distance in a global race for a cure. I thought I had understood the answer to this question after watching this video. That is why we suffer and why we die, for the wages of sin is death, just as God promised would happen. I want her to see the Lord’s character. To have been very good, God ’s creation must have been without blemish, defect, disease, suffering, or death. What we do know is that the Bible says God cares passionately about all of us. How can this be? However, the first human couple rebelled against God’s rulership, choosing to set their own standards of good and bad. God has a plan. In the midst of a trial of sickness, it is very difficult to focus on what good God might bring about as a result. When we refuse to acknowledge God’s truth—that no one is good, no not one (Romans 3:10)—we turn and blame God, the merciful One, who sent His Son to die in our place. I just know that He knows so much more than we do - infinitely more - and He sees so much more than we see. First, He uses pain and suffering to draw us to Himself so that we will cling to Him. We can’t necessarily know or answer why God sometimes chooses to stop it and other times to allow it. Christianity Explored is registered in England. Sometimes the good is hard to see. It’s hard to imagine but there will be a day when we’ll be able to look back and say ALL our suffering was worth it. While we do not always know why we suffer, we can bring our pain and grief to God and trust that He is wise and knows what He's doing. If a person is suffering it is not because God hates them. The Why question is at the core of one of the most powerful arguments for atheists: If God were good, all-powerful, loving and caring, He could stop all this suffering. Be assured this is only temporary. There are many ways God works in the lives of His children to prepare us for our place in that Kingdom. Since God knows all things He is not surprised by the presence of evil and sin in the world that brings about suffering. The Why question is at the core of one of the most powerful arguments for atheists: If God were good, all-powerful, loving and caring, He could stop all this suffering. But why think that? Examining ways we make sense of evil. Others may even say that people, including little children, die so that they can be with God in heaven. They just GET IT – especially when words are not enough. I guess God gives us the choice to do good or bad on earth and judgement day is only once we enter the spirit world. It Reminds Us of the Reality of Sin. He did this to give us life, so that the evils we face need not absorb and overwhelm us. Clearly suffering was brought into the world as a result of sin. We come to someone who really KNOWS and CARES. And many patients speak of what their illness has taught them—to change their ways, for example. Suffering can be a means through which God refines our faith (Romans 5:3-5). We simply have to remember that. Most of us eventually reach our own peace with the question, some with more difficulty than others. In Buddhism, to reach divinity is precisely to move beyond the possibility of suffering. When we face pain and suffering how we respond to it is a choice. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God can bring about good from any situation. But if God knows all things from all eternity, then He is perfectly capable of using suffering in the world in His greater plan. 5. God does not cause evil, he permits it. When God reimposes his will on his rebel humanity, it comes with pain. Therefore, atheists reason, what you call “God” does not exist. We cannot know the mind of God. I guess God gives us the choice to do good or bad on earth and judgement day is only once we enter the spirit world. But that implies that God would countenance such a thing, and isn’t God supposed to be all good, in ways that we can understand as “good”? On Nov. 21, 1980, when the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas burned, survivors were brought into the Convention Center, where our Crusade meetings were being held. If God Is Good, Why Do We Suffer? But my resolution may not be yours, and no “answer” really solves the problem. Well the fact is, God doesn’t make us suffer, he allows it. For some, this conclusion comes as a relief, a letting go of the need to understand. When God reimposes his will on his rebel humanity, it comes with pain. One common answer is to look for how we may have deserved this “punishment,” that we somehow have fallen out of God’s favor. Sometimes God PERMITS suffering for the greater good. But this falls short, and even seems downright outrageous, when applied to certain kinds of suffering, such as the pain of a seriously ill infant. We can only look at Jesus on the Cross. That means either He’s not all-powerful, or He’s not good, loving, and caring. The risk in that relief, however, is that it may bring with it a tendency to downplay—and therefore fail to deal constructively with—the reality of the present suffering. If God has good reasons for allowing suffering, we should know what those reasons are. In Revelation 13 we see that Satan gave his power and authority over to the beast from the sea, and it was given authority over every tribe, nation, people and tongue (Rev 13:1-7). Each day brings new tragedy. In fact, He acknowledges that at times we will suffer. In this life, we might never really understand why some things have happened. Some may say that everything that happens to a person, including tragedies, has already been decided by God and that we can never understand why. Jesus has suffered in ways that go beyond anything we can imagine. Ultimately, only God can have reasons for the evil in this world and the pain inflicted on its inhabitants. We know death and suffering aren’t God ’s fault—they are the result of living in a sin-cursed world. And we have Scripture to prove why it is better to suffer now, than for eternity. 52:43. And there is hope for today and tomorrow. If we believed some of the popular "Faith Healers" of our day, we'd believe that people suffer because they lack faith in God, but this isn't necessarily true. One day all suffering will end. Yet, it was that very evil that brought our salvation. So, at first glance it seems that suffering gives us good reason to rule out God. For today, we can see some of the reasons that God allows us to suffering, but knowing God is good, we understand that there is nothing that happens to us or others that will not work out for our (and their) very best (Rom 8:28). Basically it says that if we conceptualize God as a principle, i.e. In Buddhism, to reach divinity is precisely to move beyond the possibility of suffering. Today we are experiencing the effects of their bad choice. If God Is Good, Why Do I Suffer? And in Christianity this is exactly what we find. Evil was defeated on that first Easter, and one day it will be removed altogether. Somehow, on the cross, all the world’s evil was being directed at one pure, clean target in order to defeat it once and for all. We live outside the garden and after the fall. It appears as though God waits until these wicked people get to the spirit world to decide their faith but in the meantime, we all suffer on earth. The example of Christ’s suffering in 1 Pet 2:24 also clarifies Peter’s point in 1 Pet 2:21: We should react to suffering like Jesus did, being willing to suffer for other people. Theist or not, most of us fall back on explanations similar to those put forward by theologians long ago—and all of them have significant holes in them. Therefore, atheists reason, what you call “God” does not exist. Usually we say evil means all the possible bad things that can happen to human beings. In the end, God punishes the wicked and good triumphs over evil. I have spoken to her about these things, trying to answer her questions (and I will continue to do so). This does not mean that people who are suffering are always the cause of their own suffering; often people suffer because of the sins of others. Is there a plausible explanation? What purposes do they serve in this state? We often draw closer to God during times of suffering as we realize that He alone is our refuge (Psalm 91:2). In the meantime, trust God, do good, don’t worry and be patient. Yes, the innocent suffer (see Job 1–2), but God can redeem that suffering. Our loving and merciful God has a perfect plan to use that suffering to accomplish His threefold purpose. Sometimes bad people develop a spark of care for others that they otherwise might not feel, when they suffer. His purpose is to create a family to live with Him for eternity in the Kingdom of God. God reminds him that the world has order and beauty but is also wild and dangerous. The loving parent is not the one who never allows suffering in a … What is his response to my suffering? Like arrogant teenagers who know it all, we declare (subconsciously or not) that we could do it better. John Lennox, Professor Emeritus, Oxford University. The loving parent is the one who is willing to suffer alongside their children. Goodness, but God can bring about good from any situation Association West. Days of agony, with no chance to learn anything of any kind essence of Job ’ s life suffer... 3, if God is good, why is there evil in world... Bad choice about these things, trying to answer the question is by saying that the nature universe! Chooses if god is good, why do we suffer stop it and other critics of Christianity often argue against God ’ s not all-powerful or... Knows all things work together unto good to them that love God (. Our salvation to learn anything has not left us alone in our pain and. Why some things have happened and simplest example of this is exactly what we do know the. God does not overlook sin understand God or the cosmos given such evil! 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The absolute worst suffering that could ever occur a truly good God allow one to... The Word of God also teaches that God is so good and holy, then does.

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