new madrid fault prophecy

new madrid fault prophecy

Much of what he was ridiculed for seeing has now become so common place many can no longer see the great evil involved. Maybe this is a warning of bigger things to come? Our situation really isnt much different than California. Folks, Gods judgment tool the Destroyer aka Planet X has already entered our solar system, even though its still millions of miles away its already starting to affect our planet with all these natural disasters happening everywhere look up for your redeemer is coming! Hey Z3 brothers and sisters, there is more to this story. A girl from our home town worked with him at the time he worked with gangs when first going to New York. some prophetic ring to these earthquakes so close together! And as was stated before, the citys old buildings are in no way set up to withstand such a quake. I know because Ive worked in the Texas Oilfields on Drilling Riggs. She was pushing a stroller that was covered with a blanket, so I couldnt see a child inside. It is true. (Is this of God, or of man? Blessings! Paul, agreed re Stanley Frodsham Id never seen/ heard it before but found it on the Pentecostal Pioneers website and emailed James the link in February, my first contact with the Z3 news family! Im wondering if maybe we should now move out of the USA? It is part of the Pacific Plate subduction and Tokyo is near the southern end of this plate. Damage was reported as far away as Charleston, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia; and the quakes, estimated at 7.5 to 7.7 magnitude, were felt more than 1,000 miles away in Connecticut. On the right side of the word, was a large, BLACK DOT. I know there is a huge difference in personal prophetic ministry and that of the office of a prophet, but JPJ called me out of a crowd at Morningstar in Charlotte many years ago and absolutely read my mail and his prophetic words over me came to pass. To the z3news family, God put it on my heart and in my mind yesterday that we should be praying for everyone reading, contributing prophecies and commenting, that Gods grace and protection would abound in their lives- that they would supernaturally escape destruction to be a witness for non-believers. (From 2018). I know we, What Im hoping people will get out of this post is a willingness to see the powerful, commanding God of, Hi Katherine, there are multiple issues with the gap theory between Gen. 1:1 1:2. As Google's translation is an automated service it may display interpretations that are an approximation of the website's original content. She started telling a few people to be prepared. Lake Michigan will dump here waters into Chicago and man from yrs 71-73 on Youtube was given a series of dreams concerning Chicago he saw The Great Lakes emptying out into places like The Mississippi flooding states. Eye roll will have food to eat and water to drink. Just thought Id put this on here for anyone who really wants to rid themselves of the enemy and therefore come into a deeper walk with The Lord. You can hear his interview if you search, NS, will be praying for you and family for Gods miraculous protection. Its very frustrating and saddening when I know the world is moments from falling apart and he wants to spend money on materialistic things. Sandra I couldnt let his eye rolling prevent my getting prepared. Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. New Madrid Fault Zone Waking Up: When it Occurs -It WILL Be the Big One. My husband started a job on the Mississippi River at an oil refinery about 6 months ago. Simply pray and do what God asks us to. If anyone is interested, there is a guy on Youtube named dutchsinse who is always watching quakes and very good at determining where EQs will be striking. Secure appliancessuch as your refrigerator and water heater with straps connected to wall studs. But sequentially, Shane saw this quake happened after economic collapse and mass rioting in the streets, then revival broke out after the quake. The swarms of earthquakes that are now occurring under Hebgen Lake at Yellowstone are; 3.2, 2.5, 2.9, 3.0, 2.6. Any timeframe? I pray for his salvation and safety daily. Even today those URM old buildings, which have not been retro-fitted with safety features, are especially susceptible to earthquake damage. In addition, some applications or services may not work as expected when translated. Small to medium sized businesses are often hit the hardest with an estimated daily income loss of $3,000 and $23,000, respectively. I totally agree Mark. Luke 6:38 NLT The LORD is our Refuge and Fortress. When I think of NYC I dont think of it as really being in an earthquake zone. So there is a gap to be filled in the ring of fire and a quake could hit: Alaska, Vancouver or California. This type of quake has the potential to bring New York to its knees and hence the world. I told her I had heard something but didnt know anything about it. The LBGTQ Community seems comfortable with the Asbury Revival. Matt 9: 12 Jesus said I did not come to call the To be right with God, is the best preparation. Netanyahu we got your back! browser may not display or print as intended. 1101 Riverside Drive After The Cross and the Switchblade, the church embraced Wilkerson but turned against him when he followed up with The Vision. Always a good time in the Lord! New Madrid Fault. The U.S. position on the issue is unchanged, Kirby told reporters during a daily briefing at the State Department in Washington. 1) On 1/9/23, (noticed the 9, which stands for judgment! 54:10) Significant damage will likely extend north up the Mississippi River valley to St. Louis, up the Ohio and Wabash river valleys to near Owensboro, Kentucky and Indianapolis, Indiana and down the Mississippi River valley to near Greenville, Mississippi. Chinese: shenrentonggong I feel a grieving in my spirit for the people who I know are not prepared for something like that. (PDF). WebIn the New Madrid Fault Zone, this analysis is difficult because there are few historic moderate to large earthquakes, and the active faults are too deeply buried to monitor effectively. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' (the "Department") website can be translated into many different languages using Google Translate, a third-party service that provides automated computer translations of webpages. God has warned us, pray for mercy on the unsaved that this shaking will wake them up, and be a time of witness and testimony . The primary cause of damage and injuries during an earthquake is the destruction of manmade structures and their contents. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like something big is about to happen at any moment?? From the approximate locations, ages and magnitudes a long term average recurrence interval can be calculated. Pastor John Kilpatrick was given a vision of the New Madrid earthquake surging to life. Take it to the LORD and see if any is correct. I declare that no matter what happens around us, we have a Covenant of Peace (that is, wholeness and security) with God. This reminds me of a vision I received a week or so ago. This time represented death to certain prayers/promises while I waited on YHWH (compare Wilkersons message Death of a Promise). Isnt there a meeting about this on April 22 with the UN? This is what experts have been saying for a long time. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. More information 1) It was clear as day in my dream they it was nyc as I am from this area and recognized the famous bridges and skyline. He was in front of St.Louis on the water he seemed agitated but I gather he does this along all the Mississippi River. Hi Kathleen, it might be something I am to add to my list. Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 But for For some reason the 23 is significant. So three of the reasons for my thinking NYC is at risk are 1) he says the quake will hit where its not expected, 2) in other places he saw a thousand fires ravaging the city and 3) NYC, if it doesnt repent is on course to becoming the epicentre of Babylon, the political and financial center of the new world order where money and sin are its stock in trade. I read somewhere on Z3 it could mean the difference between 3 million fatalities and 1 million fatalities. I wonder if this is the area? Wow! I put a lot of stock in Wilkersons visions because they agree with scripture and theres no doubt Wilkerson was a man of God. Glasgow Prophetic Centre Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. Hands around my ankles and then planted my feet right fast on the ground! The program completely turned his life around. Your email address will not be published. During Sunday prayer yesterday, as we prayed in the Spirit, I found myself saying Friday. Yet I had planted you a noble vine, wholly a right seed; how then are you turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine to me? (Jeremiah 2:21). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. When I shared it the morning, my husband said, we have to leave NOW. Continue to pray for deep repentance and a massive revival, the likes of which the world as never seen. he was shown an Old Map of city of Indanola down to around Memphis. The area includes major cities such as Memphis, Tennessee, St. Louis, Missouri, Little Rock, Arkansas and Evansville, Indiana. Tell us how you are, We are moving, put our house up for sale after 28 years and its an emotional rollercoaster. Awesomeand convictingthank you so much! In the, I too received a warning of judgement to those that call themselves Christians that preach another Jesus as well as, I like Kraken its the exchange I use the most. The moment I stopped getting in the way and let God do His work on my husband 3 days later he became born again and He no longer thinks Im crazy. Earthquakes in the New Madrid and Wabash Valley seismic zones The zone had four of the largest North American earthquakes in recorded history, with moment magnitudes estimated to be as large as 7.0 or greater, all occurring within a 3-month period between December 1811 and February 1812. An official website of the United States government. Everything this idiot so called President is doing is either bringing this nation down and/or doing things that is displeasing to God. Over 40 years ago David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge Ministries andfounding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, predicted a mega quake would unexpectedly strike America following one in Japan. (Bright ), Kathleen: Does anyone know if Minneapolis, Minnesota is affected by the Madrid fault line? There are backups and plans in place to cope initially, however most of the people live there in silicon Valley and you cant so easily replace people. The Bootheel area is predominantly rural with scattered, small to medium size towns. On 2/11/23, (noticed the 11, which is , ALSO, a judgment number! Thats not very soon. You might say well that not very soon to us, but to the Lord it is very soon. Some buildings in St. Louis, 150 miles or more to the north, received damage consisting mostly of broken or collapsed stone chimneys and broken stone buildings of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) construction. Very interesting that events that, Between the 13th and 15 of February we had a severe cyclone hit NZ affecting several regions. giant cracks or vast chasms have formed,Already. Many strange geologic events are happening around Mr. Fuji already, God have mercy on Japan! He has written a great book about what happens when a nation goes against God to divide Israel: I hope and pray it will be uneventful. However, its large number of structures and their contents likely will receive impacts from shaking. Eventually even the experts saw what was happening., Great post, I remember that when I watched Ken Peters on prophecy club, I saw the rapture, he said that he saw an earthquake so massive in destruction that they didnt even bother to send in rescue teams to look for survivors. Look up John Kilpatrick and his I heard of John Paul Jackson recently but I have not seen any of his prophecies that have come to pass. Pertaining to Japan, it is reported that the area of the earthquakes moved the land 38 inches and raised the land 9 inches. Amen Remain in Him, God Bless. I really would like to hear more. The ground could even liquify and turn to mud, which happened in 1811 and 1812. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the QuakeSmart program, small businesses account for more than 99%of all companies in the United States, they employ 50%of all private sector workers, and provide nearly 45%of the nations payroll. He can be a bit of a scoffer and mocker at times. I have felt for sometime that David was a New Testment prophet. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya GOD CAN PROTECT US ANYWHERE He wants. I had heard this prophecy before- about a huge earthquake here in the US, following one in Japan, but I couldnt remember the source. I will share the dream with you all its a dream that starts always the same but leads into other prophetic things concerning Iowa. This is that very thing. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff We all live in Minnesota. In contrast, Super Church #2 he says will be the invisible, empowered, underground Super Church of Jesus Christ. The big thing we prepare for is with New Madrid, Bobel said. We live in this area, however we are just East of I-5 by about 15 miles. It can also be interpreted as fleeing in a spiritual sense that He is commanding us that we not be partakers of Babylons plagues and of her sins. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The Lord a few years back revealed The New Madrid Faultline destruction to Patricia. Savage; We already moved from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina just a couple years ago to avoid the upcoming tsunami on the east coast. It demonstrates the profound focusing effect the Reelfoot rift has on ground shaking produced by earthquakes. Hi, This site gives a propheti map of the US after the earthquakes. Its the prepping part he doesnt agree with. New Madrid is what I keep hearing in my soul. In the book Eye to Eye, its author William Koenig explains the last time a president (Bush) pulled a stunt like Obama will try to do on Friday.Hurricane Katrina happened a few days later. It appears that this event happened at Reelfoot fault (a reverse fault) which crosses under the Mississippi River. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff Bob Jones Earthquake Prophecies. Greens to yellows indicate moderate to strong shaking; oranges to reds indicate severe to extreme shaking and moderate to heavy damage. Thick unfertile sand deposited by sandblows and fissures can impact large areas, as fields graded for irrigation will no longer be level, drainage ditches can become blocked, and transport of materials, supplies and crops will be difficult. And I hadnt heard about the false superchurch/spiritual Babylon, vs. the real end times remnant. Thankful you know where she is, thats a comfort and a blessing. Now if you dont think this can all happen back in 1812 there was a major earthquake from The New Madrid Faultline it killed around 2000 people and caused The Mississippi to have inland tsunamis that triggered the epicenter of the Great Lakes causing seismic activity. A few years ago when my husband worked in downtown Seattle, he had a dream that he was standing in an office of one of the tallest buildings in Seattle watching a 100 ft. wave coming towards him. Im in the same boat too but I do feel as though I am making some progress. The New Madrid quakes affected a larger area because of the sedimentary rock in the Mississippi Valley, rock such as limestone, sandstone and shale that is made of compressed sediment. See Secure tall furniture,such as bookcases and filing cabinets, to wall studs or masonry. This could also be a possible scenario for Matt Smiths prophetic poem (March to June) posted here on Z3. . When the lights go out, there will still be ways to communicate.. ham radio being one of them. It will be massive and it is coming soon. I think that the checklist of things to do beforehand is prudent. Except for along the larger floodplains and areas of loose fill materials, the more distant, densely populated urban area of St. Louis is not expected to experience major damage to the land by liquefaction. In addition to seismic waves, scientists are using several other methods of research to better understand the fault system. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS WebAnswer: > What is the worst case scenario if the New Madrid fault lets go? While scientists cannot predict an earthquake, they can provide a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for an area. Here is what Mena Lee Grebin posted today regarding Israel: U.S. State Department spokesperson John Kirby stressed Monday night that the Obama administration does not consider the Golan Heights to be part of Israel, one day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed they will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty. St. Paul, Minnesota will also be effect I understood this Tennessee where the The New Madrid is located at will create an abyss 100s of miles long. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. Lastweek southern Japan was struck with two earthquakes, first on Thursday April 14, a 6.2 magnitude and again early Saturday April 16, a 7.1 under Kumamoto, a densely populated urban area. Our souls prosper because we meditate in Gods Word day and night. Thank you for sharing. He even created a website called Few listen. The scene quickly changed, and I then saw a LIGHT SWITCH on a wall, with the words ON and OFF written above and below the switch. Its just way to small of an event. The Lord has put it on my heart to pray for the people of Japan. When I read Least Expected, I immediately thought of the New Madrid fault line. ; this morning reading your reply comment & Question. Lana Vawser . We would feel it and then some They say that this quake could set off others because of its magnitude. Many people weve tried to talk to about this think we left in fear and not faith. WebNEW MADRID FAULT SPLITTING AMERICA SOON 2022 2023 2031 Truth ChanneL 55.4K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K Share 291K views 6 years ago secret russian map showing I even send them articles from and Few care. By selecting a language from the Google Translate menu, the user accepts the legal implications of any misinterpretations or differences in the translation. People will be open to God as they are unable to deny that He is at work. PO Box 250 Robert F. Kennedy Jr And then last month on 3-23 He gave me a prophetic dream. Wilkersons whole life was a testament to God. 4 Prophetic Warnings of a Terrible New Madrid Fault Earthquake: . Why stay put? I hope that you and your family are safe. I write this in humility, because I have baggage too. Some of the details involved in this prophecy include an unzipping of the fault so powerful that it'll According to Wiki (not a perfect source I realize) only 1 percent of the population there is Christian. Some East Tennesseans got an early start to their Wednesday when an earthquake centered in Decatur rattled through the area. She said the Lord told her within a few weeks the Southeast part of Japan will break off and fall into the ocean., Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. Saints please lets unite in prayer for NYC. SUDDENLY would be appropriate for such an event! These higher amplitude waves are the more damaging surface waves. Wow Donna my heart dropped when you said NYC I have many relatives living there and most of them are sleeping. Please pray I have the courage to share if The Lord leads and that I share it 100 percent accurately as if I were a recorder and The Lord was simply pressing play. Did you know that Oklahoma is now the most seismically active of ALL the lower 48 states? Centre for Research on Globalization to not keep it to themselves, but to share with the BODY OF BELIEVERS in JESUS! (Isa. May the Lord equip you for every good thing for doing His will, and may He work in you what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory for ever and ever (Heb 13:21). Whitney Webb. Many are ALSO receiving WARNINGS from HIM. While towns in the Bootheel often do not have tall structures to be damaged by shaking, there are communities that have large open structures and unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings which are likely to be impacted. Bittrex, bittrex, coinex, mexc, Binance u.s, Kucoin, This is concerning. Chelsea Hagen I am in Harahan, which is 8 miles West of New Orleans. Scott, that would be interesting to find out who your brother is. I think James just wrote about this date will ck. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage., Another earthquake, possibly in Japan may precede the one that I see coming here. One example that blew mind mind was when Bush signed the agreement that forced Israelis out of their homes in the Gaza West Bank to relocate and within 24 hours hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans the levee that broke and allowed flooding was called the West Bank! Everyone please, please pray like never before for mercy and that God would show us what to do to prepare. Store heavy or breakable objectson lower shelves, or in cabinets with latched doors. Mar R, yes he says even more in his 1985 book..Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth. The indication of the alert is that Islamic militants have evil plans for that date. The angel looked at me stopped picked up water like a blanket of a bed it looked like a wave and throw it at me but meaning St. Louis. Between 1995-2004 Oklahoma had 14 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 or higher. , You guys love danger! 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. WebAnn Peterson-Asteroid-New Madrid. You must trust God, even as we are all learning to trust Him more. If you are having accessibility or usability issues with our website, please fill out an Accessibility Issue form. Sharon if you are answering me I am looking not for JPJ prophecies but those that have come to pass. DDTo answer you question about the Madrid fault, if I remember correctlyin John Kilpatricks dream GB all. He asked God to speak to me in some way while I slept to give confirmation that we should physically leave the US. And the Lord told her to get waterproof boots for hiking, wool socks and wool sweater, rain coat. We started having many, many earthquakes. Like us, she never watches TV. Hope this helps! Expat Gal I believe 6/29 is significant also, but dont know what it means. Yes Francy, its really hard to imagine. Makes sense to me. In the second chapter of his 1974 book The Vision, hestates: The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. You,,,,,,,,,,, Many in my own family have had this feeling that something is looming. They are scheduled to be voting this week on Friday April 22 !!!! Thanks. One can move the map around and change settings, to find what theyre looking for. You can listen to hisfirst public description of his vision in 1973 in the video below. (the word mentioned several things, one being that there is only one Kingdom of God, not our pastors kingdom that he had been building) From Davids article: Some boast we are in revival, that the prosperity message packing auditoriums is Gods Word, that many spiritual children are being born. Do others view the agreement as the confirmation of the covenant? Very sobering. Infowars has more information about the quake. Peace. WebTecumseh's prophecy: Preparing for the next New Madrid earthquake: A plan for an intensified study of the New Madrid seismic zone: Series title: Circular: Series number: Give, and you will receive. I wasnt able to read through all of the comments, but wanted to share this link in response to the comments regarding the Division of Israel. Its powerful, sobering, on target, and edifying. I feel that sometimes the most unstable people are also the best at sensing the voice of God. Last summer, we believe God told us to flee Babylon shortly after He woke us up from complacency we had fallen into. As she walked past me toward the door I noticed that she was walking more like a man than a woman and then she adjusted her groin area, and I knew that this was definitely not a woman. The Google Translate Service is offered as a convenience and is subject to applicableGoogle Terms of Service. I am so glad JESUS REIGNS!! Same premise of judgement here. Each day I plead the Blood of Jesus down through His bloodline over my family. People expect it at the new Madrid but no one expects the nyc area which does have fault lines as well. A 2004 HAZUS report prepared by FEMA, based on a 7.7 earthquake occurring in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, estimates earthquake damages to be $296 billion dollars across the region and nearly 730,000 people displaced from their homes. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. It would be bad. But OOOOOHHH its so hard to watch!! japans was around 60kms deep and i believe tha san andreas is approx 20kms. Luke 6:38 NLT You may be interested in the Holy Desperation video on youtube. St. Louis would be GREATLY affected. Father God, I thank You that the Blood is the hedge against the destroyer. In 1811 and 1812, a swarm of at least three massive earthquakes struck near New Madrid, the largest of which exceeded a magnitude 8 and caused violent, damaging shaking in an area 10 times larger than did the 1906 earthquake. Well, Bobel didnt sugarcoat it. In places like California, where rocks are at or near the ground surface, faults are much easier to study because they can be readily measured and analyzed. For Scott, Stoddard and Dunklin counties the percentage estimates are 0.1-1% killed, 0.5-5%seriously injured, 5% of structures collapsed and 20%with severe structural damage. Maria Conwell You are currently in the preparation for this next event, which Madrid Fault Line erupting in middle of the country. So I will endeavour to answer the specific re:. He was a self-sacrificing servant of God who during his 50+ year ministry repeatedly ventured his life for the sake of the gospel and for the glory of God. Ive been made to understand by The Lord almighty the 9.0 one will occur if we divide Israel and cities states in danger are St. Louis she is 2 1/2 hrs from the main epicenter of The New Madrid she will be hit with an 8.5 a tsunami will hit her she will be gone PRAY FOR ST.LOUIS I saw an angel pacing back and fourth he looked like he was wearing water only part of his robe the rest was white. On 5/23/11 I entered a time of myrrh anointing (like Esthers 6 months with myrrh), ending 70 weeks later on 9/23/12. Fuji. Then last year speaking to me on 5-23 about this years 5-23. prophecies, his church is called IN HIS Presence, in Mobile, AL. I am not an alarmest i just wanted to warn/tell/help someone else. 5) On 1/19/23, again, I saw a map of the United States. Seismologists estimate that the New Madrid Seismic Zone has a 25 percent to 40 percent chance of producing a significant quake within the next 50 years, according toLexington-Fayette Urban County Government. 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Oranges to reds indicate severe to extreme shaking and moderate to strong shaking ; oranges reds... When first going to New York to its knees new madrid fault prophecy hence the world as never seen idiot so called is... Holy Desperation video on youtube on Japan is this of God thing we for. Of a vision of the earthquakes day and night sandra I couldnt his... Off and fall into the ocean but to share with the BODY of BELIEVERS in Jesus after 28 and. Email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of New posts by email not very soon to us but.

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