my husband doesn't like to socialize

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my husband doesn't like to socialize

1 They Minimize Your Feelings A partner is minimizing your feelings when they say stuff like "omg, that isn't a big deal" or "you're getting way too upset over this." "They should be validating. If his attitude doesn't change, you'll know where he stands and that there is no happy future here. What difference does it make to him? But what about people who dont seem to do any of those things? However, when my husband and I go to some place, like our sons weekly soccer event, my husband leaves me alone and start to socialize with other couples and men. I dont know how much more I can take. I am a divorced man who hates going out and cant stand dating. Let them choose the double date. You can not always have your own way when it comes to choosing restaurants or things to do. Thats why I say both sides make good points. Should I pursue an affair with a man who just wants to be friends? When someone feels like my husband has no friends or hobbies, it is very sad for both people. She would be at home relaxing in front of the tv. When leaving a message on this page, please be sensitive to the fact that you are responding to a real person in the grip of a real-life dilemma, who wrote to Private Lives asking for help, and may well view your comments here. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA . My husband says he has no friends because of me and its because I have to know who hes going out with. And theyre the ones most likely to end a relationship. My husband doesn't like to go out as much, doesn't enjoy meeting new people, doesn't need a social life to be fulfilled. What should I do? So I have never enjoyed large parties. Read Susan Cains book. I do realize that it isnt this simple, and that people who are antisocial might be uncomfortable, and might feel awkward and hence start getting anxiety if they know they are going out to a social event. Its essential that you have both your personal identity AND the an identity as a couple. Women hold us to yet more standards (as opposite sexes do). I always told her I do better in small groups with people I know well already, but she has always wanted to do things in large groups. He is only interested in his own world and his own thing. If women want to help, they MUST allow one of the above to suffer. Besides, youre bringing the hammer down pretty hard on someone you dont know. He is selfish and deserves to be alone. 9. I have no problem going out. There may be an underlying reason (we'll get to that), but the fact remains: You don't owe anyone an explanation for how you choose. And I also found my "father voice," the voice of discipline and reason in the family. There is a saying that says what may work for you may not work for me. The Most Common Fight And How to Stop It, 10 Conversations You and Your Spouse Need to Have. I dont want to stop caring. What I cannot cope with are the rude, stupid, obnoxious pieces of shit that bother me and then call me a snob when they are horrible to contend with. Introverts are often accused of being "reclusive" or "antisocial.". It might be an indication that the person is depressed or has some other issues, but it might not be that, either. My husband refuses to go to social events. Ive made so many sacrifices for her and she cant take 10 seconds to pick up her mess. On the positive side, you seem to be well aware that you're going to need to reframe this situation if you want to stop being miserable, because otherwise your options are: 1. The truth is, you chose that person. Its completely different. This blog is hitting home with me. I am on vacation too and do not feel the need to follow along like a puppy dog. Experts: Susan Winter, relationship . My My,, I read your comment and i felt m listening to my husband.. My husband is 6 years older to me and we had an arranged . I have an aunt that divorced her husband of 15 years because he refused to be social and would not take her dancing on weekends. Before you know it: separation followed by divorce.Im probably scaring people right now and I dont want to do that. He's online but doesn't talk to you. Do you care? By Psychologies. Truth is I am bored to death and find it a pointless waste of time. Even with family, at the beach or even Sea World. I dont want to go to a couples party and make polite conversation. For the underlying reasons mentioned above, such a suggestion is likely to be met with resistance, so its better to approach the topic gently. It might be the case that he is a different kind of romantic, and you are unaware of how he shows his affection. Literally. When you're in a relationship, it's important that you and your partner respect each other even online, which is why these 15 social media behaviors are extremely inappropriate from your boyfriend. 10. We all stress about it The problem is MONEY. Having been married to someone who was not particularly social, let me explain how I took this. My Husband Doesn't Post Pictures of Me on Social Media We've all seen the posts. I dont even use social media. This fits me to a T. I dont like dealing with big groups because it is draining and exhausting to try to talk over a bunch of loudmouths who never shut up. A woman took to social media to complain about her husband's habit of grading her food out of 10, claiming he orders a takeaway if he doesn't approve of her meal choice as he refuses to cook for . My Spouse Uses Anger One spouse said of her current husband, "He gets angry if I make a mistake." Another said her spouse controls her through yelling at her. He avoids social media, keeps his opinions to himself,. Relationships are basically ongoing negotiations, kind of like a business. He just doesn't want to go to couples' counseling. Nagging your husband (or wife) will make them 'get it.'. All rights reserved. Before that, she thought that hating camping was fine and acceptable, but hating socializing was a serious character flaw. He didnt hear I love you and I want us. He simply says hes uncomfortable at social events particularly those that are crowded. And why in the world would I ever want to be with a group of people or double date? We'll use this answer, along with your previous ones, to immediately direct you to some free marriage counseling videos for your specific situation. Im looking at this from the outside in, but it sounds like your husband is depressed. Here are the psychological profiles of people who are shy, avoidant, and unsocial: Shy people: Are anxious about anxiety. I enjoy small groups of people I trust, and its hard for me to make conversation. But theyre also the ones that create the drama that ruins relationships. This really makes me sad I dont think he gets it and he will never agree to counseling. Wed like you not to nag us, because you sure didnt do that when we were dating. They are afraid of being afraid. Do NOT mock your husband for doing so. Sometimes people are just shitty people. Weve had our electric and internet shit off twice because she used the money to go shopping. You see, that is the crux. It didnt start out about the event but another topic came up which led to an argument about how little he does with me socially. What needs to be fixed is the married couples inability to find a happy middle ground. Some people are introverted. Tell him you want him to be the way he was. If you would like fellow readers to respond to a dilemma of yours, send us an outline of the situation of about 150 words. Many personality types are much better at being flexible in the current moment but not great at planning for the long term. She married a man who loved to socialize and dance every weekend and they had a wonderful marriage together until his death a few years ago. Or it may be for more sinister reasons, such as . Honest to god, when we go somewhere like Taco Bell or kfc I get a 5 dollar box. We had been married over 10 years and had 2 kids. Where Should We Send Your Free Marriage Coaching? Or we go to see friends and you are ready to leave upon arrival. Sometimes, it's completely accidental. I am the husband with no social life. That Im a grown man, and I dont need a babysitter. We are completely different in terms of our social lives. I hate being among large groups of people I dont know very well, and find making small talk very difficult. Introverts find socializing draining; extroverts find it stimulating - it's a matter of energy. I only want to spend time with her or our children and that is how its going to be. What I do disagree with, however, is your contention that this is a character flaw that the antisocial spouse needs to fix. I dont want him to be something he never was. If you dont come out and ask, the person cant read your mind. Also he moved out of our house to be away from me and to be alone. Before we get any further into this, lets imagine a scenario that may be all too familiar: Picture an average couple, lets call them Joe and Jane. Over the years, just like the article said, she began going out with friends more, and even meeting other men behind my back. Totally agree. 6. Be miserable forever 2. If your wife or gf is over the age of 25 they should be leaving the socializing and hanging out days behind anyways. WEve been married 18 yrs and this issue has only gotten harder. Instead of accusing your spouse of having no friends, ask them questions about why they choose to isolate themselves, talk about the importance of your own social relationships, and eventually (maybe not the first time you talk about it), try to uncover some of the insecurities or fears that are holding them back. Other than that, I am fine on my own or with others. The day after our wedding we went to the casino because she whined and cried to get her way. Guys need close guy friends to do guy stuff. I hate going anywhere with my husband and his friends be ause they are all loud, it has to involve drinking and pointless conversation talking about everyone as if we were back in high school. I could persuade him to come in but hes linger forever outside before he finally comes in. Therapy can be very helpful for these kinds of situations. I was also 15 years younger with more time and energy. There isnt anything wrong with not enjoying small talk, or shallow parties. In my opinion it is important for both people in the relationship to have their own interests and friendships. I used to have a HUGE social life. You can only change yourself and your own reactions. When people would ask me where she was, I would say she is at home watching tv. We had the worse argument a few nights ago after he came in for one hour. Hopefully he'll change his attitude and you'll leave with some new skills. How do we put this behind us? This isnt to say that you shouldnt be spending time together, of course, just that when theres a serious imbalance in your respective social lives, problems are bound to follow. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Men are visually stimulated, and they enjoy looking at attractive women. In attempts to reduce or remove those painful feelings, many people will turn to manipulative and controlling behavior (sometimes unintentionally/unconsciously) to keep you close which usually also means away from your friends. That was before we had kids and before I had to deal with in-laws all the time and when I wasnt under so much stress. I have all these kids around me and I love them, but it is constant chaos. Allama al-Munawi (Allah have mercy on him) states: "Foreplay and passionate kissing before sexual intercourse is an emphatic Sunnah (sunnah muakkada), and it is disliked (makruh) to do otherwise." (Faidh al-Qadir, 5/115, See: Hadith no. I like different things and my husband does not want to go and explore with me. I married HER. Telling your partner you don't like them on any kind of repetitive basis is a form of verbal abuse. Divorced Girl Smiling is here to empower, connect and inspire you. Not the spouse who was not what you wanted, that you chose, anyways. I didnt marry her friends, her family or any other person or thing. I hate this and I resent her immensely. Back to finances, I wont get a joint account because she maxed out a credit card and when I let her use my card to get necessities like bleach or detergent when we were dating, shed overdraft. I think the most hurtful thing about my separation was realising that the person I married couldnt give me that. On a very important side note, there are also things people should not be expected to put up with: abuse, excessive drinking or drugs, cheating, etc. Hope this helps. This is nothing to do with being anti-social, it means you have the *wrong* friends, and your husband finds them boring or worse. You can get a divorce but remember who is really to blame here. So, if your wife wants to go out with you one night every week or every other week, do it for HER. You might think, "I'm a good husband and father, I don't cheat, I'm not mean or abusive, and I'm a good provider financially. It sucks I feel so left out. Add message. I feel bad.. may b he is not wrong. He thinks and hopes there is a God, but doesn't desire a real relationship with Jesus. I wish there was. I am not into big groups where people do nothing but talk the whole time and never give you a chance to talk. Some people maintain huge social circles and keep in close contact with them all. I had nothing in common with them, and I found big groups meant shallow conversations, small talk and drinking and dancing. We strive to be attentive and faithful. My husband doesn't like to be touched (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images) QUESTION: I am a 33-year-old woman and married since last 6 years. Because thats what you do for someone you love and to whom you are committed. Everyone else comes second. Simply put, your mother needs you, and your husband seems jealous that your time and energy aren't entirely for him. As we mentioned in the beginning for some people, not really having friends is just fine, but were not talking about loners and hermits here Were talking about a married man whose only social connection is his wife and thats a recipe for all kinds of trouble. He's not even interested in showing or receiving affection. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Not everyone with an antisocial spouse ends up cheating and leaving, but the disconnect could pave the way for that path in some cases. I care about my wife and children and that is it. We'll use this answer, along with your previous ones, to immediately direct you to some free marriage counseling videos for your specific situation. For example, Phil, youre right in that your wife shouldve agreed to have people over, given your level of discomfort. We started to socialize with people more like us (middle aged with small kids), in smaller groups where we could talk more, no drunken dance parties. I have no issue with visiting her family (also out of state) but she does not have much of a relationship with her family so it rarely comes up (twice her mom stopped talking to her for a year after a minor disagreement). I find it difficult to interact when there are too many people present. Most of the stresses of married life, the house, the kids, the career aggravation, is all pushed for by the woman. Divorced Girl Smiling is here to empower, connect and inspire you. He should understand that. Again, STAND YOUR GROUND men. Be strong and be authentic, and you will have a beautiful life ahead of you., - Jackie Pilossoph, Creator and Editor-in-chief, Divorced Girl Smiling. He feels like a stranger' In absence of love, the distance between spouses only grows. You got it! First, to the antisocial spouse (or person whose wife is saying "My husband has no friends or hobbies,") you might not think this is a big problem. Remember, things will most likely never improve unless you tackle these issues head-on. You say the antisocial spouse should tell their partner what they want from them. You 100% absolutely need to talk to your husband about how you are feeling!! Why? Remember, both people should be givers in the relationship. By Jackie Pilossoph, Creator and Editor-in-chief, Divorced Girl Smiling site, podcast and app, Love Essentially columnist and author. He's no longer interested in intimacy. Passion in the bedroom isn't everything in a relationship, but it can explain a lot. I hope that helps. I worry that this will become a far greater issue when we are retired, and we find ourselves at home together all the time. We share very few friends and almost never go out with other couples or invite them to our house. No, we don't mean you should corner him in the room and start blasting him for all the times he's hurt you. 2. As a severely depressed man I should never have clicked on this article. Additionally, she is a Huffington Post contributor. Im 32 and shes 25, her brother whos 21 is far more financially responsible. You dont have to please everyone. 2. Too much individualism leads to neglect of the relationship, and too much focus on the marriage alone can make one or both members feel stifled and out of touch with their other social and family relationships. But the truth is that part of being a good person and a (begrudging) part of a community yes, your building is a community is sucking it up sometimes and having a two minute conversation about someone's cat or kid or the weather. I think more than half the problem is that I feel he doesnt have the sympathy I have for him. we are on vacation with his friends and all they do is talk about the past and people they know, this does not interest me how can you join the conversation? Are more likely to engage in physical. Embarrassing your spouse will help them see their flaws. It's important to accept that you can't change your spouse. It was boring, and I didnt see the point of socializing with my wife if shed only spend less than a minute with me all night anyway. Simply open up the conversation and make him aware of your feelings. It is a fundamental part of who we are. My ex was always trying to change me into someone else someone more social more like him and it just didnt work. Want to view Divorced Girl Smiling trusted partners? What is the current status of your marriage? Then Dr. Dana will send you additional free coaching via email. How Do I Get My Husband To Understand My Feelings. Where Should We Send Your Free Marriage Coaching? When the kids finally get to bed, I have no desire to get dressed up and go out with my wife, her friends and their husbands, and sit there and make small talk. 3. I feel tricked. My name is Julie also. What makes it worse is we see you happy to chat with your oldest friends. It makes me cringe when he starts talking politics in a crowd. I feel were both happier and love each other more, and enjoy time together when we can. Behind The Behavior Any time jealousy becomes an issue in a marriage, that's a big red flag that there are some underlying problems going on. My wife left me earlier this year. Also, maybe they could choose the restauranta sports bar instead of a fancy French restaurant. Lastly, I get zero time to myself. React Reply See 4 replies What Guys Said 21 OK, well youd like that back. 2.You dislike interference from others in your life. Your email address will not be published. I need to learn more about him and accept him for what he is.. he doesnt like being dressed up for occasion.. hardly talks to his family.. though he is good with his friends.. Is Fighting In Front of The Kids Ever OK? Life is to damned short.Im moving on. So we go along with a lot we make efforts try to work in your comfort zone but in the end we are lonely and depressed and dont want to just putnon a happy face we want to be happy. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit Get some buddies. I can always find those people that I know I can be myself around. I too prefer smaller gatherings where you can hear yourself think and have a more meaningful conversation. Maybe your partner doesn't share the same political opinions as your dad, or they feel like your siblings always seem to have something negative to say, or they're just not vibing with your. That even was not the least bit fun. Howshould I motivate my overweight father to get fit? Joe and Jane are very much in love, with a relatively stable life and happy marriage. If your husband feels like the only time you are talking to him is to tell him something that he's doing wrong, then that is going to come across as nagging and he's going to eventually start tuning you out. After months (years sometimes), the social one is tired of begging his or her spouse to go out, so she starts going out to the parties by herself. Be yourself and dont ever change. I am an introvert and talk to people I feel comfortable with. Antisocial personality disorder is a mental condition in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. dump his ass. Now I've met someone else, Iam scared that my boyfriend will mistreat me like I did my ex. Not only did she ask me to socialize less, but I got to go camping with my wife, AND she (albeit barely) started to understand that (gasp) its normal for some people to not like various activities. In every marriage or relationship, there are trade-offs. Required fields are marked *. She can cry, yell, give me the silent treatment or anything else she wants to but I do what I want. When the most important thing in the world is the nuclear family, friends are simply too expensive. Its not OK to fight in front of the kids about any topic, no matter [], For all of the issues that can come up in a marriage, one is far more common than all the others. He explained that he does not care about what other people do or say. Your husband doesn't listen to you because he feels like you nag him all the time. I have acquaintances that I see two or three times a year and thats all the socialization I need. Want to read articles about divorce & dating? Shell spend money on stuff she doesnt need then cry when she cant pay her bills, leaving me to pick up the slack and have to ask my dad for money. I love having people over for dinner and entertaining in my home. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, you can call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or visit Smiling is here to empower, connect and inspire you you additional free coaching via email was... For someone you love and to be the way he was need to talk Creator and Editor-in-chief divorced... In for one hour agreed to have and thats all the time far financially. Smiling site, podcast and app, love Essentially columnist and author need a babysitter when someone like. With them, and enjoy time together when we can the bedroom isn & # x27 s..., kind of romantic, and I dont need a babysitter one hour dont want help. Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her,. 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