hermione rejects harry for ron fanfiction

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hermione rejects harry for ron fanfiction

There wasn't another incident until they reached the school. Harry Potter has always known he was different. "You might wish to check your books, dear boy, and find out who it was who made that discovery. Rated M for mentions of child abuse, some swearing and mild adult situations. ", "A Dutch national that Dumbledore managed to kidnap, rather than me. Marry her by his twenty-first birthday, or he dies. The first of September rolled around and found everyone working their way through the barrier between King's Cross station and Platform 9 . I was doing okay until three letters arrived, one of which was a Howler. Harry and Hermione are neglected by their parents. ", Snape was glaring at him, and he rose and approached Harry. And how is he going to survive the likes of Ronald Weasley? *Bonus points if not friends and over 80k*. Hermione asked in curiosity. ", As Heidi undid the knots in the silk ropes holding Cho gently to the bed, Cho admitted, "I've had this recurring fantasy that you came into the locker room after a practice or a game and pressed me against the edge of the shower. Hermione felt so rejected; she was hardly home, with most of her year spent in the Scottish Highlands, for Merlin's sake! Severus is jealous and tired of being denied what he wants. 6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. "They treated you like garbage, and you still offered an amount that is far above what they could have expected. Hermione Granger is often cold. . This was said in a voiced slightly louder than conversational. When James Potter jr. is pronounced the Boy Who Lived, Harry is sent to live with the Dursleys. You'd force my hips back so that I had to lean against the wall, and then you'd pound me, Harry. ", "Don't be," Harry said with a laugh. Thank you, PS: I have read the infamous 'A Cadmean Victory'. ", "Thank you," she said softly. ", "Careful," Luna said. I kinda like the way you are when you're restrained.". Rowling the author.!!Enjoy!! "I am so sorry Hermione. 359. "Harry! Hermione hadnt meant to sleep with Draco Malfoy. All the characters and settings mentioned aren't owned by me, rather J.K . Harry said with a snort. "By the way, guys, this is Heidi. "What in Merlin's name is going on?" It was just after class when the bell had rang in a flutter of peals, wailing down the corridor that Harry, with his breath hitched sought out Hermione. Everything is going great until the goblet of fire goes wrong and Harry and Hermione's peaceful year is gone replaced by the chaos of another year.What will Harry do when he discovers his Godfather is rotting in jail! "Another fifty points lost from Gryffindor. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Normal wasn't something that ran along the Potter line and apparently she could add the Delacour line to that as well. "How may Dobby help Master Harry Potter?" Get to feast, and talk later.". "As long as she does it only for fun and enjoyment, and not because she thinks she needs to in order to keep friends. Ron likes to be a bratty bottom sometimes. "Why will no one listen to the twins and me when we say that we ripped bars off his windows?" But suddenly, he hears Astoria's voice more, and she's telling him to endear himself, again, to Hermione Granger. Other details: It was a pretty long fic, probably more than 20k, and it might have been a time-travel fic, as that is my main tag search in finding new fics to read. "My apologies," Snape said through slightly gritted teeth. "Is there something wrong with me that I like making love to more than just Harry?" She paused. "The Ministry has been up in arms trying to deal with Dumbledore this summer. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Mrs Weasley was furious and dragged him away." "Ron tried to hit Hermione?" he asked, nearly gaping in shock. "I never meant for -", "I know, but it shows how people simply aren't listening or aren't thinking when it comes to me. "So Harry, what really happened this summer?" Their friendship was pretty much done and dusted had the matter of Buckbeak's survival not come . "Actually, Luna, you're absolutely correct," she purred. ", "What? Yeah, and were about as near getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them nowhere effi ng near in other words? In fact, it will be downright difficult, what with senile old men manipulating his life and friends who were never really his friends, but his mates (mates! That last was caused by Cho deciding that she was going to help him deal with the insistent body part. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Cho's smile was enough to light up her face at the acceptance. Hermione asked by way of answer. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings. "I spent a week in the Mediterranean because of that insufferable . Oh, by the way, I need to insert an angry rant here for you not telling me where you were, since I'm a hot-headed idiot.". I'm sure that with the promise of more information about his family, I can get Harry back under control for you.". When he reads the name aloud though there is no doubt in who he has beckoned to the stage. ", "Thank you," Cho said. "You'll understand my meaning later, but you dig your grave deeper with every word." How will our heroes handle their fifth year? Written for Rons 43rd Birthday (but theyre not that old in the fic)! Dumbledore can grant him that under the condition he raises a newly orphaned Harry Potter and takes a wife by the end of the year. An act of kindness turns into an unlikely friendship might it develop into something more? "Headmaster Dumbledore says you not required to be in his office right now. Check out this author, they have quite a few of the above-requested angst fics I believe DarthMittens. "Oddity in the Black family's rules. He looked at her. He grabbed Harry's arm and threw him forward, making Harry stumble. Hermione is Well, Hermione, and Harry needed her to be just that. They reached the gargoyle, which opened as they approached. And in case you havent noticed, wevefound on Horcrux. "I am going to do what I can to stop Ravenclaw's treatment of you this year, Luna. Work Search: With Voldemort revealed to the wizarding world at the end of the Triwizard tournament, Dumbledor was removed from Hogwarts in disgrace, Fleur has returned to Beauxbatons to finish her last year of education, and now Headmistress McGonagall has put her own stamp on how Hogwarts should be run including inviting werewolves to attend the school openly. "That can't be a word. well, you're female, and reminding me that it's the case." Hermione demands to be treated with the respect she deserves. And once again, the future of an entire world is riding on her. Harry Potter is through with Dumbledore and his lies, so he does what the light considers unthinkable. "Besides, now that the Weasleys have gotten everything put away, they're coming back over. ", "Well, I don't have a problem with them," Cho said with her own eyes twinkling. ", "Quiet, werewolf, or I may slip and place some silver in your next dosage.". Hermione should have known better, she was the researcher of the three and friends with one of them since she was eleven. Read as Harry builds up a business managing MagiCam girls. "What I don't know I can't tell, no matter whether I meant to or not. We thought Dumbledore had told you want to do, we thought you had a real plan! What would happen if Harry and Hermione got together? I didn't mean any of what I just said. Luna because Hermione had healed Harry's broken heart and allowed Harry to love her, and Hermione because Luna had rescued her from Ronald 'bloody git' Weasely, but most importantly, because she had been willing to share Harry with her. All these years of loving Harry with all her heart and he really loved her back! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13666807/1/A-Harmonious-Escapade, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3808497/1/The-Road-Not-Taken, Come on, man, everyone has a guilty pleasure. Do you think I didnt guess you were thinking this stuff? "You're certainly not acting that way now.". All of us know of the popular pairing Harry/Hermione that is possibly the most common pairing in this fandom after Dramione or Drarry. Luna followed suit by winking at Neville, who nodded, and she bounced into his lap. None aimed at me, at least, and that seemed to be the thing that Dumbledore was most worried about. Your mother convinced Mrs. Granger that Hermione was not really interested in Harry but in Ron, and that she really wanted to go but was too shy to ask. After discovering something he shouldn't have, Harry was shocked to find out that his best friend, Hermione Granger was the most famous MagiCam Girl on the Wiznet! Her parents are also called as witnesses as Hermione has lied to . I need to get past that.". Cookie Notice Sirius' worry for Harry's safety grows with every letter he sends him. Right in front of her parents, if you can believe it. Harry is able to perform well in all the classes, taking the top position in each one. "I've got three incredibly sexy women in the room, all naked, and we've just given Cho an orgasm that I'm sure managed to bleed through the silencing spell we cast. There was no one inside. As Hermione arrives, she remembers the last two years of her time at the old school in a series of flashbacks triggered by various things and people she sees. When Harry hears about the dance and the need for a partner he decides to not participate in it. It might even be what Dumbledore is doing, trying to keep me at the Dursleys - safety over anything else. Between the Weasley girl and yourself, we should be able to regain and then retain control of Harry. In the act of relearning how to feel like a person, Harry rediscovers the affection he holds towards his friends, except it seems the feelings have different connotations this time around. His face was a brilliant red, and the way his eyes kept slipping to Luna's chest, Harry suspected that he was interested in a hands-on inspection. Yeah, he would, said Harry, who did not want excuses made for Ron. "Many people would be completely surprised to discover the type of upbringing I've had. Finding solace in each other after all this time, Narcissa and Regulus hatch a master plan; They should get married. We've worked out the problem from last year, and in doing so, we realised that neither Hermione or Cho had a problem with the other, and would actually get along quite well, so I asked her to marry me and carry on the Black family name. Una idea loca, que sera una serie donde se relatar cada ao pero siendo Severus hijo de Voldemort y teniendo un hijo y hermana. ", Hermione blinked, and then got a slightly evil look on her face. ", Hermione shivered under the sharp gaze of the blonde, and Harry was amused to note that it wasn't fear. Scratchy writing made almost illegible by ash and lingering embers. Well, except for the Death Eater. "I now say a childish thing intended to get you angry, since I think you're attractive and am doing the verbal equivalent of pulling pigtails." Harry derailed it by forcibly removing his arm from her grip. "You got married?" Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Fight for Her, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that can converse with humans on a wide range of topics. "Is there something wrong with me that I want to be dominated sometimes?". Her parents are also called as witnesses as Hermione has lied to them about what happened. "Someone might insist on proof. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike. She bit her lower lip. They were dressed again before anyone else ever made it on-board. You two carry on. Hermione gets struck by Dolohov's Curse in the Department of Mysteries and that sparks a change in the relationship between Harry and Hermione. "I don't think she wanted to hear that," Ron said, shrugging. Hey Heidi? Forcing yourself on a willing me.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. His fate lies in the hands of a woman who hates his very existence. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Not angry at Harry for saying it?" Whoa!" And who knows, there might even be some surprises along the way. The golden trio aren't faring much better, with a friendship tested by fire as Harry struggles to cope with images of a dead boy's face, a rising of a Great War, and a new year mate who makes Divination class impossibly awkward. "Quite likely, Luna," Harry replied. "You were neither invited nor asked for. Hermione Granger is done with trying to keep everyone around her happy. The problem? One problem; Narcissa Black only likes women. 989 33 3. Draco had been in the right place at the right time, or maybe it was the wrong place, wrong time. "What am I asking? Many of those attending wondered if Hermione would return for it since it seemed as if no one had heard from her since her departure. "Remus, I have managed to convince the Board of Governors to rehire you as a Defence teacher this year. The grave Dumbledore has been digging has suddenly closed in on him. Take off the locket, Ron, Hermione said, her voice unusually high. Years later, their daughter Rose has joined an ICW operation that tries to stop Voldemort's power from spreading beyond Europe. 32. Severus Snape, a sailor with Malfoy Shipping, has everything he could have imagined he wanted. "Ah, I see that we are to miss dinner because of this. Theo Nott knows something about loneliness himself, and hates to see people suffer. "I know that you're with him. "Hello," she said in her dreamy manner. It's also insanely melodramatic. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1348), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (22), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (14), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (13), Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy (214), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (409), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange, Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, James Potter is Not Harry Potter's Parent, SPEW | Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter), Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Blaise Zabini/Original Female Character(s), Astoria Greengrass's Blood Curse | Blood Malediction, Minor Rose Granger-Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy, Not Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Compliant, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Past Regulus Black/Severus Snape - Relationship, I have no friends I trust enough to show this monstrosity, im writing this in the AMs so dont expect shakespeare level literature, autistic coded characters coz im autistic and i said so, This is not your fic if you like the light side, Sirius Black/Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin, Past George Weasley/Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley, Past Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley - Freeform, past Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley - Freeform, Past Hermione Granger/Original Female Character(s), The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, past Hermione Granger/Lavender Brown - Freeform, everything's better when it comes in threes, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Severus Snape, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. There was some conversation about it, but it was decided that they simply didn't care enough to worry about it too much. This way Regulus gets to avoid romance, Narcissa gets to avoid men, and the boys have two parents with a healthy dynamic. With that, she led Harry and Hermione away from Professor Snape. Paradigm of Uncertainty begins with Hermione dating somebody else, but I don't think she rejected him previously (it's been a while since I read it). and what the hell is this about a betrothal contract!?!? Cho smiled and walked to her table amidst complete silence. Munich is quite well known. (My story starts off when Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in the deathly hallows and this bit is from the book.). He didn't take it. "If you would be seated, love?" Best Harry/Hermione/Ron recs. Then Harry asked Hermione how it happened . Neville exclaimed. ", "Will you worship me in the Quidditch locker rooms when we marry, Harry?" "Ah." For one bewildered moment he thought that Ron had left the tent, then realized that Ron was lying in the shadow of a lower bunk,looking stony. But at the moment, she found herself wishing Harry were a bit more like Ron. "I need to talk to you later. ", "Don't take this wrong, Harry," Colin Creevey said, "but you're luckier than anyone has a right to be. Oh how quickly the world can end. He seated Hermione and then kissed her hand, then turned to Heidi and helped her sit. Enjoying a quiet evening alone with her two favorite wizards, Hermione is surprised by the arrival of her very recent ex-boyfriend Ron and his accusations against her. Ron swung his long legs off the bed and sat up. She's laying there naked and sweaty and so damned sexy that I wish I wasn't vowing to keep her virgin until we can get married. Draco Malfoy is done with trying to be the perfect son of the perfect pureblood father. The stain disappeared. A chance encounter in the pits of Azkaban gives Severus hope for escape and furnishes him with everything he could need to enact revenge against all who have wronged him. After the war, Hermione makes a mistake. "More later, but that should make the point," he said as the kiss ended. "I'm sorry," she said, and sidled up to his arm. ", "Thanks," Harry replied. . I heard some things I didn't like this summer. He looked mean, unlike himself. - will have quite a bit to explain to the Board of Governors for this school, as well as your proper wizarding guardian. Neville's hand came up and he began to massage his forehead. "I think so, too," Hermione said. These three ladies will be there for it," he said, hugging Hermione and nodding at Cho and Heidi. Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. Cho blushed as well, but bulled through. "Let 'em talk," Hermione whispered. Harry Potter was really the last person he would expect to be a vampire, let alone an Omega. He swept from the office. He grinned. Did you think wed be staying in five-star hotels? Chapter 1 is an index of all works, pairings, and warnings. If you truly understood what it was like at the Dursley home, then you'd understand.". "We know that she's more than willing, but what if Potter is less than agreeable about it? This fic starts the summer before 3rd year, updates will be on Tuesdays. "But it's off to my table," she said sadly. "Geez," Dean said. She blushed furiously as she added, "I want you to plant our first baby in those showers, Harry, doing just that - taking me. One headcanon that exists to lessen the pain of so much loss acknowledges Molly Weasley's role. do these even exist? He scowled deeply. Draco Malfoy, father, head of the ancient Malfoy Apothecaries, still mourns his beloved wife. hermionegranger. Remus wants Harry to just stop trying to save everyone all the time at the risk of the poor boy's own safety and Snape sees eye-to-eye with Remus on just this one thing because the boy cannot seem to stay out of trouble! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "It's okay. "Sorry. Ron quirked his brow, moving his head to the side. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Ron was a Grade-A jerk to Hermione, claiming her cat Crookshanks ate Scabbers. Hordes of disgruntled fans took to fanfiction sites to write their own interpretation of canon, giving rise to "Weasley-bashing" tropes that involve depicting Ron and Ginny in a less than . Getting shagged senseless like his wolf inside him craves. Can Draco trust the Golden boy? The rest of the trip was uneventful, except for the fact that Malfoy didn't bother them on the trip to Hogwarts. Completed . Finding a Horcrux every other day? Marry the Death Eater who tormented her as a child, or let him die. Ron parked next to Neville and Luna. In other words, a rape fantasy with a man that won't rape her. thing. He has to return, if only because of his friendships with others here. Chapter 1. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Otherwise known as Harmione, the H.M.S Pumpkin Pie, Harry x Hermione, and Harmony. ", "Amortentia works wonders," Snape drawled. It is now only a week before school returns to session, and finding him before then is a lost cause. Hermione herself was going back into the muggle education system in order to get a degree from Oxford. Harry Potter and The Last Horcrux is not like most HP fanfiction. And when Hermione called Ron lazy, he tried to hit her. Could she really leave him behind to explore magic all over again? I was inspired by their work and decided to see if we could tie those universes together. This was Hermione's wildest dream coming true. Hermione, Cho, and Ron had to leave for the prefect's meeting, but Neville and Luna remained behind, as well as Heidi. October at the very latest. "I was pleased at how startled your parents were when I offered seventy-five hundred Galleons as a bride price, especially with how they had been treating me," Harry said, trying to change the direction of the conversation. F/M, Multi, F/F. "I'm just having trouble making peace in my head with the fact that you've got a wife, the both of you are friendly with last year's previous girlfriend, and none of you seem to have a problem with the fact that your bodyguard is likely to be hit on by seventh years. "Please don't say anything about the relationships between Cho, Hermione and me until I say it's okay?". That's when Krum insults Harry and Hermione laughs at the joke. Ron figured that when a terrible viral fungus is released in the bowels of the Ministry, that it was the hinge by which the world fell apart. "Yeah, hi." Harry grumbled. One-Shot. Both Harry and Ron have something to confess , they both like each other. ", "Save it until Dumbledore isn't paying quite so much attention to me. "It's why the average person thinks of the Quibbler as full of silly stories, because the truth scares them.". Regulus Black is completely uninterested in non-platonic relationships. Ginny asked. 50.3K 439. by GeorgiaFair. She feels safe enough around me to know that if I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, or rip her blouse open, that I'm actually aroused, rather than doing it in anger. He felt a shiver run through him, and a sense of . The rain was falling harder and heavier; it pattered on the leaf-strewn bank all around them and into the river chattering through the dark. She just hadnt expected for sex with him to occur the way it did. Narcissa Black has just divorced her dreadful ex-husband and taken their son to a flat purchased for her by her father. "I think I've had a stroke or something," he finally said. I'm luckier than I deserve. Neville made a choking noise. It has now selected Draco Malfoy's future wife. All right, Ill spit it out. Slow burn, eventual smut, light dom/sub. For centuries, a magical tapestry had predicated the marriages of the Malfoy family. Thank you for the show, though. This does not please Dumbledore or a certain Weasley Matriarch, but the plans of Lady Magic are not to be trifled with. Ron snorted as he started up at the underside of the upper bunk. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Wizarding World has called Hermione Granger a lot of things. Ginny asked. Perplexed, Harry looked to Hermione for help, but she shook her head, apparently as nonplussed as he was. Being werewolves near the full moon is rough. ", "I didn't admit it to myself until this summer.". Harry never fell, although it was a close thing. I'm a little twitchy right now, not the least reason being that you were the cause for my last beating, whether or not you intended it to be the case. Heidi lowering the boom on him should be entertaining at the very least," Hermione said. Doesnt necessarily have to be them in a relationship (though it is preferred), but they MUST have a strong friendship with each other. Truths are revealed, affections exposed, and Hermione, Sirius, and Remus decide how to proceed when they realize the true extent of their feelings for each other. Well, youve obviously got a problem, said Harry. This is new and it made me feel sorry for Harry even though he has done wrong. "I'm frustrated myself, because I really want to make that shower fantasy true, but not until we're married. By Cho deciding that she was going to help him deal with the respect she deserves suddenly closed in him! 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