field mcconnell wiki

field mcconnell wiki

[210], In May 2019, McConnell's brother-in-law Gordon Hartogensis, who is married to Chao's sister Grace, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), a part of the Labor Department. Colonel Shaffer's security clearance shortly after it became known that he had provided information to the 9/11 Commission on Able Danger. McConnell holds conservative political positions, although he was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican early in his political career. There's not anything judicial about it. [6] McConnell was born in Sheffield, Alabama, and grew up in nearby Athens, Alabama, where his grandfather, Robert Hayes McConnell Sr. and his great uncle Addison Mitchell McConnell, owned McConnell Funeral Home. 6-min video: "Kristine Marcy Founder of SES Surrenders to Field McConnell". [233][234][235], In 2015 and 2019, Time listed McConnell as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. [7] He is of Scots-Irish and English descent. Charity did", "Mitch McConnell on Trump and divisiveness in politics", "In 1990, Mitch McConnell Supported Affordable Healthcare for All", "Biography About U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell", "Mitch McConnell's Commitment to Civil Rights Sets Him Apart", "How Mitch McConnell Enabled Barack Obama", "Mitch McConnell Is Headed Down the Stretch", "Mitch McConnell Got Everything He Wanted. [223][228], Host Jon Stewart repeatedly mocked McConnell on The Daily Show for his resemblance to a turtle or tortoise. [36] In June 2018 he became the longest-serving Senate Republican leader in the history of the United States. [168], As the leader of the Senate Republicans, McConnell has been at the receiving end of much of the criticism and disapproval that Republicans receive from Democratic voters, receiving near uniform disapproval from left-of-center voters. MARTIAL LAW, CONTROL GIVEN TO MILITARY BY TRUMP JAN 19TH. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life. States currently cannot declare bankruptcy. MARTIAL LAW, CONTROL GIVEN TO MILITARY BY TRUMP JAN 19TH. [1], Attorney Mark Zaid, representing Lt. Field McConnell was born on October 2, 1949 at Harris Hospital, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas in 1949 to a career United States Air Force B29 bomber pilot and aircraft commander, Glenn McConnell, and a WWII United States Army nurse.. 1950 to 1959, United States Air Force dependant at MacDill AFB, Tampa Florida; 1955-56 1st grade, Helen Hill School, Tampa FL Circuit Court of Appeals, to the Supreme Court. "Based on years of experience I can say categorically that the basis for the revocation was questionable at best. He says on Jan.19, one day before Joe Biden's inauguration, President Trump turned over control of the country to the military white hats. Senator in Kentucky history. [citation needed]. [104], Throughout Obama's tenure McConnell led Senate Republicans in what has been called "a disciplined, sustained, at times underhanded campaign to deny the Democratic president the opportunity to appoint federal judges". . [115] On March 16, 2016, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a Judge of the D.C. ", This page was last edited on 27 November 2022, at 16:42. The 9/11 Commission has released multiple statements over the past week, each of which has significantly changed from initially denying ever being briefed to acknowledging being briefed on both operation ABLE DANGER and Mohamed Atta. Captain Field McConnell, a former Northwest Airline DC-10 captain and a long time friend of Captain Dan Hanley, retired 9 years early as such because of his exposure of illegal modifications on Boeing aircraft in 2006 so that he could serve as an expert witness in future litigation. FIELD MCCONNELL & JUAN O SAVIN: SLAVES NO MORE Politics, Media & News, QANON FIELD MCCONNELL & JUAN O SAVIN: SLAVES NO MORE Laura Mae July 12, 2022, 8:18 pm 3 98 Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Rigged Election We Will Win [106] On July 17, McConnell announced that he would vote against Sotomayor's confirmation. He then defeated Lois Combs Weinberg by 29.4%. It is most unlikely that Able Danger would have identified a terrorist called "Mohamed Atta" before May 2000. 1 obstructionist, is trying to make big things happen", "Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem", "Mitch McConnell's obstruction in the spotlight following massacres", "As the Gorsuch nomination proceeds, this man is taking credit: Mitch McConnell", "Roll Call of Votes on Articles of Impeachment", "Mitch McConnell becomes longest-serving Republican leader in history of Senate", "McConnell Is Senate's New Top Republican", "McConnell takes the reins as Senate majority leader", "Mitch McConnell makes Senate history as longest-serving Republican leader", "McConnell becomes longest-serving senator from Kentucky", "Master of the Senate: Mitchell McConnell gets the job done", "If Democrats Want to Challenge Trump, They Need a New Strategy", "McConnell's Reputation as a Master Tactician Takes a Hit", "Mitch McConnell: 'The man in the middle' of U.S. healthcare war", "The Myth of Mitch McConnell, Political Super-Genius", "The Promise of Party in a Polarized Age", "How the GOP Prompted the Decay of Political Norms", "When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a 'one-term president'? I have learned that, in fact, one of our Federal agencies had, in fact, identified the major New York cell of Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11; and I have learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September 2000, that Federal agency actually was prepared to bring the FBI in and prepared to work with the FBI to take down the cell that Mohamed Atta was involved in in New York City, along with two of the other terrorists. If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. He was elected Majority Whip in the 108th Congress and re-elected to the post in 2004. [98] After the vote McConnell lambasted and condemned Trump, despite his vote to acquit, in a 20-minute speech on the floor of the Senate, saying he believes Trump to be guilty of everything alleged by the House managers. The entire process revolves around removal. Christine McConnell is an American baker, designer, model, host, influencer, photographer, reality star, and actress. [citation needed] The next day, there was a joint committee meeting with the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities and the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, to discuss the Able Danger program.[53]. Atta was identified by Able Danger in January/February 2000", he was quoted as saying. His major source of income is Twitch. Later that day, McConnell told the media: "I'm not an impartial juror [in this impeachment trial]. "[5] This report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee copied, nearly verbatim, the United States Department of Defense Inspector General's September 2006 report on Able Danger. [3], McConnell is married to former secretary of transportation and former secretary of labor Elaine Chao. The existence of Able Danger, and its purported early identification of the 9/11 terrorists, was first disclosed publicly on June 19, 2005, in an article[11] by Keith Phucas, a reporter for The Times Herald, a Norristown, Pennsylvania, daily newspaper. [25][24] During the same time period, he taught a night class on political science at the University of Louisville. Wells podcast that the United States is under white hat martial law. [53] In April 2017, Senate Republicans led by McConnell eliminated the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations in order to end debate on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. They declined to comment on the reports as they worked to clarify the matter. References. 1986: William Tell, World-wide fighter competition, North Dakota ANG transitioned from F4 Phantom to F16 Fighting Falcon, 1990. It was impossible to tell which, and the unclassified work of Able Danger was not designed to address that question. She has two siblings - Isabelle McDonnell and Lochlan McDonnell. [19], In 2014, McConnell faced Louisville businessman Matt Bevin in the Republican primary. Abel Danger's Field McConnell Operation Golden Remnant sings "Lead Me, Guide Me" originally by Elvis 7-20-19 . Which took us to November 2, 1999, Gould said. McConnell later vowed Republicans would not force the U.S. to default on its debt or shut down the government in 2014, when stop-gap funding measures were set to expire. He defeated Bruce Lunsford by 6%. '"[119][120] In April 2018, McConnell said the decision not to act upon the Garland nomination was "the most consequential decision I've made in my entire public career". [4], The independent film Able Danger was released in 2008. The number of federal judicial vacancies more than doubled comparing the figure near the end of Obama's term to the figure at the end of George W. Bush's term. in political science in 1964 with honors. [121] McConnell's refusal to hold Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland during Obama's final year in office was described by political scientists and legal scholars as "unprecedented",[122][123] a "culmination of [his] confrontational style",[124] a "blatant abuse of constitutional norms",[54] and a "classic example of constitutional hardball". [128] By March 2020, McConnell had contacted an unknown number of judges, encouraging them to retire prior to the 2020 election. Moreover, that was the first time he had ever gone by the name "Mohamed Atta." Speaking on behalf of Lt. Col. Shaffer, attorney Mark Zaid testified "Those within Able Danger were confident they weren't compiling information on US persons. Sotomayor was confirmed days later. They further stated that a claim about Atta having been identified prior to the attacks had been made to the 9/11 Commission on July 12, 2004 (just days before the commission's report was released), by a United States Navy officer employed at DOD, but that, The interviewee had no documentary evidence and said he had only seen the document briefly some years earlier. [63], In 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid eliminated the filibuster for all presidential nominations except the Supreme Court. [Must See] "This very interesting intel with Jason Goodman and Field McConnell who is saying that basically the SES- (Senior Executive Service) is going down. After a report came out of Democrats' investigating a second allegation against Kavanaugh, McConnell said, "I want to make it perfectly clear. The objective of this particular project was to ascertain whether the data mining techniques and open source material were effective tools in determining terrorist activities, and if the resultant data could be used to create operational plans that could be executed in a timely fashion to interrupt, capture and/or destroy terrorists or their cells. She was part of the "Singing Playmates" musical group. 1 min read. Entry below posted on November 8, 2019: Note from an AIM Patriot: Second call just made. Last edited on 27 November 2022, at 16:42, War games in progress on September 11, 2001, "Specter: Pentagon may be obstructing committee", "prepared statement of mark s. zaid, esq., before the committee on judiciary, united states senate", "Exclusive: Witnesses in Defense Dept. He has criticized proposed legislation by House Democrats such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All,[178] and was criticized by Nancy Pelosi for withholding votes on measures passed by the Democratic-controlled House during his time as Senate Majority Leader, including the For the People Act of 2019, the Equality Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act. [15] In 1964, at the age of 22, he attended civil rights rallies,[16] and interned with Senator John Sherman Cooper. [citation needed], After Weldon's assertions were disputed, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a member of the Able Danger team, identified himself as Weldon's source. Donald Trump is no longer the president. 00. He also discussed the Defense Intelligence Agency's decision to suspend Lt. [4], The Senate panel of investigators said there was no evidence DoD lawyers stopped analysts from sharing findings with the FBI before the attacks. [46] Eric Umansky states the problem this way: "In fact, the two-Atta theory only leaves one major issue unexplained: What about the three other 9/11 hijackers that Able Danger purportedly fingered? Rep. Weldon later reiterated these concerns during news conferences on February 14, 2006. USA UNDER W.H. All of us came here from somewhere else." During the Trump administration, the Senate Republican majority under his leadership passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act in 2018, the First Step Act, and confirmed a record number of federal appeals court judges during a president's first two years. [86], On February 13, 2016, Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia died. "There were two sets, classified and unclassified, and also an 'all sorts,'" which contained a blend of the two, "plus charts we'd produced." [56][59][52][62], Political scientists Hacker and Pierson describe the rationale behind McConnell's filibusters, "Filibusters left no fingerprints. Now he says the delay makes it unconstitutional", "Trump acquitted, denounced in historic impeachment trial", "McConnell: 'Trump is still liable for everything he did' read full speech", "McConnell blames Trump but voted not guilty anyway", "McConnell on Impeachment: 'Disgraceful Dereliction"" Cannot Lead Senate to 'Defy Our Own Constitutional Guardrails', "Senate Republicans prepared to block Jan. 6 commission", "Which senators supported a Jan. 6 Capitol riot commission", "Biden and McConnell's visit to Kentucky signals White House roadmap for next 2 years under split Congress", "How the Trump Administration Is Remaking the Courts", "Parties Plot Strategy as Sotomayor Visits Capitol", "McConnell, Bunning agree: They'll vote no on Sotomayor", "Top Republican challenges Kagan's independence", "Senate votes to confirm Kagan to Supreme Court", "This Congress filled the fewest judgeships since 1952. Clearly that mandatory sentence cannot be applied to somebody who has left office. McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives during the Obama administration, having made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of President Obama's judicial nominees, including Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. Therefore, we will not support this. Rhett McConnell, more commonly known as "Bench Guy," is a character role-played by McconnellRet. He also said why he voted to acquit: "ArticleII, Section4 must have force. 5. [169][170] With a 49% disapproval rate in 2017, McConnell had the highest disapproval rating of all senators. The Pentagon "ordered five key witnesses not to testify", according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. [4][5], In 2021, McConnell was named one of the US' top 'climate villains' by The Guardian.[236]. In the United States Senate, any senator may speak for unlimited duration unless a 60-person majority votes to invoke cloture, or end debate, and proceed to a final vote. It concluded after it had achieved its objective and its work products were used in follow-on intelligence gathering efforts at USSOCOM. [221] His personal wealth was increased after receiving a 2008 personal gift to him and his wife, given by his father-in-law James S. C. Chao after the death of McConnell's mother-in-law, whose value has been estimated to be $525million. [188][189] He was the first Republican to win a statewide election in Kentucky since 1968, and benefited from the popularity of President Ronald Reagan, up for re-election, who was supported by 60% of Kentucky voters in the same year. In 2009, Andrews Air Force Base merged with Naval Air Facility Washington to form Joint Base Andrews.Andrews, located near Morningside, Maryland in suburban Washington, D.C., is the home base of two Boeing VC-25A aircraft with the call sign . Trump threatened a shutdown two days later", "Senate approves sweeping bill on defense, domestic spending", "McConnell knocks Dems for rejecting Trump's 'reasonable request' on border", "McConnell suggests shutdown could last for weeks", "McConnell keeps his head down as government shutdown drags on", "Senate Democrats pushed a vote to reopen the government. Kacie is a former hockey player. [203][204][205] Porter McConnell is the campaign director for Take on Wall Street, a left-wing advocacy coalition. [193] The 60.2% won by McConnell was the lowest voter support for a Kentucky U.S. senator in a primary since 1938. Able Danger was a classified military planning effort led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Sources inside the store said Atta may have held a BJ's membership card for more than two years."[48]. $0.00 $ 0. Kacie was born on July 30, 1990, to parents - Michelle and Ken McDonnell. His foreign policy views have included support of sanctions on Cuba, Iran and Russia,[180] opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and support of Israel. The Posse Comitatus Act prevents the military from being engaged in law enforcement activities, including gathering information on U.S. persons, despite the aliens were not specifically United States citizens. The May 2, 2001, transaction with Atta was data entered and then uploaded to NIIS as if it were a new entry by Atta. Again, the identification of the four 9/11 hijackers was simply through associational activities. [28] The Defense Department's inspector general (DoD OIG) made a similar conclusion. Patience Wait has reported that a follow-on project appears to have been funded and implemented by the Intelligence Community and was originally named Able Providence. Addison Mitchell McConnell III[1] (born February 20, 1942) is an American politician and retired attorney serving his seventh term as the senior United States senator from Kentucky, which he has held since 1985. Various Internet posters satirically interspersed the B-roll with footage from sitcoms and movies, and popular music. [17][24], In his early years as a politician in Kentucky, McConnell was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican.

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