statistics on northern ireland

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statistics on northern ireland

Unionists, who are mostly Protestant, want Northern Ireland to stay a part of the United Kingdom. We are always looking for ways to improve our site so please drop us an email at Additional information is available from: For media queries please contact DoH Press Office by email: The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. This bulletin summarises information on people presenting to services with problem drug and/ or alcohol misuse and relates to the 12-month period ending 31 March 2020. Quarterly Child Protection Statistics for Northern Ireland (September 2020) Growing older: Demographic change in Northern Ireland. More than one-third of clients presented to services indicating problem drug use only (35.8%, 1,525); just under one-third presented indicating problem alcohol use only (32.8%, 1,397); 31.5% of clients presented to services indicating both drug and alcohol misuse (1,342 clients). The results indicated a minor reduction to the number of cases as might have been expected for March 2020, however, it was impossible to determine if this was attributable to reduced service attendance; variation in the type of attendance such as would not allow reporting; or natural fluctuation. These statistics and research inform public policy and associated debate in the wider society. The Northern Ireland Housing Statistics report is an annual compendium of statistics containing information on a range of areas relating to housing. COVID-19 and the production of statistics, Weekly Deaths Bulletin – week ending 8th January 2021, General Register Office for Northern Ireland. COVID-19 DashboardCOVID-19 - Daily Dashboard Updates - PDF VersionsNorthern Ireland Children's Social Services Data during COVID-19COVID-19 mobility Alcohol misuse is the "greatest healthcare problem facing Northern Ireland", a coroner has said. How was your experience of our website today? The report summarises information on people presenting to services with problem drug and/ or alcohol misuse and relates to the 12-month period ending 31 March 2020. Thus, in 1922 Northern Ireland began functioning as a self-governing region of the United Kingdom. The population of Northern Ireland in the past seven years can be used to estimate the population of the country in 2018. Wait, Didn’t We Win? School Meals in Northern Ireland 2017/18 Statistical Bulletin. Tourism is a significant driver for Northern Ireland. In this section you can learn more about the Code of Practice for Statistics, Pre-Release Access and find out who produces Official Statistics in Northern Ireland. The number of carers in Northern Ireland rose by 16 per cent during the decade 2001–2011 to 214,000, and currently stands at around 220,000, or one-in-eight of the population. Prior to publication, an exercise was carried out to determine if Covid-19 novel coronavirus impacted on data collection. Northern Ireland has had many conflicts between some of the people who live there. It generates wealth, jobs, exports, civic pride and innovation. This means that a small number of clients may be recorded twice on the SMD within one year. Nationalists, who are mostly Catholic, want Northern Ireland to leave the United Kingdom and have the whole island united as one country, under Irish rule. This is the second bulletin reporting on information collected through the Northern Ireland Substance Misuse Database (SMD), the previous report covered the 2016/17 time period. More than one in ten drug use clients reported ever having injected (13.9%); of those who had injected, more than a quarter (26.9%) reported having shared injecting equipment at some time. Instead, they want Northern Ireland to … Welcome to the NISRA Geography web pages where you can access and download a range of maps and digital products that support the use of geography in developing statistics. Only those clients attending for the very first time or those who have not attended for treatment within the previous six months are recorded on the SMD. if(window.da2a)da2a.script_load(); Of those clients presenting to services for drug misuse, two-thirds indicated daily use (67.9%); of those clients attending for problem alcohol use, almost half (45.0%) indicated daily consumption of alcohol. This is an Official Statistics publication. The role of festivals and events as positive economic and social drivers is recognised within Northern Ireland’s tourism strategies and plans. The Northern Ireland Office (NIO) today published Statistical Bulletin ‘Northern Ireland Terrorism Legislation: Annual Statistics 2019/20’. Both statutory and non-statutory organisations contribute to the database on a voluntary basis. Official statistics are fundamental to good government, to the delivery of public services and to decision-making in all sectors of society. Analysis by Health and Social Care Trust is based on the number of clients presenting for a service located in that Trust area. In Northern Ireland over 9,520 people are diagnosed with cancer each year – more than 26 people every day. The official death toll from the Department of Health and Public Health Agency counts those who have died within 28 days of a COVID-19 diagnosis, whether or not it was the cause of their death. During this time period the Department has continued to liaise with service providers to improve the quality and coverage of the information. The report is divided into sections covering: supply, energy, social renting demand, private renting demand, owner occupier demand and household characteristics. NISRA is an Agency of the Department of Finance. The role of the NISRA Research Support Unit (RSU) is to allow researchers safe access to project specific de-identified data in a secure environment in order to carry out secondary data analysis. The most common age group for clients presenting to treatment was 26-39 years for both drug misuse only clients (39.7%), and for drug & alcohol misuse clients (44.3%); however clients accessing services for misuse of alcohol only tended to be in older age-groups with 71.5% being 40 years and over. However, it wasn’t all sunshine and daisies for the British and Northern … Statistics covering 2017/18 and 2018/19 were not published due to concerns that information returns received by the Department of Health were not sufficiently comprehensive and that coverage was not at a level suitable for publication. Of the twelve United Kingdom (UK) regions, Northern Ireland reported the sixth largest annual increase in (in-house) R&D expenditure over the year (6.4%) (NI Statistics and Research Agency, 2018). For Secure Room bookings, please follow the link ** IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Given the current Covid-19 restrictions, the NISRA secure environment is still not in a position to reopen. Note the NINIS statistics viewer opens in a new tab. Siobhan Carey joined NISRA as Chief Executive on 1 September 2016. Some people do not want to join the Republic of Ireland or remain part of the United Kingdom. Still to this day, the community has not recovered, and the population still lies under 7 million. //-->, Lifestyle choices and behaviour statistics, Northern Ireland Termination of Pregnancy Statistics 2019/20, Swann: Please stay at home if you have symptoms or have Covid-19, Plan to eliminate hepatitis C in Northern Ireland, Pre-departure testing for all International arrivals to Northern Ireland. 29 October 2020. Queries relating to the registration of births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and adoptions or the production of birth, deaths, marriage, civil partnership and adoption certificates should be directed to the General Register Office for Northern Ireland. The majority of clients were male, with only around a fifth of clients presenting to treatment for either drugs only, or for drugs & alcohol, being female (23.2% & 17.7% respectively). This situation is constantly under review. The Department of Health today published “Statistics from the Northern Ireland Substance Misuse Database: 2019/20 (Experimental Statistics)” report and accompanying statistical tables. The growth ranges from. Impact of Events. Cannabis was the most commonly used drug with almost two-thirds of clients who use drugs reporting taking it (65.2%), this was followed by Cocaine (45.8%); Benzodiazepines (31.4%); Pregabalin (21.8%) and Ecstasy (16.2%). [CDATA[//>