climate change special report

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climate change special report

While some estimates include sustainability and cost considerations, most do not include socio-economic barriers, the impacts of future climate change or non-GHG climate forcings. Implications of climate change, variability and extremes for land systems, It is certain that globally averaged land surface air temperature (LSAT) has risen faster than the global mean surface temperature (i.e., combined LSAT and sea surface temperature) from the preindustrial period (1850–1900) to the present day (1999–2018). The capacity to respond is also strongly affected by local land ownership. The climate change mitigation potential for bioenergy and BECCS is large (up to 11 GtCO2 yr–1); however, the effects of bioenergy production on land degradation, food insecurity, water scarcity, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and other environmental goals are scale- and context-specific (high confidence). {Cross-Chapter Box 4 in this chapter}, Terrestrial greenhouse gas fluxes on unmanaged and managed lands, Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) is a significant net source of GHG emissions (high confidence), contributing to about 23% of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) combined as CO2 equivalents in 2007–2016 (medium confidence). {7.7}, ultural restrictions, patriarchy and social structures such as discriminatory customary laws and norms reduce women’s capacity in supporting the sustainable use of land resources (, enhances the equitable sharing of land resources, fosters food security and increases the existing knowledge about land use, which can increase opportunities for adaptation and mitigation (, Interlinkages between desertification, land degradation, food security and GHG fluxes: synergies, trade-offs and integrated response options, Risk management and decision making in relation to sustainable development, People, land and climate in a warming world, Adaptation and mitigation response options, Status and dynamics of the (global) land system, Land ecosystems and climate change, Current patterns of land use and land cover, Key challenges related to land use change, Land system change, land degradation, desertification and food security, Food security, food systems and linkages to land-based ecosystems, Progress in dealing with uncertainties in assessing land processes in the climate system, Concepts related to risk, uncertainty and confidence, Nature and scope of uncertainties related to land use, Targeted decarbonisation relying on large land-area need, Economics of land-based mitigation pathways: Costs versus benefits of early action under uncertainty, Adaptation measures and scope for co-benefits with mitigation, Gender agency as a critical factor in climate and land sustainability outcomes, Rights-based instruments and customary norms, The interdisciplinary nature of the SRCCL, Recap of previous IPCC and other relevant reports as baselines, The effect of climate variability and change on land, Climate drivers of land form and function, Changes in global land surface air temperature, The influence of climate change on food security, Climate-driven changes in terrestrial ecosystems, Climate extremes and their impact on land functioning, Changes in extreme temperatures, heatwaves and drought, Impacts of heat extremes and drought on land, Impacts of precipitation extremes on different land cover types, Greenhouse gas fluxes between land and atmosphere, The total net flux of CO2 between land and atmosphere, Separation of the total net land flux into AFOLU fluxes and the land sink, Gross emissions and removals contributing to AFOLU emissions, Gross emissions and removals contributing to the non-anthropogenic land sink, Potential impact of mitigation on atmospheric CO, Emissions and impacts of short-lived climate forcers (SLCF) from land, Mineral dust as a short-lived climate forcer from land, Effects of past climate change on dust emissions and feedbacks, Carbonaceous aerosol precursors of short-lived climate forcers from land, Effects of past climate change on carbonaceous aerosols emissions and feedbacks, Future changes of carbonaceous aerosol emissions, BVOC precursors of short-lived climate forcers from land, Historical changes of BVOCs and contribution to climate change, Land impacts on climate and weather through biophysical and GHG effects, Impacts of historical and future anthropogenic land cover changes, Impacts of global historical land cover changes on climate, Impacts of future global land cover changes on climate, Amplifying/dampening climate changes via land responses, Effects of changes in land cover and productivity resulting from global warming, Feedbacks to climate from high-latitude land-surface changes, Feedbacks related to changes in soil moisture resulting from global warming, Non-local and downwind effects resulting from changes in land cover, Climate impacts of individual response options, Bioenergy and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, Demand management in the food sector (diet change, waste reduction), Integrated pathways for climate change mitigation, The contribution of response options to the Paris Agreement, Plant and soil processes underlying land–climate interactions, Temperature responses of plant and ecosystem production, Water transport through soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and drought mortality, Soil microbial effects on soil nutrient dynamics and plant responses to elevated CO2, Vertical distribution of soil organic carbon, Soil carbon responses to warming and changes in soil moisture, Soil carbon responses to changes in organic matter inputs by plants, Desertification in previous IPCC and related reports, Dryland populations: Vulnerability and resilience, Processes and drivers of desertification under climate change, Processes of desertification and their climatic drivers, Anthropogenic drivers of desertification under climate change, Interaction of drivers: Desertification syndrome versus drylands development paradigm, Changes in vegetation and greenhouse gas fluxes, Desertification impacts on natural and socio-economic systems under climate change, Impacts on natural and managed ecosystems, Impacts on ecosystems and their services in drylands, Impacts on biodiversity: Plant and wildlife, Impacts on food and nutritional insecurity, Impacts on human health through dust storms, Impacts on energy infrastructure through dust storms, Impacts on transport infrastructure through dust storms and sand movement, Future vulnerability and risk of desertification, Responses to desertification under climate change, SLM technologies and practices: On-the-ground actions, Combating sand and dust storms through sand dune stabilisation, Use of halophytes for the re-vegetation of saline lands, Socio-economic responses for combating desertification under climate change, Socio-economic responses for economic diversification, Policy responses towards combating desertification under climate change, Policy responses supporting economic diversification, Limits to adaptation, maladaptation, and barriers for mitigation, Soil erosion under changing climate in drylands, No-till practices for reducing soil erosion in central Chile, Combating wind erosion and deflation in Turkey: The greening desert of Karapınar, Soil erosion in Central Asia under changing climate, The experiences of combating desertification in China, The Great Green Wall of the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative, Oases in hyper-arid areas in the Arabian Peninsula and northern Africa, Land degradation in previous IPCC reports, Sustainable land management (SLM) and sustainable forest management (SFM), The human dimension of land degradation and forest degradation, Land degradation in the context of climate change, Land degradation processes and climate change, Attribution in the case of land degradation, Indirect and complex linkages with climate change, Status and current trends of land degradation, Projections of land degradation in a changing climate, Changes in water erosion risk due to precipitation changes, Climate-induced vegetation changes, implications for land degradation, Impacts of bioenergy and technologies for CO2 removal (CDR) on land degradation, Potential scale of bioenergy and land-based CDR, Risks of land degradation from expansion of bioenergy and land-based CDR, Potential contributions of land-based CDR to reducing and reversing land degradation, Traditional biomass provision and land degradation, Impacts of climate-related land degradation on poverty and livelihoods, Relationships between land degradation, climate change and poverty, Impacts of climate-related land degradation on food security, Impacts of climate-related land degradation on migration and conflict, 4.8 Addressing land degradation in the context of climate change, 4.8.1 Actions on the ground to address land degradation, Agronomic and soil management measures, Crop–livestock interaction as an approach to managing land degradation, Local and indigenous knowledge for addressing land degradation, Reducing deforestation and forest degradation and increasing afforestation, Sustainable forest management (SFM) and CO2 removal (CDR) technologies, Barriers to implementation of sustainable land management (SLM), Perennial grains and soil organic carbon (SOC), Reversing land degradation through reforestation, South Korea case study on reforestation success, China case study on reforestation success, Role of biochar in climate change mitigation, Role of biochar in management of land degradation, Management of land degradation induced by tropical cyclones, Food security and insecurity, the food system and climate change, Food security as an outcome of the food system, Effects of climate change on food security, Status of the food system, food insecurity and malnourishment, Food systems in AR5, SR15, and the Paris Agreement, Impacts of climate change on food systems, Climate drivers important to food security, Climate change impacts on food availability, Climate change impacts on food utilisation, Adaptation options, challenges and opportunities, Autonomous, incremental, and transformational adaptation, Aquaculture, fisheries, and agriculture interactions, Impacts of food systems on climate change, Greenhouse gas emissions from food systems, Greenhouse gas emissions from croplands and soils, Greenhouse gas emissions from aquaculture, 5.4.5 Greenhouse gas emissions from inputs, processing, storage and transport, Greenhouse gas emissions associated with different diets, Mitigation options, challenges and opportunities, Greenhouse gas mitigation in croplands and soils, Greenhouse gas mitigation in livestock systems, Greenhouse gas mitigation in agroforestry, Integrated approaches to crop and livestock mitigation, Uncertainties in demand-side mitigation potential, Food loss and waste, food security, and land use, Mitigation, adaptation, food security and land use: Synergies, trade-offs and co-benefits, Land-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and bioenergy, Mitigation, food prices, and food security, Environmental and health effects of adopting healthy and sustainable diets. 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