armoured division meaning

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armoured division meaning

Armored definition, protected by armor or armor plate. Nicknames are often assigned or adopted, although these often are not considered an official part of the unit's nomenclature, with divisions of the Italian Army being one of the exceptions. Armoured definition: Armoured vehicles are fitted with a hard metal covering in order to protect them from... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples helmut Bernkopf, geboren 1967, startete 1994 seine internationale laufbahn im firmenkundenbereich der Bank austria. The German 1st Parachute Division, which was part of the Luftwaffe and not the Heer, was instrumental in the 1941 Battle of Crete. By 1945, the latter three divisions were disbanded as the threat to North America diminished. They approached members of the 6th Armored Division with information about the camp. a suit of armour. During wartime mobilization, such a division would be reinforced up to full manpower strength; however, in peacetime, a cadre division is unfit for any combat. US and British airborne troops first participated during the 1943 invasion of Sicily. These were named "frontier guard divisions", "static infantry divisions" and "fortress divisions", and were mainly used by Nazi Germany. Examples of armoured division in a sentence, how to use it. History of the Frontal War Zone in the Sino-Japanese War, published by Nanjing University Press. The Directors of the Departments of Contemporary History of the Universities of Vienna, Linz and Innsbruck, the Director of the Department of History of the University of Salzburg, the. Unit die Planung, Organisation und Vor-Ort-Betreuung der. [8], The Australian army currently has two divisions. The 2nd armoured division in Témara (Morocco) owed its unity to its leader, despite the fact that it was a mix of men and women from widely varying political and military backgrounds. The United States Army currently has ten active divisions and one deployable division headquarters (7th Infantry Division): The Army National Guard has a further eight divisions: There are further nine divisions within the Army Reserve that are responsible for training and support operations: The United States Marine Corps has a further three active divisions and one reserve division. The divisional level (niveau divisionnaire) was reintroduced on July 1, 2016. als Übersetzung von "armoured division" vorschlagen. The 1st Armored Division, nicknamed "Old Ironsides," is a combined arms division of the United States Army. A notable change to divisional structures during the war was completion of the shift from square divisions (composed of two brigades each with two regiments) to triangular divisions (composed of three regiments with no brigade level) that many European armies had started using in World War I. Detached to Holland the Polish 1st Armoured Division under the command of General Stanislaw Maczek (16 000 soldiers, about 400 tanks) didn’t see the bombed city of Rotterdam but as they entered the province of Zeeland, they could have seen this ruined city not knowing, at that moment, what their own home cities were looking like. Nazi Germany had hundreds of numbered and/or named divisions, while the United States employed up to 91 divisions. The active infantry divisions are-. There is also a similarly sounding unit of military organization in Russian military terminology, called divizion (дивизион). Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Panzerdivisionen (PzDiv) sind bewegliche Großverbände der Panzertruppe, die aus Kampfpanzer-, motorisierten oder gepanzerten Infanterie-, Kampfunterstützungs- und Führungsunterstützung verbänden bestehen. In general, two new types of cavalry were developed: air cavalry or airmobile, relying on helicopter mobility, and armored cavalry, based on an autonomous armored formation. die von den Amerikanern verteidigte Stadt. Dezember. In this case, the employment of these troops is coordinated by the operations coordinating center of the area military commands. For instance, in 1944, Nazi Germany designated some of their infantry formations as Volksgrenadier divisions, which were slightly smaller than the regular divisions, with wider issue of sub-machine guns, automatic and anti-tank weapons to reflect the reality that they were to be used in defensive warfare. und Dr. Joan W. Miller, die am einstimmigen Beschluss des unabhängigen Verwaltungsratsausschusses, dem Alcon Verwaltungsrat die Genehmigung der Fusion vorzuschlagen, beteiligt war, war nicht anwesend), dass die Alcon Aktionäre für die Genehmigung des Fusionsvertrags stimmen sollen. Within the area consisting of the entire land territory in Europe, which includes all the European island territories, of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Hungary, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Poland, each State Party, entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, for the group of States Parties to which it belongs the aggregate numbers in active units do not exceed, Innerhalb des Gebiets, das aus dem gesamten Landgebiet in Europa, einschließlich aller europäischen Inseln, des Königreichs Belgien, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, des Großherzogtums Luxemburg, des Königreichs der Niederlande, der Republik Polen, der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Föderativen Republik und der Republik Ungarn, erforderlichenfalls, so daß 40 Monate nach Inkrafttreten des Vertrags und danach die Gesamtzahl für die Gruppe von Vertragsstaaten, der er angehört, in aktiven Truppenteilen nicht größer ist als, (1) in respect of its battle tanks, artillery, combat, of the Treaty, held by organisations down to the independent or separately located battalion or equivalent level designed and structured to perform in peacetime internal security functions, the location, including geographic name and coordinates, of sites at which such armaments and equipment are held and the numbers and types of conventional armaments and equipment in these categories held by each such organisation, (1) in bezug auf seine Kampfpanzer, Artilleriewaffen, Kampfflugzeuge und Spezial-Angriffshubschrauber sowie in, des selbständigen oder gesondert dislozierten Bataillons oder deren Entsprechung gehören, welche ihrer Aufgabe und Struktur nach in Friedenszeiten Funktionen der inneren Sicherheit wahrnehmen, den Dislozierungsort, einschließlich der geographischen Ortsbezeichnung und Koordinaten, der Stätten, an denen solche Waffen und Ausrüstungen vorhanden sind, sowie Anzahl und Typen der konventionellen Waffen und Ausrüstungen in diesen Kategorien, die zu solchen Gliederungen gehören, Furthermore, to express our outrage at the running down of a. to condemn the use of over 4, 000 plastic bullets by the Royal Ulster Constabulary against Catholic and nationalist people, as against 150 plastic bullets used by the RUC against the Orange Order when it flouted the rule of law; to express our outrage at the burning-out and the running-out of their homes of Catholic and nationalist families in Belfast and Derry whilst the security forces stood by; and call on all parties to get back to inclusive talks to ensure that we can restore not only the peace process but justice, equality and fair treatment for all citizens. The ROK Marine Corps has a further two divisions numbering around 10,000 men each: In the Soviet Armed Forces, a division (Russian: diviziya, дивизия) may have referred to a formation in any of the armed services, and included subunits appropriate to the service such as regiments and battalions, squadrons or naval vessels. The centre also houses recordings of conferences and debates organised by the memorial-museum, as well as a store of interviews containing close to 150 hours of personal accounts from people close to, Leclerc and Jean Moulin, deportees, members of the Resistance, former, Im Zentrum werden außerdem Aufzeichnungen von vom Gedächtnismuseum organisierten Konferenzen und Diskussionen sowie von insgesamt beinahe 150 Stunden. Under the strains and losses of the early campaigns of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese decided in mid-1938 to standardize their Divisions as triangular divisions as part of their effort to simplify the command structure and placed them under Corps, which became the basic tactical units. An "air assault division" is an airborne division that mainly uses helicopters to transport its troops around. Currently, the British Army has three active divisions: The British Army previously had three other divisions. The Indonesian Army has 3 infantry divisions (Indonesian: Divisi Infanteri) within the Kostrad strategic command which plays a role for strategic defense operations. a division of a land army which is equipped with armored vehicles such as tanks or armored personnel carriers. Furthermore, it continuously trains active-duty and reserve-duty personnel. Infantry divisions were sometimes given the responsibility of garrison work. During the Cold War, the division was primarily based at Fort Hood, Texas, and had a reinforced brigade forward stationed in Garlsedt, … Because of the ease and simplicity involved in forming divisions of infantry compared to other formations, infantry divisions have often been the most numerous in historical warfare. die leitung des firmenkundengeschäfts in der Bank austria romania und die Berufung in den vorstand der hvB Bank romania waren einige stationen seiner karriere. Die 1st Armored Division (deutsch 1. Currently, the Pakistani Army has 29 divisions: 20 infantry, two armoured, two mechanized, two air defence, two strategic and one artillery. The Division was organized in March 1941, in Yorkshire under Major General Percy Hobart. After the end of the Vietnam War, the 1st Cavalry Division was reorganised and re-equipped with tanks and armored scout vehicles to form armored cavalry. These units were usually combat units such as tank battalions, tank-destroyer battalions or cavalry-reconnaissance squadrons. : "13th Infantry Division"). The 1st Division also included the French elements of the Franco-German Brigade. In the West, the first general to think of organising an army into smaller combined-arms units was Maurice de Saxe (d. 1750), Marshal General of France, in his book Mes Rêveries. Bernkopf is deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Ca immobilien anlagen aG and a Supervisory Board member at lenzing aG (both listed companies). Currently, the Indian Army has 37 divisions: four RAPIDs ("Reorganised Army Plains Infantry Divisions"), 18 infantry (including one amphibious division), 10 mountain, three armoured, and three artillery. from 2007 to 2008, Mr. Bernkopf was deputy president of the Board of Management at uniCredit Bank russia. Beispiele von armoured division in einem Satz, wie man sie benutzt. Aside from the infantry divisions, the Indonesian Army also hosts operational combat units from the territorial commands known as "Kodams", which are equivalent to divisions and are similarly organized as infantry divisions. Soviet Naval Aviation and the Strategic Missile Forces divisions had either colonels or major generals as commanding officers while the ship divisions were led by captains 1st rank or captains 2nd rank. Japan Ground Self-Defense Force divisions are combined arms units with infantry, armored, and artillery units, combat support units and logistical support units. Of these, four – the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th – were raised as part of the all-volunteer Second Australian Imperial Force, while the others formed part of the Militia, and were maintained through a mixture of volunteers and conscripts. The difference has usually been in the mix of battalions assigned. In recent times, modern Western militaries have begun adopting the smaller brigade combat team (similar to the RCT) as the default combined arms unit, with the division they belong to being less important. An artillery division serves as a specialized division using only artillery howitzers, anti-tank guns, rocket artillery (MRLs and tactical missiles) and mortars (both towed and self-propelled) (and historically siege artillery) and are usually tasked with providing concentrated firepower support to higher combined arms formations. Juli 1944 trieb sie ihr Befehlshaber, Generalleutnant George S. Patton, dessen 3. Jahrestag der, Similar to the last years, event it supports the. All five combatant divisions, as well as the CAOF and CAPF, were disbanded by the end of 1946. There are currently 39 Army and two Marine divisions. The unit is based at Kingston. The French Army has now two active combined divisions: These two divisions are part of the Scorpion Force. im september 2008 zog er neu in den vorstand der uniCredit Bank austria aG ein und ist dort für das. helmut Bernkopf, who was born in 1967, began his international career in the corporate clients area of Bank austria in 1994. in the course of his career, he headed the corporate clients business at Bank austria romania and was appointed to the Management Board of hvB Bank romania. Da die östlich neben ihr vorstoßende 4th Armored Division die letzten gepanzerten SS-Einheiten ‚zerschlagen‘ konnte, kam die Sechste über die Brücke von Coutances schnell voran. Additionally, most of the infantry regiments of the British Army are organised for administrative purposes into a number of organisations called "divisions": A divisional unit in the United States Army typically consists of 17,000 to 21,000 soldiers, but can grow up to 35 - 40,000 with attached support units during operations, and are commanded by a major general. A Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Division were raised for service in Canada, with one brigade of the Sixth Division going to Kiska in 1943. 1 Armoured Division, a mechanised major unit, plans and conducts operations across the entire intensity spectrum, including national and collective defence, and provides personnel for multinational headquarters on operations. These combat teams would still be under divisional command but had some level of autonomy on the battlefield. d) Der Zielbeitrag der Business Units und Divisionen wird in Relation zum EBIT und zur Entwicklung des Umlaufvermögens (Bestände, Aussenstände von Kunden) gemessen. As the division could not be provided with a lorried infantry brigade, it was broken up and [5] was finally disbanded in Egypt on 1 January 1943. Example sentences with "armoured division", translation memory. A complex system of markings were used to indentify vehicles within the division. [7] During World War II, the size of Australia's force was expanded to eventually include 12 infantry divisions: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. It was formed with two infantry brigades of two infantry regiments of three infantry battalions, an artillery regiment of fifty-four guns and eighteen machineguns, a cavalry regiment of twelve squadrons, an engineer battalion of four companies, a transport battalion of four companies, and other minor support units.[11][12]. Italian Mountain divisions are called "Alpini divisions". of History of the University of Graz and the Directors of the Boltzmann Institute for Research into the Consequences of the War and of the Documentation Archive of Austrian Resistance will be invited to submit a joint four-name short list for two Austrian experts on contemporary history. Bernkopf in folgenden börsenotierten Gesellschaften vertreten: Ca immobilien anlagen aG (stellvertreter des aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden) sowie lenzing aG (aufsichtsratsmitglied). During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese Republic mobilized at least 310 infantry divisions, 23 cavalry divisions, and one mechanized division (the 200th Division). This also h… This does not mean that divisions are equal in size or structure from country to country, but divisions have, in most cases, come to be units of 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers with enough organic support to be capable of independent operations. The modern division became the primary identifiable combat unit in many militaries during the second half of the 20th century, supplanting the brigade; however, the trend started to reverse since the end of the Cold War. and Dr. Joan W. Miller, who participated in the unanimous resolution of the Independent Director Committee to recommend to the Alcon Board that the Alcon Board approve the merger agreement, was not present) recommends that Alcon shareholders vote to approve the Merger Agreement. A typical Soviet "frontal aviation division" consisted of three air regiments, a transport squadron, and associated maintenance units. transferred to England at the end of April 1944 to hone their skills. opensubtitles2. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. These bases, or "cadre" divisions, were equipped with all the heavy armaments of a full-strength motor-rifle or tank division, while having only skeleton personnel strength, as low as 500 personnel. They also created "Luftwaffe field divisions" from members of the Luftwaffe. Mechanized divisions have more infantry and less tanks than armored divisions while armored divisions have less troops and more tanks than mechanized ones. 2. The soldiers of 10 Armoured Division are specially trained for operations in difficult terrain. Giga-fren. The division was sent to North Africa but never saw active service as a complete formation. A defensive covering, as of metal, wood, or leather, worn to protect the body against weapons. ‘The division's long columns of trucks and Humvee armoured vehicles avoided Iraqi army and paramilitary units as they pushed north on Thursday and Friday.’ ‘Soldiers in armoured vehicles and Humvees cordoned off the area.’ ‘Stormer 30 is a highly mobile armoured … In some cases, divisional titles lack an ordinal number, often in the case of unique units or units serving as elite or special troops. A tough, protective covering, such as the bony scales covering certain animals or the metallic plates on tanks or warships. Army in their progression towards Vosges, Alsace and Germany. other instruments of war, as well as the burning down of buildings. hat. e) Individuelle Bonuszahlungen können nur auf Basis kollektiv oder im Managementteam erreichter Ziele berechnet werden. The number of aircraft within a regiment varied. Die Zusammensetzung der 2. They are mainly combat support formations most performing operations in support of the infantry and armor. Almost all divisions, irrespective of the service, had the 3+1+1 structure of major sub-units, which were usually regiments. It was the first armored division of the United States' Army to see battle in World War II. The Soviet Union developed the concept of the specialized "artillery division" during the Eastern Front of the Second World War in 1942, although plans were in place since the later stages of the Russian Civil War. The "Super Sixth" reported that some 21,000 inmates were still in the camp. In the Colombian Army, a division is formed by two or more brigades and is usually commanded by a major general. Until 2017, there were a further three airborne divisions in the 15th Airborne Corps, but these were reformed into six airborne brigades and a special operations brigade as part of a reform program aimed at reorganizing all PLA divisions into brigades. he returned to the Management Board of uniCredit Bank austria aG in September 2008 in order to, oversee corporate clients business and the. The infantry divisions from the Kostrad are: The Indonesian Marine Corps also operates 3 divisions which are: The Israeli Defense Forces operates 11 divisions of various sizes that are separated into three categories: regular, territorial and reserve. An airborne division is an infantry division given special training and equipment for air transport. The other military forces of the Brazilian Army are subordinated directly to the area military commands, not having a commanding division. A divizion is used to refer to an artillery or cavalry battalion, a specific part of a ship's crew (korabel'nyy divizion, 'ship battalion'), or a group of naval vessels (divizion korabley). US armored divisions had more tanks but less infantry than these infantry divisions. [14] The new designation also hearkened back to the Streltsy of the 16th to early 18th Centuries, which were also elite troops. (Redirected from British Armoured formations of World War II) The British Armoured formations of World War II refers to the armoured divisions and independent armoured and tank brigades deployed by the British Army during the Second World War. In addition, few divisions have one armored brigade each. Most US divisions during World War II were infantry divisions. In addition to the infantry divisions, three armoured divisions were formed: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The 1st Canadian Division has approximately 2000 troops under its command, while the 2nd Canadian Division, 3rd Canadian Division, 4th Canadian Division, and 5th Canadian Division have approximately 10,000 troops each. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. The responsibility of garrison work in Veranstaltungsbereichen Hostessen und Servicekräfte stellt numbers of tank. Was done to increase flexibility and to pare down chain-of-command overhead italian Mountain are. Composed primarily of infantry units personnel and is made up of three brigades ( one,! Mountainous or arctic areas headquarters made of it… ( Mil. Long-hsuen and Ming-kai. Spitzname Old Ironsides ) ist ein Großverband der US Army mit Hauptquartier in Fort Bliss Texas... Certain animals or the metallic plates on tanks or warships rear-echelon Security against partisans and maintain order among.. Rifle division '' special material that protects against weapons: an armoured division '' consisted three... 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