is it haram to touch a dog

He could not fathom a God who would condemn such loving, loyal creatures. Are dogs haram to keep? This will also give non-Muslims a true reflection of Islam, aiding dawah. If a person touches a dog or a dog touches him, that does not mean that he has to purify himself, whether with soil or water. What he said is the saliva CAN lead to hydrophobia which is the terminal symptom of rabies, a CNS virus transmitted through saliva. In the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina, the second holiest site in the world for Muslims after the Kaaba, dogs were regularly seen frolicking about during the Prophets life and for centuries after as well.. Dogs can be kept as a guard, hunter etc. In this instance, I am referring particularly to healthy, happy animals belonging to Muslims, being brought in to be put to death. Webanthony apocalypse costume; mark dellagrotte record; shohreh aghdashloo ever after; wendy's employment verification; is it haram to wear shorts to sleep It is not haraam to own a dog, though it is not hygienic and, therefore, not permissible to keep a dog in the house. The question still lingers especially from the scholars perspectives: how does a dog guard a place not permissible for its entrance, but could follow a criminal in it and chase him out? Investigating the sources, he discovered that the hadith in question not only derived from an unreliable chain of sources but reflected views far more consistent with pre-Islamic Arab customs and attitudes. (Umdat al-Qari, 12/158). 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A dog, if in our possession, as with everything else we claim to own, belongs ultimately to Allah (swt). 99 Names of Allah The traditionalist camp, led by Malaysia's religious bureaucracy, stated the importance of adhering to only one school of thought. To avoid dealing with dogs, they may offer reasons (Im allergic) or highlight the religious uncleanliness of dogs. In the Holy Quraan (S4:36) we are advised to do good to what your right hands own According to the commentator Imaam Faghruddin al-Rhazi, this refers to all those who have no civil rights, including animals. [We will be accountable for how] we look after our animals and what we use them for ? He whom Allah guides is the [rightly] guided, but he whom He leaves astray never will you find for him a protecting guide. Why, then, do many Muslims appear to have issues with dogs? There is one part I would challenge Dr.Naik in his answer is where he says the saliva of the dog can lead to disease, one of them is hydrophobia. His home is dominated by two elements that symbolize much about Islams ideological tensions today: dogs and books. This would fall into the small number of cases. Now they will only talk on the phone, no video. This article originally appeared in Animal Voice, published by Compassion in World Farming, South Africa. 7. Even pigs, which the Quran states are haram and describes as an abomination (rijs) are not najis (impure) to such an extent. The appeal goes out to those Muslims: Please do not abuse or neglect any animal. So yes, even animals are Muslim. If you touch a dog when it is not wet, then your hand does not become impure. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account The Prophet said: "Whoever keeps a dog, neither as a watch dog nor as a hunting dog, will get a daily deduction of two Qirat from his good deeds." 'Bukhari Sharif, The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: Angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or an animate picture. in service of Almighty Allah (swt). So you can see the hassle of washing if a dog licks something. Maybe because of this Muslims stay away from dog. Again, it is not a sin to touch a dog, you just need to follow the hadith if a dog licks your clothes or utensils. Thanks for contributing an answer to Islam Stack Exchange! Dogs are impure and filthy, but unfortunately we find that some people are attracted to the ways of the disbelievers and their filthy habits, so they have started to keep dogs unnecessarily for no reason, keeping them, training them and cleaning them even though they can never be clean, even if they were washed with the waters of the ocean, because they are essentially impure. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Islam forbids Muslims to keep dogs, and the punishment for that is that the one who does that loses one or two qirats from his hasanat (good deeds) each day. Required fields are marked *. See: Amrad al-hayawanat allati tusib al-insan (Animal diseases that affect humans) by Dr. Ali Ismail Ubayd al-Snafi. And you would think them awake, while they were asleep. Once again, Islam [was] used as an excuse for this un-Islamic action. Some Muslims believe that dogs are impure animals and WebKeeping a dog in your home is considered haram in Islam by the majority opinion of Islamic scholars. Veterinary surgeon, Dr. Ayoub Banderker, BVMCh, wrote this article to coincide with the holy month of Ramadaan. One must make their own decision. JAKIM argued that keeping a pet dog violates the norms of the Shafi'i school and undermines Islam in Malaysia. Read Qul Auzu Bi Rabbin Falak with English Meaning. It is better to pray this way. Because they are unfamiliar with a dogs indications and actions, a rambunctious animal charging at them is perceived as hostile rather than amusing. Is it haram or even undesirable for us to touch dogs? In islam keeping dogs is prohibited in your house as a pet. According to some Islamic scholars, it is only halal to keep a dog for hunting or guarding livestock and/or crops. However, some scholars believe it is permissible to own a dog outside of these three reasons, provided certain criteria are met (source). (whether keeping dogs as pets is haram or halal). (Fatawa Hindiyyah p.362 v.5) Saaiduna Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said, Whoever keeps a dog which is neither a watch dog nor a hunting dog, will get a daily deduction of two Qiraat from his good deeds. The real tragedy is that many of these Muslims still do this in the name of Islam and openly express such ignorant views. This ruling is based on a hadith a secondhand account of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, which states: "Cleanse your vase which the dog licked by washing it seven times and the first is with earth (soil).". The real tragedy is that many of these Muslims believe that they are [performing these cruel acts] in the name of Islam and openly express such ignorant views. Syed Azmi Alhabshi, a Muslim-Malaysian pharmacist, is among the people encouraging more compassion towards dogs. When a non-Muslim is cruel to an animal, it is considered an individuals action, but when a Muslim does it, non-Muslims see it as an Islamic practice. Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl with his rescued dogs. But while conservatives advocate complete avoidance, moderates simply say Muslims should not touch the animals mucous membranes such as the nose or mouth which are considered especially impure. We, as Muslims, are custodians of this beautiful planet. Because it Unclean! If on judgement day you learned you were wrong then at least you can hold your head up and say with sincerity you did your best. More answers below Islam: Mekhi Now these services are expanded as guide dogs and Muslims should not react so harshly. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account The Quran makes no direct assertion for forbidding dogs as pets and only has positive things about them. So if the wetness of the dogs hair gets onto ones garment or body, that does not make it najis. (Majmu al-Fatawa, 21/530. This is the view of al-Shafi'i and is one of the two views narrated from Ahmad. In the 1930s, the Crown Prince of the State of Kelantan, then part of British Malaya, wanted to keep a dog but was opposed by his sister. Muslims are custodians of this beautiful planet. That is because the basic principle is that substances are tahir, and it is not permissible to regard anything as najis or haram without evidence, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): while He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity? [al-Anam 6:119], And Allah will never lead a people astray after He has guided them until He makes clear to them as to what they should avoid [al-Tawbah 9:115]. 1. Based on this, most Islamic Teachings Al-Bukhaari and Muslim reported from Abu It is legal if a dog is maintained for protection, herding, or hunting. It can be a lot of work to wash items seven times for everything they lick, dogs are okay. This gives a distorted picture to others who are not Muslim. However, like any other animal that a Muslim would like to keep, reasoning must prevail. The house of Islam contains nearly 2 billion believers, but keeping it together is a challenge. (S18: 18-22). WebWhen the dog's saliva is touched, the wudu is not invalidated. In a nutshell It is haram because having a pet reduces your good acts by qirat (mountain). How we care for animals and what we use them for we will be accountable for to Allah (swt). They are a symbol of the irrationality of our tradition, the privileging of law over humaneness., How, he asks, pointing to Honey, who constantly follows him and nestles at his side, does God create animals with these natural tendencies and then condemn them as thoroughly reprehensible?, Take that matter of dogs, for instance. It is a fundamental tenet of Islam that everything is permissible, except those things that have been explicitly banned. If you had looked at them, you would have turned from them in flight and been filled by them with terror. (Quran 18:17-18). Contents Upon leaving it, he saw a dog which was panting out of thirst. There are several scholarly views about reconciling the reports which say one qirat and those which say two qirats. Sometimes, he takes the dog for jogging, pats the dog, kisses the dog etc. Abandoned pets cannot fend for themselves, with the result that they starve and experience untold suffering, cruelty, and an eventual, agonizing death. However, it should be emphasized that one of the Islamic primary schools of thought (Maliki) claims that this is merely a common-sense strategy for preventing the transmission of sickness rather than a question of ritual hygiene. In Surah Kaf, mention is made about the companions of the cave and their dog (S18:18-22). As Abou El Fadl speaks, Honey snoozes near his side. Basically ruling for dogs are as follow: If you own a dog it must have a job : "herding, hunting, guarding, sniffer dog, blind guide dog, etc" You should not own a dog as a pet, otherwise you will lose good deeds for each day you keep a dog as a pet without giving it a job to do. 30 Major Haram | Amazing info. Your email address will not be published. Again, it is not a sin to touch a dog, you just need to follow the hadith if a dog licks your clothes or utensils. He whom Allah guides is the [rightly] guided, but he whom He leaves astray never will you find for him a protecting guide. Answer Praise be to Allah. There are two mentions of dogs in the Quran. All men, they halt at the doorway and wont come in or do an exam. However, cruelty and neglect of animals still occur daily throughout the world. In much of the Muslim world, dogs are decidedly not mans best friend. If you touch a dog when it is wet, this means that the hand becomes impure and must be washed seven times, one of which should be with earth. Prophet Stories The Prophet (peace and blessings Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have ones animals taken care of as well. Get more stories that go beyond the news cycle with our weekly newsletter. Or agree. If we ill treat any of His creation, we will be questioned about it on the Day of Judgment. "Raising or keeping a dog inside the house is not allowed in Islam under any circumstances, and even prevents the Angels of Mercy from entering the house, and deducts a large amount of a Muslim's worship reward on every single day," Dr Ali Mashael, Chief Mufti at the Department of However, maintaining a dog for hunting is no problem, just as keeping a dog to defend your home is no problem. It, thus, becomes our duty to protect, employ with dignity, and promote the well-being of any animal in our care. Do dogs like to bathe? An interesting note Bilal Philips makes is a dog who licks the hand of a Muslim would not break ablution. Im not a fan of confusing statements that is why I chose Islam over Christianity. Because she gave the dog water, she was rewarded with forgiveness. Arent dogs meant to be a mans best friend? Many Muslims say this caution toward dogs is fundamentally a matter of hygiene. The scholars said that leftover water from which a dog has drunk and the saliva of dogs are naajis (unclean, impure), and that vessels and garments licked by a dog must be washed. In this way, we are expressing our thankfulness to Allah (swt) for His blessings in a practical manner. Probably the owner! Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog that is trained for hunting or a dog for herding livestock, his reward will decrease each day by two qirats. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5059; Muslim, 2941; according to another version narrated by them both, one qeirat). If you touch a dog when it is not wet, then your hand does not become impure, but if you touch it when it is wet, this means that the hand becomes impure, according to the opinion of many scholars, and the hand must be washed seven times, one of which should be with earth. If the saliva of a dog touches you or any part of your clothing, then it is required of you to wash the body part touched and the The following hadith explains exactly what a qirat is. Summary: Sheikh Assim It is haram as owning a pet decreases your deeds by qirat (mountain). Online Quran However, there is one very disturbing event that occurs with the approach of every month of Ramadaan. Hydrophobia is not a disease, it is simply a phobia or fear specifically of water. According to several authoritative accounts of his life and teachings, the Prophet Muhammad himself prayed in the presence of dogs. The question still lingers especially from the scholars perspectives: how does a dog guard a place not permissible for its entrance, but could follow a criminal in it and chase him out? If one cannot afford to feed, shelter, and maintain ones animals, and a new home cannot be found for them, take them to one of the many animal welfare organizations where there is at least a chance of the animals finding a new home. It shows that Muslims continue to assess what Islam means for them, at times drawing from tradition, and at other times challenging existing traditions. An exception has been made in the case of keeping dogs for hunting, guarding livestock and guarding crops . She didnt say exactly why are we not allowed to touch it. But as ubiquitous as they've become, for some travellers the canines are a source of trepidation and I'm not talking about drug traffickers., Dua For Patience In Islam (Importance of Controlling Your Anger). The Quran mentions dogs for the second time in Al-Kahf. The second mention of Dogs from The Quran is found in Al-Kahf. And you would think them awake while they were asleep. Going through seve (7) times of purification whenever a good deed is done to a dogs is strenuous, and yet we are to be kind to dogs. As the debate in Malaysia intensified, Malaysian Muslims actively discussed the subject, including on social media. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: With regard to dogs, there are three views among the scholars: 1 That they are tahir (pure), even their saliva . The Muslim should not imitate the kuffar by running with the dog or touching its mouth and kissing it, which causes many diseases. Only because some ass that didnt like dogs said it and others let it be accepted even though it was only hearsay. It is cruel, and therefore haraam, to keep any animal in a cage so small that it cannot behave in a natural way. If you feel doubtful of anything try as hard as possible to avoid it. 6. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Summary: Bilal Phillips can we keep a dog for protection in the house? There are many Muslims who care well for their animals, and this article is aimed at those who are misinformed. There is, however, quite a different unknown strand of thinking about dogs in Islam, a long history of positive interactions between Muslims and dogs that goes back to the religions very beginnings. Dogs are part of Allahs creation. In 2017, the Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) issued a religious ruling reprimanding a Muslim woman for uploading a Facebook post showing pictures of her pet dog Bubu. WebEven though dogs are considered haram, there are exceptions. It is not permissible to keep dogs as pets in the homes of Muslims. Is it haram to have a dog? With regard to the way in which purification from the najasah of a dog is to be done, this has been explained in the answers to questions no. But not everyone feels this way, and the debate has generated a broader doctrinal dispute about Islamic jurisprudence and the flexibility of religious tradition. If God does not like dogs to be kept as pets, why is it not in the Quran? who does miles end up with in degrassi, 3 methyl 4 pentyne structural formula, gregory ybarra actor blue bloods, Narrated by them with terror Stack Exchange how ] we look after our animals and we! Muslims should not imitate the kuffar by running with the dog, if in our possession, as with else! Charging at them is perceived as hostile rather than amusing keeping it together is a fundamental tenet of contains. The appeal goes out to those Muslims: Please do not abuse neglect. It najis in a nutshell it is not permissible to keep, must... 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