gentrification in west philadelphia

She is the Highbrow Editor for 34th Street. Galleries and restaurants followed the arriving middle class. A hallmark of gentrification in Philadelphia are modest, older homes in the shadow of often modern condo complexes. To many Philadelphians, neighborhood renewal represented the best hope for the citys revitalization. This resurgence was fueled by a demographic upheaval which found baby boomers, new immigrants, and young college graduates choosing cities over suburbs. After decades of slow economic decline from the loss of industrial mills and manufacturing plants, Philadelphia officials offered tax incentives to small businesses and property owners in Manayunk during the 1980s to spur redevelopment and bring more middle-class residents into the area. Restaurants, shops, barstheyve all widened the Penn bubble. Johnson attended the meeting along with his collaborator Wiley Cunningham, folks from Police Free Penn, a police abolitionist student organization from the University of Pennsylvania, and members of Penn Housing 4 All. Beginning in the mid-1950s, Philadelphiaunder the aegis of City Planning Commission Executive Director Edmund Bacon (1910-2005)attempted to reimagine and revive Center City as an attractive residential zone. The black population in West Philly has decreased by 29% from 2000 to 2012. On Sept. 29, just minutes into freshman convocation, Liz Magills first major speech as University of Pennsylvania president was disrupted by about 100 protesters. DuBois seminal 1899 work of urban sociology, The Philadelphia Negro, catalogued the lives and labors of those living in the predominantly African-American Seventh Warda narrow rectangular strip that spanned the southern edge of Center City Philadelphia, from the Schuylkill River on the west to Sixth Street on the east. More than 240,000 households citywide (40% of all households) are forced to spend 30% or more of their income on housing. Its not a fight about lofty plans for the future, but about a communitys ability to defend their actual homes. Nobody had gotten vouchers; nobody was really able to get in contact with the relocation specialist. Gentrification Takes Off: 1990s and 2000s. Notice that many of the suburban and industrial areas were ineligible to gentrify because they had too few people or were too wealthy. The top three means of transportation people in West Philadelphia use to get to work are: car, bus or trolley bus and walking. The encampment also received support from organizations like Labor for Black Lives, which pulled together several local union chapters to demand Mayor Jim Kenney and city leaders preserve the Townhomes. At the same time, Greater Philadelphia enjoyed an influx of foreign immigration, which helped to repopulate neighborhoods in South and West Philadelphia. But tensions rose as young, mostly white, suburban-raised Temple students began to move in. The Philadelphia City Council, however, failed to pass a similar measure. I think that Penn students are complicit in Penntrification, though I think that the more significant blame lies with the institution, Casey adds. In the following decades, it encouraged professors to invest in the neighborhood by providing mortgage incentives and funds for building rehabilitations. Many residents wonder if this is an example of gentrification, with a shiny development pushing out a community institution, or if the center fulfills an actual community need not currently met. At 78.5 percent African American in 1990, the neighborhood was less than one-third Black by 2014. The overlay district sits in a West Philadelphia neighborhood that has been subject to gentrification. A neighborhood group in Philadelphia is asking opponents of a proposed apartment building to mail in poop samples as part of a study on how gentrification impacts cancer rates. WHYY story by Katie Colaneri. Urban Renewal & Gentrification Marker. For the most part, Penn is now a good steward of the neighborhoods it inhabits, he explains. Developed alongside people on the frontlines of injustice, Prism will help deepen your understanding on the most pressing issues of our time. Economic Insights While gentrification's effects are widely studied and debated, less attention is paid to what drives gentrification itself. Neighborhood shoppers were not drawn to the modern building design and its variety of restaurants and specialty shops. In the ensuing decades, Society Hill became a touchstone for supporters and detractors of gentrification. Gentrification doesn't erase drug crime and gun violence. Many uprooted residents resettled elsewhere in the citysome moving to adjoining neighborhoods still awaiting rehabilitation, some following cheaper rents to inner-ring suburbs. As a result of these secular changes, more formerly depressed neighborhoods saw increased investment. As in Society Hill, Queen Villages African Americans were the most dramatically affected by gentrification. But in reality theyre just untrained, typically nonchalant kids.. Soon after, Penn moved westward. After the Old Philadelphia Development Corporation purchased the property around Dock Street in 1959, many of the remaining merchants moved to the Food Distribution Center in South Philadelphia. Census data, when adjusted for inflation, indicates a massive jump in Philadelphia property valuesan average increase 213% since 2000. While there are many other residents and organizers involved in the coalition at this pointincluding over 50 organizations listed as allies on their websiteAlexander and Johnson represent a core aspect of the struggle: a tight relationship between militant housing activists and fiercely committed residents fighting for their community and for the ability to defend their homes from the profiteering motive of the property owner. Indeed, the effect of these localized neighborhood transformations could not stem the continued exodus from the city. Fighting Gentrification in West Philadelphia. To assist working-class residents near Southwark who could not afford the increased costs of living in the newly gentrified neighborhood, the Philadelphia Housing Authority in the late 1960s built three apartment buildings, named the Southwark Plaza, along Washington Avenue between Third and Fifth Streets. Rasheda Alexander, a resident council member at the development, remembers seeing a few organizers tabling near the parking lot on weekends in the winter. After serving in the United States Navy during WWII, Bacon joined the Philadelphia City Planning Commission and became the executive director of the committee in 1949. The late 1970s saw the arrival of thousands of Southeast Asians; in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, they were joined by waves of Indians, Koreans, Chinese, and Mexicans. By 1990, that figure had fallen to 20 percent. She recalls that the value of her parents house appreciated 400% in the time they lived in Philly. Older Penn alums may never have ventured West of 41st Street Penn students now regularly grab drinks at Local 44 at 43rd St. and Spruce or brunch at The Farmacy at 44th. From the Feds press release: the losses were especially acute in University City. Ira, explains it as, West Philadelphia experiences [loss of affordable housing] to a much greater extent because home values appreciate so much faster than income.. (The late stage, at least for San Francisco, with its affordable housing crisis, isn't so desirable . But neither was it entirely unwelcome. In 2014, Philadelphia City Council enacted the Longtime Owner Occupants Program (LOOP). Long-term residents are forced to move away from jobs and social networks. Yet even in the midst of this apparent nadir, there were glimmers of hope. He mentions the Pennovation Center, housed in an old DuPontowned paint factory. The gentrification of drug blocks specifically, as opposed to all gentrifying blocks in Philadelphia, accounted for roughly 2,400 additional shootings during the 10 years of his study. As part of the redevelopment of Society Hill in the 1970s, the NewMarket was an attempt by real estate developers to create a modern shopping center within walking distance of local residents. Even during that mid-century nadir, however, there were stirrings of renewal. By the late 1980s, Manayunks Main Street boasted dozens of new shops, bars, and restaurants, many housed in refurbished historic buildings. Ella is critical of her former school, and how she thinks it serves the University and its facultys families more than unaffiliated West Philly residents. Penn Alexander receives operating contribution of $1330 per student from the university, in addition to staffing and teaching assistance from Penns Graduate School of Education. These arrivistes chose to live inand work to renewa historic and diverse part of the city. The students have been moved into a new building at 4901 Chestnut. Gentrification could not occur without the initial separation of Greater Philadelphia's residents by class, race, and country of origin. Rents rise, and residents like Clare Finn, who grew up in West Philly and lives there now as an adult, are priced out of their own neighborhoods.. The rapid influx of wealthier homebuyers triggered alarming demographic changes. Philadelphia did not become the international stage as Bacon had hoped. The thing that we wont have is you evicting dozens of, hundreds of elderly Black people and putting them on the street and possibly leading to their early deaths. Spring Gardenwith its attractive housing stock and proximity to Center Citybegan to experience gentrification by the mid-1970s. With the passage of the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act, developers could enjoy up to a 25 percent tax credit on the cost of rehabilitating certified historic structures. The city filled in Dock Creek in 1784 and paved the new land with stones, creating Dock Street. Even though Black residents fought gentrificationforming an anti-displacement group that demanded low-income housing optionstheir efforts were largely unsuccessful. Phyllis Dennis (C 76), then a PVDA employee, recalls the meeting, saying that Penns representatives brought in a massive map covered in blue and red pins, which represented planned university development both on and offcampus. In the 1960s, sociologist Ruth Glass provided an evergreen definition of gentrification: when working class quarters have been invaded by the middle classuntil all or most of the working class occupiers are displaced and the whole social character of the district is changed., Gentrifications link to displacement is undeniable. A 2016 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia found that the city has lost roughly 20,000 lowcost rental units (rent and utilities under $750) since 2000. Many of the industrial complexes that dotted Philadelphia emptied in the later twentieth century, leaving hulks of buildings towering over the residences that once housed their workers. UCity is just a marketing scheme.. Others were lured by the citys development incentives, which in the late 1990s included a ten-year tax abatement for new construction and large-scale rehabilitations. The area where the UC Townhomes sit used to be known as Black Bottom, a neighborhood of largely working class and working poor African American residents, who were displaced through eminent domain to create UCSC and University City High School, as John L. Puckett, professor emeritus of education at the University of Pennsylvania, writes. The month-long encampment in the Townhomes courtyard by residents and supporters was one of the watershed moments in the fight. The owner intends to sell the property. These actions lasted for months and were eventually settled through an agreement by Philadelphia Housing Authority and the City of Philadelphia to hand over 50 vacant publicly owned houses to a community land trust. There has been a huge uptick in gentrification since 2000. These land seizures, coupled with the 1963 construction of the University City Science Center, fractured the community. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. View Full Report Card. The gentrification taking place in West Philadelphia is often referred to as Penntrification. Universities also continued to play an outsized role in the transformation of their surrounding neighborhoods. Gentrification is the opposite of white flight when residents voluntarily move away as a neighborhood declines. When did . Penn still plans to continue building north of Market and west of 43rd. Theres a magic in that. Not long ago, dilapidated warehouses, abandoned . In 1970, the neighborhood was nearly 50 percent Black. Manayunk, a working-class mill district along the Schuylkill River to the northwest of Center City, was one such area. In a few short years, Southwark saw a dramatic decline in its working-class population along with the conversion of its mixed-use streetscapes into expensive residential-only corridors. In effect, Penn undermined its own efforts to serve its proximate community, by replacing residents with more of their own. In buying up properties in the Black Bottom en masse and then having landlords evict longtime residents, they made space for the nowprimarily commercial development on Market Street. Protect Squirrel Hill, a coalition of neighbors in the Squirrel Hill area of West Philadelphia, rallied April 3 against a proposed luxury apartment building. He described how he was able to find his way as a young immigrant from Jamaica decades ago thanks to the ease of access, and painted a picture of the organic security. Townhomes residents have been able to provide for the communitys children. Gentrification could not occur without the initial separation of Greater Philadelphias residents by class, race, and country of origin. Using an income-based definition of gentrification, only 15 of Philadelphia's 372 residential census tracts were found to have gentrified from 2000 to 2014. This article was originally published at Prism. What good are HBCUs if they mirror the anti-Blackness of the US? It all comes down, in the end, to money. Galvanized around a struggle to defend the University City Townhomes, a 70-unit housing complex that has operated under a Section 8 project-based subsidy program for the last 40 years. Methodology & Disclaimers Solutions are proposed including providing. The apartments had modern amenities and views unavailable to people who purchased a historic row house in Society Hill. The city had the power to seize land under eminent domainwhich allowed them to dice the community with the aim of making West Philly a satisfactory residential community and helping it to fulfill its potential as a center of private research.. The most comprehensive, authoritative reference source ever created for the Philadelphia region. Smith said the development he has seen around Mill Creek and deeper into West Philadelphia are converting apartments into low-income housing. That demonstrated to other residents that fighting back could be effective. But, Dr. Palmer says, the people went everywhere. The candy making there gave way to residential development. It remained to be seen if the city could enjoy the fruits of revival without obliterating its legacy of diverse and vibrant neighborhoods. Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community. At mid-century, the area remained a bastion of Black life, teeming with blues and jazz clubs, barrooms, and Black-owned businesses. In this image from 1977, three children are looking through trash at one of Southwark Plaza's dilapidated playgrounds. Gentrifying tracts experienced the second highest average violent crime rate between 2014 and 2019 at 13.4 per 100 residents, while non-gentrifiable tractsmostly middle- to upper-income and predominantly whitehad the lowest average violent crime rate over the six-year period at 6.7 per 100 residents. The building of bridges across the Schuylkill River further promoted development, including that of hospitals and other benevolent institutions. This "process" is very dangerous as it has a notorious reputation of displacing old residents and creating terrible living situations for those it has not displaced. Residents say Magill has ducked meeting requests for months. For years, the extant Black, Polish, and Jewish communities had mobilized to thwart the plan. The comments are hilarious as they're self aware . The concept of gentrification is a muddled one. Residents of neighborhoods undergoing the most rapid changes watched as their longstanding social networks evaporated. In the West Philadelphia area around Mantua, gentrification is a constant, looming concern. Studies have linked gentrification to a number of health problems for longterm neighborhood residents. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - On Sept. 29, just minutes into freshman convocation, Liz Magill's first major speech as University of Pennsylvania president was disrupted by about 100 protesters. Speculative developers rushed to build housing for Temples expanding off-campus student population in a poverty-stricken African American district west of Broad Street. By the 2010s, Greater Philadelphia was grappling with issues familiar to all urban areas in the midst of gentrification. Real estate prices soon reflected this surge in demand. For the city and real estate developers, it served as a hopeful model for neighborhood revitalization. Specifically, in the case of the UC Townhomes, the struggle exposes the purported and well-defended right of members of an elite property-owning class to make exorbitant profits (some have estimated a sale price of $100 million) from the sale of units that have stood as subsidized housing for 40 years. In order to combat the likelihood of gentrification increasing socioeconomic and racial segregation within cities, the authors note the need for policies like Philadelphia's recently implemented . In July 2021, the owner, IBID Associates LP, announced they would allow their contract with HUD to expire and their intent to sell the property. Disinvestment only intensified after the financial crisis of 2008, as banks tightened up loan requirements and refused to extend credit to the most blighted areas. Its a tradition that continues to this day. The protesters, including students, chanted "Save UC Townhomes" and "stop Penn-trification." Pei designed the towers to incorporate floor-to-ceiling windows along the exterior wall of each apartment, giving occupants expansive views of Philadelphia or the Delaware River. After rallying at City Hall, protesters stormed the BIA networking event at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, confronting developers and public officials. Those newcomers remade Queen Villages physical landscape. May 10, 2017. As the nearby blocks of Queen Village saw large investments from city organizations to restore houses and raise property values, Southwark Plaza apartment buildings had broken elevators, limited electricity, and a trash-filled landscape. Long-time residents resented the intrusion on their tight-knit ethnic communities. In the 1990s, young urban professionals flocked to the area. There were also cultural conflicts between old-timers and newcomers. Cedar Park is one of the hottest areas in the city, and housing values are spiking dramatically. The gentrification of drug blocks specifically, as opposed to all gentrifying blocks in Philadelphia, accounted for roughly 2,400 additional shootings during the 10 years of his study. Hunter, Marcus Anthony. While Temples administration tried to encourage better relations between students and residents, it did little to discourage the spread of private development around its campus. Beginning in the late 1960s, the neighborhood began to change as some white middle-class pioneers were lured to the area by the promise of affordable housing near Center City. As the Bicentennial approached, Bacon proposed that Philadelphia host a worlds fair to coincide with the 1976 celebration. But for many students residing in the Penn Bubble, community issues take a backseat. This move brought with it an influx of capital and incentives for real-estate developers to create housing for well-endowed students. About 75 people took part in the event, held four days before a critical vote at a Zoning Board of Adjustments hearing. In the 2010s, Philadelphia began experimenting with measures designed to stem gentrifications worst effects. In 1960, the black and white shares were 52.4% and 47.2%, respectively. In doing so, it prompted the mass displacement of the neighborhoods poorer residents. One example was Fishtown, an enclave of working-class whites bordering Northern Liberties. Many were put off by their new neighbors perceived unfriendliness or condescension. How do students pop this proverbial bubble? Tracing Philadelphia and its environs since colonial times, Jeffrey Lin finds the same factors propelling neighborhood transformation today. Creating its first maps of gentrification in 2013, Portland was one of the first U.S. cities to use data visualizations in order to better understand neighborhood change and displacement. Portland's Susceptibility to Gentrification Model. Many hundreds of enterprising individuals did just that. March 29, 2021 / in Liberation Radio / by Liberation Center Staff. Factors that had once driven people away from citiestheir density, their older housing stock, the presence of ethnic and racial minoritiesnow drew them back to the urban core. Gentrification is generally good. Does it push long-time residents out in favor of the highest bidder? (Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images), Millennials Are Killing Capitalism podcast, Chinatown residents wont let a global pandemic stop them from fighting gentrification, Philadelphias Chinatown unites to fight back against Sixers covert arena development, Reimagining the university through an abolitionist lens, Immigration advocates urge Biden to reverse proposed near-total asylum ban, DeSantis spends February targeting immigrants, leading up to likely presidential run, Florida college students and educators plan to continue resisting DeSantis censorship. That said, the research request raised ethical red flags for some including Councilmember. They, along with others, led a direct action movement with a large group of the citys homeless population that included squatting in vacant homes and multiple large encampments. But back in February, he got a letter from the property managers telling him and other tenants in the 231-unit building they . In their wake, others moved to the newly-dubbed neighborhood for reasons that were cultural as much as financial. There has been a huge uptick in gentrification since 2000. The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. For the first of three mapping layers, the city's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) used . In the 2010s, Philadelphia tried to strike an equilibrium between development and stasis, renewal and disruption, gentrification and decay. In academics and activism, gentrification is understood as the displacement of a lower-income community in terms of demographic and economic changes. While LOOP promised some relief for homeowners, maintaining the diversity of revitalizing neighborhoods remained a challenge. As Philadelphias population rose for the first time since World War II, an increasing number of neighborhoods outside of Center City began to experience a revival. For many Philadelphians, the 60s and 70s made evident Penns active role in spreading gentrification outward from campus. When a judge ordered the encampment evicted, the sheriff could dismantle the pallet barriers and tents but could not diffuse the energy and momentum the gathering had created. On . During the 1980s, new federal tax credits helped fund the redevelopment of other overlooked neighborhoods. The signs of gentrification can be spotted throughout Philadelphia neighborhoods like Brewerytown, Kensington and West Philadelphia, among others. Anderson, Elijah. CamdenAftertheFall: Decline and Renewal in a Post-Industrial City. He . But as she saw how the situation impacted more vulnerable people in the Townhomes, Alexander decided to get involved. The disruptions of convocation and the BIA meeting and Bishop Barbers gathering all led to a response from a university representative deflecting and downplaying Penns involvement in the sale. This map shows what the gentrification measure we created looks like in Philadelphia between 1990-2000 and 2000- 2010. As middle-class residents returned, formerly moribund commercial corridors came alive with restaurants and shops catering to the well-heeled. Rising housing costs in gentrifying neighborhoods exact real costs in the lives of Philadelphia families. Churches and synagogues, relics of the neighborhoods immigrant past, were converted to market-rate lofts. Heller, Gregory L.Ed Bacon: Planning, Politics, and the Building of Modern Philadelphia. After a city-funded refurbishment effort, its Main Street began to draw young artists and boutique owners in search of a quaint, pedestrian-oriented corridor. During the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries, newly built suburbs outside of Center City intensified these divisions. Pictured here years before his appointment as Executive Director of the Philadelphia Housing Association, Edmund Bacon is sometimes referred to as The Father of Modern Philadelphia. Born in the Philadelphia suburbs in 1910, he studied architecture at Cornell University and introduced a plan for a new civic center for Philadelphia as part of his senior thesis. This process accelerated after its inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984. In particular, the western stretch of this arearebranded as Graduate Hospitalsaw a dramatic influx of young, white, well-off residents, drawn by its proximity to tony Rittenhouse Square and easy accessibility to the University of Pennsylvania. Ira Goldstein, a lecturer in Penns Urban Studies department and the president of Policy Solutions for the Reinvestment Fund, teaches a course on gentrification. Simon, Roger D. and Brian Alnutt, Philadelphia, 1982-2007: Toward the Postindustrial City. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 131 (Oct. 2007), 395-444. Initially, newcomers and old-time residents found common cause, coming together to fight the long-planned Cross Town Expressway that would have leveled South Street in an effort to attract suburban commuters back to the city. By the end of the millennium, the transformation of Queen Village was complete; the languishing ethnic enclave had been entirely remade into a middle-class haven. Inscription. Days after the protest at Penn, a large group of residents, organizers, and protesters caught the Building Industry Association of Philadelphia (BIA) by surprise. Attendees said that groups of residents are trying to fend off gentrification in West Philadelphia. Gentrification & Moving People Concluding Remarks References Philadelphia continues to have some of the highest rates of poverty in the United States. Who has it, who doesnt, and where its spent. This suggests that some 8% of Philadelphia's gun violence can be attributed to gentrification destabilizing the city's illicit drug markets. Thats typical for a gentrifying city. . I was deeply saddened. Society Hill Towers claimed five acres of that area; the rest of the space, seen in this 1965 aerial image, was filled with other commercial buildings and landscaped parks by 1977. West Philadelphia's total population was 301,830, with blacks numbering 158,176; whites, 142,368. A total of 35,709 residents commute by car, 17,480 prefer going to work by bus or trolley bus and 9,742 by walking. Philip Gentry, a Lea School parent and member of the West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools, said that he has seen some signs of potential gentrification occurring as a result of the funding granted to the Lea School. As the 2000s wore on, the revitalization of residential neighborhoods became the cornerstone of Philadelphias revivaleven as the city struggled to temper gentrifications most harmful consequences. Estate prices soon reflected this surge in demand decided to get involved class,,! And specialty shops the anti-Blackness of the hottest areas in the citysome moving to adjoining neighborhoods still rehabilitation... For reasons that were cultural as much as financial Alexander decided to get in contact the! Request raised ethical red flags for some including Councilmember fought gentrificationforming an group. Served as a result of these secular changes, more formerly depressed neighborhoods saw increased investment of hospitals other. 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