servandae vitae mendacium

servandae vitae mendacium

De prscientia Dei -- Of the foreknowledge of God. The word that is heard perishes, the letter that is written remains. Pari passu -- With equal steps or pace; neck and neck. Homo solus aut deus aut demon -- Man alone is either a god or a devil. Le refus des louanges est souvent un dsir d'tre lou deux fois. Qui bene conjiciet, hunc vatem perhibeto optimum -- Hold him the best prophet who forms the best conjectures. "This discovery will draw us closer to the day when humanity can cast aside its evil ways and eventually join the galactic civilization.". Flebile ludibrium -- A "tragic farce;" a farce to weep at. An dives sit omnes qurunt, nemo an bonus. Invita Minerva -- Without genius or the requisite inspiration; against the will of Minerva. Intus si recte, ne labora -- If inwardly right, don't worry. What has a blind man to do with a mirror? Olet lucernam -- It smells of the lamp, or midnight study. De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis -- Of this many have said many things, all something, no one enough. The affair is at a crisis (literally on the hinge). Comitas inter gentes -- Courtesy between nations. Alia tentanda via est -- We must try another way. canit; Ar. Quod semper, quod ubique, et quod ab omnibus. De lana caprina -- About goat's wool, i.e., a worthless matter. Mors janua vit -- Death is the gate of life. o terram illam beatam, quae hunc virum exceperit ! Committunt multi eadem diverso crimina fato, / Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulerit, hic diadema. A third something, produced by the union or interaction of two opposites. With nails and beak; with tooth and nail. Manliana -- A Manlian, i.e., a harsh and severe sentence, such as that of Titus Manlius, who ordered his son to be scourged and beheaded for fighting contrary to orders. Offhand; summarily (literally with a short hand). Feriis caret necessitas -- Necessity knows no holiday. What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the ox. Aura popularis -- Popular favour (literally breeze). Indignor quidquam reprehendi, non quia crasse / Compositum, illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper. In futuro -- In future; at a future time. Cunctis servatorem liberatoremque acclamantibus -- All hailing him as saviour and deliverer. Not the will, but the ability was wanting. con., abbrev. "That's what humans do. Status quo, or Statu quo, or In statu quo -- The state in which a matter was. The Tragic Tale of Calisto. Tantum vertice in auras / Aetherias quantum radice in Tartara tendit. [Greek: Kat' exochn] -- By way of excellence; pre-eminently. From a single instance you may infer the whole. numerat; Geo. Ne fronti crede -- Trust not to appearances. Life depends on it; it is a matter of life or death. Circulus in probando -- Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (literally a circle in the proof). Novos amicos dum paras, veteres cole -- While you seek new friendships, take care to cultivate the old. Otium cum dignitate -- Leisure with dignity. To affect folly on an occasion is consummate wisdom. Satis quod sufficit -- Enough is as good as a feast (literally what suffices is enough). He who knows not how to dissemble, knows not how to live. Festival in honour of the Eucharist or body of Christ. Natura non facit saltus -- Nature makes no leaps. He who has no courage should have legs (to run). Palam mutire plebeio piaculum est -- For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture. Editions with objectionable passages eliminated. diss., abbrev. Human affairs are a jest to be wept over. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta -- It is often better to go the circuitous way than the direct one. Better see a mad dog than a hot sun in January. It is more difficult to restore harmony than sow dissension. 0 likes. Ratio suasoria -- The reason which persuades. Difficilius est sarcire concordiam quam rumpere. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Don't be what you are not, but resolutely be what you can. Wildcard Searching If you want to search for multiple variations of a word, you can substitute a special symbol (called a "wildcard") for one or more letters. Deorum cibus est -- A feast fit for the gods. De omnibus rebus, et quibusdam aliis -- About everything, and certain things else. He knows not on which foot to dance (he is at his wit's end). adponam hercle urnam hanc in media via ; sed autem quid si hanc hinc abstulerit quispiam? Odium theologicum -- Theological hatred; the animosity engendered by differences of theological opinion. Une froideur ou une incivilit qui vient de ceux qui sont au-dessus de nous nous les fait har, mais un salut ou un sourire nous les rconcilie -- A coldness or an incivility from such as are above us makes us hate them, but a salute or a smile quickly reconciles us to them. help auxilium. Destitutus ventis remos adhibe -- The wind failing, ply the oars. This story begins with Jove or Zeus, scouring the lands surveying the affairs of men. Peccavi -- I have sinned. Non omnis error stultitia est dicendus -- Not every error is to be called folly. Sub specie ternitatis -- In the form of eternity, i.e., as a particular manifestation of a universal law. In commendam -- In trust or recommendation. [Greek: Dei pherein ta tn then] -- We must bear what the gods lay on us. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo -- Vigorous and resolute in deed, gentle in manner. Pythagoras) said it. Spolia opima -- The richest of the spoil. Brave as lions in peace, timid as deer in war. Mind what you are about (literally do this). Cercato ho sempre solitaria vita / (Le rive il sanno, e le campagne e i boschi) -- I have always sought a solitary life. Terra firma -- Dry land, in contradistinction to sea. Mortem effugere nemo potest! Gram. Pedibus timor addidit alas -- Fear gave wings to his feet. [Greek: Anr ho pheugn kai palin machsetai], Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet. Dextras dare -- To give right hands to each other. The world wishes to be deceived; therefore let it be deceived. La feuille tombe terre, ainsi tombe la beaut -- The leaf falls to earth, so also does beauty. Il est aux anges -- He is supremely happy (literally with the angels). Magn fortun comes adest adulatio -- Adulation is ever the attendant on great wealth. Ruat clum, fiat voluntas tua -- Thy will be done though the heavens should fall. Multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros -- Many more die of surfeit than of hunger. Magna est veritas et prvalebit -- Truth is mighty, and will in the end prevail. Glory is the shadow (i.e., the attendant) of virtue. Gram. Usage Frequency: 1 If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should check the Dictionary of Famous Quotations The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. The wounded gladiator forswears fighting, and yet, forgetful of his former wound, he takes up arms again. V victis! There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. Locus in quo -- The place in which; the place previously occupied. Arbiter bibendi -- The master of the feast (literally the judge of the drinking). Plura faciunt homines e consuetudine quam e ratione. Eodem collyrio mederi omnibus -- To cure all by the same ointment. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-07-30 Etiam fera animalia, si clausa teneas, virtutis obliviscuntur. -- No one can escape death. Et sequentia, Et seq. Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus -- We live more by example than reason. Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes. Morituri morituros salutant -- The dying salute the dying. Ad eundem -- To the same degree. [Greek: Katopin heors] -- After the feast; too late. Per saltam -- By a leap; by passing over the intermediate steps. Ad omnem libidinem projectus homo -- A man addicted to every lust. De nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti -- From nothing is nothing, and nothing can be reduced to nothing. Standing in a case; position in an argument. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (literally a circle in the proof). Alea judiciorum -- The hazard or uncertainty of law. Aranearum telas texere -- To weave spiders' webs, i.e., a tissue of sophistry. Refricare cicatricem -- To open a wound, or an old sore, afresh. L'incroyable -- The incredible; past belief. Quod cito fit, cito perit -- What is done quickly does not last long. An ass among perfumes, i.e., things he cannot appreciate. Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Ab uno disce omnes -- From a single instance you may infer the whole. Tempus ferax, tempus edax rerum -- Time the producer, time the devourer of things. Sine invidia -- Without envy; from no invidious feeling. Post bellum auxilium -- Aid after the war is over. Non bene imperat, nisi qui paruerit imperio -- No one makes a good commander except he who has been trained to obey commands. Pursuits assiduously prosecuted become habits. See that the commonwealth suffer no detriment. She stood a sorrow-stricken mother, weeping by the Cross where her son hung dying. To the very altars; to the last extremity. A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. The people wish to be deceived; then let them. An argument which appeals to low passions. Satis diu vel natur vel glori -- Long enough for the demands both of nature or of glory. Hominis est errare, insipientis perseverare -- It is the nature of man to err, of a fool to persevere in error. Desideratum -- A thing desired, but regretfully wanting. Segnius homines bona quam mala sentiunt -- Men are not so readily sensible of benefits as of injuries. Pro confesso -- As confessed or admitted. Animus homini, quicquid sibi imperat, obtinet -- The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. In articulo mortis -- At the point of death. The leaf falls to earth, so also does beauty. Let him be deceived who chooses to be deceived. Qui nescit dissimulare nescit vivere -- He who knows not how to dissemble, knows not how to live. Ingratis servire nefas -- To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. Fit scelus indulgens per nubila scula virtus. You indulge in swearing (literally upturned nostrils) too much. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit -- No man is wise at all moments. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta. Materia medica -- Substances used in medicine; therapeutics. Ingens telum necessitas -- Necessity is a powerful weapon. Oblatam occasionem tene -- Seize the opportunity that is offered. A word that occurs only once in an author or book. Sit tibi terra levis -- May earth lie light upon thee. Gradu diverso, via una -- By different steps but the same way. Tempus omnia revelat -- Time reveals all things. To fit words to things, i.e., call a spade a spade. Ex uno disce omnes -- From one judge of all. i.e., leave off touching up. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus -- Outside the Church there is no safety. Concio ad clerum -- An address to the clergy. the Pope). De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis. Riches are coveted to minister to our pleasures. Inter canem et lupum -- Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Domus amica domus optima -- The house of a friend is the best house. Live within your means (literally harvest). Le refus des louanges est souvent un dsir d'tre lou deux fois -- The refusal of praise often proceeds from a desire to have it repeated. Charbonnier est matre chez soi -- A coalheaver's house is his castle. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates -- Riches are coveted to minister to our pleasures. Ad hominem -- Personal (literally to the man). A woman when she is openly bad, is at least honest. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates. Utopia -- An imaginary republic nowhere existing. Me miseram, quod amor non est medicabilis herbis! By continuing to use the site you agree to our, I want to request a demo of Zendesk ticket translation , I want to read more about Zendesk ticket translation , I want to request a demo of API translation , I want to read more about API translation , Order professional translation (edited, $0,07 word). E se finxit velut araneus -- He spun from himself like a spider. Mel in ore, verba lactis, / Fel in corde, fraus in factis -- Honey in his mouth, words of milk; gall in his heart, deceit in his deeds. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-09-21 Magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum -- It speaks volumes for man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same spirit of moderation. Ex vultibus hominum mores colligere -- To construe men's characters by their looks. Crimen quos inquinat, quat -- Crime puts those on an equal footing whom it defiles. Natus sum; esuriebam, qurebam; nunc repletas requiesco -- I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. Man sieht sich, lernt sich kennen, / Liebt sich, muss sich trennen, We greet each other, learn to know each other, love each other, and then. Status quo, or Statu quo, or In statu quo, Stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat. Un peu d'encens brul rajuste bien des choses. Natura nihil agit frustra -- Nature does nothing in vain. A master who fears his servants is lower than a servant. It is common to man to pardon all his own faults. Lapis philosophorum -- The philosopher's stone. Who eats what comes from the pope dies of it. ab his fontibus profluxi ad hominum famam, starting from these beginnings I reached glory, aut (hunc) nunc cogitare aut molitum aliquando aliquid putas, adeo atroces in has rogationes nostras cohortati sunt, ad hunc se confestim a Pulione omnis multitudo convertit, the whole mass of enemies immediately turns against him, forgetting Pullo, habeat ergo huius tanti facti testimonium, ad huius libri institutum illa nihil pertinent, they (= definitions) have no relationship with the object of this work, ad hunc interficiundum (= interficiendum) talem iniit rationem, ad eum postridie mane vadebam, cum haec scripsi, I wrote this letter to you the morning after, before going to him, ad hanc rationem extremam necessariam devenio, to resort to this extreme and necessary measure, that the high commend of the war was entrusted to this man, ad hanc urbem quam e suis faucibus ereptam esse luget, towards this city that he deplores was taken away from his clutches, ad haec extrema et inimicissima iura decurrebas, you resorted to these extreme and hateful legal means, ad leniendam invidiam intercessit his verbis, for the purpose of diminishing hate he spoke these words, I guarantee (to you) that the entire book corresponds to this essay, hae litterae hoc quantum est ex Sicilia frumenti hornotini exaraverunt, a quo haec omnis, quae est de vita et de moribus, philosophia manavit, (Socrates) from whom all this phylosophy pertinent to tradition and behaviour comes from, ad naturam saeculorum ac respectum immensi huius aevi, compared to the real duration of centuries and considering this immense period, ad eam sententiam cum reliquis causis haec quoque ratio eos deduxit, what pushed them to that decision, aside from the other grounds, was the following reason, an haec inter se iungi copularique possint, ad Brutum nostrum hos libros alteros quinque mitto, to dedicate this series of of books to the friend Brutus, aequius huic Turnum fuerat se opponere morti, ad hanc notionem nihil video quod potius accommodem, quam , from this notion I dont see a better conclusion than , ad reliquos labores etiam hanc molestiam adsumo, bona huic omnia utenda ac possidenda tradiderat, ad hanc (regulam) omnem vitam tuam exaequa, ad haec extrema iura tam cupide decurrebas, ut , you hurried to resort to this extreme law with so much fervour that , ad huius vitae studium meditati illi sunt qui feruntur labores tui, to this kind of life your efforts have been directed, accidit huic ut inconsideratior in secunda quam in adversa esset fortuna, he happened to show himself reckless in good rather than in bad luck, accedendum huc ; Venus haec volo adroget te, hae disciplinae si sibi consentaneae velint esse, avidum hominem ad has discendi epulas recepi, ad haec visa auditaque clamor ingens oritur, to this performance, to this words, screams rise, altius his nihil est; haec sunt fastigia mundi, hae meae tibi ineptiae fateor enim ferendae sunt, amissis sacris paternis in haec adoptiva venisti, ad referendam gratiam fides non cessat hanc pervellamus, ab his complures de improviso vulnerati proelio excedebant, many (of ours), suddenly injured by them, abandoned the fight, iam hunc non ausim praeterire quin consistam et conloquar, Catilinam huic urbi ferro flammaque minitantem, cape hoc flabellum ventulum huic sic facito, ceterae species in haec tria incident genera, classes centuriasque et hunc ordinem ex censu descripsit, callidum quendam hunc et nulla in re tironem, ubi ea causa, quam ob rem haec faciunt, erit adempta. Dead; to death (literally to the fathers). Is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; / Stultus pugnat in adversis ire natator aquis. Saucius ejurat pugnam gladiator, et idem / Immemor antiqui vulneris arma capit -- The wounded gladiator forswears fighting, and yet, forgetful of his former wound, he takes up arms again. He seeks the meal of a parasite or hanger-on. Tertium sal -- A third salt; a neutral salt; the union of an acid and an alkali. Women, when offended, are generally implacable. Vox faucibus hsit -- His voice stuck fast in his throat. Prudent questioning is, as it were, the half of knowledge. Ad patres -- Dead; to death (literally to the fathers). Res in cardine est -- The affair is at a crisis (literally on the hinge). A purse which supplies you with all you wish. Not that which is great is noble (literally beautiful), but that which is noble is great. Auto-da-f -- An act of faith; a name applied to certain proceedings of the Inquisition connected with the burning of heretics. In dictione -- In the expression, or the form. For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. Quality: Caret initio et fine -- It has neither beginning nor end. Indigne vivit per quem non vivit alter -- He by whom another does not live does not deserve to live. Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est. Manus manum lavat -- One hand washes the other. haec principia in dicendo non extrinsecus alicunde quaerenda, hae sunt impiis assiduae et domesticae Furiae, hae sententiae re inter se magis quam verbis dissident, candor huius te et proceritas perpulerunt, vaesana haec tantum modo illa etiam cruenta seditio, to be incited to defend this man's integrity, ad haec Caesar, quae visum est, respondit, to these statements Caesar answered what seemed good (to him), to these misfortunes even this is added unto me, ad hanc fortitudinem temperantia adiuncta, ad eum hospitalem hanc tesseram mecum fero, I bring with me this hospitality card to deliver it ot him, hae praetexebantur causae ad continuandam potentiam, he neighed out of joy (= he rejoyced) for his speech. But regretfully wanting virtutis obliviscuntur homo -- a `` tragic farce ; '' a farce weep. Him be deceived adponam hercle urnam hanc in media via ; sed autem si! 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