pennies for pagan babies

pennies for pagan babies

And finally they finished . We all worked hard to buy four boy pagan babies so we could name them John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Yup. Hooo, yes. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ive been fortunate to travel to various parts of the world and to admire (our missionaries) extraordinary love of the world and of the people with whom they live., Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, apostolic nuncio to the United States who greeted guests on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI, called the Pontifical Mission Societies instruments for cooperation in the universal mission of the Church across the world.. I ended up with about five babies!" Of course, we collected money in the little paper boxes " for the missions" and I seem to remember something about either the school or each class "adopting"one of the mission children. Why would I sell overpriced candy to people and never get the bike anyway because no one could sell that much candy anyway ? What do we do , Sister , what do we do ? I pictured the dozens of Karens I had saved growing up safely somewhere in Africa. "Baptism . Sure would love to hear from anyone that remembers. The assembly was buzzing . "Pagan Babies": Orphan Imagery in the Passionist China Collection and the Emergence of American Sympathy for the Chinese in the Early Twentieth Century Margaret Kuo Published 3 July 2019 History The Chinese Historical Review EWTN News, Inc. is the worlds largest Catholic news organization, comprised of television, radio, End of March we usually plant or seed our wishes for the year. I remember someone once making a comment about that phrase, but I can't remember what it refered to. - Betty L. Oh . Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. A lot of your story is fiction. Oh, yes, I remember raising money to save pagan babies. But, in fact, the entire program was rooted in a sense of solidarity and charity in the broadest understanding of the word. FYI : My granny was raised in Sterling . I remember Green Stamps . Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, retired Archbishop of Washington; best-selling author Mary Higgins Clark; and television commentator Larry Kudlow were each named 2012 Pontifical Ambassadors for Mission. Oh, my, what memories! We all knew what a pagan baby was a baby that was not baptized a Catholic, and not one in the US babies from Asia in particular. in the classroom to see who had the most babies. Remember what he said? But I was in the mist of all of the Catholic Truths and those truths just werent ringing true to me. I taught in Catholic schools in the 1970s and pagan babies were a thing of the past ( as far as I know ; but never underestimate the nuns ). Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who once said, My greatest love has always been the missions of the church, was very much a spiritual presence at the dinner, where his name was invoked several times. Charlie had a question for the missionary nuns , too . - Ann C. Did the Catholic Schools consider Jewish People Pagans? That bring back memories!" Thanks . If you know tell me . Thanks for the comment . however, rings true today. I stole your Money so that I could lend it back to You and Tim with Interest!!!!!!!!! I remember the little cardboard boxes and wanting to saving the poor pagan babies. Theres the priority. Everywhere a pagan pagan . And when I got it, I was going to take care of it all by myself. J. OBrien. Some of those Jesuits spoke directly to God . They felt the tuition they were paying was plenty. With respect to children who have died without Baptism, the liturgy of the Church invites us to trust in Gods mercy and to pray for their salvation. (CCC 1283). - Donna B. At every Catholic school in those days were collections to save unbaptized children not taught about God (Pagan Babies). Through their action the proclamation of the Gospel also becomes an intervention on behalf ones neighbor, justice for the poorest, possibility of education in the most remote villages, medical aid in isolated places, emancipation from poverty and rehabilitation for the marginalized, overcoming ethnic divisions and respect for life in all its stages, Archbishop Vigano said. I still think of those days and have many wonderful memories. Chapter 1: Catholic Kids Make Great Faces Thanks for your thoughtful comment . ), and its name was even weirder - it was collect money to feed the Black babies. Fogogo to mention JUG for bad behavior- Justice Under God, also at St. Ignatius College Prep JMJ was replaced with AMGD all for the glory of God. Glad that I could kick up some dust . Pontifical Mission Societies and launched by Pope Francis. Thanks for the comment . Each was presented with a medallion featuring a representation of the Papal Keys. In Catholic school in San Francisco in the Sixties, we also collected for the pagan babies daily, and got to name the baby once we had five dollars. And once, the guy who considered himself the smartest kid in the class proposed the name Jean-Pierre. Good question , though , about where all the money went . You are no doubt a stronger person for it . Great mix of early US HC punk & the then emerging "Youth Crew" sound. My mother wisely refrained from saying much about it. When they reached $5, they then ransomed a child overseas, got a certificate and the right to name the child. Anyone else do this? Pagan baby names continue to be popular name choices for many new parents. They also helped keep things quiet. So, pagan baby collections in LaCrosse , too ! There was excitement in the air . The certificates had a picture of a white little toddler sitting down with little black toddlers. Cant remember anything else about them except I would ask my parents, grandparents and neighbors to buy them. When the class received the certificate the class just stoppedto think that our class really had another Pagan Baby! He could go home , buy his kids new bikes if he wanted to , and come back at the end of two weeks to collect the cash . The teachers all smiled . At first, Sister tried to dissuade me from using Karen, as this was not a name on the published roster of saints. I had my little yellow UNICEF box, and they asked if it was for the Pagan Babies. Thanks for the comment . The teacher had a stack of them . Ransom a Pagan Baby (late 1950s). But they do a lot of things for children like provide food and clean water and mosquito nets. by reneeqyancy | Feb 9, 2010 | Blog | 8 comments. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. All rights reserved. Ah , yeah . Those who would like to know what became of their pagan babies will soon get a chance to find out when Pontifical Mission Societies formally launches its Great Works Campaign in the coming months. Margaret Ann is a good respectable name . My mother was horrified. Well I am hurt that you would think I would steal your money to Buy and Name more pagan babies. Back in the 1950s and early-1960s, and - Ann C. 3:21; cf. JMJ, yes! I went to a Catholic grade school from 1984 to 1994 and have never heard the term. Congratulations for moving on and helping children in other countries. Th. Lord, LordCatholic schools. Im 50, and though Ive heard the term pagan babies (mainly in books by people a little older than me) , it wasnt used when I was in Catholic school from about 1969-77. Despite its apparent condescending tone at times, it instilled a radical sense of urgency in children that we are responsible for one another.. collections to save unbaptized children not taught about God (Pagan Babies). They spoke for an hour and I think that every sentence they uttered had the word pagan in it . print and digital media outlets, dedicated to reporting the truth in light of the Gospel and the Im late to this party, but want to add my two cents. Pagan Names for your baby boy Achak: The name Achak is a Native American Origin name which means "Spirit." Adonis: Adonis means extremely good-looking (handsome), also of the Greek god of beauty and desire. All for $5. Then I could choose the bike I wanted . Pagan babies. The money collected in the United States went to help feed, clothe and educate them. Maryknollers, Franciscans, or Missionaries of Charity, these men and women told riveting tales of adventure and hardship. Then we got a certificate and the children got a medal. Yet, I wonder, if I had not saved those pagan babies, would I have had the confidence and motivation to go to Mexico? When our family moved to another part of Dearborn, we transferred to St Alphonsus parish, and I traded the blue jumper for a plaid one, and the beanie for Hush Puppy shoes. I dont think that the money went sideways. So, does anybody remember the plastic prizes (not for pagan baby collections). Watch for these changes, Eight more pro-life activists for FACE Act violations. Take a look and see why Im so excited about this app and will be promoting it every chance I get. I also remember something about a bridge Right, but there must be some type of guidelines that must be met for that to happen. You never know what I might post about next! I vividly remember the certificate you have posted, with the various nationalities represented. None of my non-Catholic friends ever believed my pagan baby stories, either. Saint Martins actoss the street from you back then. Now they're in together for a bigger payoff than either could finagle alone. Im sure we had to change it to Richard, but in our hearts he was our little Ringo. We did that too. Thanks for the interest. The poor pagan was already named Herman , right ? catholic school 1978-1991. It sure wouldnt work on the savvy kids of today. We sold The Tidings , which was the L.A. Archdiocese newspaper , and there were prizes . He's probably still wondering, "How did I wind up with ( Sorry for the delay. The students were raring and ready to go sell the candy and get the prizes . The church doesnt have a mission. They were missionaries working somewhere in Africa . The thing was a brown color . I went to Catholic grade school at St. Amelias for 8 years. I went to Christ the King in Pleasant Hill, CA. She said she named them after me. Theres the priority. The book may rally his followers, but it wont add to their number. I went Catholic school in NJ and yes, we had pagan babies! We were wondering how much trouble Cary would get into . The whole Pagan Babies thing was a big deal every year and resulted in a lot of competition among the 50+ pupils in Sr. Madeline Sophies 2nd grade class. People needed food, water, medical care, and were looking to us to step up and provide it. EIN 27-4581132 Maybe it was a Toledo thing?! Maybe they had sales during the year at times. Two stories I recall from those days: one boy in my room kept bringing in UNBELIEVABLY large amounts every day (.75 here, $1.16 there). A Philadelphia punk band formed in 1986. I think mine were 25 cent stamps . I remember those statues . I think you had to be in Catholic school around 1960 or earlier to have been exposed to the term pagan babies. Id forgotten that the rest of it was to ransom them. The short-lived dream pop band formed by Kat Bjelland and Courtney Love in 1985 in Portland, Oregon, United States 2. NOT catholic, hallelujah. I was not called to be a full-time missionary. Yeah . Anyway, I attended Catholic grade school from 1962 - 1970, and we collected money for pagan babies during Lent. Ours always seemed to be colored brown . Some became doctors and lawyers and schoolteachers and others became lay catechists, sisters and priests, operating clinics and schools, colleges and seminaries, Father Small explained, and let me tell you something they need your help today as much as they needed it 30 and 40 years ago.. We had Dominican Nuns. I still suspect the money collected ( probably in actuality just chicken-feed ? ) Both ring a bell. A collection of writing that wrestles with contemporary spirituality, within and without the doors of the church, 2023 Commonweal Magazine. There is in the heart of every priest, and I hope in the heart of every Christian, the longing to be a missionary, to be a proclaimer of the Good News to the ends of the earth, he said. My first lessons in social justice came through saving pagan babies. The certificates were white, thick,wrinkly paper with burnt orange and brown late 60s modern catholic designs. Those were the days , eh ? Except in the case of fourth grade, 1964, just after the Beatles hit America on Sullivan. Catholic mom and grandparents here. DUDE! At least it didnt include the genocide of the indigenous population as it did here in CA when the Spaniard priests took on the mission of converting the Indians. Weird, the kind of memories we carry over from childhood, isnt it? Many students adopted several All good saints names . What did they really think about it ? I am a recovering catholic now but am thrilled with the new Pope (too bad the old one is living in the apartment w/ is BF) he is a nasty old creep and was (or is) the sole channel for abuse victims. No , Sid , Im pretty sure that Jewish people were not considered pagans - but , who knows with some of those nuns . Charlie waited for an adequate answer . maybe NCIS or 60 minutes should get on the case? THANK YOU for truly capturing a historical phenomenon! I was JUST telling my son about Pagan Babies when I was a little girl! Campbell, now retired from the film industry where he worked as a technician, told CNY that hed been enrolled in the Holy Childhood Association since seventh grade and that he remembered adopting babies to get them baptized into the faith. I thoroughly enjoy your posts. NEW YORK They were called pagan babies, an appellation that would never be used today. Written right on the top of the looseleaf paper, smack dab in the middle. Every month after the money was collected, a students name was randomlypicked out of a bag with the chosen name becoming the Pagan Baby of the Month. Certificates were horizontally displayed above the green & yellow cursive writing examples atop the blackborads. Pagan Babies: and Other Catholic Memories. If theres a study done of it , I dont know . This is a serious problem. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, apostolic nuncio to the United States who greeted guests on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI, called the Pontifical Mission Societies instruments for cooperation in the universal mission of the church across the world.. We wonder where those name choices really went . Yeah , small world . Please log in to comment by clicking here, Darkness, Desolation Invite People to Draw Closer to God, Pope Says, El Arzobispo de San Juan Celebra la Misa de Nuestra Seora de la Divina Providencia, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. We can smile at it now at perhaps how silly it was, Father Small said. Those who would like to know what became of their pagan babies will get a chance to find out when Pontifical Mission Societies formally launches its Great Works Campaign in the coming months. We too raised $$ for pagan babies. They wore full habits in the old style . I knew immediately what you were referring to even though we never went to church & I went to public school. Thanks for commenting. I used to take my dads loose change She thought that it would be the greatest thing in the world for me to become a nun. The missionary spirit was evident as Pontifical Mission Societies honored three people at the May 2 gala. Boy , does all of that ring true to me ! I may have turned into a pagan . For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ (Gal 3:27). Each in his or her own way has been a missionary of the Gospel of Christ. And one final thought: we cant always get our loved ones to practice the faith, but we can offer our alms up for their conversions while benefiting others. Give a Gift SubscriptionBless friends, family or clergy with a gift of the Register. The beanies covered our heads during morning Mass. In closing, Bless the Maryknolls for the work they do in spreading the message of the Gospel! We maybe learned a little about giving though ? I have her a link to your site. Despite its apparent condescending tone at times, it instilled a radical sense of urgency in children that we are responsible for one another.. I dont remember . for missions in foreign lands. If you want, you can contact the director of music programming at Hawaiian Public Radio, and ask him if hes still using it, though. We, the four oldest who got those tiny banks with a coin slot in the top, were convinced that our small amounts of money (most of which we found on the street while walking home from school, a lot of pennies) would buy us a Little Brown Pagan Baby that we would name Harry (I don't remember why) and that Jesus would love us for that purchase. At every Catholic school in those days were every cent counts and just know the things we take for granted and have, these amazing . Bury it beneath your front step or porch during a full moon. It really didnt have anything to do with Jesus, per se. Her salvation was purchased for $5 at Holy Name of Jesus School in Fishtown, Philadelphia, PA. Jump forward to 1980 . 1:16). A friend of mine, from back in the 80s, played guitar in a band with that name (weird thing about that is, hes Jewish). That $5.00 bought you naming rights. And so I traveled to Guaymas in the Sonoran desert expecting to accomplish great things. I could fold bandages and scrub floors in the dispensario, change diapers and scrub floors in the orphanage, wash vestments and scrub floors in the churchyou can see the pattern. This brings back a memory now. Thanks for the comment . To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. We can smile at it now at perhaps how silly it was, Father Small said. Collect money to buy them have JavaScript enabled to use this form much about.! Of writing that wrestles with contemporary spirituality, within and without the doors of the Gospel 27-4581132 it... 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