justice league fanfiction batman handsome

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justice league fanfiction batman handsome

I wonder . Comfortable in his lab, Vandal waited for his guest to wake up. How he had ruled over Metropolis with Luthor as his partner. In war, you found everyone: soldiers, children, elderly, the infirm, all innocent and suffering together. cover by @_ {Book 1 in The Demon Twins Series} ., Irritated at the tone, he showed some of his temper as he turned around to say a tad sharply, Why not? Then more calmly, convincingly, Under my enlightened leadership I can build a new world order.". Now the images were that of historical scenes from a future that will never be. For the Justice League, the best they could do was grab as many soldiers as they could manage, prioritizing the wounded, and move them as far as possible to temporary safety before heading back again. Harry holds the handwritten one in his hands. So whatever Zoro had used, it was something unique to them, from wherever those pirates had been stolen from. As the jet started to rise, John stood up on his racing motorcycle and leapt up to grab onto a wheel while it retracted, and pulled himself aboard. Precisely. A sharp, piercing look. Just . "We're already working on that.". The Siege of Gotham How could this have happened! roseanne: so all this happened cause of laptopblacky: in a word yesrose:black:rose: it was Apple, right?black: hmmm?rose: the laptop, Apple laptop. Its getting too crowded here in the hall to wait for everyone to come.. Take evasive action! ordered Vandal, voicing the obvious to prod his people into doing their jobs while they stared slack jawed at the sight of another transport falling towards the waters below. I saw him in action while I was out on recon. He walked up. I it isn"trose: you know, what's more funny?black (giving up on explaining): what?rose: my computer is on the shop getting fixed. ", "We're not from any one country. Silently Batman regarded the lab complex, looking for some clue he may have missed. other Batman had identified for them. Come on, lets go! she yelled, grabbing his wrist, and he clasped hers in turn. Hawkgirl! Jonn Jonnz, the Martian Manhunter, had been through many strange situations in his life, but this adventure continued to surprise him. Something his gut agreed with. said Andr, holding up a fist. With the soldiers cheering below, the lead pilot gave him and Hawkgirl a proud thumbs up before flying off. * take bite* ;). How he had re-forged the Axis Forces into something worthy of greatness. All of which means that the idea that they could conquer the world, is not something they would really appreciate and accept, especially on an emotional level. For instance, apparently Adolf Hitler had been replaced as Fuhrer, and his fate was unknown. Further thoughts on an unsettling topic were interrupted by something even more unpleasant. It was safe to do so here, on Blackhawk Island, the home base of their new allies. "Got to warn the good guys!" Ive got a plane to catch!. He was brought before the big man himself. 3. However, while the heroes had always won, it had been pretty close at times. Then the boats had landed, with British, Canadian, and American troops making their landing, successfully liberating territory with greater ease than anticipated. A gun is pulled at one point, because of course it is. They must know hes part of the Resistance., If we succeed, he never will be, he reminded her. . They had everything prepared before the Straw Hats arrived, and had to use it despite the worsening situation. It felt more like the angle and his point of view of the man was triggering a sense of dj vu that he could not shake. Actually it was super easy, barely an inconvenience! Even in the darkest times, there would always be those few individuals who would rise up to fight back. Well, time to get to work, he grimly knew. Andr's from France, Hendrickson from Holland, Olaf comes from Norway, and I'm Blackhawk, from Poland.". Allied propaganda.. At best guess there was an Allied counter-attack happening elsewhere they had been recalled for, or maybe to refuel, with these retreating soldiers being deemed a lesser priority. Showing no sign of offense, Blackhawk continued. Hal, did you inform Batman of today?, Because he made no mention of todays event when I spoke to him just now. As a bonus, she might be able to keep it too. . So imagine his surprise when the silent door opened to the cryogenic room, where instead of the always-pleasant sight of that fool Hitler within his cryogenic prison, his view was obstructed by a figure wearing a blue cape? Shes homeless (squatting in abandoned warehouses is apparently not an acceptable housing plan). "What'd I tell you?" Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug. Not feeling home in Paris, Marinette moves to Gotham to fulfill her guardian Then, the Fates flash in. It was a slaughter as the Kryptonian just hovered there, invulnerable, while again and again his eyes flashed red to down a plane. When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. Injustice for All Part 2 Smaller bursts of fire and destruction could be seen upon another, and his own vessel began to shake. You dont know what youre saying.. It was best to remain silent, inviting answers. . Instead machine gun rounds tore into the piloting controls. What would Luffy have even said if he had seen them? Especially because for the life of him, he had no idea how the Pirate Swordsman had done this. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Vandal Savage disappeared beneath the waves aboard his metal deathtrap, and sank without a trace. Why not! . Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. Duke asks. Despite there being only four of the newcomers, they showcased superior skill as under their guns Axis fighters were killed relentlessly by their fury. "Wouldn't be the first time.". . Especially since they had been dumped into the past by a machine which had not even been invented yet, right? Shortly after the others had disappeared, the instruments had detected it in Metropolis, and he had tracked them to this secret facility to figure out the purpose of this place. We had no choice! said Hawkgirl, not unkindly. Or was it calculated like so much else of the mans theatrics? Gunfire rattled around him until he heard Easy Company covering him with their own guns. Superman ends up being taken on a date by Batman and when the rest of the league hears about it they want to join in on testing Batman's charm. asked Flash, arms crossed over his chest, and frowning. Glancing up, he saw Hawkgirl coming down laden with three more wounded, and helped ease one to the ground. Because while they had been fighting with pirates, he had been scouting ahead figuring out what was so crucial about the lab, and how it worked. Superman and Hawkgirl knew others were under attack, likely even where the rest of those super-tanks had disappeared to. With more already marching aboard giant aircraft larger than anything John had ever seen barring spaceships. Got a nasty spitball.". Not quite, said Hawkgirl, looking at something advancing. But what were they building here? asked Hawkgirl, bending down to pick up some of the debris. "Guess you ain't such hot stuff without that Ring.". The Allies were being forced to surrender all the territory they had liberated, and flee back to the beaches as fast as they could travel. It was about army doctors during the . We lost, No, hes here! He pulled out of her grip, and looked down at one of the last remaining vessels, headed towards a cold, dark grave. . Well, except for a certain heavy man down below. "War isn't hell. In a concealed Resistance base, Wonder Woman watched the two men with her. Only to then hear the most beautiful thing in the world. "You've got your secrets, I've got mine. "Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Tim is in denial about killing someone?" He was supposed to pass right over any stray ships that by some fluke he came across, and be gone before they even had a chance to raise their guns! New patients kept being brought in. If they didnt immediately attack him though, then theres a good chance they let him at least explain himself. Injustice for All Part 1 When he seized his foothold in America, crippling the new world, they would never be able to stop what he had begun. Aboard that plane!. Someone, who is similar yet different from Damian Wayne. Hal and Jonn had been on monitor duty when everyone started to arrive. He had seen them all with his x-ray vision. Driving further and further inland, filled with the belief that they would be ultimately victorious. And especially since from what we saw, unlike us the Straw Hats have proven capable of their own teamwork! Yes, those people were building stuff for the Nazis, and apparently important stuff, yet that did not mean they deserved to die. Lieutenant Shayera Hol of the Thanagarian Empire was wondering how she was going to explain this in her report. Even if they were quickly fading. Before he would not have said he could tell what that sensation was like, only now he could not shake the feeling it was something different. Eyes sweeping the horizon, he noted how the super-tanks were withdrawing. . . His sister the stress-relieving part of D An Alternate Universe where Superman had a daughter when was 21. Alfred would tell him that he only had himself to blame and he would be right, but at the time it had seemed like a good idea and it had gotten Vicki Vale off his back. Obviously Flash was not comfortable with this whole mess. Especially as they were waiting for more of the League to rejoin them, hopefully with fresh intelligence. Green skin, red eyes. Clearly showing his best friend why he was the Green Lantern, and not the likes of Superman or Batman. Jason's morbid humor comes in handy with dealing with spam calls. The sheer unyielding command in his voice was second only to the steely Will in his eyes. What if hes a spy?, Back off, Bulldozer, a fourth said, and the three soldiers looked to see a man with a sergeants rank on his helmet, and a scruffy face. "Okay!" No matter what magic, god, alien, or machine he fought, his skin was always unblemished hours later. . Superman and Wonder Woman were particularly beaming, with the former quickly walking over. Erns was a small, elderly man, yet he had a strength of courage and conviction she fully respected. Without looking away from them, she said Great, even as she hefted her grenade launcher at an officer. Or could the pirates in the timeline they were trying to save, be able to do the same sort of harm to him? "What's that fancy Ring? So she returned home to her mother's apar [ how do you know so much about criminals? ] Until recently, that is. "Get it back, or destroy it! Once more John fell to the ground, but amidst Savages orders barked out in German, he heard the sound of hope: Superman flew through the wing of the lead jet once more, while Hawkgirl smashed at it with her mace. Yer a big man when your Ring's working, but without it yer just AHH!". She is homeless in Gotham City where shes more likely to be caught up the crossfire of the many maniacs that roam the city, and end up dead (or worse), than she is to live to a point where she can leave. "He might be a hotshot flyboy, but he ain't a real soldier.". Meanwhile Superman and Hawkgirl tag-teamed another, as he took out the turrets and she safely made the blows. Flash dashed up and down abandoned streets, poked his head into the doorways of most-intact houses, and looked for any sign of his friend. It is in first person and does not use Y/N. Those which remained were fighting tooth and nail to get out as many people as possible. Without another word, he left the room. Agent Grays family decided they need to visit his workplace, chaos ensues! Doubtless the fools assumed this intentional, and he was maintaining radio silence for some absurd reason. Unbidden, a memory popped into his mind. ". A guy in a red suit yelling at you and pointing to the exit should be universal. After an eternity it was over, and he hunched forward on his hands again, the stench of something burning stinging his nose. His plan backfires stupendously. Aftermath "Oh, yes", Tim's eyes glinted maniacally, "I've been itching to give Damian a real-world example of malicious compliance. Superman was next with both of the Superboys, Conner and Jonathan. "But this technology's way too advanced," she said. It had indeed been a productive day so far, with the remaining Allies beaten back to the beaches in despair. He made no comment about todays event. Probably. He glanced down at John's hand. The pirates had taken it to another extreme in their madness and grief, to the point they were unrecognizable. . Gothams grand hall was crowded to the bone with the rich. A few guards remained here and there, while several armies worth of men were ready to take to the air, and drop down on whatever poor souls they were after. Erns concentrated, before stiffening in horror. Even if the man had benefited from Cherry Blossom Medicals products, it was a simple fact that his Kryptonian healing was superior. ". Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks. The others stared in stunned horror as Hoffman screamed in agony, before collapsing unconscious onto the war table. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Batman fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Thats why it wasnt on the map.. While he tried to glare defiantly after the bigger man, he could not help drop his head in shame. Now though . bruce is sleep deprived and dick and alfred just want him to SLEEP. Let them worry there were more to watch out for. Injustice for All Part 3 Bruce Wayne has been living the normal life. A devastating attack in Metropolis leaves promising young detective Percy Jackson in desperate need for a fresh start. As soon as the words slipped free, he knew he had gone too far, and looked away from her. "In this family, we're in denial about many things simultaneously", Steph proclaims wisely, "this is pretty standard for us", "Everyone, stop giving Tim a hard time", Bruce orders, "it's up to him whether or not he acknowledges it. The sound of flesh hitting flesh, and a brief burst of gunfire caught his attention, and he looked to see the Allied saboteur was on his feet, machine gun pointed straight at Vandal. Batman has a clone, a sixteen year old clone whos eleven years old. Please consider turning it on! Oh, and Wonder Woman had gone with Jonn too, refusing to let him go into enemy territory alone. Crackling with swirling energy, and unsettling on a level he could not put into words. As that alternate version of Batman had warned them, D-Day was turning into a full-fledged rout. He could see stone walls and a floor, plus debris from a wooden roof of camouflage they were all standing upon. Vandal was rather proud of the secret passages he had snuck into central command during the various renovations. "You've obviously forgotten about the weapons I've already created. Wildman, come in from the other side. None of them mentioned how even if they succeeded, they would surely die. Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. Something else to add to my list of reasons why we need better teamwork and training, he decided. The Kryptonian would have solved this in seconds. is if fake dating if you are dating your hero self? Schematics began to play out across the screen. "The description of your friends did not match those ten, but how many did you bring with you? Or maybe he just missed the mans ability to not only be confident in himself, but to make others believe in themselves as well. Im not from the future, he corrected, walking over to where he had left his precious laptop out earlier. Meanwhile ClarSuperman wryly said, A lot can happen in a few hours . Sixty years from now, it'll be a child's toy." Frowning, the Fuhrer dashed forward, and melted the offending weapon in the grip of his metal glove, crackling with power. For all that they were saving, it remained an unmitigated disaster. What if Damian actually had a twin? This isnt over, said Flash, before he zipped off. felt like magic. Something shifted in the air, and he retreated into the shadows. At no point did he or Hawkgirl try to save those men. Browse . You cant stop em single-handed! Sergeant Rock yelled after him. None of her usual enthusiasm at a good fight on display. To make them realize his supremacy, as he had done here in Nazi Germany and the other nations which had fallen under his benevolent rule. Silence was the only answer John would give. He's noticed someone watching him One shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Green Lantern Jordan had jokingly suggested it after Superman had mentioned that many of the Leaguers had proteges and that he thought they would enjoy meeting each other. Stewart, watch our backs.". When you add Zero to the number one, you get the number one.Zero is nothing but a number. Breaking off a pipe, he started swinging it to burst others, tear out wires, and whatever else looked vulnerable enough to make it crash. For all her skill and strength, she had been helplessly outclassed. . And he was not ashamed to admit that unnerved him. Definitely not military markings. They killed his family and they're the only people he has ever known. The Savage Time The men began their assault, while Wildman ducked closer behind some logs, and grabbed his grenade, primed it, and moved to throw. Attempts to break the skin for samples had failed as well. And right now his primary 'problem' was that they were about to blow up a factory full of workers. A number that holds infinite possibilities and o Batfam x Batsis Reader Harry Potter AU When he woke up, he was missing most of his memories and identity. Putting his hands to his chest, Youre welcome to try.. With that in mind, I would love to know what you think! Despite all their powers, it is an uphill battle to achieve victory. He noted the lead pilot snapping Hawkgirl a salute. . Fury left kudos on this work! We made the wrong call, Green Lantern grimly knew. A warning that even without taking into account the superheroes, time travel, etc., this episode is not historically accurate in many respects. Despite this, they still had a mission to complete. ", Their father floundered under the weight of their sham puppy eyes, "This wasn't- you can't-", "Remember what you said!" In many ways he was the Heart of the team. Tim shrieks, "Murder isn't the only criminal offence in the book, okay?! Red with steel trimming, it was a spiked wheel almost a hundred meters tall, if not more, with spokes coming out of both sides with turrets bigger than the American tanks. In contrast, these newcomers appeared to be a level actually above their previous opponents in power and skill. ), and a bandolier of more ammo carelessly resting on one shoulder. For a battle cry, Superman made it nice and simple. . Ah, good, finally he spoke. "It's official, you're taking a week off at the office and I'm assigning Allegra to cover for me throughout the week," Marinette says, flopping on to the bed. ", "Ah yes sir," he managed despite his treatment. - @lilboyblu A moment later, "The radio's not working!". She had forgotten the unconscious man was there for a moment. Flash was carrying soldiers out of the way of those massive, one-wheel tanks, while Superman was carrying an entire truck loaded with men. Vandal smirked smugly at them. Advancing, Savage used his superior height to glare down at Martian Manhunter. Hes crazy, Sarge! he heard Bulldozer say. Lantern! she yelled, reaching out with a desperate hand for him. AND they didn't know Batman was you, I figured it out later". This would change his whole world. . With a touch of will he slipped through the manacles, and confronted his tormenter. Im just here to update the computer systems with a newly designed software program.. She didnt enjoy getting punched in her last life and that hasnt changed in this one either. He had not been part of the fight against the Straw Hats, trying to discover what he could from the lab and scientists, yet he had seen the results. [1 in batman 1/12/23] I thought so, said John, looking down into the hole. What any of us would want if we were in his position., The speedster opened his mouth to say something, yet he was not done. Only he could still see the tension in her frame. A quiet part of her, from the former Thanagarian Military Academy instructor on espionage, wondered when a part of her started to consider Earth to be that instead of Thanagar. Different circumstances and choices. Teri finds herself in the DC Universe and things just get crazier from there. as well as Chat Noir is dead. She pulled him out and to safety with only seconds left before the plane crashed, leaving the Fuhrer of the Axis Forces to his fate. The man in charge was Sergeant Rock, whose name fit his personality. A little dismayed, John looked down at the weapon in his hands. No one knew how this morning started like this. When the Grayson's died Dick and his little brother Danny where separated at the orphanage and taken by different families. Most blissfully unconscious, covered in bandages and wraps to keep them alive. "This time all bets are off!". Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne - Relationship, Confusing the Justice League and other family activities - Batfam, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James Potter is Not Harry Potter's Parent, The BAU Team (Criminal Minds) & Dick Grayson, Chronicly Ill Girls Criminal Minds/DC works, Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Batkids love to mess with the Justice League, mentions of various romantic relationships, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is here just on a phone call at the end, "Lets just blow it up and call it a day" ~ day 4 (Timari January 2023, Tim Drake/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Mentioned Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon-Freeform, mentioned Dick Grayson/Koriand'r - Freeform, mentioned Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle - Freeform, Brief Mentions Of Canon Typical Cannibalism, Good Parents Eddie Brock & Venom Symbiote, other batfamily members make a cameo at the end, Alternate Universe - Among Us (Video Game) Setting, they just play among us thats it thats the fic, mild ooc but its crack what are u expecting, Bruce 'I should have stopped with one kid' Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cass Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Random Holiday Prompts 2022 (Mqons Version), alfred i dont give a damn i raised you pennyworth, alfred is both a tired dad and a tired grandpa, other DC characters may make an appearance, a bit of crack in here and some is treated seriously. Whered you learn that move? asked the man with a beard, putting a hand on Johns shoulder. . Yes, I almost completely wrote out Steve Trevor. The prisoner hesitated fractionally before the conviction of a superior man, only to then give a slight grin of his own, and fired. "I'm your clone made by CADMUS, except they used Batman's DNA. Without a word, Vandal fired his gauntlet, and shocked the figure into unconsciousness. Sure we did, and we left him behind with pirates gone nutso!, And if we didnt get through the portal, everything wouldve been for nothing! snapped Green Lantern. Yet acting unfamiliar to a key piece of Nazi doctrine? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Different families asked Hawkgirl, looking at something advancing man in charge was Sergeant Rock, name!, you found everyone: soldiers, children, elderly man, yet had... 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995th Field Artillery Battalion, Articles J