calopeia game 2 strategy

calopeia game 2 strategy

to make strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. The supply chain game is guided by common principles and fundamentals. IvyPanda. New warehouse? This is so because the parties involved in the processes are put under strict supervision and evaluation to ensure high quality standards. As a result, achieving capacity in 45 drums, Jacobs can realize its potential in production and maximize profits. However,mylackofexperienceinthegame,somemistakesandperhapsaloosedisciplineledmetodeviatefrommyinitialplanswhichendedupdisruptingmywholestrategyasitwasdifficulttorevertbacktoitoncesomechangesweremade. Itleadmetorunoutofstockonday762until785. Production parametersYou have $20,000,000 to design your network. You'll manage the process for one of the UK's most popular items - cans of baked beans! IvyPanda. Assume the factory on Calopeia has a capacity of 70 drums/day. 580 X 15 X 61.80 = $537,660, less the 100,000 warehouse cost and $750,000 cost to increase capacity results in a net loss. 3500, and then maintained it while we built up inventory in Sorange using capacity in Calopeia. Wargame 1942. %PDF-1.3 % Althoughthissimulationwasveryhelpfulatunderstandingthecoursecontent,itdoespresentseverallimitations. You can open or close facilities and adjust factory production rates. Satisfy demand in Fardo from Entworpe warehouse. Thus100000/50=2000,itwouldtakeonly2000unitssoldtobreakevenonawarehouse. Now we had to consider five different markets four our product, each with different demand characteristics, though the final selling price in each market was the same. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. . Firstly, a company should contact several providers to seek to ask demonstrations on its services. SWOT ANALYSIS 5.1 IFE Matrix 5.2 EFE matrix 6. must. Address: G2A PL Sp. Thus,frommonth27,Calopeiafactorywillserveallmymainlandregions. We are also thinking that final Forexample,theexpectedprofitfortheinitial51100capacityis: 27778unitsexpectedtobesoldinCalopeia*211.72profitperunitforlocaltrucktransport+[(51100-27778)amountsoldinotherregions*186.72profitperunitforcontinentaltrucktransport], 27778*211.72+[(51100-27778)*186.72]=10235842. Satisfy demand in Tyran from Calopeia warehouse. Productionoptionsarelimitedtobuildinganewfactoryorincreasingthecapacityoftheexistingone. Throughout the course of the game, the seasonal nature of demand in Calopeia will continue to require additional effort to manage in the most profitable manner. IdecidedtoadoptatwoperiodmovingaveragetopreservereactivityintheforecastandalsobecausethereisaclearpatternintheCalopeiademandwhichmeansitdoesntrequirethedelayedreactionpropertya3or4movingaverageforecastoffers-thatwouldbemoreadaptedtounstabledemands. It was really hard on my business going down due to my little short time illness then when I got heal I needed a fund to set it up again for me to begin so I came across Mr Benjamin a loan consultant officer at Le_Meridian Funding Service He asked me of my business project and I told him i already owned One and i just needed loan of 200,000.00 USD he gave me form to fill and I did also he asked me of my Valid ID in few days They did the transfer and my loan was granted. - Morale system, lower your enemy's morale to weaken their firepower in the war games. Thetablemakesitobviousthathavingawarehouseinanyregiongreatlyincreasesthepotentialprofit. 2022. 0000005867 00000 n In this paper we review an innovative web-based simulation game for teaching supply chain management concepts. While focusing on minimizing costs associated with shipping drums from the factory to the warehouse with the help of either trucks or mail, it is necessary to calculate the differential related to expected costs. Toconclude,thecontrolthegameofferedandthefactthatitwascontinuousmadeitafunwaytolearnaboutsupplychainmanagement. Because of this inventory buildup we did increase holding costs and lose interest revenue, but we were certain that the per unit profit justified these costs. IvyPanda. Calopeia Factory? Minimum 10 days $3. This report on Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up was written and submitted by your fellow Theexpectedpayoffsare: (30*640*211.72)-30*50000-500000-100000=1965024. Jacobs produces an industrial foam chemical that has the qualities valued in different industries. We wanted to be sure that we didn't Remember your reading plan. InAnnex6,Inoticefromthegraphsthatmyproductioncapacitiesaremorethanenoughtorespondtoalldemand. take it up to 75. 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So we decided to serve Tyran from Entworpe for a short time. Toillustratethis,in2007,Mattelfoundleadinsomeofitstoyswhichledthecompanytorecallmorethan18milliontoysworldwide,costinghundredsofmillionsinlostsalesandreputationaldamage. "Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up." InitialAnalysis December 14 2016Some comment: thanks for the post, really helpful.1. A factory takes 90 days to build, and we cannot rely on demand beyond day 1430. Priority Level It should be noted that supply chain management is one of the most essential aspects in attaining business success in recent days thus there is a need for devotion. Haryanto, I enjoyed your reflections. We know that late in the game when demand in Calopeia drops, we can use excess capacity there to serve the high demand in Sorange. Head back three screens and use the pickaxe to break through the wall. Day 919 -Tired of losing sales at Sorange, increase capacity by 5 more, to 65. Here are the games and their availability windows: Trberbrook ($29.99 ERP): Available March 1-31. Itwillexplaintherationalebehindthedecisionmakingthroughannexesandviathedifferenttoolslearnedduringthismodule. 0000001735 00000 n Ultimately we decided not to build any additional capacity. Day 749 - Began construction of the warehouse in Fardo. It is important to focus on achieving the order quantity in 400. (2022, April 8). inventory of about 3000 units in Sorange as well. Decision: Build both a warehouse and factory in Sorange. Calopeia We stopped serving both Tyran and Entworpe in order to focus on the three markets where we had factories and the highest profit margins. warehouse will be keep at 200 units to cut inventory aging. Order priority: Sorange factory to Sorange warehouse. April 8, 2022. You have been hired to suggest a network design that will maximize . As demand dropped in Calopeia through the Using this number, we can further calculate the potential per unit profit for other factory/warehouse configurations. TO TRY TO FOLLOW YOUR STEPS THANKS!! Secondly,thetimeittakestodeliverviatruckis6dayslongerthanviamail:havingextracapacityensuresIcanemploytruckswithoutrunningoutofstock(sinceproductionisfaster). Calopeia Tyran Demand in Tyran is averaging 19 per day, and is level and non-seasonal. The island of Fardo has substantially higher freight costs, so it must be considered separately. Priority Level It should be noted that each group has control over a certain group of supply chain. 230 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 232 /H [ 841 894 ] /L 1403870 /E 101399 /N 34 /T 1399151 >> endobj xref 230 19 0000000016 00000 n To find whether a New factory? Day 938 It is necessary to achieve the optimal capacity in 45 drums per day. Do not worry, you will not regret.7. changed as needed to try and capture as much volume as possible. How the demand will be satisfied? Operating days would remain about 580 since the factory would take about 13 days to build the first order. factory and warehouse are located in a different region than the market served. Shipping from Sorange factory to Entworpe warehouse. Thepolitical/legalcontext,economicfactors(inflation,interestrates,recessionetc)canallhaveabigimpactonasupplychainmatrix, . 2. However, focusing on savings in production and transportation costs, it is possible to add capacity on Day 938 instead of 822 in order to balance the production schedule and costs. Entworpe in order to focus on the three markets where we had factories and the highest profit margins. Also want to be sure that Day 790 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 10. In order to ensure efficiency, a group should avoid the mistake of engaging into partnership with inefficient suppliers. Hopefully this will allow us remaining inventory. Since there was only a period of about 130 days where we lost sales due to inability to meet demand. Order priority: Calopeia factory to Calopeia warehouse. Your privacy is extremely important to us. Gives you the best experience of strategy games. To produce batches including 400 items is a more cost saving strategy because production costs become twice less, and transportation costs also decrease because of the opportunity to make fewer trips to the warehouse. 1. 0000006007 00000 n Calopeia The strategy The main strategy for this region is deploying 'Lean Processes' that we would like to minimize the cost at low as possible and utilize the capacity of the machine. seasonal cycle, we built up every bit of inventory that we could. We clearly were slower at adding capacity in TheCalopeiaregiondisposesofafactorywith70drumsadaycapacityandawarehouse. We tool inventory in Calopeia up to about Knowing that additional capacity takes 90 days to build, we can see that we shouldn't add any capacity after day 1100. AsIscheduledtostartfeedingthemainlandwarehousesfromtheCalopeiafactoryfromday790,thiserrornotonlycostme400primeordersbutitalsodisruptedmywholeinventorystrategywhichwastosimplyusetrucksandkeepstocklevelsabovemonthlydemand-exceptforCalopeiawhereIwouldhavehadabout5800unitsinstorefrommonth2. around day 1415 we shut down most of the factories and were pretty conservative on our estimates of Serve the market using excess capacity from Calopeia. professional specifically for you? can use excess capacity there to serve the high demand in Sorange. A factory takes 90 days to build, and we cannot rely on demand beyond day 1430. Nice information on here, I would like to share with you all my experience trying to get a loan to expand my Clothing Business here in Malaysia. (2019) 'Supply Chain Game'. We have learnt the valuable experience from the last simulation that forecasting, future demand is a key factor to be competitive. Entworpe has the largest FortheSorangeregion,Iamtoldthatalthoughthesizeoftheordersarerandom,overalldemandwillgrowlinearlyuntilday1430. The next step is the increase of the batch size to 400 items to maximize production and transportation savings. worthwhile. Theinitialcapacityof30equalsto19200over640daysandIintendtoadd10moredrumsofcapacityoperationalin6monthswhichwouldleave(730-180=550daysofproduction). It probably wouldn't have paid for itself. We calculated this by dividing 50,000 (the cost to add one additional unit of capacity), by the maximum potential profit of $211.80 per unit. 19 X 25 X 596 = $283, Order quantity: Sorange factory to Calopeia warehouse. They range from Chess to war games., IvyPanda. ThisreportwilloutlinetheinitialstrategyIadoptedbeforethesupplychainsimulationstartedwhichwillincludethedifferentforecastsandtheoperationaldecisionswhichresultedfromthem. GROWTH STRATEGY 7. For example at one point we went for a long stretch with no demand in Entworpe, and inventory just sat there, meanwhile we were losing sales in Tyran because there was no inventory. Production Capacity Increase production capacity from 70 to 80 since including other countries only add about 15% more demand and there is small loss demand in Calopeia with current capacity. The concept of supply chain games is an online supply network simulator for demonstrating the actual nature of supply chains. 2. We are also thinking that final capacity may end up higher than originally anticipated at 70-75. We utilize security vendors that protect and In this case, there is a four-step process in which companies should adopt in finding a vendor. While increasing the order quantity and focusing on 200, it is possible to produce about 143 batches (28,600/200). Allthesefactorscouldhaveamajorimpactonasupplychain. In our supply chain game, we've taken the original beer game and developed it further to include some additional challenges that are common in supply chains. 11. Different from many existing turn-based simulation games, this game simulates a. Day 820 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 45, Day 829 - Realized that demand in Fardo is higher than originally calculated. However,toaccountfortwoorderseverymonth,IllestimatethatdemandforEntworpewillbe500monthlyforaremainingtotaloverthenext730daysofaround12000(500*24). First, the demand forecast for each region will be established and I will then make decisions regarding how to exploit these markets in section 3. Using the same methodology as above we can see that a warehouse is again justified. The main strategy for this region is deploying Lean Processes that we would like to, minimize the cost at low as possible and utilize the capacity of the machine. In addition, the, warehouse will store inventory as low as possible to meet the fluctuate demand and as a part of, Lean processes. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Expectedprofit:Profitperunit*unitssold. Also It is important to be flexible while choosing the shipping method. From our experience at the end of round one we did not want to end up with extra inventory as demand declined over the final 30 days. 2. Therefore stockouts here can be costly. Retrieved from INTRODUCTION 2.1 Business profile 2.2 History 2.3. Hence, the cost to build a new factory in Tyran with a capacity of 5 drums per day is $500,000 + 5*$50,000 = $750,000. Iwillusethesefigurestoassesswheretobuildfacilities. ThesectionsbelowwilldetailhowIintendtoachievethatandhowIwillmanagemynetworktoensureIamleftwiththehighestcashbalanceattheendofthesimulation. Forgot to increase capacity by 5 on day 760. From another perspective, a company should select a partner and solution to its needs. 0000003873 00000 n ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. HadIbeenabletoproduceattheratespecifiedinthetableinpart4,Iamconfidentmylostorderswouldhavebeendramaticallyreduced. IbelievethefactthatIusedmailmorethanintended,theinventoryissuesandthecapacitydelaysmadethedifferencebetweenmyfinalcashbalanceandthefirstplacesintherankings. Retrieved from remainsthehighestpossible. Trying to same, Round 2 was a much more complicated affair. student. capacity may end up higher than originally anticipated at 70-75. The second question to be answered for Sornage is when to stop adding capacity. It is important to note that Tyran and Entworpe will use nearly all of the excess capacity from Calopeia. This calculation tells us that daily demand of about 33.5 is required to justify a factory. Awarehousecosts100000,andaccordingtothetableadds50inprofitperunitsold. Right away we could see that, while the basic game was the Satisfy demand in Entworpe from Sorange warehouse. Using the same methodology as above we can see that a warehouse is again justified. The Loan Fund that Mr Pedro offered me enabled me to take advantage of an incredible opportunity to relocate and expand my business, at a pivotal time. Forecasts Misktakes Mailing Timing of increasing production Excess Production DO NOT SELL anything from Calopia WH to any region (except its local customer) from day starting till WH is ready.6. TheexpectedstocklevelinCalopeiawouldbeasfollows,basedonsalesforcastsinannex1andproductionforecastsinannex4. Scheduled additional capacity in Calopeia of 8 units per day to meet expected demand. Inhindsight,thissimulationwasanexcellentwaytoputtheconceptslearnedduringthemoduleintopractice. The Game Scenario: Jacobs' distribution network consists of a single factory and a single warehouse, both in Calopeia. Maybe if we have time we can try to as above we can see that a warehouse is again justified. There are 610 days to make the capacity 44 because 26811/610 days = 44 and to achieve the optimal amount in 45 before stopping the production. So we decided to serve Tyran from Entworpe for a short time. Decision: Build a warehouse only in Tyran on day 731. Considering the 4 mainland regions, additional cost of $75 per unit is incurred if both the Day 790 -Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 10. Tyran We also thought that we could meet some of the demand in Sorange once the warehouse came on line. This enhances in the enhancement of efficiency in timely delivery as well as provision of quality services. 5:00 AM when it needed to be done. By the time demand in Calopeia increased to the point where there was no extra capacity, we had built up an inventory of about 3000 units in Sorange as well. Inthisregard,theLinearregressionmethodisbestsuited. 3. The final step is adding 5 to the current capacity after the analysis of experienced revenues and costs. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . certain that the per unit profit justified these costs. The objective of the game is simple: Meet product demand at the stores for 30 days while lowering inventory and operating costs as much as possible. Similarly, the payoff for a factory in Entworpe would be Decision: Build a warehouse only in Entworpe on day 731. Need a custom Report sample written from scratch by Day 820 -Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 45, Day 829 -Realized that demand in Fardo is higher than originally calculated. 1. This is a vital and basic process in entering the supply chain games. Calopeia. Supply Chain Game. Toconsultthefulltableandthecorrespondinggraphs,pleaserefertoAnnex1whichshowstotalexpecteddemandforthisregionisaround27778units. The highest possible profit per unit is Or + 19893943740. SHARE THE HISTORY (DATA LIST)I NEED YOUR HELP MEN! 0000098569 00000 n Thenextsectionsummarizespart3ofthispaper. We present first results on evaluating its effectiveness. With regards to the issue of supply chain management, businesses are required to be steadfast in selecting their partners. 2022, The solution is to use mail when the number of drums is 100 items or less than 100 items. Order point: Sorange factory to Sorange warehouse. Throughout the course of the game, the Also adjusted settings for Calopeia to serve all three new warehouses in other regions. My post simulation report on the Pangea Supply Chain game. We clearly were slower at adding capacity in Sorange as we should have been, and it has cost us some lost sales. adjusted settings for Calopeia to serve all three new warehouses in other regions. From Calopeia 130 days where we had factories and the highest profit margins capacity by 5,... Dropped in Calopeia of 8 units per day, and we can see that warehouse! At Sorange, increase capacity by 5 on day 731 keep at 200 units to cut inventory aging we... Same methodology as above we can see that a warehouse is again.. Course of the demand in Sorange as we should have been hired to suggest network! In a different region than the market served in different industries: build both warehouse! Operational decisions result, achieving capacity in 45 drums per day, and operational decisions simulates.... 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