bts reaction to you scolding them

bts reaction to you scolding them

Hell constantly remind you that a speaker wouldnt destroy your relationship. Your dad simply laughed, waving his hand. Makes a buddy system and forces the others to stay with it. It was like a second home to Jin, no surprise. It was kinda getting annoying. Lets go be badasses!. and standing between the two boys desks. He would put on his angry face each time your daughter runs away from her homework. Hobi would reach down, easily helping you up. "You left hickeys and marks all over me!" Hell tell you I love you Y/N-ah Just to see your reaction to it. Requests = closed~ Masterlist He chuckled before beginning to make dinner. He looked so pretty beneath you like that. Hed be talkative, but made sure no to seem rude. His smile would gradually fade as he seen that you were actually upset about it. Youd be in the car on the way home while he was driving. You can simply like it because I know that not everyone wants a giveaway post on their blog. Youll get the gist as you read. Me or the puppy? You, of course silly He would kiss you on the forehead and carry you to the sofa with the puppy on your lap Look, its just our cute baby. Babee what is a llama doing in our farm! Jungkook walked over with a teddy bear almost the size of him. Thank you for all your support! Jungkook and Y/N? The dance teacher called. A/n: I thought it would be pretty fucking funny to pair up bts with some of the ridiculous things trump has said after painlessly sifting through too many quotes Ive complied these onesss. This little bitch babywould smile as Jin accidently hit you in the face with a snowball. The next day he would tell all the members about it. He cant really help it when he gets really excited it just kind of happens. And Suga and Namjoon are probably talking about music or something like that.. Once shes done he would tell her how important homework is and probably make up a story about how he forgot to do his homework once and turned ugly just to scare her. You really need to watch him closely, like Im not kidding. The fact that some armys cant accept bts are literally grown men bothers me. Only smiles as he retrieved his bags, you scolding him as he just laughed. He would quickly explain what you meant, your parents began laughing. What now! Comes to you with advice and problems because he has trouble solving them by himself still. Reactions. HE CAN! He then saw you, surrounded by what seemed like a mountain of paper work. That gave him the opportunity to suck on your tongue. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. Originally posted by cyyphr Yoongi: He likes it. He would be shock and stare at blank space for a moment. I seen you walk up here and came to check up on you.. Youll be left there crying while he seeks advice from Jin. Hed have the small talk, talking about what his interests and hobbies were. But I really didnt cheat. He would flinch for you as the water bottle was thrown across the room. The moment he see you walk in with a cat he would run to you taking the cat away from you. ! After you told him that you saw it sleeping at the garden and it was too cute. You chuckled, grabbing him and walking over. Gets scared and paranoid by almost everything since the outbreak happened. Makes time for anything for you. You nodded standing up and clumsily walked to the bedroom, tripping every few steps. Babeeeee, you feed the cat but you forgot about your No. Like the one friend that always gets themselves in trouble with their mouth? "I didn't make the mess." Hed be hurt, but hed try to hide it. But its at Hyungs house. All the friction got you worked up as you bite your lips each time he gets rougher. "Taehyung if you throw one more paper ball I'm throwing my shoe at you!" In fact, pets often have no idea what just happened or why you're yelling at them. So I called him a shortie. I get along with the other guys.. Hoseok was the first one to get there, immediately walking over and greeting you. . Similar to Hoseok he would practically do you on the spot. Its really amusing. Jin: Admiring myself in a store window and not seeing the oncoming pole as I was walking down the sidewalk. 300+ BTS Bon Voyage, In The Soop, Run BTS & Documentary Reactions on Patreon:. Is low-key afraid of the guns. The armys that get upset should learn how to be more mature, its their break and they get to choose how they want to relax/blow of steam. After noticing youd walk over and sit in his lap. You also taught him the math and reading he was struggling on. Confusion. [If uncomfortable please DO NOT read. He would happily die for anyone in his group. I heard someone said that you cheated on me with some douche, but I dont really believe it. You wont cheat on me right Y/N?. -Most to Least. The others were practicing for a concert, and the mic someone how got into J-hopes hands. You know that hes actually really, really sweet and just has a hard time expressing it at times. After he put you in bed hell probably go out to a park to calm himself down and come back home the next morning. Youll only feel guilty but accept all of his scoldings even though you felt hurt. Did you reallycheat on me? You would be so confused but once you said no he would immediately trust you and smile telling you that he was just making sure and try distracting you from the sudden question. I like you, you just dont like me. He shrugged, turning back around. When she caught sight of him she would run around the house. Youre safe with him. Poor J-hope wouldnt know what to do you cuddled into him in the middle of the night. He wanted to set a good impression, but that seemed impossible when your friends seemed to hate him after 2 seconds of being with him. Of course resulting in Jin giving in and giving her a kiss on the cheek Aigoo youre just like your daddy, C/N I heard you bit a boys hand at school today. It was too late to bail out so I just kept following and I was literally on the opposite tour that I wanted to go on. Okay, so we have no food. Are you sure you did this?. Hed look at you in shock. Jagi, go to bed. You trust Suga, right?, No buts. It will remain activated for past works, but nothing new will be posted here. My girl listens to my music to sleep He can only manage to smile like an idiot about it, When Tae finds out you listen to his music hed use it as a way to tease you. feel like hed be quieter than usual, not wanting to seem obnoxious. Its for Jungkook. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. Jungkook had accidently elbowed you while fighting with Taehyung, hitting you in the face. When she caught sight of him she would run around the house. He worships your body like your his goddess and you know that by how he treats you but hell never say anything bc hes the shyest boi. He says and the members laugh as you squint your eyes at Jungkook. He didnt want to be overwhelming, hes just curious. I hope you liked them, even though they turned out a little longer than anticipated. You wanna take a picture of me? -Selca Ships Jin~ I got you this.. He would probably tell Jungkook, who would be impressed but wouldnt put up a big fuss. ~Hi! So this is like present day friends, but youve been friends since childhood. And? Tries to help out and act like hes really tough. What did I tell you! What? When you called him Papi he would smile to himself and be happy you felt comfortable enough around him to call him that. He pouts and you point to the large mess on the table. LIKE AT THE DORMS!. "We don't scold cats because no matter how carefully [you choose . His eyes widened when he realized you were talking, immediately apologizing and walking away. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again just watch. where are you? Hed ask after looking everywhere. He went out to check on your child to see her wearing them. If you didnt reply hell just scoot away being insecure and if you did he would ask again Are you sure you do? Oh, I was just making sure. Already sensitive, instinctively you rubbed your thighs together and kept your legs closed. He really likes taking you to see new places and you really like seeing them. Giving soft kitten licks on your clit and he teased you a bit more by nibbling on it. Likes to narrate his kills like a dramatic anime. I promise Ill let my ego down for you. Hey, sweetheart, sugarlumps. You had both gotten together to figure out the dance over the weekend, still trying to figure it out. Everyone nodded and began talking, except the two of you. "-so you need to stop it!" -Reactions He would want to know why they didnt like him, and theyd better have a valid reason and not some random thing made up last minute. You had planned to shower together to take his mind off things before having a birthday dinner. Yeah, I technically shouldnt be telling you this because its secret but youre my best friend!, Namjoon almost everything you tell me, you shouldnt be.. Staying Up Late With BTS Dating BTS You Getting Along with Their Siblings Your Period Leaks on Their Sheets Telling Them You're Pregnant After Trying for Months Being Sick with the Cold Telling Them to Feel Your Legs After Shaving You Being Scared of the Dark S/O Stealing the Covers and Taking Up the Bed authors note The other boys looked up from their desks to Yoongi wouldnt care if it was you. He went out to check on your child to see her wearing them. After that he would apologize nonetheless and made sure you knew how much he loved you. Why do you care? The smell of alcohol filled the air as everyone had red cups in their hands. He'd love how your voice sounds when you say it, but knowing the meaning he'd be scared at how attracted he is to you when you say Papi poor Jin. Why are you late? She asked, looking at them. Hed come home to you singing and humming to Intro:Epiphany and hell just let out a sigh of relief, Its nice to know you like that song. Hoseok is daddy as hell and he absolutely goes crazy when you call him papi. Lets name it Mochiiiiii. In the short clip, the manager raises his hand against Jungkook, possibly. Seokjin wouldnt be into the concept. Hed smile, watching you slowly fall asleep as you worked. I couldnt concentrate well. Joonie? You asked while trying to find him. Jimins desk and rushed to my side, frantically asking if Id be alright. He would be almost wheezing, until finally realizing you were actually hurt. We should really go inside., I dont want to go back to the part, too much is happening down there., I know Suga has an Xbox, we can go and play that.. BTS Reacts: You Being A Cute Mom. You cant just hate someone for the sake of it. "I love you?" You say and he laughs as you start complaining. Suga was in the front to greet you, and would follow you guys into the house and not really care about the other guests. So, Im posting this on my 1-year anniversary for this bog! Have you realized how happy I make her/him? Hed question. He would began to worry when he noticed that you fell asleep while working , too exhausted to finish. I was playing with the basketball..and it rolled to the road and got hit by a car.and exploded Hed just look at you for a moment and decide not to complicate things and just silently nod. Now dont do that again He would treat your daughter to ice cream after that to apologize for sounding too harsh. Hed love your butt in bed and love lookin at it in skinny jeans. He can do much better!, People assume Im a boiler ready to explode, but I actually have very low blood pressure, which is shocking to people., My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body., A lot of people dont like to win. Jungkook slipped away from Hyung Line. Babe all you gotta do is ask, you know that right. Like yes, so what if Jimin was in a club? You had previously thought maybe you can work comfortablyon your bed, but that failed as soon as you laid down, falling asleep almost instantly. Hed explain that he rapped and was part of the dance line. Hilarious. Jimin knew you were sensitive and loved his teasing, making him even more encouraged to go on. - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. He would immediately want you to change, just incase someone else saw you. If you ever ask him why hes all *blushie blushie* hell cover his face and shake his head but you have a rough idea. Instead the me -who was extremely over Yoongi: Members: OT7Word count: 2,506, A/N: Id like to throw in a small DISCLAIMER right here, right now. Not mine Once you get annoyed he would laugh it off and take care of it for you. -Amelia, Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. When he first found out, he would be kind of surprised. She also pulled him into a hug. Im sorryy Jiminnie..I accidentally dropped your watch in the waterI dont think its working anymore He would immediately pull you in a embrace and say Jagi, its totally fine. Does he have any flaws?. Originally posted by two-different-realms. Conversation? Hed unleash a full attack, starting a war. If you truly dont like me, than what is the reason? Youd let out a small sob, knocking Jimin back into reality. I hope im not bothering you Anyway, id really like a jk imagine with the vibe like the one in Ed Sheerans Perfect mv. Not really thinking about it, you would go into the kitchen to get some more sweets and upon opening them, you see a pissed off Yoongi looking at you. Hed leave, stopping himself for saying anything stupid and he would regret. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. Looks really cute even though hes literally fighting off the undead. You stood in awkward silence. When you were little you had cute playdates like movies, playing at the park, movie nights under adult supervision and with a bedtime of course. Oh, okay. He pouts and you cross your arms. Mummy? 100! The teacher exclaimed, making you both smile and hug each other. You both took the dance floor, looking at each other for a split second before the music started. People were still coming in , making the room shrink. You can do the same and hed help you just as much. He wouldnt know how to react, eventually walking over and helping you up. Yes~ Im openminded to any kink so go ahead!! Waking up sets the tone of the whole day so I can tell right He would let outsigh as he walked through the door. Hell just be really sad that you doubted him. Hed quickly become flustered, trying not to show it. It was distracting. Hed want to know the simple things, like how your arms stayed up, or how you were able to brush through your hair every now and then to untangle it. You must be Jimin.. 26,262 views nov. Watch what happens when we watched jin scolding bts for 448 seconds .boyyyy!! BTS Reactions-Them scolding their child KIM NAMJOON Originally posted by meanyoongis "C/N! You just have to like or reblog my post. He likes it a lot. I hope you like it, its been a long time in the making. Turns out he was talking to his wife in a different language, not in fact teaching the class. Hes not doing anything and you honestly keep him around just for that lively spirit. Lets play twister, yea baby?. Originally posted by instert-username-here1778. working at this electronics company; which is a long time considering I get ~I dont know if youre taking requests or not but if you are I was wondering if I could please get a Bts reaction to going home to find their S/O fallen asleep, surrounded by their work because theyve been overworking themselves lately.~. Ill bring you dinner after I make it. Takes care of someone if they get sick or if they get injured fighting. Ends up screeching at the same time while attempting to fight him. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN :) I think its best if you message me your request instead of posting it on my wall so I wont lose track easily. When Jimin told him that you were really upset at him he would rush back home to see you already a mess. He also always stole your homework to copy off of it. What a great 1st impression. No, I just wasnt expecting it. MTL. Did you get hurt? No Okay then then hell just reassure you that its fine Im sorry about the ball No hard feelings, we can get another one Hed just figure there was nothing he could do about it anyways. What did you do at school this time honey?, It looked too delicious Your daughter would start pouting and give him puppy eyes. When you told him that you broke his speaker on accident hell start nagging at you about being clumsy and tell you to never touch his things without permission again. You would probably talk for hours catching up and end up having a sleepover with junk food and movies. Did you do the math homework? He asked, shoving something into his bag. And so much more insecure. His hair all messed up because of you tugging on it. Does he even talk? Your mom asked, looking at him. I didnt even notice, you look amazing though.. Since hes older, hed enjoy embarrassing you. Im here. Hoseok screamed while knocking. Once you realise he isnt talking that much you would approach him and have a discussion with him. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. Go change because if someone else sees you I might have to hit them., BTS reaction to your friends not liking them, BTS reactions to another member hurting their crush, BTS reaction to meeting your family/parents, BTS reaction to their S/O overworking themselves, BTS reaction to you barely wearing any clothing when you sleep. Not everyone is going to. You said putting dishes in the sink. On Sunday, it still wasnt perfect so you were kind of winging it. And once at a home party, he goes out for a bit since he feels suffocated and then you follow him so hes like why r u here? And you go like bec ur here? Hehe thank you! Im fine, dont worry about me. He smiled briefly before turning back. - Amelia. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. By now, you were over their swooning. He wouldnt pay attention to your body until you were right in front of his eyes. Always has a gun and a knife on him. Hed know how you did it, memorizing the movements and what piece went over the other and so on. Says the usually cocky Jungkook that has girls drooling all over him and is amazing at basically everything. You scoffed, making him chuckle. up, I didnt experience that today. And wouldnt really mind if you spend too much time with it because he knows you love him most even though hell get extra clingy sometimes. Hed instantly lose it, walking over to tell you. Hell treat you like his queen made sure to never ignore you. You finish after scolding Namjoon about breaking stuff and hiding it before you find it broken and buying you a replacement. Hed eventually ask you a million questions, wanting to know when you learned it, how you earned it, who you learned it from and how long it took you to finally master it. You shout and he looks up at you with wide eyes. BTS Reacts: You Asking For A Massage/Bath Together. Ends up getting hit and the both of you laughing and shaking it off. Take care and have a great day! You just might get sick, you have other pajamas you know?. You knock on the door and you hear his screams and stomps as he rushes to answer the door. After he heard about it, hed make up some excuse. 18, taehyu. Read When you disobey them from the story BTS Reactions (Smut/18) by jungsquishy (Min ) with 30,384 reads. Tickling, jabbing, slapping, hes just a silly touchy hoe. You squealed, clapping your hands in excitement. BTS' reaction to seeing you after tour *Here's a short little reaction while i try to regain my confidence in my writing ;)* Jin~ He'd spot you, already becoming extra as he ran over, dropping his bags. http. However, he doesnt always stick with the plans they make. Well for friends, you arent very good ones.. Its almost all done. Hoseok smiled. Not being able to hide the amazed look on his face, you eventually asked him if he was okay. Noting that he would buy you tokens and let you play whatever you wanted. I dont know, we have to see what games Yoongi has.. Your dad also found his way over to you guys. His shirt buttoned up halfway. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". BTS Reacts: You Having A Cute Moan (!!) You must be Taehyung. She smiled. Hed peek at what you were doing, writing. I really appreciate it. If I dated one of the members I would call him: Papi, Amor, Beb, BTS reactions to their s/o having a big/nice butt. All he could do was let out a soft chuckle and proud smile. Jungkook come on! He would be so clueless when he tried explaining and you constantly kept crying. For the sake of the post, Ill create little scenario things. As soon as it was introduce himself, the best vocabulary and so much respect. Lingerie visible and shirt going up higher exposing abit more of your lace panties. Hed get ready for bed himself. Thats all that really mattered to him was your happiness. And you know what, I have been very successful. Dont let it happen again. She nodded at them, warning all four of them. Your mom greeted the both of you, opening the door. Thank you. I think that even when they got popular as artists, they would still think about you and give you a call. Hell listen to everything you have to say and then take time to tell you 101 reasons why he wouldnt cheat on you and why you shouldnt believe in whatever others say. shitty pay for what I have to deal with. You smirked and leaned over to him and directed his face to yours, and left a lingering kiss on his lips. Come on you need some rest.. Oh-Um-I, Jimin sad his face turning red. Jimin, remember that on hip-hop class we took? This one is probably the best. He pointed out after your mom asked for advice. The llama would be featured in almost all his pictures. Finally giving in to you he started thrusting his tongue in you going fast. The last lyrics of the song. Hed watch closely of you did your hair, wondering what witchcraft this was. What is it called when you take someone elses things without permission? Uhm..stealing And you know stealing is wrong, right honey? Almost everyone from school was here along wih a few older kids that Yoongi knew at one point or another. What do you mean? Jimin asked after walking over. Their opinion doesnt matter., Im just in here to stop myself from saying something, theyll really hate me then.. You know hes loud, and its adorable. What did I do to you?. Most of the time itd end up in a singing contest. Hoseok, you know they arent my thing. You immediately complained. Request box: OPEN, BTS Reactions- Rumors that they cheated on you, BTS Reactions- You spoil one of their precious possessions, BTS Reactions-Rumors that you cheat on them and they get upset with you. Just when you were done tying your hair in a ponytail, you heard the screeching of the door being swung open. It was adorable to see him so enthusiastic about talking to your parents. Taehyung: Going to an art museum and following a guided tour when I realized was with the wrong tour guide. That one really caring and touchy friend. Curls into a ball and waits for death that isnt even close to him. Thank you guys for coming and supporting me and my writing. Its a really amazing and supportive friendship. How BTS would react to finding out you wear pretty risky clothes when you sleep. Shouldnt you be out with the other guy?. He didnt understand how you could hold up your arms for so long while flawlessly doing your hair. It as really a sight to see when a girl threw up all over a boy while trying to talk to him. He'd run over, pulling you into the most exaggerated hug ever. He offers and you pout and look at him silently before nodding. You finally stopped and headed to the desk, barely being able to carry all the tickets. Hed love how your voice sounds when you say it, but knowing the meaning hed be scared at how attracted he is to you when you say Papi poor Jin. Im afraid I wouldnt write as well for other groups as I dont know them that well as much as I know BTS. Its just odd. Once you realised something was off you would ask him about it and hell just act smug but once you said that you didnt cheat on him he would hug you and cry, apologizing that he believed such jerks. Soon, hell get closer to the cat and even closer than it is to you. To top it off, it was crumpled. Screams all the time when he sees a zombie. Also, its my birthday and Im here, doing nothing, and scrolling through Tumblr. Fuck I miss you Y/N. Your dad laughed. At your own risk babies], You put yourself in his favourite black lace lingerie and his big shirt over. Pushing him into the cubicle and under the running water to kiss him. Also, it's my birthday and I'm here, doing nothing, and scrolling through Tumblr. He would come home telling you what he heard. Why did you do that? He would ask your daughter with a soft tone but he made sure to look stern. And walk out of the room after that to calm himself down. I will chose your partners, so dont even look around.. Hes not going to try to hide it, hed be kind of hurt. Babe, you should trust me. Its a bunnyyy He wouldnt say anything about it and just laugh at how cute at you and get soft. Huh? It was always a hobby and he knew that you wanted to make it a profession, and you were trying. edits + stuff. Hell just go home from practice and tell you everything. Hell wipw your tears away and play games with you to distract you with it. He would never do anything to make you uncomfortable or put in any weird situation. See this picture? Oh, he thinks youre flirting with Jimin? You also cheer him up when hes feeling down. Hyung, dont hit him again! Jimin intervened, walking over Hell film every moment of you and the hamster making it his profile picture and would post 2 or 3 pictures of you and the hamster. A video was recently uploaded on social media that appears to show one of BTS ' managers threatening one of the members. I would also like to mention I watched the video like, 10 times before writing this. chairs scraping back on the linoleum. His mouth falling open, along with a small wow following soon after. Hes a total ass man. Hoseok frowned at your reaction, letting out a small sigh. A party, that I was hoping you would go to.. BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you Remember Im not the freakiest person you"ll ever meet XD. BTS Reacts: You Overworking and Something Bad Happens To You (!!) Hes a shy baby, thats literally it. The other members cant tease him, hes immune, he brags about your butt and does unspeakable things with you in the bedroom. The sight of you makes his boner ache even more as he licks your cum of his fingers. Gave him the math and reading he was talking to your parents began.. After scolding NAMJOON about breaking stuff and hiding it before you find it broken and buying you call! It broken and buying you a bit more by nibbling on it trust Suga, right honey scolding. And walk out of the door being swung open the cubicle and under the water. And scrolling through Tumblr Yoongi has even more as he licks your cum of his fingers walking! Do that again he would put on his angry face each time your daughter ice... Almost everyone from bts reaction to you scolding them was here along wih a few older kids that Yoongi knew at point... 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