breslau ship passenger lists

breslau ship passenger lists

Summarized from Norddeutschr Lloyd, Bremen vol.1 by Edwin Drechsel. Line, Marglen 1898 (1922), Canadian Pacific Line (see Scotian), Minnesota, Atlantic Transport In fact, they proved not only to be faster than the reciprocating type, but also more economical to run. In Aug.1901 she resumed the Antwerp - Philadelphia route and in 1902 became 3rd class only. Between 1911-1913 she resumed the name of "Gothic" & sailed on the UK - Australia/New Zealand service for the White Star Line. document.write("S. Swiggum"); It is the aim of Passenger and Immigration Lists Index to lead you to the sources that will unravel some of the mysteries surrounding this fascinating group of people, particularly as they relate to individual family histories. ??? But it was not yet clear how they would be able to reach the 24.5-knot average speed required. The Russia was designed as a first class ship, with accommodation only for wealthy people. Built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast, she was launched on 3rd Mar.1908 and on 13th Jun.1908 started her maiden voyage from Rotterdam to New York. Built by J & G.Thomson, Glasgow and launched for the Red Star Line on 15th Aug.1889. Her last Antwerp - New York voyage started 27th Mar.1902 and her last Philadelphia - Antwerp on 23rd Sep.1903. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.3. Launched on February 19, 1903, she spent four years at anchor in the Musgrave Channel, Belfast until purchased by Hamburg America Line, who originally intended to name her BERLIN, but instead named her PRESIDENT GRANT. She came on the ship BULGARIA that sailed from Hamburg. DORA CHESSLER immigrated to the US at the age of 18 and arrived in NY January 21, 1914 aboard the SS Noordam that sailed from Rotterdam . solving the mystery of a familys history starts with one great source. On the way over, Louis contracted chicken-pox and they were quarantined until he recovered. Mar.1915 chartered to White Star - Dominion Line for their Liverpool - Halifax - Portland and Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal routes until becoming a troopship. Ship (Timber Drogher) 1825. but because of a continuing depression, she was not put into service until 1910 when she was sold to North German Lloyd. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1, p.244]. The Carpathia went on to make history. WebSS Breslau (1901), a German cargo ship in service 190114 See also [ edit] SMS Breslau, an Imperial German Navy cruiser in service 19121918 transferred 1914 to the Ottoman The Carmania was now old, and there were many newer and more modern ships to take her place. First of all, these two new ships would have to be fast enough to win back the Blue Riband from the Germans. She continued on this service until commencing her last Hamburg - Havre - New York voyage on 12/5/1875, and was then laid up. The smoking room was modeled on Greenwich Hospital with oak paneling and beams, the restaurant was decorated in Louis XIV style and the grill room was decorated in Jacobean style. She was able to read and write and was in good health. Last updated: December 31, 2010 and maintained by Built for Inman & International Steamship Company,in 1875 and named City of Berlin. During the First World War, the Carpathia was refitted as a troop ship to ferry Canadian and American Expeditionary forces to Europe. South America. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P. Chana-Raisel is listed as 40 although she was most likely 43 or 44. ), from Prusan, $10, 5'2", as also with light brown hair and blue eyes and (2) Josef Blacker going to his brother Samuel Zawelanski (?) 13th Jul.1912 transferred to Belgian registry but continued the same service. WebBremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 from FamilySearch Stettin, Germany Passenger Records Information [on this website] A very small number of She claimed her last place of residence was "Sokolki" (Wysoke?). She commenced her last voyage on this service on 16th Apr.1927, was then sold and scrapped at Hendrik Ido Ambacht in 1928. But on the Caronia and Carmania the ship's proportions had changed and so the funnels were instead divided into four parts, with the top quarter painted black. NOTE: Clicking on the Ellis Island link will take you to the Ellis Island website. Machinery: Twin-screw, 13.5 knots Masts and funnels: 4 masts, 1 funnel. 28 August 1913, last voyage, Montreal - Quebec - Trieste (2 roundtrip voyages). Imperator Nicolai II 1898, Russian East Asiatic Co. Jura Allan Line (ex-Cunard Line) 1854-1864, Kursk 1910, Russian East Asiatic Co. / Russian America Line, "Lady Boats" 1928-1929, Canadian National SS, Lake Champlain 1900, With public rooms of this standard and passenger cabins superior to those on previous Cunarders it was no surprise that the Aquitania became one of the best-known Cunard liners. 1897, reacquired by Cia Trasatlantica, and reverted to MONTSERRAT ; passenger accommodation altered to 121 in 1st class, 36 in 2nd class, and 1,000 in steerage. Volume: 34,352 gross tons; Last updated: January 21, 2005 and maintained by She is listed on line 3, page 0651 of the ship manifest. 1906. - denotes an unknown letter or unreadable word. He was 5'6", had light brown hair and blue eyes. Co. Castilian 1899, Allan The PRESIDENT GRANT had a long and varied career. She was a 24,149 gross ton ship, length 650.5ft x beam 77.4ft, two funnels, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 16 knots. 19th Apr.1910 chartered to White Star Line and started Liverpool - Boston sailings. and 68 in. The ship served in the Mediterranean for the rest of the year and was then anchored in the Solent for the whole of 1917. The propeller driven Rattler was chained stern-to-stern with the paddle wheel driven Alecto as the battle begun. She was then renamed "New York" and her accommodation altered to carry 290-1st, 250-2nd and 725-3rd class passengers. looking for a better life and hoping to find it in America. Line / Canadian Pacific, Lake Megantic 1884, Beaver Length 490.7ft x beam 53.2ft (149,55m x 16,21m), one funnel, four masts, twin screw and a speed of 14 knots. It is believed that Abraham went back to Kamenets-Litovsk and then permanently immigrated to the US in 1915. The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor was often an immigrants first view of the United States. In connection with the Red Star Line-takeover, the former Russia was lengthened to 132 metres and her gross tonnage was increased to 4,752. White Star named their new double-stacker, , and she entered service sailing an express route with the, . It was then chartered by the Canadian Government to carry Canadian emigrants between Southampton and Halifax. WebFree databases on TheShipsList, where you can find passenger lists, fleet lists, pictures, ship pictures, shipping schedules, ship descriptions, wreck data, and other information Her l ast Liverpool- Philadelphia voyage was on Aug 19 1885 . Ronya and her sister Celia (who arrived in 1910) both listed Abram Friedman, 260 Madison St., NYC as their contact in the US. This contract was renewed in 1949. She was fitted with three masts and a single funnel. She had accommodation for 200-1st, 150-2nd, 704-3rd and 2,300-4th class passengers. They were both coming from Prusan. In Apr.1926 her accommodation was altered to 1st, 2nd, tourist and 3rd class; in Jan.1930 to 1st, tourist and 3rd class; in Jun.1936 to cabin, tourist and 3rd class; and in May 1937 to cabin and tourist class only. WebGildart Scottish prisoners leaving Liverpool arriving Port North, Potomack, Maryland 1747. FRIEDMANN at 53 Jefferson St., NY. Ship Serpent for Baltimore Maryland from Londonerry 30 April 1803. 8 December 1900 , maiden voyage, Antwerp- Southampton- New York (British flag). Zelig SEIFER (Safer) immigrated on the SS Barcelona arriving in NYC 20 DEC 1906. Line. 18 May 1911, first voyage, Bremen- Philadelphia. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. The family is The Aquitania 's passenger accommodation was superior to anything seen on the North Atlantic before. The BRESLAU was a 7,524 gross ton ship, length 429.3ft x beam 54.3ft, one funnel, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 13 knots. In 1907, my great-grandmother Julianna and her four small children came through Ellis Island and could have been this family gazing at Manhattan across New York Harbor. 4 March-31 August 1922, 5 roundtrip voyages in charter to the U.S. Lines, New York - Plymouth - Cherbourg - Bremen; laid up. She was 20 years old and single. Remember to search for all possible variations of the surname including misspellings. In April 1918 she made her last run from Liverpool to New York and then became the US Transport "Plattsburg". Eighth and last sailing on this service May 1899. According to the ship manifest, she was never in prison, was not a polygamist, was not under contract in the US and was not crippled or deformed. In October 1922, her accommodation was altered to carry cabin and 3rd class only, and in February 1928 to cabin, tourist and 3rd class. Line, Scotian 1898, (1910) Allan In 1932 the Aquitania was used as a cruise ship for the first time. This ship became a success and she was followed in 1862 by a near-sister, the Scotia , also relying on the paddle wheels. Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894. ISSUE: To the best of our knowledge, ISRAEL did not have a sister SARAH. Passenger document.write("to:"); The propeller design had certainly paid off, and the Cunard management was delighted. She resumed Rotterdam - Brest - New York sailings on 24th Jan.1919 and in 1920 was converted from coal to oil fuel. There was capacity for 102-1st, 136-2nd and 620-3rd class passengers. She was then seized for debt and sold. He is listed on line 22 on the first page and on line 20 in the 2nd. Leibl was traveling under an assumed name (Hirsch Scherr) as, family lore suggests he shot a Czar's soldier and had to leave Pruzhany immediately! document.write(""); On 24th Aug.1939, just before the outbreak of WWII, she sailed from Gdynia for Falmouth and was used as a troopship during WWII, was renamed EMPIRE PENRYN under British registry in 1946 and was scrapped at Blyth in 1949. On 18th Jul.1914 she started her last voyage on this route and on 11th Sep.1914 returned to the British flag and began Liverpool - NY voyages. Returned to the army in 1945, she was converted at Mobile, Alabama to a Hague Convention Hospital ship and in February 1946, reverted to a troopship and was engaged on repatriation work. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships and airplanes arriving at the port of Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from 1820 to 1964. The names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists and airplane manifests, digitized from National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) microfilm. Tara Atterberry has been with Gale for 24 years and manages biography and genealogy content. Line, Columbus Timber Ship (Timber Drogher) 1824-1825, Columbus, Norddeutschen Lloyd She commenced her first voyage for the Italian company, Lloyd Sabaudo, on 23/4/1919 when she sailed from Genoa for Marseilles and New York. WebBremen Passenger Lists Breslau Bussard Blow Brenfels Canopic Cap Norte Carl Clausen Carl Legien Casablanca Cassel Castor Catania Celtic Ceres Ceuta Charles 1897 she commenced Hamburg - New York sailings. February 1915, last voyage for White Star-Dominion, Liverpool-Halifax-Portland (3 roundtrip voyages). The steamship DANIA, the first of two vessels of this name owned by the Hamburg-America Line, was built by AG Vulcan, Stettin (yard #189), and was launched on 12 October 1889. Built J. Launched: 1913 (as the German Columbus); Built in 1896 by Palmers Co. Ltd in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Commenced her last voyage Southampton - Cherbourg - New York on 1AUG1914 and was transferred to the New York - Liverpool run on 14AUG1914. He was going to join his brother, Selig SEIFER in NYC. 1927, scrapped at Genoa . The manifest states he was 5'3" tall and was headed to his nephew Louis Goldfarb. 5,491 gross tons; 513 (bp) feet long; 44 feet wide. Dimensions: 399.3 feet long, 50.1 foot beam and 27.3 foot draught. 1 February 1913, last voyage, Hamburg - Boston - Baltimore. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.403]. All public rooms were renovated and a theatre was added. WebPassenger lists are another great resource you can find in our online newspaper archives to help with your genealogy research. At the time, the use of steam turbines was becoming popular in smaller vessels. She sailed primarily on that route, Red Star's principal service, but in the spring of 1909, Finland made three Naples-New York roundtrips for White Star, and during 1914-15 sailed on New York-Liverpool and New York-Mediterranean routes for Red Star. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.407]. White Star named their new double-stacker Homeric, and she entered service sailing an express route with the Olympic and Majestic. Passenger sailings from Libau to New York started in 1906 and continued until 1908 when the service was discontinued. The Volturno, which was on its way from Rotterdam to America with emigrants, was on fire caused by the ship's cargo of barium oxide. She commenced her last voyage on 25/10/1934 when she left Copenhagen for Oslo, Christiansand, New York (dep 10/11/1934), Christiansand, Oslo and Copenhagen. He listed his nearest relative from where he lived as STRELESKI, MO (his father Mordechai) and he was headed to his uncle, Harry Berman, in Camden, NJ. WebShips Passenger Lists to USA 1900-1910 SS Teutonic from Queenston Ireland to New York 1903 Saxonia Queensland to Boston Massachusets, 1906 (Partial Passenger List) We believe this is Leah. France (2), Canadian Pacific. The government made two conditions, though. 23 November 1904, last voyage, Bremen-Suez Canal-Australia (4 roundtrip voyages). They both listed their last residence as Pradir or Pradin (Radin?) Launched on 18/5/1870, she sailed from Hamburg on her maiden voyage to New York on 27/10/1870. 1924, scrapped at New York. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.402][Great Passenger Ships of the World by Arnold Kludas, vol.1,p.32]. Through the following years, Caronia and Carmania maintained Cunard's Liverpool-New York service and were joined by the new Lusitania and Mauretania in 1907. 7 ,116 gross tons, length 437ft x beam 51.2ft, clipper stem, one funnel, four masts (rigged for sail), steel hull, single screw and a speed of 15 knots. and he was Russian and Hebrew. written consent of On 10JUN1922 she left New York for the last time for the American Black Sea Line on a voyage to Naples and Constantinople where she was sold at auction by order of the US government, and was scrapped at Genoa in 1923. She was then scrapped in Italy. He is listed as being 28, married, a tailor, from Prushany, had $3 and was going to his brother Noa (?) In 1914, she took refuge in New York and on August 4th, was interned at Hoboken. BESSIE ZEMSER immigrated to the US in January 1908. 80-1st, 80-2nd, 250-3rd class passengers. When these records were entered into the database, He listed his wife, "Rochel Bliacher" as his nearest relative from whence he came and stated he was going to his brother-in-law, Nathan Pomerantz who was living at 433 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn at the time. Accommodation for 60-2nd and 1,660-3rd class passengers. According to the Carpathia passenger list, Julianna, 35 years old, was headed to join her husband in Croswell, Michigan. By October 4th, reparations were complete and the ship could be put back in service. Launched on 21/11/1896, she sailed on her maiden voyage from Hamburg for Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore on 17/3/1897. Tongariro Similarly Under 16 was indicative of minor children not traveling to reunite with a parent. Researchers may be required to present photo identification t STEPHENS & SONS in Glasgow, and carry the Uniten States and European Mails. The FRIESLAND / LA PLATA was built 1889. Line, Oranje Nassau 1911, Royal Gross Tonnage - 45,647 tons Dimensions - 264.76 x 29.56m (868.7 x 97ft) Number of funnels - 4 Number of masts - 2 Construction - Steel Propulsion - Quadruple-screw Engines - Steam turbines Service speed - 23 knots Builder - John Brown & Co Ltd, Glasgow Launch date - 21 April 1913 Passenger accommodation - 597 1st class, 614 2nd class, 2,052 3rd class. WebBremen Shiplists from 1907/1908 and 1913/1914 1832-1849 Friedrich Spengemann: The voyages of the ISABELLA, PAULINE, META and UHLAND. document.write("S. Swiggum"); There was accommodation for 282-1st, 210-2nd and 1,800-3rd class passengers. Seized by US Authorities in Apr.1917, she became the US Navy transport BRIDGEPORT . England, Barnardo Children arriving at St. John, NB, First Canadian train Atlantic to True, the arrival at port might be two or three weeks late, but at least the steamer did not have to suffer the indignity of being towed into harbor. Logos | Maps & Charts | Ports And powerful she was. 1834 Bodo Heyne: Engine built by same company as the hull. She was a 10,095 gross ton ship, length 500.8ft x beam 58.3ft, one funnel, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 15 knots. 1927 sold to Atlantic Transport Line, renamed MINNESOTA and fitted with tourist class only accommodation. Demise: retired due to Depression and scrapped in 1936 The vessel is en PENNSYLVANIA / NANSEMOND 1896 Repair work on the ship was finished by the end of 1914. She stated she was from "Wisoiki, Russia" and was going to her brother, Yankel Czesler at 317-319 E. 3rd Street, NYC. WebThis database is an index to the passenger lists of ships and airplanes arriving at the port of Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from 1820 to 1964. 12 October 1895 , last voyage, Hamburg - New York . Even though the Great Britain had entered service in 1845 with a screw propeller, Cunard gave their Persia of 1856 paddle wheels. Allan Line, Hammonia 1854, Hamburg American document.write(".com'>"); The Hamburg Passenger Departure Lists 1850-1934 External. All in all, this ship had a short career. Line, St. Andrew 1861, Allan Line (see Waldensian), Statendam 1898, Holland America From November 1919 until June 1920 the ship underwent an extensive refit at Armstrong Whitworth & Co on the Tyne . ; POMERANTZ, Fannie 1899, POMERANTZ, David 1892; POMERANTZ, Sam 1893, DUBINERs: Abraham & Motel 1913, Chaim-Hirsch 1911, POMERANTZ, Rosie, Nathan, Jennie, Frieda, Sam & Sarah 1902. Earlier Bremen passenger lists were either destroyed or lost in World War II. After the war it was also used in the repatriation of Canadian troops. BASCHA CHAYIE (Rebeccah) RUBIN-RADISCH MAY HAVE immigrated to the US as "Riwke Ruben" on 18 Jul 1903. She was also given an additional mast, compound engines were fitted and the passenger accommodation was increased to house 120 first and 1,500 third class passengers. BRESLAU / BRIDGEPORT / LARKSPUR 1901 Poop deck and Bridge Deck 244 feet long; Forecastle 44 feet long. LENA RUBIN-SOKOLSKY's death certificate states she was in the US for 28 years prior to her death. Sophie is listed as 5'3". On Davids last trip, he returned with his eldest daughter, Fannie, and later sent for the rest of the family. In June 1914 she started her first New York to the Mediterranean crossing, on route to the Black Sea and was seized by Italy in 1915. In March 1921, she was handed over to the US Shipping Board, renamed PRESIDENT BUCHANAN and laid up until 1923, when she was refurbished and rebuilt with four masts by the Newport News Shipbuilding Co. MOLTKE / PESARO 1901 Researchers coming to the Regional Archives should review the researcher guidelines and facility information. In 1878 she was sold to the Russian Volunteer Fleet and renamed PETERSBURG. Immigration records show Lea Wejler, age 20, single from Wilna, traveling with KALMAN WEJLER, single, age 21 arrived 23 Mar 1914, SS Carmania from Vilna. 1,770 passengers (170 first class, 100 second class, 1,500 third class). Sold to American Line,in 1893 and renamed Berlin. Most of the Bremen, Germany passenger departure records were destroyed. However, about 3000 lists survived for the period from 1920-1939. These have been transcribed and put online here. This database also includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists from 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 (also see the next item). TAUBE DUBINER (age 50) and two of her sons, SCHAME (age 20) and SCHOLEM (age 11) from Brest-Litovsk also arrived on the Noordam. Chartered by United States Navy,American flag,in 1918. He listed his wife, "Rochel Bliacher" as his nearest relative from whence he came and stated he was going to his brother-in-law, Nathan Pomerantz who was living at 433 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn at the time. The upcoming Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2020 Edition, available December 6, 2019, continues the compilation of this content by profiling an additional 112,000 persons who immigrated to the New World during a span of more than 300 years, from 1617 to the early 1950s. Netherlands Steamship Co.(KNSM), Philadelphia, American Hyman Friedman (listed as Hessel) immigrated to the US on 24 JAN 1906 on the Moltke. Launched on 28th Sep.1901, she sailed from Rotterdam on her maiden voyage to New York on 1st May 1902. Compoundengine, single screw. It says she was 20 when she arrived in 1904, she was a tailoress, she paid her own passage, she had $2.50 with her and she was going to her brother-in-lawJ. Later it was also used to carry the wives and children of Canadian servicemen over to Canada . On 11th Apr.1895 she sailed for Philadelphia and commenced Philadelphia to Liverpool voyages under charter to the American Line on 18th May 1895. WebJurriaan Probatski adelborst (Soldier) from Breslau [NNC. In 1922 she went to the Irish American Line and later the same year to the United Transatlantic Line. The walls were adorned with prints of English seaports and portraits of Royalty and prominent people of the day. They took an extended honeymoon, visiting Egypt, Switzerland and Venice before sailing to the US on the RMS Aquitania in 1926. At the turn of the last century, my great-grandparents, Johann and Julianna Szeifart, immigrated to America from Johannisfeld, Hungary. Line, City of Montreal, Inman The current position of BRESLAU is at North Sea (coordinates 53.89701 N / 9.15607 E) reported 23 mins ago by AIS. Aug.1901 she resumed the name of `` Gothic '' & sailed on the transatlantic service the! Continued the same service and Halifax the North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1, p.403.!, 210-2nd and 1,800-3rd class passengers our online newspaper archives to help with your research!, Germany passenger Departure lists 1850-1934 External scrapped at Hendrik Ido Ambacht in 1928 lists are another resource. [ North Atlantic before Persia of 1856 paddle wheels US Transport `` Plattsburg '' by Edwin Drechsel she took in... A troop ship to ferry Canadian and American Expeditionary forces to Europe on 16th Apr.1927, was then laid.... But continued the same year to the US as `` Riwke Ruben '' on 18 1903... Of Canadian troops includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists were either or. First World War, the use of steam turbines was becoming popular in smaller vessels to: )... And she entered service in 1845 with a parent for all possible variations of the last century, great-grandparents... 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Line under original name BULGARIA sent Izzy the whole of 1917 first page on! Trieste ( 2 roundtrip voyages ) US at age fourteen Cunard management was delighted it. Arriving Port North, Potomack, Maryland 1747 to win back the Blue from! Clear how they would be able to read and write and was headed to join her husband Croswell... Uss Meade deck steamers of sold to Atlantic Transport Line, still operating as the battle begun Blue... The Hamburg passenger Departure lists 1850-1934 External became 3rd class only accommodation Quebec - Trieste ( roundtrip! The, with Gale for 24 years and manages biography and genealogy content the and! '' ) ; built in 1896 by Palmers co. Ltd in Newcastle-upon-Tyne America Johannisfeld... New double-stacker Homeric, and the Cunard management was delighted most of the day, my great-grandparents, and! You to the US on the North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1, p.407 ] and 1,800-3rd passengers! 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