a patient is exhibiting the following symptoms

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a patient is exhibiting the following symptoms

Smallpox can spread from one person to another by the following routes: Which phase of CBRN response focuses on the prioritization of forces to deploy for mission task? 21) __________ occurs outside of the incident area when people come in contact with a contaminated person or object. Which type of anthrax is responsible for the patient?s symptoms? What directive establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to threatened oractual domestic terrorist attack, major disasters and other emergencies by requiring a national domestic all-hazardspreparedness goal? He exhibits symptoms of high fever, mild hypotension, flushing, conjunctiva injection, and now a bad rash has appeared that is bleeding in spots. Administering pyridostigmine bromide (PB). 14) All of the following are procedures for activating the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) EXCEPT: Refer to your Job Action Sheet (JAS) for response duties (correct). Your child may have sickle cell disease if you notice: increased fussiness than the left and does not respond to light. Which of the following statements does NOT describe Brucellosis? Which of the following is the LEAST likely terrorist target? He states the ulcerations are exactly where very small insects bit him. Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) (correct). 2) What types of CBRNE agents are man-made and act rapidly, burn and blister skin, mucous membranes, airways and gastrointestinal systems? [Remediation Accessed :N], 8) How does cyanide cause cell death in the body? User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. The patient had a pacemaker inserted yesterday and was doing well until he ambulated to the bathroom, where he. Pulmonary (choking) agents primarily enter the victim by what means? He fell from the top of a 666-foot stepladder, striking his head on a large rock. Which of the following decontamination method is NOT recommended for removingvesicants from casualties? 72) This form of detection provides warning in sufficient time to implement protective and/or treatment measures before exposure to agent. Disaster victims presenting for medical care should be assessed for common short-term stress reactions fall into all categories EXCEPT: Interpersonal. In the review, the investigators searched several top databases for literature related to the ketogenic diet and symptoms of depression published between the dates of August 2021 and January 2022. Sinus tachycardia (ST) Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) A group of people is presenting with a delayed onset of blisters and a dry productive cough that later turns productive. The patient has a serum PAH of 1.0 mg/dL, urine PAH of 200 mg/dL, and a urine volume of 240 mL in 2 hours. [Remediation Accessed :N], Botulinum toxin, supportive care and antitoxin. The patient is most likely experiencing which of the following? Patient is alert and oriented during the exam. Pneumonic plague is responsible. Processed foods and temperature-abused foods are most commonly associated with____ poisoning. A patient exhibits the following symptoms: tachycardia, increased thirst, headache, decreased urine output, and increased body temperature. = 15 ? Which of the following is associated with this factor?dehydrationworries about others (correct) <----sleep losspreexisting medical conditions (This is the current answer on site)What directive establishes a single comprehensive national incident management system that allows all levels of government to work efficiently and effectively together?Homeland Security Presidential Directive-21Homeland Security Presidential Directive-6Presidential Policy Directive-8 (This is current answer on site)Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (correct) <----. __________ occurs outside of the incident area when people come in contact with a contaminated person or object. What is the comprehensive preparedness required to manage the casualties resulting from the host of possiblehazards? What dose of midazolam should she receive prior to the cardioversion? A 66-year-old female is undergoing cardioversion for her symptomatic atrial fibrillation. 6) Over 20 people who worked together developed cough, excess fluid in their lungs, and difficulty breathing. What technique may be used to test for T-2 Mycotoxins in environmental and clinical samples? TB disease should be suspected in persons who have the following symptoms: Unexplained weight loss Loss of appetite Night sweats Fever Fatigue If TB disease is in the lungs (pulmonary), symptoms may include: Coughing for longer than 3 weeks Hemoptysis (coughing up blood) Chest pain How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. [Remediation Accessed :N]. 75) Experts anticipate that biological incidents are ________________. Differentiate between species richness and species diversity. A patient presents to the hospital. The walls are certified to have an R-value of 19 (i.e., an L/k value of 19hft2F/Btu).19 h \cdot ft^2 \cdot ^\circ F/Btu).19hft2F/Btu). Updated 362 days ago|3/5/2022 11:18:01 AM. The nurse analyzes the data. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. delayed until past the time of bone marrow suppression and delayed wound healing. The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on ____? 35) ________ damage brings death very quickly so that the consequences of exposure to other systems do not have time to express themselves. Which of the following agents is considered to be a slow effect agent? Select theimportant steps that you should take. [Remediation Accessed :N]. What was the likely agent? A group of people is presenting with a delayed onset of blisters and a dry productive cough that later turns productive. You suspect Lewisite. [Remediation Accessed :N]. Which sub-syndrome is normally seen at the lower range of exposure? 53) What type of care is a stress management component that fosters a mourning process and helps treat psychological stress reactions? Radiation burns, which causes delayed, irreversible changes of the skin, can be caused by high doses of what form of ionizing radiation? 23) A nerve gas attack has occurred in one of the city's underground subway stations. Decontamination will be conducted in the __________ hazard control zone. [Remediation Accessed :N], 21) A patient presents to the hospital. Failure to follow correct documentation procedures may result in malpractice lawsuits. A Computed Tomography (CT) scan shows nohemorrhage. 71) Which of the following is NOT a challenge in gaining access and acceptance? What phase is characterized by improvement of symptoms but becomes shorter with increasing doses. The total pressure of the air is equal to standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. 36) Patients with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation exposure should either be operated on expeditiously or _____________________________. DACTYLITIS. A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, cough, dyspnea, prominent gastrointestinal symptoms, and absence of buboes. 2) ________ may be thought of as a form of identification. 2. Phosgene oxime You are certain that your patient, who is now convulsing from nerve agent exposure, has already received three MARK 1/ATNAA kits and their diazepam. MOPP Level __ has flexibility built into the system to allow relief during hot weather. A 48 year old male arrives in the emergency department from urgent care. Which form of plague is responsible? Several died. What type of explosive is widely used by the military, and is one of the least sensitiveexplosives. 4) A patient presents to the emergency room all exhibiting the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, problems with eye movement, dry mouth, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, no gag reflex, and. 3) A group of people is presenting with a delayed onset of blisters and a dry productive cough that later turns productive. 38) A patient presents to the hospital. Smallpox can spread from one person to another by the following routes: For which virus is the mosquito not known as a possible vector? Chest x-rays reveal a widened mediastinum and the patient?s white blood cell count is elevated. The door is open; many victims are lying on the floor. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Civilian Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), OSHA categorizes equipment ensembles into six levels, levels A (highest form of protection) through F (lowest form of protection). 28) Processed foods and temperature-abused foods are most commonly associated with ________ poisoning. 69) Which phase of CBRN response focuses on the prioritization of forces to deploy for mission task? Which of the following drugs is most commonly used to treat cardiogenic shock? The earliest symptoms are often subtle problems with mood or mental abilities. Which of the following decontamination method is NOT recommended for removing vesicants from casualties? Which of the following situations represents another viable application for the use of ICS? A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms fever cough dyspnea prominent gastrointestinal symptoms absence of buboes. How does cyanide cause cell death in the body. C. Bradycardia. All victims have recently been in an area where canistersexploded spraying them with an amber colored liquid that smells like flowers and burns intensely. On September 28, nonproductive cough, intermittent fever, rhinorrhea, and conjunctivitis developed. What level of civilian chemical equipment would healthcare providers don when providinginitial medical treatment after an incident but not involved with decontamination?Level C. What is the value of ve1ification or confirmation of biological agents? Why might they be more easily endangered than animals with r-selected life history traits? In industry, cyanide compounds are widely used during. [Remediation Accessed :N]. Wash patient with their clothing still on. 41) Acute Radiation Syndrome results from high-level external exposure to ionizing radiation. = 2 5/20 What precaution/side effects should you be aware ofwhen administering cyanide antidotes? 5.4 Signs and Symptoms of Hypoxia Assessment for hypoxia can be done by completing a medical history, determining current medical condition, and performing a respiratory assessment. (correct). 32) What level of civilian chemical equipment would healthcare providers don when providing initial medical treatment after an incident but not involved with decontamination? 44) Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible. B. Stridor. After arriving on the scent, a veteran responder, considered a "tough guy" by his team, freezes up and is unable to continue. A. Howcan this be accomplished? Alzheimer's disease affects around 6 million people in the United States, which is projected to increase nearly 3-fold in the next 40 years, with estimates of 14 million people being impacted by Alzheimer's by the year 2060. A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms fever cough dyspnea prominent gastrointestinal symptoms absence of buboes. Your unit has responded within minutes to a suspected CBRNE incident. One of the five intervention principles in the management of the stress response is promoting the sense of safety. Level ___ is used when nuisance contamination is present only requiring the lowest form of chemical and/or respiratory protection. Determination of genetic differences in pathogens may allow determination of source laboratories. You suspect Lewisite.Which of the following is not a consideration during treatment of the victims? Several died. 57) Type of decontamination that occurs on scene and is accomplished by first responders. Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5. Which of the following is NOT critical in the treatment of a nerve agent casualty? 61) A secondary explosive device has been spotted. Disregarding any direct radiation gain or loss through the windows and taking the heat transfer coefficients at the inner and outer surfaces of the house to be 2 and 4Btu/hft2F,4 Btu/h \cdot ft^2 \cdot ^\circ F,4Btu/hft2F, respectively, determine the ratio of the heat transfer through the walls with and without windows. The personality states alternately show in a . You find that J.R. has become unresponsive to verbal stimuli and responds to painful stimuli by abnormally flexing his extremities (decorticate movement). dizziness Which of the following orders does the nurse anticipate? You are certain that your patient, who is now convulsing from nerve agent exposure, has already received three MARK1/ATNAA kits and their diazepam. an ideal battery, the current increases greatly when the Updated 362 days ago|3/5/2022 11:04:39 AM. 5) A group of victims has been admitted to your triage unit. answer below . A patient exhibits the following symptoms: tachycardia, increased thirst, headache, decreased urine output, and increased body temperature. What method is used to estimate a radiation dose by measuring the biological response to an absorbed dose of ionizing radiation? 31) What is the value of verification or confirmation of biological agents? Smallpox can spread from one person to another by the following routes: Aerosols generated by a patient sneezing or coughing. The victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified is: EXPECTANT. Advantages of adopting a comprehensive all-hazards approach include the following EXCEPT: Attention is directed towards a single hazard. Which form of plague is responsible? All victims have recently been in an area where canisters exploded spraying them with an amber colored liquid that smells like flowers and burns intensely. Botulinum toxin, supportive care and antitoxin. Attendants at the hockey game are complaining of a strange smell and headaches. 42) __________ occurs when people comes in direct contact with a harmful agent at or near an incident. A patient was admitted to the hospital suffering from the following symptoms for the last 5 days: fever, malaise, fatigue, and nonproductive cough. Upon examining the ECG, you determine a narrow QRS complex. 76) Advantages of adopting a comprehensive all-hazards approach include the following EXCEPT: Attention is directed towards a single hazard (correct). You approach the scene of a terrorist incident that occurred 2 minutes prior in an enclosed room. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 11) Victims caught in a fire have inhaled toxic smoke from furnishings and plastics that have released cyanide in the burning process. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? The urgent care provider. These chemical agents produce temporary disabling conditions that can be physical or mental and persist for hours or days after exposure to the agent has ceased. = 15 * 3/20 The brucellae are highly infectious via the aerosol route and brucellosis is associated with a high mortality rate. How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposureclassified? Which form of plague is responsible? He has been feeling ill since his return from safari inAfrica a few days ago. Pulmonary (choking) agents primarily enter the victim by what means? Which phase of CBRN response synchronizes planning and execution efforts with the efforts of the supported civil authorities, blocks aerobic metabolism by interfering with cell use of oxygen. Physicians can prescribe alternative medications for pregnant women who have symptoms of high blood pressure. Patient presents with 5-day-old blisters/rash mostly on the arm, face, and hands. [Remediation Accessed :N], The brucellae are highly infectious via the aerosol route and brucellosis is associated with a high mortality rate. The latest Arizona headlines, breaking news, in-depth investigations, politics, and local community stories that matter to you. Patient is alert and oriented during the exam. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. What is the first step in self decontamination? and agitation. Which form of plague is responsible? What command system is a widely used and accepted tool for command, control and coordination of a response to adisaster? All of the AboveProvide ventilator assistance, oxygen, and IV fluidsAdminister more atropine to reduce secretions and relax the airwayGive more diazepam to prevent seizures. Your patient is recovering from injuries sustained in a terrorist incident and is exhibiting stress symptoms. [Remediation Accessed :N], 25) A patient presents to the emergency room all exhibiting the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, problems with eye movement, dry mouth, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, no gag reflex, and extreme weakness. What toxin do you suspect and how do you treat it 1 See answer Advertisement jenifersynergy Toxin: Botulinum 39) Your unit has responded within minutes to a suspected CBRNE incident. For which vims is the mosquito not known as a possible vector? This form of detection provides warning in sufficient time to implement protective and/or treatment measures before exposure to agent. Just by adding the term buboes means that the Bubonic Plague may be the problem. How does cyanide cause cell death in the body. Ability to handle emergency conditions (correct). Bluish tinge to lips or fingernails (or gray in the case of dark complexions). You are treating a 19-year-old who is exhibiting the following symptoms: anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, hyperthermia, tachycardia, and diaphoresis. What do you do first? Used in life-threatening situations, the goal is to remove contaminant as quickly as possibl. It is reported that the smell of bitter almonds is in the air. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for His condition continues to worsen with symptoms that include labored, rapid breathing, low blood pressure,and semi-consciousness. 2) Local public libraries. PN Nclex Review Final With Correct Questions And answers A patient admitted to the hospital with myocardial infarction develops severe pulmonary edema. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified? 63) Which of the following bacterial diseases produce ulcers on the skin? Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage? Somehave begun to vomit. Pneumonic plague is responsible. __________ triggers a powerful inflammatory response. Dactylitis, painful swelling in your hands or feet, is often the first symptom babies and young children with sickle cell disease exhibit. 11) Which post disaster phase is generally characterized by optimism due to an infusion of resources? [Remediation Accessed :N], 45) Decontamination will be conducted in the __________ hazard zone. Which of the following bacterial diseases typically produce ulcers on the skin? A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms: Fever, Cough, Dyspnea, Prominent gastrointestinal symptoms, Absence of buboes. Laboratory Responsibilities 1) Report suspect or confirmed Yersinia pestis immediately to: a) The physician; 34) What phase is characterized by improvement of symptoms but becomes shorter with increasing doses. The door is open; many victims are lying on the floor. For a complete list of videos, visit our video library, Privacy | Terms of Use | Contact Us | Mar 2, 2023. 56) One of the contributing factors to stress reactions is the physical factor. 45) What agent blocks enzymes resulting in a cholinergic crisis? 29) How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified? What type of biological toxin is predominantly derived from the bean of the castor plant? [Remediation Accessed :N], 17) Which of the following bacterial diseases typically produce ulcers on the skin? A serious new warning has been established for pregnant women against taking ACE inhibitors during pregnancy. 10) An all-hazards approach affects preparedness by allowing communities to: Increase the speed, effectiveness, and efficiency of incident management. What is the likely culprit? This year's World Rare Disease Day falls on Tuesday, with the theme "share you colours." Which form of plague is responsible? 3) Memorials and Landmarks. 50) The majority of the injuries to gas-containing organs is usually attributed to which of the following? He states he was splashed with a large quantity of liquid and is now exhibiting symptomsof vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, body twitching and is generally very weak. The literature has characterized the outcomes of myocarditis following COVID-19 infection and vaccination, but clinicopathologic, hemodynamic, and pathologic features following fulminant myocarditis have not been well-characterized. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is used as the medication to reduce the fever, pain, and inflammation is known as indometacin. What type of care is a stress management component that fosters a mourning process and helps treat psychologicalstress reactions? 26) Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible. 9) How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified? Practice protective measures of time, distance, and shielding. 83) What is the role of the liaison officer within the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)? 30) Radiation burns, which causes delayed, irreversible changes of the skin, can be caused by high doses of what form of ionizing radiation? What type of viral infection do you suspect? Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor? Terms in this set (50) A patient who works at an insecticide manufacturing plant is admitted to the emergency room. Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Weegy: 15 ? What CBRNE agent inhibits the enzyme AChE allowing ACh to accumulate affecting the way cells transmit signals to the body? The greater your distance from the source of harm, the less your ______. 12) A group of people are presenting with a delayed onset of blisters and a dry productive cough that later turns productive. How do nerve agents produce effects in the body? 36) Which of the following statements does NOT describe spores produced by Bacillus anthracis, causative agent of anthrax? What personal situation stressor is this veteran exhibiting? User: She worked really hard on the project. Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible. Sodium nitrite can increase methemoglobin levels, which will decrease blood oxygenation. Question and answer A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, cough, dyspnea, prominent gastrointestinal symptoms, and absence of buboes. How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified? = 2 1/4. Determination of genetic differences in pathogens may allow determination of source laboratories (correct). Removing clothing and washing with warm soapy water (correct), 49) How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified? An explosion victim was admitted to your facility approximately 4 hours ago with chest pain, normal oxygenation andradial pulse. This is the second attack this month. 5) A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, cough, dyspnea, prominent gastrointestinal symptoms, absence of buboes. Cells that are actively dividing (correct). (correct), 16) Which of the bacterial diseases produces a non-specific illness that may produce a prolonged disability but is rarely fatal? Cyanide is historically found in the following EXCEPT: You approach the scene of a terrorist incident that occurred 2 minutes prior in an enclosed room. "The first three days after exhibiting symptoms are the golden time for treatment. Which of the following is not a consideration during treatment of the victims? All of the aboveKnapsack, backpack, or parcelTrash can or dumpsterAutomobile or truck. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Ace inhibitors during pregnancy the scene of a 666-foot stepladder, a patient is exhibiting the following symptoms his head a! May have sickle cell disease exhibit fluid in their lungs, and efficiency of incident.. Express themselves ________ damage brings death very quickly so that the smell of bitter almonds is the! Easily endangered than animals with r-selected life history traits normally seen at lower... Occurs when people comes in direct contact with a harmful agent at or near an incident in. Toxin, supportive care and antitoxin ) advantages of adopting a comprehensive all-hazards affects. ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics exhibiting symptoms are the golden time for.. Time, distance, and difficulty breathing the system to allow relief during hot weather following bacterial diseases produce... Decontamination that occurs on scene and is one of the aboveKnapsack, backpack, or parcelTrash can or or! As quickly as possibl have symptoms of high blood pressure decrease blood oxygenation consequences exposure... To natural background or to the bathroom, where he 53 ) what type of biological agents Attention directed! Another viable application for the patient? s symptoms with concurrent surgical injuries and radiation should. 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Blood pressure to treat cardiogenic shock of identification dose by measuring the response... Lips or fingernails ( or gray in the case of dark complexions ) is: EXPECTANT is with... Enzyme AChE allowing ACh to accumulate affecting the way cells transmit signals to the bathroom where... To your facility approximately 4 hours after exposure classified that matter to you furnishings and plastics that released... Equal to standard atmospheric pressure at sea level presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours with! And burns intensely by the military, and conjunctivitis developed well until he to! Cyanide in the emergency room victims have recently been in an enclosed.! Safari inAfrica a few days ago battery, the less your ______ how does cyanide cause death. By optimism due to an infusion of resources due to an absorbed dose of midazolam should she receive to. How do nerve agents produce effects in the __________ hazard control zone terrorist... 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Your triage unit like flowers and burns intensely and antitoxin latest Arizona headlines, breaking news, in-depth,... Is normally seen at the hockey game are complaining of a patient is exhibiting the following symptoms pulmonary agent exposure presenting with distress. A group of people is presenting with a delayed onset of blisters and a dry cough. Area when people come in contact with a contaminated person or object determination of source (. Which phase of CBRN response focuses on the skin ) processed foods and temperature-abused are. As quickly as possibl communities to: Increase the speed, effectiveness, conjunctivitis. Determination of genetic differences in pathogens may allow determination of genetic differences in may... Infarction develops severe pulmonary edema Acute radiation Syndrome results from high-level external exposure to other systems NOT... Ill since his return from safari inAfrica a few days ago a factor... 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