rxswift mvvm example
Cell deleting is also handled by a function provided by the rx extension:\. ViewModel is also the place where we put most of the business logic. SwiftMVVM is an sample iOS App written in Swift using the MVVM architecture. Mvvm pattern in swift example. I really like to read a book if there is an interesting topic that I want to learn. We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. This is done by setting the value for loadInProgress variable to true. It’s not mandatory but it can help you to understand which properties are RxSwift objects. Observables in RxSwift change their state by emitting onNext, onError, andonCompletedevents. . .distinctUntilChanged() At first, we need to add RxSwift to the project. The example project is in the MVVM-Rx folder. Next we'll call the subscribe to start listening to the events, and finally, we'll set the disposeBag to dispose the observable. Cells contains the cellViewModels, which are used when constructing the cells. In the bindViewModel() we also start observing when to present the loading hud, and if needed the error note. Isn’t that exciting or what? Here we have defined loadInProgress, cells as BehaviorRelays. Inside the onNext we’ll first set the loadInProgress to false. It took me a while to switch my brain to the state that everything is observable. View controllers job is only to present the hud to the user. Or is there any books written about it? The cells is a private member so that the cell value can only be changed by the view model. What do you think, can you . If you are familiar with RxSwift (and maybe you are if you work with MVVM) that home-made binding may seem unnecessary. I have implemented the cell clicking and deleting a friend is done using the swipe. At the beginning of the class, we’ll notice the view model definition. In this first part of the app, I’ll show the basics of using RxSwift with MVVM. Furthermore, BehaviorRelay can’t terminate with an error or completed event. As a pair for the private cells variable, we have a friendCells Observable. Binding data between the ViewModel and the view. In this part, we’ll also concentrate on presenting the loading hud and an error to the user. Every time a request is sent to AppServerClient, it returns an Observable. We’ll first go through the view model side of the implementation and then the view. We could subscribe to the event, then go through all the states that the event can have and unwrap the value inside the event. You can get the complete source code for the app on GitHub, just remember to check out the RxSwift branch. In the first part of how to use RxSwift with MVVM, we’ll be concentrating on the first view of the app: The first view has a table view that shows all items loaded from the backend. But since now we don’t have that complex error handling we can do this simpler way like this: First, we’ll get the onShowError and map the received event. I think we could have also used simple BehaviorRelay with onShowError, but I wanted to use PublishSubject to cover a bit more types from RxSwift. View Model: It receives information from VC, handles all this information and sends it back to VC. This way when the disposeBag is deallocated, it calls dispose() to all the observables, which takes care of the memory they’ve used. FriendsTableViewController – bindViewModel () { This leads to cleaner code that is easier to read and test. We’ll also add all the libs for the testing targets that we have. . But I think you’ll get your answers a lot quicker if you can find a tutorial online. I can’t figure out how to make cells listen to taps and swipes though. We'll also bind the friendCells values to tableView and see how we can delete a friend. Next, let’s check the bindViewModel() function: At first, we’ll bind the friendCells to tableview. This is where we’ll also create the view model since this is the first view of the application. Check the GitHub repo for more info. About the DefaultLogIn class name The last two members here are appServerClient and disposeBag. iOS Example Ui Material Design Table View Color Label Transitions Tutorials. This is pretty wide question I think you’ll learn a lot if you search the internet and implement this step by step on your own . After all that is set up and whenever the value is changed, the observer is notified. I wrote the app using MVVM without RxSwift 18 months ago. Every time a request is sent to AppServerClient, it returns an Observable. ... for example formatting date to be displayed as a text in UILabel will be implemented by the View Model … because ViewModel shouldn't know anything from view, In Part II we will examine this article with a precise example. We'll check how to use them more specifically in the view controller codes, but for now, this is all we need to know. Massive View Controller MVVM solves the MVC pattern (everyone jokes about the “Massive View Controller”). All the codes are available, but I'll dive in to the network layer in another post. ViewModel is the module that makes the data ready for the view(which in this case is the FriendTableViewController). Now that we have handled the data source and delegation of the tableView, all that is left is to make sure that this observable is disposed of using the disposeBag, when View is deallocated. AppServerClient is a component which does all the requests to the server. tableView.rx.items is a binder function working on observable sequence of elements, such as Observable<[Friend]>. Form validation by RxSwift with MVVM architecture. Using MVVM instead of MVC, Apple’s default architecture, has turned out to be a good choice for me. When you compare this piece of code, to the normal way of setting up the data source and implementing all the tableView delegate functions, which one do you feel is easier? I haven’t thought a specific rule when to go with Variable, PublishSubject or BehaviourSubject. If we have a value, we'll use compactMap to convert the friend items to cell view models and set the value for the cells. The first thing to do is to present the loading indicator to the user whenever we are calling this function. There might be slight differences in the code that is in Github, but I think it is pretty much up to date. I use ‘loadInProgress’ and ‘onShowLoadingHud’ because I think loading is a specific view model action that view controller does not need to know about. MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) gets more and more attention among app developers these days. Setting up correct cocoa pods. The element contains the enum value defined in the view model side and index is the index of the element. Part of the view layer 2. 3. Thanks for your article , it seems that Variable is depreciated. Like MVC, the Model-View-ViewModel pattern, or MVVM in short, is an architectural pattern that guides how you structure the code in your iOS apps. This is the variable that we’ll bind to present the loading hud (binding happens in the view controller side). Now, we'll start to listen for the different values it can emit. There are several options making this a MVVM implementation (and in this example we will look at just the first of these): Use simple tools to create the bindings (in this case closures); and arguably this makes it wholly an MVP implementation; Use a third party library like RXSwift to bind the view to the viewmodel The last but one of the most important variables is the DisposeBag. RxSwift calls the closure that we have defined for each item. Read more articles about RxSwift. .loadInProgress I decided to try out RxSwift using by implementing a small project. We could subscribe to the event, then go through all the states that the event can have and unwrap the value inside the event. As you might remember, friendCells is a computed property of cells and it returns the observablefrom the cells variable. Notice the distinctUntilChanged which means that the value is only emitted if it is changed. To understand how I applied the MVVM pattern to the profile view controller, I need to provide some context. The types are normal cell, error and empty cell. So what do you think? We will take a look at how we can accelerate our GraphQL API development using Hasura. Furthermore, Variable is guaranteed not to emit error so it makes things a bit simpler to handle on the view controller side. Since the friend application updates the cells by reloading the content from the server, we'll also deselect the row here to make the UI work smoothly. RxSwift Variable designed for collections. Advanced Topics: Round out your RxSwift education by learning about MVVM app architecture, scene-based navigation, and exposing data via services. Really stuck here. Open source Github iOS client written in RxSwift and MVVM architecture. Variable is a type provided by RxSwift. but i don’t know why you make some pair of Variables. Here, the subject that is received is defined as SingleButtonAlert and that is also what it will publish to the receiver. Hi Jun! Thanks you, It is a helpful post! return loadInProgress Whenever the delete event gets called for the table view, also the modelDeleted gets called. This way when the disposeBag is deallocated, it calls dispose() to all the observables, which takes care of the memory they've used. Thanks for reading and see you next time, my friend! After that we’ll call bind(to:) and give the tableView.rx.items as parameter. Then we can start with the RxSwift stuff! Also if you liked the post I hope you’ll share it with some of your friends, I’d really appreciate it! Here the subject that is received is defined as SingleButtonAlert and that is also what it will publish to the receiver. I would like to show you some problems that I ran into using MVVM with RxSwift and some solutions that made my life easier. PublishSubjectreceives information and then publishes it to the subscriber. I might change it a bit if I wrote the code today. This way there is no chance that the value is accidentally changed on the view controller side. .distinctUntilChanged() Then, we'll check that the friends array we received contains items. I also had some trouble at first to figure out when to use Variable, Observable, PublishSubject and how I should bind values to UI components. ... RxSwift with MVVM FriendViewController. RxSwift comes with RxBlocking as well as RxTests for testing purpose. RxSwiftExt helps with binding the observables straight to the UI-Components. After that, we'll call bind(to:) and give the tableView.rx.items as parameter. And after we are done editing the Podfile, we’ll need to run pod install in the terminal. I won't go through the MVVM pattern from the ground up but after you've read the series, you'll be able to use RxSwift with MVVM. The profile view controller, an instance of the ProfileViewController class, is responsibl… The loadInProgress variable is used when ever this class is performing a network request. A segment has one or more sounds associated with it, for example, a sound for the start of the segment and one for the end of the segment. Cells contains the cellViewModels, which are used when constructing the cells. ViewModel is the module that makes the data ready for the view (which in this case is the FriendTableViewController). Then we can start with the RxSwift stuff! Error cell show error information to the user and empty cell is shown when there is no data on the server. So, inside the function, we’ll just check that the cell type is what expect, and call the viewModel.delete function with the correct view model as a parameter. . So inside the view model, we define our own disposeBag. You might have heard about the MassiveViewController problem, and we don’t want to end up with a MassiveViewModel either. If a user selects a language the screen will dismiss and the repositories list will update accordin… It took me a while to switch my brain to the state that everything is an Observable. Cell deleting is also handled by a function provided by the rx extension: Again, we can access the helper functions for tableView using the .rx. MVVM is a UI architectural pattern from Model-View-X family. Incase it is empty, we’ll set [.empty] cell as the value for the friendCells. Model: This is only your model, nothing much here. The MVC pattern breaks an application up into three components or layers, model, view, and controller. In this example, we’ll use CocoaPods but you can also use Carthage and Swift Package Manager. Just making sure that you did checkout the RxSwift branch from GitHub? After those function calls, the view is completely setup and we can use the getFriends()function to start downloading the data. This is the variable that we'll bind to on the view controller side to present the loading hud. In the MVVM design pattern, Model is the same as in MVC pattern. RxSwiftExt helps with binding the observables straight to the UI-Components. Here is where we can configure the cells. Now, I thought it would be nice to refactor it and see how it looks like when using RxSwift with MVVM. The cells is a private member so that the cell value can only be changed by the ViewModel. But there is an easier way. The types are normal cell, error and empty cell. I wrote the app using MVVM without RxSwift 1,5 years ago. RxSwift also provides subscribe functions we can use for the different states. We could do it in the same way as when we were listening to the observable states when receiving friends from the network client. As mentioned, we’ll be using AppServerClient for the server requests. I am Max, and I am going to talk to you about MVVM with RxSwift. The first thing to do is to present the loading indicator to the user whenever we are calling this function. View Controller: It only performs things related to UI – Show/get information. I haven’t used it my self, and even if I work with Futures I still need to learn the library before writing about it. Here we don’t need to free any memory when the onCompleted or onDisposedis called, so we only handle the onNext and onError states. Whenever we receive the onNext event, we'll access the emitted SingleButtonAlert value with the $0 and present the error dialog. Here is where we can configure the cells. SingleButtonAlert is type that defines a title, message and a button title with an action to present an alert type for the user. Now, let’s see how to handle the selection of a cell by checking the cell deleting! But I am sure that you are eager to take a look at the code, so let’s check it out! .disposed(by: disposeBag) The convenience when separati… And after we are done editing the Podfile, we’ll need to run pod install in the terminal. If you have any questions, comments or feedback you can comment below or contact me on twitter! At the top of the file, we have familiar definitions for UI components and the view model, etc. We’ll also check how to bind data to back and forth UI-components between view model and the view. The structure of the MVVM pattern and the roles of its layers. Thanks. More specifically it is provided by RxCocoa so remember to import it in every file you need it. We’ll check how to use them more specifically in the view controller codes, but for now, this is all we need to know. And with that, the first part of this RxSwift with MVVM series is completed. For the past months, I keep going further in RxSwift usage. ", observing to show loading hud and error note, Server-side Swift with Vapor 3 – backend set up, Unit testing RxSwift application with XCTest framework, How to use RxSwift with MVVM pattern part 2, iOS 11 Programming Fundamentals with Swift, Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, How to use Swift playgrounds to help with UI development. So in general, we have: 1. At first, well import RxSwift so that we have the tools provided by the library available. So we will implement our albums CollectionView and songs TableView in a way that we can later reuse these views in other parts of our app. RxSwift has been a hot topic in the community for a few years now, but somehow I’ve managed to avoid it. .subscribe() It is a computed property and it returns an Observable for the cells variable. In the bindViewModel(), we also start observing when to present a loading hud and, if needed, an error note. Btw, the backend is written in swift using Vapor! So if something can be refactored to its own module, we should always try to do that. This code is still based on the same sample app I used a MVVM template: a currency converter app. . In the normal case, we’ll deque the cell from the tableView and set the viewModel received as the cells viewModel. RxSwift adds the basic library including Observable, Variable, PublishSubject etc. Thank you Jimmy for your effort and for your awesome, detailed, focused, super practical and to the point post , Keep it going and I will be waiting on fire for your next awesome article! If you have any questions, comments or feedback, you can comment below or contact me on Twitter! This is the variable that we’ll later use in the view controller side to bind the cell value for the tableview. How cool is this! User can choose a language to filter repositories and select repository in the list to open it in the SFSafariViewController.. App is written with Xcode 8 and Swift 3. The value is emitted the same way as with all observables, using the onNext() function. Let's start with the ViewModel. In Samsara, a profile is the model that encapsulates the settings for a meditation session. Binding creates an ObserverType which subscribes it self to the observable friend array. To destroy an Observable, we should always call dispose() to it. The loadInProgress variable is used whenever this class is performing a network request. Then we'll set up cell deleting and tapping. It exposes a changes observable that notifies when items are inserted or removed from the collection. The value is emitted the same way as with all observables, using the onNext() function. }. Normal cell presents the data for a friend. But let’s proceed in order. In this first part of the app, I’ll show the basics of using RxSwift with MVVM. We use a very functional MVVM approach with RxJava/RxSwift and platform-independent ViewModels. We’ll also bind the friendCells values to tableview and see how we can delete a friend. In the normal case, we’ll deque the cell from the tableView and set the viewModel received as the cells viewModel. , Can you do a PromiseKit post also ? It is defined as an Observable and it returns the loadInProgress as an observable. If we have a value, we’ll use compactMap to convert the friend items to cell view models and set the value for the cells. Let's see how this looks when we are getting a list of friends from the AppServerClient: So we have defined a function getFriends(). View model needs to keep track if we are loading something or not. MVVM is a particularly sweet pattern to use with RxSwift, since Rx makes creating bindings a straightforward task. Inside the onNext, we'll first set the loadInProgress to false. When an Observable receives a new value, it sends an event containing the value. When the view model gets deallocated, all the observables are deallocated as well. All the codes are available, but I’ll dive into the network layer in another post. It’s a good place to start observing the RxSwift observables. Now, the only thing left for us in this part is to present an error and loading hud! Since the friend application updates the cells by reloading the content from the server, we’ll also deselect the row here to make the UI to work smoothly. In the view controller we’ll use the RxDataSources for the table view handling and RxSwiftExt for binding the observables directly to the UI-Components. It would be very hard work to handle the disposing manually, so RxSwift equips us with the DisposeBag. I intentionally didn’t do that way to keep the complexity of RxSwift out of the example. Since our view only has a single section, we’ll convert the index as indexPath, using section value zero. For example: we tie firstnameValid with firstname. but, would you mind posting the whole code or updating the code in the Github? Then we’ll set the friendCells.value to [.error] and for the message we’ll use an extension to convert the provided error value to correct error message: The last thing we’ll need to do is to add this observable to the disposeBag, so that it gets disposed when view model is deallocated. Let’s start with the viewModel. RxDataSources includes UITableView & UICollectionView related reactive libraries. Much, much more! loadInProgress also has a public computed property onShowLoadingHud. In this article with briefly explain MVVM, but more importantly give you a glimpse of our MVVM style. With these simple variables, we can already see that the data binding between the view model and view is very simple! Since our view only has a single section, we’ll convert the index as indexPath, using section value zero. RxSwift has been a hot topic in the swift community for a few years now, but somehow I’ve managed to avoid it. So instead of always checking which event was emitted. Features [x] Basic authentication [x] Clean architecture (RxSwift and MVVM) [x] Flow coordinators ... for example bumping version numbers, running tests on multiple configurations, or submitting to the App Store. The last two members here are appServerClient and disposeBag. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. AppServerClient is a component which does all the requests to the server. We'll first go through the ViewModel side of the implementation and then the view. As said, Friends app uses AppServerClient to handle all the networking. I’ll cover the topics by showing how to write an application called Friends. Inside the onError, we again hide the loadingHud. }, private let loadInProgress = BehaviorRelay(value: false). for example, your code in FriendsTableViewViewModel: var onShowLoadingHud: Observable { Let’s see how RxSwift … I say ‘most’ since we should try to avoid a situation where the ViewModel turns into just another place where we dump all our code. BehaviourSubject works like PublishSubject but it also repeats the latest value to new subscribers. I say most since we should try to avoid the situation that view model turns into just another place that we dump all our code. However, with BehaviorRelay you use the accept function to set a new value. After that we’ll call getFriends() from the appServerClient and subscribe to the observable it returns. With these simple variables, we can already see that the data binding between the ViewModel and View is very simple! We'll also check how to bind data to back and forth UIComponents between the viewModel and the View. I have checked the code in Github and find it is not the same in this post. .map { [weak self] in self?.setLoadingHud(visible: $0) } In the error case, we’ll create a default UITableViewCell and set the provided error message as the textLabel?.text. This is the second post in the ‘How to use RxSwift with MVVM’ series. Makes creating bindings a straightforward task onShowError which is defined as an Observable remove and update a is... Request is sent to AppServerClient, it seems that variable is used when the. Present an error and a button in the ‘ how to bind the cell!. So RxSwift equips us with the $ 0 and present the error dialog same thing the. Tokens and their implementation considerations used by oauth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols be. The modelDeleted gets called for the view model definition top of the most important variables is the variable.... 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