fordham walsh hall
BOX 37 (Add your our-digit P.O. Fordham University uses a state of the art emergency notification system. In most instances, you will be instructed to remain in your residence hall, academic building or other shelter. If the alarm stops ringing after having already sounded, students should continue to evacuate. For community billing provisions, see Damage Billing. However, safety concerns necessarily limit the repertory of acceptable decorations. Drug also includes any substance that is used to change mood or alter reality and is not used in accordance with a medical prescription (e.g., household chemicals/agents, steroids, naturally derived substances). A community that is conducive to living, learning, and personal growth requires an atmosphere of cooperation among its members and a respect for self, others, and property. These notices should never be tampered with or altered in any way. Requests for a hard copy of campus crime statistics can be directed to the University Associate Vice President of Safety and Security by phone at 718-817-2222 or in writing to the Associate Vice President of Safety and Security at Thebaud Annex, Fordham University 441 E. Fordham Rd., Bronx, NY 10458. Failure to Comply: Residents found with animals in their custody will be subject to disciplinary action and will be required to immediately remove the pets. Carol McNamara, Reservations CoordinatorMcGinley Center Room 204Phone: 718-817-4339. Walsh Hall, The Bronx. One great thing about Walsh is that AC was installed a … Intramural Sports: Intramurals are offered for the following sports: flag football, soccer, volleyball, dodge ball, basketball, softball, and baseball. Meal Plan selection can be changed during the first two weeks of the semester. To read Fordham University Walsh Hall reviews or leave your own please visit: Resident students may be required to attend a mandatory wing, floor, or building meeting called by a Resident Assistant (RA) or Resident Director (RD) for purposes of addressing ongoing vandalism or damage patterns or incidents and to review community standards. In addition, students should not tamper with or remove any in-window air conditioning units as this can create a hazard for those outside the building. Welcome to Campus Ministry! Boxes to Rose Hill and off campus students with university housing. RHA is dedicated to improving the quality of residence hall living at Fordham University. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on University property except as specified by policy. Check out my view from the 12th floor of Walsh Hall! Non-cooperation or obstruction of an investigation of an incident of vandalism may result in judicial sanctions ranging from residence halls probation to dismissal from the residence halls. Questions? Applicants who have been accepted for admission or current students who would like Fordham to accommodate a disability are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services at 718-817-0655. Move-in dates vary, please see Important Dates for more information. All must cooperate fully with Security personnel dispatched to resolve problems. These elevators deserve the best of care, given the fact that large numbers of people depend upon them and use them every day. 4848 to complete a work request for the repair of University property or fixtures within your room. Located on 85 acres in the north Bronx, and adjacent to the New York Botanical Garden, the Bronx Zoo and Arthur Avenue, the "real" Little Italy of New York City, Rose Hill offers students broad, green lawns and tree-lined streets, all within the context of a New York college experience. From time to time, Building Operations staff members require access to student rooms and suites for repair and maintenance purposes. Elections for the General Board take place in mid-September. Students who fail to comply with conduct officer requests to attend conferences or who fail to comply with judicial sanctions may receive additional fines. Roommates are expected to confer about all visitors and guests in advance of a visit and agree that a visitor or guest is not an imposition. The McGinley Center is also home to the offices of the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, Career Services, Community Service, Intercampus Transportation, Ramcell, Dean of Student Services and Campus Ministry. Through the cooperative efforts of students, their respective governing bodies, and the Office of Residential Life, a set of expectations and standards for student behavior has been established. She gives the best ones! The Office of Student Leadership and Community Development at the Rose Hill campus of Fordham University serves the University community by developing a campus environment where students are expected to complement their academic experience with a rich co-curricular life outside the classroom. A Graduate Student program has been developed to meet the unique needs of Graduate and non-traditional students. The prospective hosts present a completed and signed Registered Party Guest List. The University will take steps to prevent discrimination and harassment, to prevent the recurrence of discrimination and harassment, and to remedy the discriminatory effects of discrimination on victims and others, as appropriate. New York is my campus. Students will be charged for participation in this online program. Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel (LC). Dr. James P. McCabe, University LibrarianWalsh LibraryPhone: 718-817-3570Webpage: Likewise, students are responsible for the behavior of their guests at all times. Possession of bars, shot glasses and/or empty alcohol containers, even for decorative purposes, is also prohibited. If specific individuals are responsible, they must submit a letter to the Administrative Manager claiming complete responsibility, otherwise every resident will be billed an equal amount. This cooperative relationship serves to strengthen involvement in the community and to assure that each residential college’s traditions are passed to each generation of residents. Toward this end, the Residential Life staff assists students in learning to accept responsibility for their actions. Failure to Comply: Sanctions range from, but are not limited to, a $250 fine and residence halls probation to residence hall dismissal. Director of Institutional Equity and Compliance Stereo speakers and audio equipment are not to be aimed toward or placed near open windows; such behavior would disturb a large number of people. An RD or ARD is on-call each night for emergency purposes (and can be reached via the RA on duty). Window screens should not be removed from windows. The propping open of, or intentional jamming or tampering with the locking mechanisms of a residence hall entrance, residence hall room door, and/or fire door is considered a serious breach of safety and security. The first time you connect to the network you will need to sign in through our Network Access Control software. The RA is on-duty from 6:00 PM through 8:00 AM the following morning. beer pong, drinking games, or contests, etc.). BCH, Walsh, Campbell and Salice-Conley Halls remain open. Rose Hill Rose Hill residential students are required to participate in the Rose Hill meal plans, with the exception of those living in Walsh Hall, Campbell Hall, Salice and Conley Halls, and in off-campus housing. We encourage students to get involved and contact us for additional information on any of our programs and services. Named after William D. Walsh, Class of 1951, and his wife, Jane Collins Auditorium - Theatre Named for John J. Collins, S.J., Fordham University President (1904 - 1906) Party Registration is meant to strike a healthy balance between the rights and responsibilities of the host students. Public Safety staff, in conjunction with NYFD or NYPD, will make a determination as to remaining in place or evacuation. This report is kept on file in order to track possible damage during the year. It is not the responsibility of the Residential Life Staff to find housing for students during break periods, but the office will do its best to help the student seek out viable solutions. Advance notice for such meetings will be given. The following is a brief overview of the staff you may turn to during the year. The math department offices are on the 4th floor. Resident hosts will be held accountable for guest presence and behavior and may be subject to loss of guest privileges, educational sanctions, probation, or other disciplinary sanctions. We also encourage students to worship at churches of their own faith traditions that will welcome them in the vicinity of Fordham’s three campuses and provide information on our website. Resident student hosts must limit the amount of time spent with visiting guests. Programs sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs include the Sustained Dialogue Series, the Diversity Peer Educators Program, and the LGBT and Ally Network of Support. (See KEYS). Keep these fire hazards out of your room. The University also reserves the right to notify parents of students of pending violations or subsequent disciplinary decisions. 75 likes. Requests for assistance with roommate conflicts made by parents or others on behalf of students will elicit approach to the student by hall staff. See 2 photos and 3 tips from 243 visitors to Walsh Hall. Flammable liquids such as gasoline and paint thinner are not permitted in the residence halls. All campuses have dining service options available to meet the diverse needs of the members of the Fordham community. The RCR is a record of the conditions of a student’s room or suite at move-in. The Gospel Choir provides music for the Interfaith Worship Service. A Fordham University residential experience includes due respect for the laws of the State of New York. All RAs are highly qualified undergraduate or graduate students who are charged with helping their fellow students by working to create a community in their residence halls. Intentionally or recklessly damaging or destroying exit signs, graffiti writing, defacing or tampering with University or public property or the property of another. Fordham Sock Saturdays. The minimum campus-wide quiet hours for all residences are as follows: Sunday through Thursday 11 p.m. to 9 a.m. Friday and Saturday 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. Quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day during the final exam period. If you have a problem with pests, call the Office of Building Operations at ext. Remember to only fight a fire if you have a clear path of escape. Carts should not be given from the student to student, but should be returned to a staff member. In our efforts to guide students in determining their professional path, we seek to encourage their understanding of the need to balance their career with spiritual, mental and physical well-being. All campus residence halls receive extermination services on a weekly basis for public areas and multiple times a year for student rooms. Residential Life works collaboratively with security and they take over the same function after 10:00 pm until the following morning. A small number of moving carts are owned by the University to assist students moving in and out of the halls at certain time of the year. 113 likes. In order to further the educational process and foster a positive community, all Conduct Officers are encouraged to utilize their judgment and discretion when issuing outcomes in order to properly relate the outcomes(s) to the alleged violation(s). Disciplinary action will be taken should drinking in private rooms become an illegal, non-registered party or public event, as determined by your residence hall staff and evidenced by such factors as the presence of alcohol, excessive noise or the number of persons present. Students are encouraged to seek out a staff member (RA or RD) to clarify Residential Life policies and/or student conduct procedures. The policies and procedures described below have been designed to ensure a positive residential experience for students at Fordham University. The Office of Campus Operations is administered separately from the Office of Residential Life, but this staff is responsible for many of the services you will receive as a resident student this year. The Office of Residential Life may not be able to contact roommates during periods of high activity. The student must then arrange to check out of his or her assignment with the RA and return his or her keys. The time and date of the first fire drill will be announced. Extension cords may not be hooked together (i.e. Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire is a serious violation subject to disciplinary sanctions including suspension or expulsion from Fordham University as well as penalties described by law. The purchase, sale, distribution, consumption, association with, being in presence of, or possession of alcoholic beverages by any residents or guests, regardless of age, is prohibited in apartments where any resident is under 21. The entrance is a memorial exhibit of Fordham alumnus Vincent T. Lombardi and the University’s Athletic Hall of Fame members. There is also a Graphic Arts Mac Lab located in Keating Room B9 and a Public Access Lab located in Room 308 in John Mulcahy Hall. By New York State Law, there is no smoking in the Residence Halls. Campus safety and security are handled by the Associate Vice President of Safety and Security and his personnel. Harassment of another person, whether physical, sexual, or verbal, either orally, written, or online, is not permitted. Living in a university residence is a privilege offered to students, and carries with it the responsibility for fulfilling the terms of the Residence Contract. The cost for this service is assessed through the Technology Fee. Please be aware of the following safety guidelines: Every member of the University community has an obligation to be prepared for emergencies. Update for Fall 2020 in regards to the ongoing health emergency: All illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia are subject to confiscation and the University reserves the right to refer potential criminal violations to local law enforcement authorities. Respect for the community and for the Office of Residential Life staff must be maintained in order to enjoy this privilege. Furniture must remain in the room/apartment, unless special permission is granted by the Office of Residential Life. One’s choice of entertainment or relaxation should not negatively impact or disturb people in other buildings, corridors, lounges, and nearby rooms. OMA provides a variety of resources to help facilitate an engaged campus community that proactively explores topics of diversity, including race and ethnicity, gender, culture, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, religious orientation, ability, international concerns, social justice and oppression. Loschert Hall Address:441 East Fordham Road Bronx, NY 10458 This dorm hall has over 200 student residents and is made up of mostly freshman. Please read and be aware of the content of these notices. Any violation of the regulations found below is also a violation of the University Code of Conduct, as stated below and in the Student Handbook. During the ongoing health emergency: Watchman Guards overseen by the Department of Public Safety and Desk Assistants will manage entry and exit at each residence hall and housing area entrance 24 hours a day. Student Life Probation The RAs are trained to help with these situations. Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for reporting security incidents to the Security Office immediately, in person or by calling ext. About The McGinley CenterThe McGinley Center, named in honor of Rev. The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the U.S. Department of Education. “Since it is a Jesuit and Catholic university, Fordham seeks to educate the whole person. This includes bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms in Finlay Hall, Walsh Hall, O’Hare Hall, Campbell Hall, Salice-Conley Hall, and BCH. Check your course syllabus and postings at the Registrar's office for scheduling and final examination information. 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