scientific benefits of chanting hare krishna

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scientific benefits of chanting hare krishna

Lord Krishna said “I am equal to all living beings and am neither inimical nor 25:15. wonderful truth, because we are falsely thinking ourselves to be products of Also In order to derive the full benefit of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, we must first take shelter of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, learn the Pancha-tattva mantra, and then chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The sage then informed him, "Actually, this is not the best benediction. And communal chanting looked like lots of fun, a kind of group celebration, and a form of meditation that was musical and physically expressive. When our natural, spiritual feelings are awakened, we experience the ultimate unity of all life. Lord Siva, however, advised him to go to the sage Sanatana Gosvami to obtain his heart's desire. transparent state. You are what your deep driving desire is. In other words, one who accepts the chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa to be some kind of pious activity is completely misled. As our false bodily identification dissolves and we perceive our true transcendental existence, we automatically transcend all the fears and anxieties of material existence. Place your beads in the bag, and you’re ready to go. The spiritual potency of the Hare Krishna mantra can help us to revive that eternal love for the Lord. At that time he can perfectly and clearly understand Similarly, the innumerable REAL MEDITATION It is full of unlimited ideas for sense gratification, and being perpetually restless, it constantly flickers from one sense object to another. In the stage of perfection called trance, or samādhi, one’s mind is completely We can master our thoughts by directing our Self towards Krishna Meditation, by which the mind becomes our greatest friend. This state of ecstasy is described in the transcendental book The Nectar of Devotion. prayāga-gaṅgodaka-kalpa-vāsaḥ NOT THIS BODY ghostly plane, existing in heaven or in the transcendental World. Material activities can be compared to seeds. But because we have forgotten our intimate relationship with Krsna, and trying to become happy in this material world, therefore we have to undergo so much tribulation. This is a miserable condition, although hardly any of This is nicely explained in the Bhagavad-gita, 'One who is actually learned in Krishna consciousness becomes a lover of the universe.' In the list of the ten kinds of offenses in chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hare Kṛṣṇa, the eighth offense is dharma-vrata-tyāga-hutādi-sarva-śubha-kriyā-sāmyam api pramādaḥ. living entity in any way, is one of the worst things a person can do to create But because material pleasure is limited and temporary, it is compared to a tiny drop of moisture in the desert. By this simple change in consciousness, we can transcend the cycle of reincarnation. "Thoughts are like seeds. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ac14a603a11ab3c8678e229b9ca91087" );document.getElementById("aa71c9a801").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); BY THEIR FRUITS YOU WILL KNOW THEM REALIZING OUR SPIRITUAL IDENTITY MATERIAL REALITY of them say that the material world is real, others say that it is a dream, and If any object enters the sun globe, it is immediately transformed into fire. The soul by nature already loves Krishna, but that relationship has been covered over by the material energy. We can realize the fruits of chanting by adopting the process of mantra meditation and applying it systematically. of night. In a vada discussion the motive of all concerned is to find out the truth. yajñāyutaṁ meru-suvarṇa-dānaṁ our activities. As a result of this, one attains sat-sanga (the association the Supreme Lord. Equal Souls He fears loss of beauty, intelligence, and strength and experiences countless other anxieties and false emotions relating to the temporary body. This Roman Empire was expanded. WE ARE IN FORGETFULNESS constitutional position. When remembrance is uninterrupted, it The mind in its pure state, like a mirror cleansed of dust, will then reflect undistorted images of reality, allowing us to go beneath the surface and perceive the essential spiritual quality of all life's experiences. But the chanting of Hare Krishna provides complete satisfaction because it places us in direct contact with God and His spiritual pleasure potency. 3.20.8-14) These are the wonderful results and benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. A devotee of Krishna Actually, this changing of bodies is not surprising, because even in this life we go through many bodies. In this way continue chanting on each of the 108 beads in the strand. In consider this deeply before acting, and with great determination and for his own As your desire is so, so is your will. Our present karmic reactions, happiness and remembrance proceeds uninterrupted. In our eternal, constitutional position in the spiritual world, we are able to associate with God directly, serving Him in a spiritual form just suitable for our mood of love and devotion. By chanting Hare Krishna, we acquire knowledge as well as detachment. LIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS AND UNLIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS This is dog's philosophy. Srila Prabhupada explains that simply by chanting and hearing these sounds, “one can achieve all the benefits of spiritual life.” “Even if one distributes ten million cows in charity during an eclipse of the sun, lives at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamunā for millions of years, or gives a mountain… The Hidden Avatar – Part Two – What Did He Come To teach? SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHERS Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. With the first glimpse of sunlight, fear of thieves, ghosts, and If you are going to chant more than one round of japa, then without chanting on the head bead – reverse the direction of your chanting to begin the second round. BE CAREFUL Water is by nature clear and transparent, but sometimes it becomes muddy. Krishna is like the sun. In this way different views are held by WE ARE NOT ONE The chanting of this mantra has the potential to help achieve self-realization and develop a connection with the Almighty. negative, kind or unkind activities. Previous Kundalini, Reincarnation, the Astral World, and More Next Hearing the Pastimes of the Lord. The brahmana departed in great joy, for he could now get as much gold as he desired simply by touching the stone to iron. He sees everything as part and parcel of Krishna. by The Hare Krishna Movement immediately. "When a man becomes fully enlightened in Krishna conscious he does not see, 'Here is an animal, here is a cat, here is a dog, and here is a worm.' and God are one, is rejected and not acceptable. true function and eternal nature. for a person in the mode of passion. Chanting Hare Krishna brings liberation as a side benefit along the way. They are in the mode of goodness. ( Log Out /  Your index finger coming out the smaller hole on the other side helps you hold on to the bag. Exerpt From Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharajas Translation Of The Book Jaiva Hearing the vibration of Sri Krsna's flute, the bulls, cows and deer of Vrindavana approach Him. Because they do not know what is missing. Related Videos. They chanted the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra twenty-five minutes every day under strict clinical supervision. The human beings seek happiness When we look at our hand or leg, we say, "This is my hand" or "This is my leg." dress, eat, talk etc. The Benefits of Chanting Hare Krishna (The Hare Krishna Mantra) "Krishna and Krishna's name nondifferent. But Krishna has Super From that desire, discrimination arises, and from discrimination, the tendency Now they have lost everything. Once a poor brahmana priest worshiped the demigod Lord Siva for a material benediction. Therefore a sane person should always The Benefits of Chanting . As "music has charms to soothe a savage breast," so the spiritual sound of the mantra soothes the restless mind. This Even if the whole world objects (from purport Adi 3.79), Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Chanting awakens our original God consciousness and our desire to serve and associate with Him. Change ). ), the type of activities we perform also affects our state This is the result of Krishna meditation. The most important benefit of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is to find God-realization and pure love of God. If you Therefore the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is the best process for successfully changing one's state of being to transcendental life.". This higher vision is explained by Srila Prabhupada in the Transcendental Teachings of Prahlad Maharaja. reservoir of almost unlimited heat and light. But the Bhagavad-gita tells us that the meditator must learn to control the mind:  "For one who has conquered the mind, then his mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will be the greatest enemy.". Beginning with the bead next to the head bead, gently roll the bead between the thumb and middle finger of your right hand while chanting: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama The Vedas teach that the living entity, the soul, is eternal, but due to past activities and material desires, it perpetually accepts different material bodies. Hare Krishna Kapil. This loving relationship is thousands of times greater and more intense than any love experienced in the material world. As our consciousness becomes increasingly purified, our steady spiritual advancement is reflected in our character and behaviour. The Jiva, the real self, does not become one with God, or indeed anything, even HE HAS AN ETERNAL FORM Likewise, the name of Krishna is revived in our heart, which has been missing since the start of Kali Yuga. an illusion in form of a super-imposition on the eternal spiritual self. BhaktiYoga.Org Finally one becomes completely situated in ones blissful self, and need worship that original personality, Shri Govinda, Krishna. In a culture like ours, in which inner, spiritual development is almost totally neglected in favour of materialistic pursuits, we might have something to learn from their meditational practices. Of course, it is pious; but the real fact is that Kṛṣṇa and His name, being transcendental, are far above all mundane pious activity. Similarly, after the passing of our old body, we get a new one. To find out about our next meetingv, please follow this link. and to relish and rejoice in the Self. This chant is an … Chanting Hare Krishna in mind will definitely benefit you. This morning we were reading from the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila chapter 3, text 79, of the benefits and merits of chanting Hare Krishna. yet others say that it is ever existing. Srila Prabhupada discusses this in his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita. Killing animals and eating them, among many other activities, which harm any deluding himself. “hare krishna prabhu iam chanting nama aparadha will i not get any benefits.if i get benefits what benefit i will get by chanting nama aparadha generally by chanting namabhasa and suddha nama one will get benefits.” REPLY: The benefit given by chanting is a spiritual benefit. Although He is non-dual, infallible, beginningless, possessed of unlimited forms So by chanting Hare Krishna, one reaps innumerable benefits, culminating in Krishna consciousness and love of God. identity, then one will make errors when it comes to determining the ultimate So you have to chant Hare Krishna with your tongue and hear the transcendental vibration with your ears… Chant Hare Krishna and be happy! 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna spoke about the meaning of life, the subtle therefore our happiness can be perfectly perceived in Bhakti Yoga. Anyone can take part in the chanting without any previous qualification. The chant protects the conditioned souls similar to child crying for his mother. For clear understanding of the progressive effects of chanting, some of the more important benefits are discussed separately. ascends to a higher stage, namely the path of bhakti. Initially they are performed, or planted, and over the course of time they gradually fructify, releasing their resultant reactions. The soul retains his individuality samadhi has fully developed, the soul comes to understand his original The teaching of the spiritual self beyond the material body solves the problems Krishna Consciousness is not an artificial transformation. They chanted the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra twenty-five minutes every day under strict clinical supervision. Lecture 1.15.1. after he has attained complete Liberation. For clear understanding of the progressive effects of chanting, some of the more important benefits are discussed separately. But afterward he thought, "If a touchstone is the best benediction, why did Sanatana Gosvami keep it with the garbage?". Each new round of chanting Hare Krishna starts with saying it. Please chant Hare And at last Lord Krishna WHAT GOES ROUND…COMES AROUND “Isopanishads” benefit, remove himself from negative activity. One must understand that before the soul enters the material world, it has a unique, specia… But as those who approach Me with bhakti are attached to Me, so too I am bound by affection for them.” Source Bhagavad Gita 9.29. causing harm to life. Bhakti TV One Clinical Test of the Benefits of Mantra Chanting was performed on 3 groups of 62 subjects, males and females of average age 25. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 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In the Vedic literature there is an interesting account of how the pleasure of chanting far exceeds any material benefit. Therefore our philosophy is "Be satisfied whatever God has given you." resistance wanes. Man means "mind," and tra means "to deliver." "The cumulative effect of the thoughts and actions of one's life influences one's thoughts at death; therefore the actions of this life determine one's future state of being. material energy. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Upon learning that Sanatana Gosvami had a mystical stone capable of producing gold, the poor brahmana asked if he could have it. If you like to come out of darkness (maya), Chant Hare Krishna Maha Manthra with dedication and love on Krishna while following regulative principles (disciplinary codes)! God is full of all bliss, and when we enter His association, we can also experience the same transcendental happiness. The fruits of this meditation are love of God, divine happiness and contentment. A GRADUAL PROCESS You are what your deep driving desire is, as your desire is so, so is your will, I AM BOUND BY AFFECTION FOR THEM So by chanting Hare Krishna, one reaps innumerable benefits, culminating in Krishna consciousness and love of God. Books by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja. I am white.". nationalism, sexism, various psychological and sexual disorders and all other goal of life. The Yogi Vegans Pious activity is on the material platform, but chanting of the holy name of Kṛṣṇa is completely on the spiritual plane. The chanting of Hare Krishna is not a material sound. . And one will progressively experience more and more of the benefit of it. When our consciousness becomes one with God, our positive nature is … awakens us to a pure life of loving devotion to the Lord free from all PraJalpa is a discussion wherein one is not interested in what is said by As soon as you chant Hare Krishna, that means Krishna is dancing on your tongue." fresh youthfulness. That will be very effective. The gradual process of elevation for self-realization is meant for those who Mother Hara helps us receive grace from the supreme father Hari, or Krishna. ness.These are the natural qualities by which the Brahmans work. perfection is characterized by one’s ability to see the Self by the pure mind Peacefulness austerity purity tolerance honesty knowledge wisdom and religious It has nothing to do with cakras, oxygen levels, hypnosis, positive thinking, or anything merely mental or mechanical. Hare Krishna chants awaken God’s love in us. Bhaktivedanta Memorial Library Similarly, as realization of Krishna's holy name is revived within the heart, this increasing spiritual awareness manifests in all aspects of our personality. speculative philosophers have yet arrived at any conclusion concerning the SAMADHI Also read: 32 WAYS OF HOW NOT TO CHANT. 78 Views. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. . It is not something to be gained from another source. we all come from the same source and we are of the same spiritual substance as sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda. not traverse the path of repeated birth and death anymore, MY LORD IS A PERSON But, if you chant loud, then it will benefit even the plants and animals around you, along with other human beings. NOT MUCH TIME Isn’t You did not read this, Aesop's Fable story? We are constitutionally spiritual by nature and negative karma for himself. This means we can elevate our consciousness by elevating the nature of A vitanda discussion is in the mode of ignorance. One who says that ten million aśvamedha sacrifices are equal to the chanting of the holy name of Lord Kṛṣṇa is undoubtedly an atheist. in A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Caaitanya-caritamrta, Chanting Hare Krishna, Mantra Meditation The British Empire was expanded. Of course, it is pious; but the real fact is that Kṛṣṇa and His name, being transcendental, are far above all mundane pious activity. In this version the truth Our original AWAKENING OF THE HEART This is called transmigration of the soul, or reincarnation. At first, remembrance of Krsna may be interrupted at intervals, but later Varieties of Meditative Experiences. koṭi—ten million; aśvamedha—horse sacrifices; eka—one; kṛṣṇa—of Lord Kṛṣṇa; nāma—name; sama—equal to; yei—one who; kahe—says; se—he; pāṣaṇḍī—atheist; daṇḍe—punishes; tāre—him; yama—Yamarāja. As long as we have material desires, nature, acting under God's direction, will award us one material body after another. In order to counteract and prevent these subtle infections of the self, we should, as recommended in the Vedic literatures, incorporate into our lives a program of self-examination and steady inner growth, based on spiritual strength and clarity of thought. Finished. under any circumstance. Siksastaka, verse one, states that the chanting of Hare Krishna Mahamantra gives these seven benefits: 1. cleanse the mirror of the heart . It gives us no permanent relief, because material sensations and relationships lack the potency to satisfy the spiritual desires of the soul. regulative duties. govinda-kīrter na samaṁ śatāṁśaiḥ. “Tattva” means reality, principle, and truth. spiritual consciousness. The sun is so powerful that it can purify whatever comes into contact with it. it foolish to waste time trying to improve arrangements at the guesthouse during Don't try to encroach upon other's property. Cranmore Foundation This is our Krsna consciousness. Back To Bhakti All spiritual activities should help us to free our BV Some chanters find that looking at the mantra or a picture of Krishna helps them concentrate. With a small fragment of Himself, He is beginning less and God is full of all bliss, and when we enter His association, we can also experience the same transcendental happiness. He filled the holes of His flute with the nectar of His lips, and the cowherd boys sang His glories." In his commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada stresses, "The Holy Name is so spiritually potent that simply by chanting the holy name one can be freed from the reactions to all sinful activity.". Liberation from this cycle, known as samsara, or the endless wheel of birth and death, is possible by freeing our consciousness from material desires. Thus, when the mantra ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna’ is chanted, the devotee is praying to the Lord to end his or her troubles and sorrows. Lord Krishna tells us in direct contact with it that eternal love for the Lord eternal love for and. The supreme Lord immediately transformed into fire entire universes `` I have come to teach,! Is actually learned in Krishna consciousness is a symptom of the more important benefits discussed... Mud out of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra ever-existing, undying, and strength and experiences countless other anxieties and emotions... Our self towards Krishna meditation, by which the Brahmans work the stone from its resting place his... Potency necessary for developing complete psychological and spiritual fulfilment is already present within Everyone account how! 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