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strong star wars species

According to the klutzy gungan, he was attempting to acquire his morning meal when he heard the cacophony of the battle droid skiffs moving through the trees and brush. Because of this, he was one of the last officers to hear that the Emperor had died at the Battle of Endor. Knowing the truth about their habits would be easily done, if the Naboo were ever interested in asking a gungan. Three of "The Ones" made an appearance in an episode of the Clone Wars, but by and large this species is only referenced or mentioned rather than present. The tentacles or “lekku,” augment Twi’leks cognitive functions and Twi’leks incorporated them into their native language. Also, all the species on this list are sentient-- not creatures. Geonosians are an insectoid species native to Geonosis. Worf would be an exceptionally strong Klingon or human, so I am not sure he would be a good example as the average "Klingon," and there is Star Trek 3, where Kruge picks up Kirk and throws him easily, indicating superior strength. The famous Jedi Master Shaak Ti was a Togruta, as was her apprentice, the feisty and reckless Ahsoka Tano. They have a second liver and high metabolisms, which let them consume much more alcohol and sweets than most other species. Despite their consummate suspicion, Bothans were prominent members of the Galactic Republic. Extremely! If the balance was every disrupted, hives would be plunged into chaos. When the Jedi Exiles from the Hundred Years darkness arrived on Korriban, they encountered a fierce red-skinned humanoid race called the Sith. Zabraks are a near human species made distinct by their horns and facial tattoo patterns. When a Zabrak comes of age, they begin getting a series of intricate tattoos. The 15 Most Powerful Ships in the Star Wars Universe, Ranked “That’s no moon, it’s a space station!” Of course, it wasn’t just any space station - it was the Death Star, the most famous battle station in sci-fi and movie history, famous for its ability to destr Some humans like Revan and Anakin Skywalker have walked the paths of Light and Darkness. Rancors stand five meters tall, have arms that are twice as long as their legs, and have massive claws but relatively small mouths. After you roll your Ability Scores and before you write them on your Character Sheet, choose your character's species. Originally, George Lucas had wanted to set the Battle of Endor on Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiees. Tall, ethereal, and elegant, Kaminoans are the fish giraffes of the galaxy. One such Dark Side Zeltron, Chantique, broke free of her slave station and became the Magister Impressor of the Mandalorian Crucible. From the moment that Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi walked into the Mos Eisley Cantina, everything about the Star Wars narrative changed. Trandoshans are large reptilian humanoids with scaly skin and clawed hands and feet. Fortunately, biology may offer a insights on the … They are known throughout the galaxy for their keen political instincts and passion for intrigue. He, like every semi-sentient creature in the vicinity, was anxious to get as far away from the sound as possible. They even practice a rudimentary understanding of the Force and believed that every action a person took contributed to shaping their destiny in a moral sense. Victims are swallowed whole, and injected with neurotoxins that paralyze them. Their own technology was genetically engineered and completely organic. They hungrily comb the desert for anything they can trade to local moisture farmers, such as Luke Skywalker and his Uncle Owen, in the case of C-3PO and R2-D2. The Sith as the galaxy came to know them in regards to The Force did not come into being until a rogue group of Jedi were banished from the Jedi Order for indulging in lessons of the Dark Side. A Gorax could not only swallow an Ewok whole (or five), it could also rip a tree out with ease, roots and all, meaning entire Ewok villages could be torn down in a matter of minutes. Taking their inspiration from Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of of the Third Kind, the look of their large, almond-shaped eyes and willowy limbs evokes a classical take on extraterrestrial beings. Goraxes are reclusive creatures but sometimes appear to attack Ewok towns on Endor. But when Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney, everything in the Expanded Universe was considered non-canon, leaving only three Yoda-like species in the Star Wars … Gunray oversaw the Trade Federations’ occupation of Naboo and maintained his leadership role when the Trade Federation joined the Confederacy of Independent systems. This was the case when C-3PO and R2-D2 crash landed on Tattooine during Episode One: A New Hope. Mon Calamari were a staunch advocate for peace, unity and exploration in the Old Republic. Their creations were fearsome, but the clone army of the Republic prevailed against them. Some times their business methods are questionable. Just beneath their skiffs nested the Sarlacc, a great creature with tentacles that stretched far beneath the Dune Sea on Tatooine. Those willing to fight could gain status and riches above the others of their caste and the masses flock to arena matches as mass entertainment. When the Empire rose to power, the Zabrak were able to withstand Imperial occupation for a time, but they later joined the New Republic after years of Imperial retaliation. When the Lost Tribe of the Sith’s Armada arrived in the galaxy after the Second Galactic Civil War, many Keshiri were commanders and powerful Sith Lords. They have long wide bills and large ear flaps that hang behind their head. To say nothing of the Grand Republic Army, comprised entirely of human clones. Packs of wampas often attacked the Rebel Alliance base on Hoth, requiring signage be posted warning of their potential presence. To see a jawa is to know two things: you might be about to get your possessions stolen or you might be able to strike a deal for theirs. They evolved as arboreal mammals, building tree houses in the canopies of the towering worshyr trees that covered their home world. Most Trandoshans in the galaxy become bounty hunters, slavers, or mercenaries. On the watery world of Vendaxa, acklays are a species of amphibious reptilian crustaceans that can live both in the sea and on dry land. They have been enslaved by various other species (as well as the Empire) to harness their strength and fortitude. Mon Calamari also have a reputation for being some of the best starship designers in the galaxy. See more ideas about star wars art, star wars universe, star wars fans. Thousands of years before Yoda’s time, another of his species named Vandar Tokare served on the Jedi Council of the Dantooine Enclave. Here are the 50 best aliens in the galaxy far, far away! The appearance and their number of the tattoos are meant to signify accomplishments that the individual has made. In Legends, the notorious Black Sun crime syndicate was led by the Falleen Prince Xisor. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? They produce a krayt venom that helps them in pre-digesting their food. They are known to ride rancors, utilizing them for their intimidating physical qualities as well as their known tempers. These included Keshiri High Lord Sarasu Taalon and Lord Korelei. Eventually, they suffered a society wide collapse when their connection to the Force was mysteriously lost. Padme found herself facing off the Nexu, but her quick reflexes and resourcefulness found her able to use her chains to climb her pole. Standing a hulking mass of white fur at over three meters, it had sharp claws at the end of its massive arms, flesh-tearing teeth, and round horns. The more successful the hunter, the greater the Scorekeeper favored them. The Iridonians are humanoids whose most distinctive feature is the array of small horns on top of their heads. There are countless species in Star Wars. A carnivorous species, both male and female rancors hunt for food, either for themselves or for their brood. After the Empire rose to power, however, all bets were off. In the new canon, he’s still one of the Empire’s most cunning and ruthless tacticians, albeit before the Battle of Yavin. Rancors have been known to be domesticated, as they were by The Force-sensitive Night Sisters. Over two and a half meters tall, with dense fur, sinewy long limbs and a language comprised of various growls and grunts, wookiees strike an imposing figure. 38. Humans in Star Wars are the most numerous and most influential species by a long shot. Their physical traits are advantageous since they mostly dwell underwater, but different races of gungan can adapt to live on land. Considered younglings until they are four standard years old, Charon became adults at six standard years. Yoda, of course, is the most visible of his species, appearing in six films, as well as in the animated shows Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. However, they did possess advanced war technology and alchemy. Looking more like homeless Care Bears, the Ewoks weren’t very impressive. As an added precaution so it won’t lose its meal, the Sarlacc’s sharp teeth prevent them from being able to climb back out. Kaminoans are aloof, guarded, and very private. Rhea still brags about that one time Zinto was able to stop a moving boulder. According to Star Wars Legends and the New Jedi Order series, they were religious zealots that came from beyond the known galaxy and viewed all technology as blasphemy. Their nervous system was specifically engineered to feel pain, and every self-mutilation brought them closer to their gods, whom they believed sacrificed themselves to create the galaxy. They had supersensitive eyes that could see into the infrared range and the ability to regenerate lost limbs, although very slowly, and were anatomically built heavier and stronger than most humanoids, including Humans. First appearance:Star Wars Rebels. However, young Spock threw a Klingon about as far, himself. It’s supposed to be an all-encompassing energy force that connects every living thing throughout the galaxy, that exists on an atomic level whether species are sentient of it or not. The Sith were a species of red-skinned humanoids with tentacle "beards" and had Force sensitiveskills. To qualify, they had to have some impactful moment either on screen or in the pages of Star Wars novels and comics, as well as influenced the machinations of the galaxy’s most prominent events. His son followed in his footsteps and became a powerful Jedi, and his daughter became an influential senator and founder of the New Republic. During the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Twi’lek resistance pilot Hera Syndulla became a crucial member of the crew of the starship Ghost. Though he was pleased to deliver a decisive blow to the scuttling creature, a decisive snap of its jaws broke the spear and left him helpless. Vol. the Night Sisters use a combination of The Force and witchcraft to create incantations and conjure visions. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Star Wars galaxy far, far away is home to numerous exciting species. The Bothan Spy net was the most extensive network of spies and informants in the galaxy. The blue skin, black hair, and red glowing eyes of the humanoid Chiss would have looked out of place among the Imperial rank and file, so it was prudent that Thrawn serve beyond the Outer Rim. The Sith are known as some of the fiercest warriors in the galaxy, even more so thanks to their knowledge of The Force. Trandoshans (T'doshok in their language) were large, bipedal reptilian humanoids from the planet Trandosha (or Dosha). They make fine pilots and mechanics but unfortunately they are widely mistrusted. Those in the order who still had visible Sith species traits came to be known as Sith Purebloods. The Sarlacc in the Pit of Carkoon was Jabba the Hutt’s pet, which he liked to feed via the execution of his enemies in Return of the Jedi. Perhaps the most dangerous is the Krayt dragon, a giant reptile that is hunted for the pearls in its stomach. Since jawas have been known to vary in height (most being a meter tall, some as tall as a human), Tatooine inhabitants have wondered if they are a devolved version of themselves, or some sort of mutated rodent creature. There are also several Iktochi Sith Lords including Darth Cognus. The Kaminoans underwent a harsh but effective period of genetic engineering and culling. They drew on emotional energy from anger, fear, and hate, rather than compassion, tolerance, and serenity. They track and feast on the ysalamiri, creatures also sensitive to The Force, that have learned to project a bubble around themselves that nullifies its effects and dissuading Vornskr attacks. Xisor’s cunning and ambition were so great that he even warranted begrudging respect from Emperor Palpatine himself. Aside from their distinctive red hue, bone spurs protruded from beneath their skin, they had long tentacles that sprouted from beneath their high cheekbones, and their hands ended in three-digit claws. The galaxy far, far away that George Lucas created has dazzled audiences with beings both large and small, wherein some of the smallest accomplish some of the biggest changes. It followed a family of colonist scientists who crash land on the planet of Endor and have to survive with two small children. Their financial skills let them establish many colonies that they called “purse worlds” to maintain their wealth. Gungans are an amphibious race that share their home world with the Human society of Naboo. While doing a routine scouting mission outside Echo Base, Luke Skywalker was attacked by a wampa. Template:Star Wars universe These are lists of sentient species from the Star Wars franchise. Klatooinians were sentient humanoids with skin that ranged in color from green to brown. Bossk was the most famous Trandoshan bounty hunter during the reign of the Galactic Empire and he frequently harassed Han Solo and Chewbacca. No one knows what Yoda's species is called-- not in universe or in any canon source. Similarly, the different tattoos that adorned Zabraks’ faces could signify rites of passage or clan of origin, among other things. They are distinct among the galaxy for their domed heads and huge fish-eyes. It was only after Master Mace Windu and his assault team of Jedi stormed the arena and gave Obi-Wan a lightsaber could he deftly neutralize the beast’s threat. Some are adorable, like tree-dwelling teddy bear Ewoks from Endor. The Empire might as well have pumped the Death Star full of Raid and sprayed it all over the spire colonies of Geonosis, because only one Geonosian survived the holocaust. The Zabrak have a convoluted history with both the Republic and the Empire. Gorax. He was a tall, gangly biped with long jointed fingers, trunk-like legs, and an amphibious head with a long snout and stalked eyes. The most prominent Mirialan Jedi was Master Luminara Unduli who served the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Due to the fact that they have both claws and flippers, it’s believed that they evolved from land dwelling mammals. They are conscious as they are digested over a millenia. Fett found him ruthless, like the vast majority of his species, but not without cunning intelligence to match his ferocity in battle. The Rakata themselves were cruel and arrogant. Even after thousands of years when the Keshiri realized the Sith were not the Skyborn, they continued to work with them and serve them. On their home plannet of Rodia, they had evolved as hunters. 10 Things Everyone Missed In Creature From The Black Lagoon, Star Wars: The Galaxy's 26 Most Powerful Species Ranked, Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Times Yondu Was A Great Father (& 5 Times He Wasn't), Doom Patrol: 10 DC Comics Characters Perfect For The Show, Star Wars: Crazy Fan Theories That May Be True, 5 Ways Finding Nemo Is Better Than Ratatouille (& 5 Why Ratatouille Is), Naruto: 10 Characters That Should Have Died But Didn't, Future State: Nightwing #1 Puts the Boy Wonder Back in the Spotlight, Future State: Superman - Worlds of War #1 Expands the Hero's Legacy, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 Is a Neon-Lit Fantasy, Savage #1 Gives Valiant's Ultimate Survivalist a Punk Rock Relaunch, King in Black: Thunderbolts #1 Introduces a New Marvel Dirty Dozen. Gorax first appeared in Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, which premiered in 1984 on national television. Rodians are a reptilian species with large compound eyes, frills, and elongated snouts. There were long snouts, huge eyes, scales, fur, and suddenly Luke and Obi-Wan found themselves some of the only humans in sight. It also let them raise large droid armies to wage their wars for them. They are similar to humans in their appearance, save for the crown of vestigial horns around their head, and the fact that their skin tone comes in shades ranging from tan to red. There are many species to be wary of on the remote, desert world of Tatooine; Tusken Raiders, the Sarlacc, disgruntled Jawas. Zeltrons are a near human species known throughout the galaxy for their warm red skin tones, empathic, hedonistic culture, and gullibility. Star Wars or Star Trek? Species were unique lifeforms. Since the new-canon timeline (Episodes 7–9) didn't exist back then, it's best used for Legends campaigns, although the base rules can easily be transferred to canon games. Until that point, the beings that audiences had seen were Jawas, Tusken Raiders, and droids. In the Legends continuity, Thrawn become the leader of the Empire for several years after the Emperor’s death during the Battle of Endor. However, Wookiees have made free lives for themselves in numerous ways. The young girl Cindel befriends Wicket, whose diplomatic skills had been instrumental in getting the Bright Tree Ewoks to rally around Princess Leia and the Rebel Alliance’s fight against the Empire. The Kaminoans themselves felt mainly neutral about how their work was used. The Star Wars universe’s version of Bigfoot. Perhaps this is why the wookiees, known for being unmaterialistic,  despise the Trandoshans... or perhaps it's because they tend to enslave them. as one of several bounty hunters Darth Vader hired to track down the Millennium Falcon and capture Han Solo. Giant, shaggy creatures with gnarled faces and long ears, they raided Ewok villages for their meals, and sometimes just because they didn’t like the little fuzzy buggers.

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