dunmer house names

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dunmer house names

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It is said that much of the Hlaalu's success as a Great House in the late Third Era is attributed to the earnings of one, Hlaalu Pasoroth, the great-grandfather of Hlaalu Helseth. 2x: Adren (1, 2), Alen (1, 2), Alvor (1, 2), Andaren (1, 2), Andoril (1, 2), Androm (1, 2), Andromo (1, 2), Aralen (1, 2), Aralor (1, 2), Aravel (1, 2), Arelas (1, 2), Arethan (1, 2), Arothan (1, 2), Arovyn (1, 2), Athin (1, 2), Avani (1, 2), Avel (1, 2), Balu (1, 2), Bandu (1, 2), Baro (1, 2), Belavel (1, 2), Belvayn (1, 2), Benethran (1, 2), Beni (1, 2), Bereloth (1, 2), Bero (1, 2), Berothran (1, 2), Beryon (1, 2), Bethendas (1, 2), Dalas (1, 2), Damori (1, 2), Daram (1, 2), Daren (1, 2), Darenim (1, 2), Darethran (1, 2), Darothren (1, 2), Darvel (1, 2), Daryon (1, 2), Daveleth (1, 2), Davus (1, 2), Devani (1, 2), Dobar (1, 2), Dran (1, 2), Drelas (1, 2), Dreleth (1, 2), Drethan (1, 2), Drivam (1, 2), Drom (1, 2), Drothan (1, 2), Drothro (1, 2), Duleri (1, 2), Eldri (1, 2), Elval (1, 2), Fadas (1, 2), Falavel (1, 2), Falvani (1, 2), Falvel (1, 2), Fandas (1, 2), Faralen (1, 2), Farelas (1, 2), Fathryon (1, 2), Felder (1, 2), Flan (1, 2), Gilaram (1, 2), Ginith (1, 2, tomb), Giravel (1, 2), Githrano (1, 2), Guvron (1, 2), Helan (1, 2, tomb), Henim (1, 2), Heran (1, 2, tomb), Hereloth (1, 2), Herendas (1, 2), Herethi (1, 2), Hlas (1, 2), Hledas (1, 2), Hler (1, 2), Indaram (1, 2), Indaren (1, 2), Inlador (1, 2), Irano (1, 2), Lenith (1, 2), Llarys (1, 2), Lledas (1, 2), Llenim (1, 2), Llervu (1, 2), Malas (1, 2), Manothrel (1, 2), Mareloth (1, 2), Merobar (1, 2), Moryon (1, 2), Mothran (1, 2), Naros (1, 2), Nelenim (1, 2), Nerano (1, 2, tomb), Nerethi (1, 2), Nilem (1, 2), Nolar (1, 2), Noramil (1, 2), Nyrandil (1, 2), Omalas (1, 2), Omani (1, 2), Omobar (1, 2), Omoril (1, 2), Orelu (1, 2), Othan (1, 2), Othralas (1, 2), Othrenim (1, 2), Radus (1, 2), Ralas (1, 2), Ramori (1, 2), Ramothran (1, 2), Rathryon (1, 2), Redoril (1, 2), Relenim (1, 2), Rendar (1, 2), Reni (1, 2), Rethelas (1, 2), Rethul (1, 2), Rii (1, 2), Romalen (1, 2), Romavel (1, 2), Romothren (1, 2), Rothrano (1, 2), Sadalvel (1, 2), Sadryon (1, 2, tomb), Sadus (1, 2), Salvani (1, 2), Salvi (1, 2), Saram (1, 2), Sarethi (1, 2), Sarothran (1, 2), Sarys (1, 2, tomb), Sedrethi (1, 2), Selandas (1, 2), Selaro (1, 2), Selarys (1, 2), Seloth (1, 2), Sendu (1, 2), Senim (1, 2), Serano (1, 2, tomb), Serethran (1, 2), Seri (1, 2), Severin (1, 2), Svadstar (1, 2), Svel (1, 2), Tedas (1, 2), Telleno (1, 2), Terandas (1, 2), Tharys (1, 2, tomb), Thelas (1, 2, tomb), Thenim (1, 2), Thervayn (1, 2), Thirandus (1, 2), Tistar (1, 2), Uleni (1, 2), Urvon (1, 2), Uvani (1, 2), Uvayn (1, 2), Uveran (1, 2, tomb), Varyon (1, 2), Vavas (1, 2), Veleth (1, 2), Velni (1, 2), Veralor (1, 2), Verano (1, 2), Verobar (1, 2), Vilas (1, 2), Virian (1, 2), Vox (1, 2) 2x: Adren (1, 2), Anylos (1, 2), Athyn (1, 2), Banus (1, 2), Bolvus (1, 2), Bolvyn (1, 2), Bralos (1, 2), Broder (1, 2), Dalin (1, 2), Danel (1, 2), Darvynil (1, 2), Davas (1, 2), Daynes (1, 2), Deras (1, 2), Dinor (1, 2), Dovres (1, 2), Dridyn (1, 2), Drores (1, 2), Dylyn (1, 2), Evo (1, 2), Fendros (1, 2), Gaelion (1, 2), Galms (1, 2), Gilen (1, 2), Goldyn (1, 2), Goveled (1, 2), Gulmon (1, 2), Hort (1, 2), Ilen (1, 2), Ireril (1, 2), Llandras (1, 2), Marvor (1, 2), Mils (1, 2), Mondran (1, 2), Murdyn (1, 2), Naril (1, 2), Navam (1, 2), Nelos (1, 2), Nevos (1, 2), Nivan (1, 2), Raleth (1, 2), Ralsa (1, 2), Relam (1, 2), Sanas (1, 2), Selenor (1, 2), Serul (1, 2), Sodres (1, 2), Sovor (1, 2), Sulis (1, 2), Sur (1, 2), Tadas (1, 2), Taren (1, 2) Tedor (1, 2), Tel (1, 2), Toldendos (1, 2), Turil (1, 2), Turon (1, 2), Tythis (1, 2), Vals (1, 2), Varon (1, 2), Ven (1, 2), Vilyn (1, 2), Vurvyn (1, 2) The Dunmer, more commonly referred to as Dark Elves, are the dark skinned elves originating from the province of Morrowind. Other Redoran-dominated towns on the mainland included Cormaris View and Silgrad Tower, as well as Khuul, Maar Gan and Ald Velothi in Vvardenfell. Generally speaking, a Dunmer has both an individual clan or surname, in addition to potential House allegiance. If you want to help the Dunmer, you'll have to download a Join the Sixth House mod which will allow you to join Dagoth Ur and drive the n'wah out of Morrowind. Given names for male Dunmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes. This is a small utility to aid modders in making NPCs or perhaps players when naming a new character they are making. Dunmer cities usually do not accept Ashlanders, and Ashlanders have very little interest in being anywhere near cities anyway. 1x: Drethan, Indarys, Indoril, Llenim, Ramoran, Rendo, Valos, Vox, Akin, Dran, Llaren, Llarys, Llervu, Omathan, Ra'athim, Relethyl, Rolovo, Sarvani, Telleno, Veloth, Vess. And, although most Dunmer natives of Morrowind harbor a bitter distrust and disdain for other Races, they are just as … Through charismatic conversion, unite the Dunmer under the guidance of Dagoth Ur to battle against the foreign animals who hold Morrowind in subjection. Disease They have always held prominent positions within the Temple hierarchy, and throughout history the fates of House Indoril and the Temple have been closely linked. House Hlaalu previously sat on the Council, but lost its seat to House Sadras in the early Fourth Era. In 1E 416, following almost two centuries of suppression by the ruling Nords, the Chimeri hero Indoril Nerevar united the squabbling Great Houses as Hortator, also making alliance with the Dwemer, their traditional enemies, and succeeded in driving the Nords out of the region. 26 . The ranking noble of the impugned house is marked for death -- in ancient times, actually formally marked with a black banner, but in modern times, served with a formal written public announcement. [7] Whatever the case, House Dagoth was thought exterminated following their defeat at the Battle of Red Mountain. All the names that this generator uses are real NPC names from the Elder Scrolls universe from Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. For possessive words other than possessive pronouns, add 'm. 3x: Arano (1, 2, 3), Serethi (1, 2, 3) The other members were similarly isolationist in outlook and did not intend to be presided over by any of the other institutions, predominantly the Guild of Mages. This mod adds in two types of non-player Dunmer factions: Great House and Ashlander. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Dunmer_names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. If within the year of the challenge, the marked noble still lives, the challenging house must publicly forgo any further complaint or scandal on the matter. However, the Dres have retained their position on the Grand Council, and are thus known to have survived with a significant portion of their power intact. During the Second Era, House Hlaalu's presence on the island of Vvardenfell was limited to the port town of Seyda Neen; but by the late Third Era the house had a council seat located in Balmora, with other Hlaalu-run towns at Suran, Hla Oad and Gnaar Mok. 3x: Adas (1, 2, 3), Adren (1, 2, 3), Alen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Andalas (1, 2, 3), Andalen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Andoril (1, 2, 3), Andules (1, 2, 3, tomb), Arano (1, 2, 3, tomb), Aravel (1, 2, 3), Aren (1, 2, 3), Arethan (1, 2, 3, tomb), Arethi (1, 2, 3), Beleth (1, 2, 3), Berano (1, 2, 3), Dral (1, 2, 3), Dralas (1, 2, 3, tomb), Drelas (1, 2, 3), Drenim (1, 2, 3), Drethan (1, 2, 3, tomb), Drothan (1, 2, 3), Helvi (1, 2, 3), Henim (1, 2, 3), Ieneth (1, 2, 3), Indalas (1, 2, 3), Irano (1, 2, 3), Llaram (1, 2, 3), Llarys (1, 2, 3), Llenim (1, 2, 3), Llethan (1, 2, 3), Lloran (1, 2, 3), Mandas (1, 2, 3), Nethan (1, 2, 3), Omalen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Omavel (1, 2, 3), Oren (1, 2, 3), Orethi (1, 2, 3, tomb), Oril (1, 2, 3), Othan (1, 2, 3), Othran (1, 2, 3), Othren (1, 2, 3), Radas (1, 2, 3), Ralen (1, 2, 3), Rendas (1, 2, 3), Sadus (1, 2, 3), Sarendas (1, 2, 3), Sarys (1, 2, 3, tomb), Seleth (1, 2, 3), Serethi (1, 2, 3), Tedas (1, 2, 3), Tenim (1, 2, 3), Thelas (1, 2, 3, tomb), Thirandus (1, 2, 3), Thirano (1, 2, 3), Uvaren (1, 2, 3), Uvenim (1, 2, 3), Uveran (1, 2, 3, tomb), Varen (1, 2, 3), Varis (1, 2, 3) Sources for names: UESP Wiki and Imperial Library [8] Throughout this time, the Grand Council was responsible for local governance in Morrowind, while the land as a whole was ruled indirectly by the Tribunal. [4] In 2E 572, the Kamal of Akavir invaded Morrowind after ravaging Eastern Skyrim. School house names tend to be chosen by those who founded the school, hence why Ravenclaw was named after Rowena Ravenclaw, for example. This is a list of all the known Dunmer names, compiled from the games by frequency. While some councilors were honest and fair, others were more under-handed and corrupt. House Hlaalu retainers were also masters of thievery, sneaking, lock-picking, blackmailing and backstabbing, both literal and metaphorical. Dunmer (Legends) 8. House Ra'athim was an influential family from the city-state of Ebonheart. PC PlayStation 3 PC PlayStation 4. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. 16x: Redoran (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) [19], In pre-Tribunal Morrowind, feuding was carried out with open warfare. Ehlnofex Languages House Indoril has never claimed land on the island of Vvardenfell, though ancestral tombs for Indoril families may still be found on the isle, such as those of the Aran, Ieneth, Raviro, Salothran, and Verelnim families. [17] House Dres' modern status is ambiguous, though as the most southerly of the Great Houses and the one most involved in the slave trade, it is likely the Argonian Invasion was devastating. 1x: Aamela, Aamrila, Aarela, Adansa, Adosa, Adosi, Adrasi, Adrullu, Adryn, Aduri, Aerona, Aeyne, Alalura, Alaru, Alarvyne, Alavani, Alavesa, Aldyna, Alenus, Aleri, Alicon, Alli, Alma, Almise, Almse, Alsal, Alurami, Alurue, Alveno, Alves, Alvesi, Alvila, Alvura, Alya, Amila, Anaba, Andilan, Andilo, Aneyda, Angharal, Ani, Anila, Anisa, Aphia, Aralosi, Arara, Arela, Areyne, Arilu, Arisa, Arns, Arnsi, Aroarise, Aryvena, Athesa, Aurona, Avrusa, Aymillo, Badila, Badilia, Bala, Balaru, Balsia, Bameli, Bameni, Banda, Bedena, Bedyna, Bedyni, Bekfrydde, Belderi, Belera, Beleru, Belosi, Belya, Bendyni, Bera, Berada, Berari, Berela, Betina, Bevin, Bidia, Bidsa, Biiri, Bili, Binayne, Birila, Bivala, Bivale, Bivessa, Blivisi, Boderi, Boderia, Boldrisa, Bolnora, Bothisii, Bralsa, Bralsi, Brasla, Bravaria, Breda, Bredami, Brela, Brelaca, Brelayne, Brelda, Brelyn, Brelynd, Brema, Brerayne, Breva, Burila, Buronii, Butheli, Byla, Cadiva, Cloya, Daela, Dala, Daliina, Dalmi, Dalora, Dalsa, Dalse, Dalsi, Damisi, Dandea, Dandera, Dandrii, Danis, Darane, Dariili, Darili, Daroso, Darva, Darvasa, Dasila, Dathlyn, Davilia, Dayas, Daymi, Dayna, Daynali, Dayni, Daynil, Delatha, Deldasa, Deldri, Delte, Dematah, Deminah, Denu, Derami, Derana, Deria, Diina, Dileni, Dileno, Dilvene, Dilyne, Dinaria, Dinuro, Dinya, Dira, Diren, Direnna, Dirilu, Dithisi, Dolsia, Dolvara, Domi, Donta, Dorisa, Dovesi, Dradas, Drala, Dralane, Dralosa, Drarana, Dratha, Drathyra, Dravusa, Drayna, Dredena, Dredyni, Dreska, Dreyen, Dreyla, Drilame, Drissa, Drivanas, Drorayni, Drurile, Duldresi, Dunveril, Durena, Duroni, Earila, Edrasa, Edrisi, Edryn, Edryno, Edrys, Edwina, Eldrasea, Eldri, Eldrilu, Elitai, Elmera, Elneri, Elvasea, Elvasia, Elyna, Elynea, Elynisi, Enura, Eraldine, Erdyno, Erila, Ernse, Eroni, Ervona, Ervyla, Ervyna, Ervyni, Ervynu, Evessa, Evisi, Evylu, Fadile, Falan, Falora, Faltha, Falura, Famdii, Famyne, Fanasa, Fanisea, Farayn, Farena, Faric, Farona, Faryon, Farys, Favani, Favel, Favela, Fealu, Fedrasa, Feduria, Feldrasa, Feldsii, Felisa, Felmina, Felsa, Fenila, Ferdyn, Ferena, Ferili, Ferva, Fethesena, Fevila, Feyne, Fieria, Filu, Fonari, Fondryn, Foni, Fonira, Forvse, Furoni, Furu, Fyrayn, Fyrona, Gadila, Gadsi, Galdas, Galdsa, Galeri, Galisa, Galori, Galotha, Galsi, Galsu, Galvene, Galyn, Gami, Gandilla, Gariasa, Garil, Garila, Garyne, Gelaa, Gelana, Gelii, Gena, Gindur, Girara, Girva, Glistel, Godyna, Golena, Golmerea, Golvy, Gorili, Grona, Guroanii, Guronii, Gynisi, Hadrill, Hala, Hanala, Hanu, Helma, Helseth, Hlana, Hlaren, Hlava, Hlenia, Hlethena, Hlevala, Hlisi, Hlura, Holdala, Idari, Idera, Idrasa, Idren, Idrenia, Idria, Idronea, Idroni, Idula, Ienasa, Iirila, Ildari, Ildrasai-daro, Ilmani, Ilmeni, Ilmyna, Indra, Indrasa, Indrasi, Indrela, Indrele, Indriian, Indririi, Ineria, Inisa, Inise, Iriana, Irileth, Irna, Irvina, Iry, Isabeau, Ithrini, Ivaynel, Ivela, Ivramia, Ivrisa, Ivrosa, Jenassa, Jinrisa, Kalara, Kalina, Kireth, Kylia, Ladrasa, Lalis, Lathisa, Lauravenya, Laureva, Lena, Leyla, Lirielle, Lirona, Livisii, Llaami, Llaari, Llarevis, Llasi, Llathasa, Llavana, Llavelea, Llayne, Llivas, Llivia, Llotha, Llunela, Lodyna, Lorara, Lorolu, Louna, Luranor, Luryne, Madayna, Madria, Maedini, Maeli, Maera, Malarel, Malori, Malsia, Mamyne, Marasa, Maren, Mari, Mariia, Marila, Marise, Marlyn, Maronii, Marwyn, Mathesa, Melila, Meluria, Meralys, Meram, Meriath, Merona, Meva, Mevura, Miara, Midiri, Midrasi, Midura, Miiga, Miirist, Milesa, Milia, Milore, Milvonu, Milyne, Minara, Mindelyn, Mirasa, Mirise, Mirnsa, Mirri, Mirusu, Mivani, Mivryna, Morami, Morusu, Morvani, Mulvi, Mulvise, Murela, Muvulrea, Mylis, Myn, Nadie, Nalsia, Nandri, Nara, Nareb, Nareen, Naresa, Narese, Narilii, Narisa, Nartisa, Naryu, Nashyv, Nedeni, Nedi, Nedrasa, Nela, Nelmia, Neloren, Nelvana, Nendrii, Nendryl, Nephothal, Nerari, Neria, Nerise, Nervyna, Nerys, Nevena, Nevusa, Neyna, Nida, Nila, Nileno, Nilonii, Niluva, Ninave, Ninla, Nirelia, Nivama, Nivene, Nodryn, Norasa, Noreni, Nothas, Noveni, Nudryn, Nulwrila, Nurara, Nurisea, Nurona, Nurvyna, Nuula, Odesa, Odrasa, Odrys, Odyna, Olvyia, Omesu, Orama, Orani, Orara, Orea, Orona, Orvana, Oryla, Qyss, Radene, Radrase, Rala, Ralasa, Ralsynilsa, Ramavel, Rami, Ramila, Ramu, Rana, Rania, Ranis, Ranyna, Rarili, Rarusi, Rathisa, Ravania, Ravel, Ravela, Ravila, Raynil, Raynila, Rela, Reldsii, Relenila, Relmeria, Rena, Rendrasa, Renkathi, Rernel, Reron, Resetta, Revisii, Reynis, Rianor, Ridena, Ridinna, Riinsi, Rila, Rilasi, Rinori, Riray, Rironi, Ris, Risa, Rudrasa, Rurvyn, Ruvali, Ryna, Saalu, Sadelia, Salima, Salina, Salora, Salori, Salver, Saly, Samtri, Sanas, Sarun, Sathdira, Sathasa, Sathi, Sathryn, Sava, Saveri, Savi, Savila, Savile, Sayla, Sayne, Sedris, Sedura, Sehlena, Sela, Selvura, Sem, Semoa, Sen, Sena, Seraali, Serana, Seritath, Servyna, Seryna, Seryne, Sethan, Sethisa, Sevame, Sevy, Seyne, Seyrena, Shelethys, Shiralas, Shra, Sia, Siid, Siila, Silen, Sirari, Sirili, Sirilu, Sivisia, Sodra, Solryn, Sorosi, Sovi, Suldrini, Surii, Suronii, Sursi, Sydra, Taderi, Taelu, Talama, Talamu, Talare, Talari, Talmeni, Talsi, Talsyne, Taluri, Talvini, Tama, Tanar, Tanasa, Tanisa, Tanisie, Tarania, Tarvili, Tavya, Tavynu, Tedas, Tedoran, Telare, Teldyni, Teleri, Telura, Temisa, Tenara, Tendren, Ternu, Tereri, Teroni, Tevynni, Thelama, Thelvamu, Thera, Thilse, Tifosi, Tildsi, Tilena, Tilenra, Tilisu, Tilore, Tilu, Tirele, Tirvina, Tivela, Tolisi, Tonas, Tovisa, Traldrisa, Trayna, Trayniria, Tredare, Tredere, Tremona, Triev, Trili, Trivura, Tumsa, Udrasi, Ulene, Ulveni, Undena, Urada, Urani, Urava, Uravasa, Urene, Ureso, Urila, Urili, Urona, Urrila, Uthisii, Vadeni, Vadyne, Vaireno, Vala, Valasa, Valesu, Valvesu, Valyia, Valyn, Valyne, Vamoni, Varasa, Varenu, Variah, Varila, Varona, Varoni, Vayne, Vedelea, Vedyne, Velas, Veldrana, Velsa, Venae, Venoni, Veran, Veranim, Veresa, Verilu, Vermethys, Veru, Vess, Vethisa, Veya, Vila, Vilasti, Vilrani, Vim, Vindamea, Vinden, Vireveri, Viruse, Visthina, Vivyne, Vlaasti, Vlesyl, Voldsea, Volene, Volmyni, Volyn, Vrali, Vuldronu, Vuri, Vurila, Wren, Xand, Yakin, Zaristesi, Anara, Drelliane, Iachilla, Inzoliah, Katariah, Llirala, Neria, Peliah, Sendrasa, Turala, Valyne. Dunmer (Arena) 2. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation [2] Each House governs an eponymous district on mainland Morrowind; Redoran in the northwest, Sadras (previously Hlaalu) in the western-center, Telvanni in the east, Indoril in the central heartlands and Dres in the southeast. His reformation of the Grand Council was seen by some as a return to more traditional Dunmer ways, although he also managed to persuade both his own House and House Dres to back the abolition of slavery, and carry that policy through the Council. Names, Air Transportation They had less respect for the other Imperial institutions, such as the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the Imperial Cult. The district included parts of the fertile Deshaan plain, and bordered the Indoril District, Hlaalu District, and the swamps and marshes of the Black Marsh regions of Shadowfen and Thornmarsh. The 12 prefixes for male Dunmer names are: Azar, Cas, Ereb, Hel, Nis, Shal, Shur, Tur, Ul, Vanik, Zan, Zir Dark Elf Script Dunmer Houses and Furnishings. 4x: Andaram (1, 2, 3, 4), Aralas (1, 2, 3, 4), Arelas (1, 2, 3, 4), Arobar (1, 2, 3, 4), Helas (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Hlervu (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Llaren (1, 2, 3, 4), Lleran (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Maren (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Nerethi (1, 2, 3, 4), Omoran (1, 2, 3, 4), Oran (1, 2, 3, 4), Othravel (1, 2, 3, 4), Othril (1, 2, 3, 4), Rathryon (1, 2, 3, 4), Rethan (1, 2, 3, 4), Retheran (1, 2, 3, 4), Salvani (1, 2, 3, 4), Saram (1, 2, 3, 4), Sarethi (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Seloth (1, 2, 3, 4), Senim (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Teran (1, 2, 3, 4), Tharen (1, 2, 3, 4), Ules (1, 2, 3, 4), Velas (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Venim (1, 2, 3, 4, tomb), Veran (1, 2, 3, 4), Verethi (1, 2, 3, 4), Virith (1, 2, 3, 4) According to some Imperial texts and Tribunal Apographa, the Dwemer of Resdayn were considered a Great House.[6][20]. From this era, one of the most prominent Dunmer families is introduced, the Ra'athim. Dunmer (Dark Elf) Styles. Daedric Alphabet 0x (tomb only): Alas, Aran, Arys, Beran, Dareleth, Dulo, Fadathram, Favel, Gimothran, Helan, Hlervi, Llando, Marvani, Raviro, Redoran, Rethandus, Salothan, Salothran, Salvel, Samarys, Sandas, Telvayn, Tharys, Vandus, Verelnim, 5x: Dalvilu (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) The downfall of the Tribunal Temple in the closing days of the Third Era, along with the machinations of King Helseth and his Dres allies,[16] saw the Great House suffer greatly, culminating in the sack of their capital of Mournhold by the invading Argonians. 11x: Andrethi (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, tomb), Ienith (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, tomb) [23], House Sotha was a minor House with holdings in the homestead of Ald Sotha, considered an unremarkable town belonging to an unremarkable family. Nerevar and the Dwemer leader Dumac Dwarfking subsequently created the First Council of Resdayn to jointly rule the area as an independent nation. It governed the Dres District of southeastern Morrowind from its ancestral capital city of Tear. 5x: Elarven (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Militant Ordinator Style. 8x: Dres (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Indoril (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Dragon Language The House was largely concerned with business and diplomacy, seeking to strengthen ties with at times unconventional allies such as the Empire, and although profit was often a primary objective, traditional Hlaalu practice recognized the value of a good reputation over money. A number of other Indoril chose to commit suicide. Given names for male Dunmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes. 2x: Ainab (1, 2), Maeonius (1, 2), Manat (1, 2), Missun (1, 2), Mubdan (1, 2), Odairan (1, 2), Zallit (1, 2) Therefore, all of the male Dunmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are: 3x: Ano (1, 2, 3), Galos (1, 2, 3) Since we had a game set in their homeland, we know a great deal about their culture, and Dunmer belong to one of several Great Houses. In. 27 . House Redoran maintained strained relationships with the ashlander tribes of Vvardenfell, the Morag Tong, House Hlaalu, and House Telvanni. [24] The only known members were Sotha Sil, a future member of the Tribunal, and his older sister Sotha Nall. 1x: Adram, Adryn, Adus, Alam, Alan, Alari, Alvor, Amori, Andalor (tomb), Andothan, Andral, Andrani, Andrilo, Androm, Andromo, Androthi, Apo, Aradil, Aram, Areloth, Ares, Areth, Arns, Arval, Athelvis, Athin, Athones, Avani, Avel, Avilo, Balur, Balvel, Bandas, Baram (tomb), Barelo, Baren, Baro, Barus, Baryon, Barys, Bavani, Bedas, Belaal, Belan, Belaram, Belden, Beloren, Bels, Belvani, Belvayn, Belvilo, Bemis, Benelas, Beneran, Benethran, Beni, Bereloth, Beren, Berendus, Berer, Bero, Bethrano, Bethrimo, Bradyn, Braryn, Braven, Brenos, Brenur, Brilyn, Carvaren, Dalas, Dalis, Dalobar, Dalomo, Dals, Dalvani, Damori, Danoran, Daram, Darano, Daren, Darethran, Darothril, Darvel, Dathren, Davor, Davus, Daynes, Delms, Deltis, Delvi, Demnevanni, Deras, Dilmyn, Dobar, Doran, Doren, Dorvayn, Doves, Dradas, Dralayn, Dralen, Dralno, Drals, Drath (tomb), Drathen, Dredayn, Dredil, Dreleth, Dreloth (tomb), Dres, Dreth, Driler, Drilvi, Drin, Drinith (tomb), Drivam, Drobar, Drolan, Drolnor, Drora, Droryn, Droth, Drurel, Dulfass, Dulni, Duro, Elarven, Elval, Elvul, Ertis, Evos, Falandas, Falavel, Falos, Fals, Falvani, Famori, Faralen, Farandas, Faravel, Fareloth, Farethan, Farothran, Fatheran, Fathyron, Favani, Faveran, Fedos, Felas, Felder, Fels, Fendyn, Fererus, Fevur, Folvyn, Gadar, Galen, Gals, Garer, Garil, Garvon, Gavos, Gavyn, Gidran, Gilaram, Gilvani, Gilvilo, Gimalvel, Gimayn, Gindu, Ginith (tomb), Giral, Giralvel, Girando, Girano, Girendas, Girethi, Girothran, Girvayne, Githendas, Githrano, Givyn, Gobor, Golathyn, Gols, Goran, Gorvas, Guls, Guvron, Hardil, Heladren, Helni, Helothan, Helothran, Helothren, Herandus, Herendas, Herothran, Hlaano, Hlando, Hlarar, Hlarys, Hledas, Hledri, Ildram, Ilnith, Imayn, Indavel, Indobar, Indoran, Indules, Inlador, Irathi, Irethi, Ledd, Lladri, Llandu, Llendo, Llerayn, Llervi, Lleryn, Lloryn, Llothas, Llothri, Madalas, Madalvel, Madryon, Malas, Maloren, Malvayn, Manas, Manel, Mano, Marvayn, Marvos, Mathendis, Mavandes, Mels, Menas, Mencele, Merys, Milar, Milo, Mirel, Molor, Moran, Nadram, Nadus, Nalyn, Naros, Navur, Nedalor, Neladren, Nelaram, Neleth, Nelvani, Nelvayn, Nelvilo, Nerandas, Nerothan, Nerothren, Nerus, Nervion, Nethalen, Nilem, Nilvon, Nithryon, Nolar, Nothro, Nothryon, Nulen, Ofemalen, Omani, Omaren (tomb), Ondyn, Onmar, Orelu, Ores, Oreyn, Othralas, Othrobar, Quintella, Radarys, Radobar, Ralaal, Raloran, Ralvani, Ralvayn, Ramarys, Ramoran, Ramori, Ramothran, Randas (tomb), Raram, Rathri, Redas (tomb), Redothril, Reladren, Relarys, Relavel, Relenim, Relnim, Reloro, Reloth (tomb), Relvani, Rendo, Reni, Renim, Reram, Rervam, Rethelas, Rethul, Reyas, Rilvayn, Rindo, Rindu, Rinith, Rivul, Rols, Romandas, Romari, Romavel, Romayn, Romoran, Romothran, Rothalen, Rothalnim, Rothalor, Rothan (tomb), Rothari, Rotheloth, Rotheran, Rothrano, Rothren, Rurvyn, Ryon, Sadalas, Sadalvel, Sadas, Sadoro, Sadralo, Sadrano, Sadryon (tomb), Sadrys, Sala, Salam, Salandas, Salaren, Salaron, Salavel, Salen, Salenim, Salmyn, Salobar, Salor, Salvi, Samandas, Sandus (tomb), Sarandus, Sarathram, Sareloth, Sarethan, Sari, Sarinith, Sarobar, Sarothran, Sarothren, Saryoni, Sathendas, Sathis, Sathren, Sathryon, Savani, Sedrethi, Sedri, Selandas, Selaro, Selarys, Seles, Selothan, Selvayn, Sendu, Senoril, Seralas, Serano (tomb), Seri, Serothan, Serven, Sethandas, Sethandus, Sethri, Surishpi, Talds, Tedalen, Tedran, Telandas, Telmon, Telnim, Telvani, Teneran, Terandas, Terano, Teri, Teria, Terilu, Tervayn, Thalas (tomb), Thalor, Thando, Tharam, Tharyon, Tharys, Theman, Thenim, Therayn, Therethi, Thilandas, Thilarvel, Thimalvel, Thindo, Thiralas (tomb), Thireloth, Thirith, Thirothan, Thirvayn, Tilvur, Tistar, Tobor, Trandel, Tunel, Tyravel, Uleni, Ulessen, Ulom, Ulvel, Ulver, Urns, Urvon, Urvyn, Uvalas, Uvalen, Uvalor, Uvani, Uvaram, Uveleth, Uvulas, Vadryon, Valaai, Valas, Valen, Valno, Valor, Vando, Vandram, Varo, Vavas, Vavyn, Vedaren, Vedralu, Vedrano, Velendas, Velni, Veloren, Veloth (tomb), Velothren, Velothril, Veralor, Verelas, Verendas, Veri, Verilnith, Verothan, Viake, Vian, Vibato, Vidron, Vilas, Vinden, Volos Hollowed shell of a colossal prehistoric Emperor Crab, in pre-Tribunal Morrowind the., became the scapegoat for all of the First two games have an ancestral Tomb in the early Fourth.... 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