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darth bane movie

Though the temple appeared empty, he sensed a great power hidden there, and so continued to search until he located a holocron that had been created by the Sith Lord Darth Revan millennia ago. He took to the dark side with ease, at first, although the Human lost his faith after realizing that he was responsible for his father's death. With Bane as the conduit, the Sith Lords released an inferno upon the forest. He became skilled in the use of the weapon, and chose to stick with the first blaster he learned to use instead of switching to a different weapon. Apatros[1] An orbital blockade sustained by the Sith battle armada kept Jedi reinforcements from landing on the planet. The Human quickly rose to the rank of sergeant in a Sith unit known as the Gloom Walkers. But the origins of the word are uncertain. With the help of individuals like Argel Tenn, he was able to obtain ancient Sith manuscripts and artifacts. [10] However, believing Bane's plan had been destroyed along with his death, the Jedi considered this nothing more than gibberish and presumed the Sith to have been wiped out. Lucasfilm has not yet established a cohesive timeline. One day, he told her, she would have the power to overthrow him and take an apprentice of her own. Boarding it, Bane set a course for the planet Lehon in the Unknown Regions, hoping to find true understanding of the dark side. Thanks to Githany, who had had a vision of Bane on Lehon, Kaan knew where to send the Blademaster. Ultimately, Zannah proved herself a worthy successor when she killed Bane.[2]. [5] Most importantly, Bane could tap into the parasites' ability to draw on the dark side to greatly increase his own power while they remained attached to him. Darovit had revealed the Sith's existence to the Jedi, and had been taken to the Jedi Temple to speak with the council. Reacting without thinking, Dessel stabbed the ensign with his own weapon, killing the soldier. Realizing that Bane's lightsaber had been taken from him, Zannah then attacked. Nyras obeyed the Sith Lord's orders, and as the two fleets met, several smaller ships with Jedi onboard were able to reach the surface. [2], The two Sith Lords matched wills, each trying to push the other out and into the great void from which there was no return. The Dark Lord desired to reveal his true identity and power to Tenn, whom he felt knew nothing of the dark side's true power, but knew that to do so would be foolish. He eventually defied Kaan by refusing the order to report to Ruusan, instead stealing Qordis's starship and heading to Lehon, where he hoped to learn from Darth Revan, who he considered to be a true master of the dark side. Several kilometers away, Bane sensed the bomb's detonation. However, the Jedi were unable to stop Kaan from detonating the thought bomb, which killed all the Force-sensitives in the cave. Once he made his way to the temple, Bane began searching for any dark side relics. By channeling the pain and anguish of others to fuel the dark side, Bane could sustain or invigorate himself. [1], Later in his life, the Dark Lord sought the secrets to achieving immortality. [5], The Jedi soon came ready to arrest the Sith, but Zannah had hidden herself and her master under the hut. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Managing to stay conscious, he was able to attack Zannah and swiftly disarm her. Upon entering, he was attacked by members of the cult Malevolence, dedicated to the long-dead Andeddu. "[29] Jan Duursema's depiction of Bane in Star Wars: Legacy was based on the partially completed costume of a fan, Thomas J. However, as he moved in to kill the last Jedi, Johun Othone, with Force lightning, Worror created a Protection bubble to deflect Bane's Force lightning back on him, frying the Sith Lord and killing the orbalisks. As a result of the popularity of Star Wars, the term "Darth" has entered the popular lexicon as a term for evil. His holocron still imparted wisdom through the years. This mandate allows there to ever only be two Sith -- a master and an apprentice -- at any given time; " one to embody power, the other to crave it. If the apprentice failed, the master would ideally find another apprentice. Dessel mutinied and punched Ulabore in the face, knocking him out cold, and then proceeded to lead the squad into battle. [2] He was also skilled in Soresu, and taught his apprentice Darth Zannah Form III to complement her petite physical frame. [5], After leaving Ruusan, Bane headed for Dxun in the Valcyn. Darth is often thought to be a combination of letters from the title Dark Lord of the Sith, a theory which is alluded to in Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force. At full power she is able to easily defeat the heroine Sasami. [1], Kopecz was the last Sith to leave on his speeder, informing Bane that his loyalty to the dark side before the Brotherhood would not be accepted by the Sith Lords. From them, he learned more about the history of the Sith and the power of the dark side. Star Wars creator George Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as "the tragedy of Darth Vader".. After a heated lightsaber duel, Bane gained the upper hand, and forced Kas'im into a corner. During this duel, Zannah noted that Bane's lightsaber technique was somewhat unrefined. The mercenaries had fought for the Sith, only to abandon the cause after Kaan led his troops into the cave. However, the Sith Masters discouraged the studying of the archives, claiming they were relics of a time long forgotten. Unknown to anyone, Dessel was Force-sensitive, and he occasionally felt the call of the Force's dark side. This revelation caused Bane to doubt the Masters' teachings, and he began to fear the power of the dark side. From the holocron, Bane learned a tremendous deal about the dark side and Sith—more than he had learned in his entire time at the academy, he felt. Some historians suggest that "Darth" is actually a corruption of the Rakata word Daritha, meaning "emperor". Thanks to this mysterious sight, he managed to kill each soldier with a sniper rifle in the space of a few seconds. Series Director Dave Filoni voiced similar concerns to the inclusion of the two Sith Lords; though the scene would have been appreciated by Expanded Universe fans, he stated that cutting the scene had been the right thing to do. The Dark Lord then informed the former Academy head that he was mistaken—he had come not to take control of the Brotherhood of Darkness, but to destroy it. Expecting to be court-martialed, Dessel was saved from this fate by the Dark Lord, who offered to take him to Korriban where he could enroll at the Sith Academy. Suddenly, alarm bells rang out—Serra had activated the prison's self-destruct sequence. Chronologically speaking, Darth Rivan predates Darth Bane, and Darth Bane is supposed to be the author of the Rule of Two. The Cygnus Spaceworks vessel could be flown by one pilot, which Bane used to his advantage in 980 BBY when he made a trip to the Deep Core planet Prakith without informing his apprentice. Panicked, the other Republic soldiers fled to alert their superiors. Because of the Sith Order Bane had forged a millennium earlier, the prophecy ultimately came true. While Bane waited for Githany he considered a question he still could not answer; once he had eliminated the Brotherhood, where would he find an apprentice worthy of the knowledge he had to impart? Many fans were initially confused as to whether Bane or Zannah won the final duel between the two at the end of Dynasty of Evil. A picture of the curved hilt was finally included in The Essential Reader's Companion. [Source]. As a miner on Apatros, he was able to use the Force on occasion, though he had no understanding of it and his use was largely instinctive. You're my only hope. 2 meters[4] However, Bane was worried about his apprentice. The Iktotchi then explained that she was an assassin who had been able to track Bane to Ciutric IV thanks to visions she received through the Force. In the next sudden death round, Dessel got a nine, beating the ensign's eight, and giving him sabacc and the ten thousand credit sabacc pot. Irate, Hurst beat him until his ribs cracked, although Dessel withstood the pain without sound. Furthermore, Bane believed that the use of rumors of the Sith's continued existence could prove useful by confusing the Jedi Order and spreading fear and chaos. Caleb then began to heal Bane. One of the best attributes of the Sith came from Darth Bane: The Rule of Two. Physical description Bane ordered Admiral Nyras to engage the Jedi fleet, despite the fact that doing so would allow the Jedi reinforcements to reach the surface in dropships. Died [1] Bane's Rule of Two was designed with the intention of strengthening the Sith Order over time, with each apprentice challenging their master for the title of Dark Lord. Additionally, he believed that the power of the dark side was finite, and that the existence of many Sith spread the power of the dark side thin. Though he attempted to strengthen himself by drinking in the suffering of those who died on a battlefield on Ambria, the dark side was too faint on the planet. [2] His initial attempts to create a holocron ended in failure, which Bane came to believe was due to his orbalisk armor; it provided him with great power in battle, but he believed that it robbed him of the ability to use his powers for more subtle tasks. Githany in turn saw Bane as a tool she could use against Sirak, her only real rival at the Academy. [1], When he believed himself to be ready, Bane once again challenged Sirak to a duel. [2], The text revealed that there was a fortress dedicated to Andeddu on the Deep Core world of Prakith. In addition, Bane was able to easily resist Skere Kaan's mind tricks, while the other Dark Lords in the Brotherhood were unable to do so. In Bane of the Sith, Bane escapes from Ruusan when his warning to Kaan to not use the thought bomb goes unheeded. [12] Naga Sadow, the last of the original Dark Lords of the Sith that ruled the old Sith Empire, held the title of Darth after ascending to the Sith throne just prior to waging the Great Hyperspace War. The Gloom Walkers soon became one of the most skilled of the Sith's infantry units, and they were sent on the most critical missions. But others point out that the true meaning of darr tah is "conquest through death," meaning the conquest of one's enemies.[6]. In 2000, The Essential Chronology collated these events with the Battle of Ruusan mentioned in Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, creating a backstory further developed in Jedi vs Sith by Darko Macan and Bane of the Sith by Kevin J. Anderson. Hesitating for a moment, Bane then exclaimed that the soldier she had known was no more, and prepared to execute Lucia. [1], For a time, Bane flew the starship Valcyn, a T-class long-range personal cruiser that had originally belonged to Qordis. As his training progressed, Bane learned far more from the archives at the Academy than he had originally thought possible, and continued supplementing his knowledge of the Force with the teachings of the ancient Sith. She had befriended a Bouncer named Laa, who helped protect her. Apprentices Serra was the daughter of the healer Caleb, and upon learning of her father's death at the hands of a Sith Lord, sought to punish the guilty party. Such examples are Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader, or Jacen Solo becoming Darth Caedus. She replied that she knew that Bane would be able to kill the man and his assassins, and if he was unable to do so, then he was weak and unworthy of his title of Dark Lord. Now that his apprentice had proven herself, Bane planned to begin training Zannah.[5]. Dessel reassured his friend, but the Neimoidian warned him to be careful. Where Bane had been sure of victory only just moments before, his inexperience put him at a severe disadvantage, and he quickly lost his momentum. On multiple occasions when severely wounded, he refused to surrender, using the power of the dark side to fuel himself and keep fighting. Prior to the release of The Phantom Menace, the only known Sith Lord to bear the title Darth was Darth Vader. He became a deadly lightsaber duelist, and wielded a red-bladed, curved-hilt lightsaber presented by the Twi'lek Dark Lord in recognition of his skill. This revelation left a lasting impression on Bane. Amongst the numerous Darths of Vitiate's reconstituted Empire were members of the Dark Council, such as Vengean and Vowrawn, as well as enforcers of the Emperor's will on the battlefield such as Darth Malgus.[source? The Lord of Betrayal styled herself as Darth Traya, whilst her apprentices, consumed by darkness, took up the names Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion. Additionally, his victory came only after the Jedi's battle meditation ceased, and Raskta Lsu was killed by a sneak attack from Zannah. Organization However, were she to do this, she would not prove her superiority, as was necessitated by the Rule of Two. Caleb relented and healed Bane, leaving him fully revitalized. Affiliation(s) [5], However, the healer refused to cooperate, and as his daughter now lived on another world, Zannah had no leverage over him. From there, Bane grew strong, quickly surpassing even Lord Kaan. [5], Another problem Bane saw in the structure of the Brotherhood was its inclusion of numerous Sith. After the fall of Darth Revan and Malak, the strongest remnants of their empire gathered to form the elusive Sith Triumvirate, and the triumvirs each took up a Sith title containing the prefix Darth. In the cave, the two encountered Zannah's cousin, Darovit. She returned these feelings, and Bane sought to make her his apprentice after becoming convinced that the Brotherhood was irrevocably flawed. [1], Bane was a very fast learner, and quickly passed many students at the Korriban Academy in just a few months. Deserting the order, he went to the planet Lehon and studied the holocron of Darth Revan, and, armed with new knowledge, helped destroy the Brotherhood, allowing him to create his own Sith Order. However, the Blademaster split his double-bladed lightsaber, wielding it as two separate blades. A male Duros who's easy to recognize thanks to his signature wide-brimmed hat, Cad became known for being the best bounty hunter in the galaxy after Boba's father, Jango Fett, was killed in Attack of the Clones . Height Though Zannah was able to avoid being crushed, a wall of rock now stood between the two. Darth Bane [2], The Dark Lord was capable of drawing on the fear and anguish of other beings to increase his own power. Although George Lucas commissioned the scene, he later cut it before the scene could be fully animated. Still feeding on the man's fear, Bane then killed him, ignoring his pleas for mercy. [1], Bane chose the barren world Ambria to meet Kaan's envoy. Though Bane expected to be punished for killing a fellow student, Qordis instead was impressed by Bane, and began urging the Blademaster Kas'im to pay special attention to Bane. Nonetheless, Tenn was useful, and so the Sith Lord had utilized his assistance multiple times in the past to acquire Sith relics. [22], Darth Bane, the Sith'ari and the founder of the Rule of Two, Bane was extremely dedicated to the Sith cause, and was determined to bring about the end of the Jedi, though he knew he might not live to see it. Furious, Serra injected him with senflax, knocking him out, before leaving the prison. Almost 1000 years after Bane's death, Darth Plagueis trains Sidious, who ultimately kills Plagueis in his sleep and takes Darth Maul as … Many Sith Lords chose to add "Darth" to their name, so much so that the word is considered synonymous with the dark side of the Force in some circles. Darth Maul,later known as just Maul, is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. She injected him with a chemical that would cancel out the effects of the senflax and allow Bane to break free. However, he would be at a disadvantage against Darth Bane who was one of the, if not the greatest duelist of all time. ], Later Sith Lords of the Jedi Civil War era also used the title Darth, as did the founding Sith Lord of the Light and Darkness War, Darth Ruin, though there were few later Sith bearing the title until the rise of Darth Rivan and Darth Bane. Impressed, Bane informed the girl that she would become his apprentice.[1][5]. Also in the document were sequences of numbers; Bane realized that these were account numbers where Qordis had kept his wealth, of which he had a great deal. Each of these novels expanded on Bane's backstory, with Dynasty of Evil killing off the Dark Lord. With a premonition granted by the dark side of the Force, Dessel severed Gerd's thumb with his teeth. Bane prepared to begin training his new apprentice, now known as Darth Cognus. After a struggle of wills, it was over. Before he could unleash the dark side on her, Zannah arrived, and killed Lucia. [21], Bane's holocron eventually fell into the hands of Darth Krayt. Taking the title of Darth, Bane proclaimed that he was leaving the Brotherhood. As the Dark Lord prepared to kill his apprentice, a tendril lunged up, grabbing his arm and vaporizing it. Once the Jedi arrived, they confronted the two Sith in Darzu's fortress. [2], The woman then explained that she sensed his power, and wanted to become his apprentice. [1] When he tapped into the dark side power that suffused Andeddu's Keep on Prakith, Darth Bane projected a death field that instantaneously desiccated and killed the attacking Malevolence cultists who had been unable to avoid it. [9], For the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, Bane was to originally appear, alongside Darth Revan, in the third season episode "Ghosts of Mortis" as an influence to the Force-wielding Son, an embodiment of the dark side of the Force. Prodded by Darovit, who insisted that she was a good person, not a Sith, and by Caleb, who promised to heal Bane if she gave up herself and her master to the Jedi, Zannah agreed to surrender, and sent a message to the Jedi Temple, informing the Jedi that the Sith Lord who had killed a number of Jedi on Tython was on Ambria, helpless. After Bane challenged him, only to have Hurst nearly kill him in response, an irate Bane later killed his father through unconscious use of the Force. Groshik also ordered everyone but Dessel out, and explained to the Human that he was worried; Dessel had somehow played the soldiers, twisting them to his advantage and never relenting. Darth Zannah[5]Darth Cognus[2] He denounced Kaan's Brotherhood, even when Githany praised Kaan and begged him to wait. Ulabore knew the order to be a tactical mistake but planned to follow it anyway since he was afraid to face the Sith Lord who had issued the command. He desired to become a great and powerful Sith Lord, and spent a tremendous amount of time practicing, in hopes of perfecting his skills. On the fifth anniversary of Hurst's death, a man named Gerd—who had been friends with Hurst—decided that he would put Dessel in his place. [1] Many centuries after his death, his holocron's gatekeeper mocked Darth Krayt for abandoning the Rule of Two for his Rule of One, telling the "pretender" that his Order would destroy itself as so many similarly structured Sith Orders had. [11], In 32 BBY, after the death of Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious inherited an essay authored by Bane that chronicled the philosophy of the Rule of Two. Darth Bane in Freedon Nadd's tomb on the moon Dxun. For his actions, Dessel earned the trust of the Gloom Walkers over that of the unit's commander, Ulabore, who took credit for his unit's victories, which had been enabled by Dessel. Nearly a millennium later, Bane's Sith Order defeated the Jedi Order and overthrew the Republic. Sirak begged for mercy, claiming that if Bane spared him, the Zabrak would serve him. [1] Serra noted while torturing him that the drugs had surprisingly little impact on him. Though Bane was able to regain his confidence in the dark side, he lost his trust in the Brotherhood of Darkness, believing it to be a flawed organization whose leader, Skere Kaan, was a coward and a fool. It was also taken to signify giving up one's old life. [1], By 990 BBY, Bane was able to cast electric voltage so strong that most opponents died instantly upon contact, the energy output leaving their bodies burned and charred.

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