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Leader(s) Ulic was Exar Kun’s subordinate, but he didn’t care for his plans and disobeyed them more than once. Shrieking in utter surprise and terror, the Dark Lord turned the full power of his lightning against his now former apprentice. Sith Lords are identified by their "Darth" title, while lesser Sith and Dark Jedi are not allocated this title. Bandon was a Jedi Padawan that fell to the Dark Side at the time of the Jedi Civil War, which was started by the Sith Master Revan and Sith Apprentice Malak. But from the ashes of destruction, I was the last survivor.” – Darth Bane’s apparition Darth Bane was raised by his abusive father in a poor mining community, on a planet far in the Outer Rim Territories.He lived roughly 1,000 years before the events in the Star Wars movies and would ultimately become the only Sith … Ventress soon became Dooku’s commander on the Separatist droid army, taking assassination jobs as well. Some Sith are despicable tyrants who are easily classified as villains; others believe their brutal efforts are ultimately good for the galaxy. The injuries, combined with the psychological damage his transformation and recent choices had inflicted upon him diminished his potential power in the Force. He eventually fell and became a Dark Jedi, along with Ajunta Pall.One of the Leviathans’ creators, he fought and survived the Battle of Corbos, but was captured and exiled to Korriban.He arrived on Korriban with his protosaber (an early version of the lightsaber powered by a corded battery) and displayed it to the natives to show his power.Muur and other Dark Jedi saw the potential of the Sith race and enslaved them with the force. Through the holocron of Darth Andeddu, Bane learned of the ability to transfer one's own spirit into another body. One of the most powerful villains of all time, he is also one of the most famous ones ever. One of the most amazing things though is that he could conjure up the rare skill of Red Force Lightning. Shortly before killing his Master, Tenebrous theorized that the dark side was simply an energy source to be manipulated, as opposed to an omnipresent and malevolent mystical force.[5]. There … Eventually, the two of them called a truce as each knew that the prison was close to destruction, and that their confrontation would most likely result in both of their deaths if they stayed much longer. Explore all Sith Lords of the Star Wars Galaxy, full timeline of Sith Lords such as Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Revan and many others. In the years leading up to the Invasion of Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis was killed by his apprentice Darth Sidious, who at the time was also training his own apprentice Darth Maul. The Emperor failed to realize that Darth Vader no longer stood beside him; the fallen Jedi Knight re-embraced the former persona of Anakin Skywalker.[2]. The Sith's Dark Side methodology, which draws on the Force through severe negative emotions, is antipodal to that of their archenemies, the Jedi, who rely on the Force's "Light Side," i.e., the Force as experienced through disciplined states of quietude and compassion. The One Sith eventually ended up destroyed altogether by a rogue Sith named Darth Wredd wiping out all of the Sith except for himself with the intention of reinstating the Rule of Two. Even worse, although seemingly loyal to the Emperor, Darth Vader harbored a great deal of anger at his master and sought to overthrow his rule.[37]. [2] After a millennium of hiding, their Order had finally taken its revenge on the Jedi,[8] only to be destroyed by its last two members who ultimately killed each other. Ajunta Pall was the Dark Jedi’s leader when they were exiled to Korriban. Savage Opress: Top 50 Sith Lords of All Time with Two Brothers, 26. He was actually the first Sith Emperor in the Star Wars Legends and he possessed extraordinary Force abilities from the time he was a child. [10] The line of Sith Lords proceeded on after Ramage's time, and eventually led to the reign of Darth Tenebrous around 167 BBY. 1 Sith Lord 2 Darth 3 Emperor 4 Links A powerful Sith rank. He also pulled a ship from the sky with his Telekinetic abilities alone. List Rules Vote up your favorite Sith Lords. 4 ABY (as Lumiya's Sith)[4] Nox had a great ability control over Force Lightning and could tap into the force to subdue, stun or kill. Hence, he labeled the Order's surviving members as enemies of the state, subject to summary execution upon discovery. “The Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed. This anomaly caused the Sith Lords to accelerate their plans, thus forcing Gunray to order an illegal full-scale invasion of Naboo with the use of the Federation's battle droid army. Darth Bane[1] Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. Biggest Sith Lord after the defeat in Galactic Civil War - Had 6 apprentices and tried to restore Sith Empire ~137 ABY. [5], Darth Sidious, the young apprentice of Darth Plagueis, Around the year 65 BBY, Darth Plagueis visited the planet Naboo in his public guise as Hego Damask in order to influence the outcome of the election for the people's next monarch. He was so powerful he predicted his death, but he didn’t avoid it. Darth Vader naming Starkiller his Sith apprentice. Here is a list … Plagueis wasn’t the best with a Lightsaber, but he was the ultimate scholar and the Force held no secrets to him. There, she encountered Bane and the Huntress, who had since been re-christened as Darth Cognus. The Master and his former apprentice fought as near-equals, but Zannah was outmatched with regard to her lightsaber skills and raw power. He had an infamous reputation and was always seen on the front lines, killing Jedi Masters left and right. He dueled his apprentice Zannah, but she didn’t kill him this time. According to Jedi prophecy, the Chosen One would be created by the will of the Force in order to destroy the Sith, thus restoring the Force back into balance. The Rule stipulated that after learning everything the master had to teach, the apprentice would attempt to kill the master and take an apprentice of their own. As such, Sidious never passed on teachings to any of his apprentices that might have enabled them to contest his power. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine promised Queen Amidala that his term would usher in the restoration of the Republic's honorable principles; as Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith continued to carry out the Grand Plan that would eventually lead to his ascension as Galactic Emperor. Even still, however, Sidious regarded this dilemma as an acceptable price to pay for immortality. He came to believe that in order for the Sith to survive, the Order had to become more like their Jedi counterparts by embracing the light. Hence, only two Sith Lords were allowed to exist at any given time; the master and an apprentice. Captured and brainwashed by the Jedi, he became a light side user that was responsible for beating the overwhelming odds the Republic was facing at the time – the Rakata’s Star Forge and Darth Malak. [5], Unknown to the Dark Lord, however, Tenebrous had trained another apprentice behind Plagueis's back. Season Two. Once the apprentice's Master allowed him to visit certain worlds that related to the history of the Sith, Darth Sidious traveled to the world of Dathomir. The taking of the planet happened after Darth Maul dueled Viszla and won. By letting feelings like anger or fear take over, the Sith can use emotion as a conduit to channel the power of the Force.There is a common misconception that the Sith access the Force through evil or that being a Sith Lord automatically means that you are evil. This made him immortal, and he was only killed millennia after he was born. Since the Sith Lords of his time were wiped out by the Jedi, Bane enacted the Rule of Two. Though unafraid to accept his own death, Bane feared for the future of his Sith Order. The Kaminoans found Yinchorri DNA was not manipulable enough to effectively instill certain traits like obedience into the clones. Sending his little minion to assassinate his own master, Baras was able to acquire the late Darth Vengean's seat on the Dark Council. [49], This organization would later be taken over by Darth Wyyrlok after the latter murdered Darth Krayt, although it would eventually be under the command of Darth Krayt again, having managed to revive himself. Wikis. [8], In spite of Darth Vader's weakened potential, he still became the Emperor's chief enforcer and a much feared symbol throughout the Galactic Empire. They would instead fight for the Galactic Republic, under the command of Jedi officers. His twin sister Jaina ended up killing him. He had such a vast knowledge of alchemy he could bind his spirit to this world never to die, but as he had an eternity to think about his actions, he redeemed himself and saw the error of his ways. [35] For more than two decades, Emperor Palpatine ruled the galaxy by imposing peace through oppression, and order through fear. Ajunta Pall was the first Dark Lord of the Sith, … He could also trick and deceive with ease, even without training. Darth Vectivus is an interesting character, because, unlike most of the Dark Lords of the Sith on this list, he wasn’t found by a Master as a child. Darth Maul didn’t die when he was cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi. But through the intervention of Leia Organa Solo, daughter of Anakin Skywalker, Skywalker broke the Emperor's influence over him. In the ten years that had passed after his near-death experience on Tython, Bane had waited for his apprentice to kill him and become the next Dark Lord of the Sith. The Mandalorian . With great power comes great responsibility, but these baddies have turned away from the light to embrace the power of the Darkside. [43], When Sidious resurfaced in 10 ABY, he briefly turned Luke Skywalker into his apprentice. Darth Nihl / Wyyrlok III / Talon. He fled Korriban when this happened, and arrived at Prakith, where he was the ruler for centuries. Add new page. Krayt was inactive at times, performing his regenerative hibernation cycles, and Wyyrlok would keep his ideals running in his place. Nihilus used the Dark Side of the Force to encase his spirit on his armor and spirit. Through the machinations of Bane and Zannah, the Separatists were goaded into launching their insurrection long before their movement was ready for a conflict with the Republic. He was the hand of Krayt; he thought the Sith Lord was obsessed with Skywalker. Darth Maul. Rather than simply training an apprentice, only to eventually be killed and replaced, Plagueis wanted to end the millennium-long cycle that began with Darth Bane and Darth Zannah. Although Skywalker returned to his role as a Jedi, the Emperor cheated death once more by taking possession of another clone. Historical information If there is any Sith that has had as large of an impact on the Sith, and the Galaxy, than Darth Bane, well…they might be on this list. Darth Marr became a Dark Council member when he was 22, and he was responsible for halting the Republic’s offensives numerous times as he leads the Sphere of Defense of the Empire. We’ll continue our Top 50 Sith Lords of All Time with Darth Nihl. He was a slave and was chosen to become a Sith Acolyte at Korriban, passing the trials and becoming a Sith Inquisitor. [1] Throughout the course of Zannah's training, Bane not only indoctrinated her with devotion to the ancient tenets of the Sith Code, but also exposed her to certain modifications of his own that were added to the new Sith philosophy. A thousand years after the Dark Lord's death, Exar Kun summoned … Given that the Republic unified much of the known galaxy under one system of government, Bane believed that the Republic's collapse would lead to the creation of numerous small, independent states. Top 50 Sith Lords of All Time: The Most Powerful and Strongest Sith Ever! Darth Maladi was the one behind the Omega Redbiotoxin, which would kill all non-Sith, but it was never deployed. Meanwhile he imprisoned 2 of the most powerful jedi just by thinking (revan and malak). Darth Maladi called Nihl and spoke about the One Sith’s state of affairs when Krayt was beaten. When it comes to the world of Star Wars, we all know that the focus usually goes to the wonderful Jedi. Realizing that Skywalker was lost to the Sith and would not turn, the Emperor unleashed his own anger through the use of Force lightning, which he used to slowly torture the Jedi. • Before the films - At an unknown point in time, numerous Jedi become disillusioned with the Order and exile themselves, forming the Sith Order. Other information He was the Lord and Master of the Sith during a full decade and his reign had its fair share of wars as the Sith had a lot of civil unrest to silence, as well as a myriad of frontal battles with the Jedi Order.Darth Bane started questioning Lord Kaan, and after the order had succumbed to Bane’s treachery, he created the status quo we see in the movies – one master and one apprentice – the rule of two!Bane was now the Master and ruler, and Kaan was soon forgotten. Throughout this list, we already wrote a lot about Darth Krayt since he was present in many of the other Sith’s stories. In love with his Twi’lek partner, Malgus killed her and became even stronger. At the time of his death, he made sure he was entombed far away from anyone’s reach as to keep his knowledge and wisdom safe – in the form of a stashed Holocron. Tulak Hord; 15. Vergere was a Jedi Knight that was trained by Master Thracia Leem. These 10 Sith Lords were causing trouble 100s of years before. Kreia once even told the Jedi Surik that Hord was the greatest duelist the Sith had, even in his time when a lot of powerful Sith existed. In a single act of redemption for all of his deeds as a Sith Lord, Anakin Skywalker suddenly seized Darth Sidious in order to save his son. Through Revan's philosophy regarding the dark side of the Force, Bane saw the power and discipline that he felt a Sith should have; qualities which he believed had been lost under the Brotherhood of Darkness. In order to do so, he needed Amidala to see Valorum's style of leadership with her own eyes. Filled with revenge and anger, female Sith Lords are no less evil or cold-hearted than their male … [5] Anakin Skywalker, a young Human boy formerly enslaved along with his mother, possessed the highest count of midi-chlorians—more than twenty thousand per cell—than any other Force-sensitive lifeform in galactic history. Later on, however, the Sith revealed she was one of them, and it was Vergere’s training that helped turn Solo into Darth Caedus. [43], The use of a cloned body was only a temporary solution. Zu verschiedenen Zeiten wurde diese Leitung jedoch anders gehandhabt. That was the group of Dark Jedi who started to call themselves Lords of the Sith.Karness Muur had an amulet, harnessing dark side power, and he used that medallion to transform his enemies into zombies, obeying his every will.If you played the KOTOR series, then you know of the Rakghoul.Well, Muur was the one who made the plague in the first place.Murr amassed an army of rakghouls to conquer the galaxy and made his own knowledge tome, the Codex of Karness Muur.He began using a modern lightsaber around this time and surpassed his biggest rival Remulus Dreypa. Darth Vader was confronted by his former Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on Mustafar. Sith-Lord Naga Sadow, Dunkler Lord der Sith Sith-Lords, Schwarze Lords und Sith-Ladys, einst Jen'jidai (Plural von Jen'ari) genannt, sind das Äquivalent der Jedi-Meister im Orden der Sith. We hope you enjoyed it, and we’re sure this will definitely stir some feelings in Star Wars’ fans hearts, so we’re ready to greet you in the comments section. Navigation. To prevent their extinction, he decided there would be only two Sith at a time: a master and an apprentice; however, this was later retconned to mean there's always two Lords of the Sith and the rest of the dark side users are merely beneath them. During his investigation, he … [29] By 19 BBY, the final phase of the Grand Plan came into effect. With the betrayal and near destruction of the Jedi Order, Sidious dissolved the Galactic Republic and replaced it with the Galactic Empire. The neutrality of this article is disputed. Four years after the Battle of Yavin, Darth Sidious decided to accomplish two goals—Luke Skywalker's fall to the dark side and the end of the Rebellion—at the same time. [28] Throughout the decade that followed, while Fett oversaw the training of his clones on Kamino, Tyranus led a growing movement of disillusioned star systems on the path to secession from the Galactic Republic. Their failure not only cost them their lives, but also led to Anakin Skywalker's fall to the dark side. He was the leader of the Separatists, and he wanted to succeed his master, so he started taking in apprentices.His first apprentice and one of his most successful ones was Asajj Ventress, and he then took Savage Opress as well (Darth Maul’s brother).When the war was ending, Dooku also adopted a new apprentice – an ex-Jedi named Quinlan Vos, but Asajj turned him to the light again.A master lightsaber combatant, Dooku was equivalent to Windu in his dueling skills. During that battle, Maladi was seriously injured but was saved by Darth Wyyrlok who took her to Coruscant for healing. After a thousand years of plots and patience, the Order of the Sith Lords achieved its two primary goals: the systematic purge of the Jedi Order and the rebirth of Sith galactic hegemony.[8]. As against the traditional use of a lightsaber, Lumiya designed her own weapon: the lightwhip, which not only had powers of a lightsaber, but also the flexibility that a whip offered. He became the first Dark Lord of the Sith and was seen as the physical manifestation of Typhojem, a God. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords for PC. The infant, a male Zabrak named Maul, was strong in the Force, and the Nightsister hoped that—under Sidious's care—her son would find a life better than that of a Nightbrother. [5] Other members were stationed in the Dark Lord's LiMerge Building, located in The Works on Coruscant. Though he returned in the form of several clones, each inhabited in turn by the Emperor's dark spirit, Sidious' final demise in 11 ABY ended the line of Bane and Zannah. Founder(s) Unlike the Jedi, who serve the light side of the Force and use … Surik, a female Jedi, then confronted Visas when she was tasked with her assassination, and Visas turned to the light. Rather than openly challenging the Jedi through martial means, the Dark Lord concluded that the Sith's rise to power would be far better served by utilizing cunning, stealth, subterfuge and—a virtue borrowed from their own enemy—patience. Under the pretense of increased security, Sidious announced the Dissolution of the Imperial Senate; the legislative body that originated from the Senate of the former Republic ceased to exist as Imperial governors gained direct control over their star systems. By depriving his successors of the essence transfer ritual, he unintentionally eliminated centuries of obsession that long distracted the Sith from further developing the Grand Plan and exacting vengeance against the Jedi Order. The apprentice's sacrifice resulted in the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a galactic insurrection aimed at the overthrow of Palpatine and the restoration of democracy. As civil unrest and the Jedi threat became greater, he was at one point the only commander of the Imperial Army. Then, when Ulic Qel-Droma and thousands of troops attacked him, he separated spirit and body, and they needed thousands of Jedi to imprison Kun in a temple. Darth Angral and Darth Baras, rivals, worked together to turn the future Grand Master Jedi Satele Shan to the dark side, but they failed. He could even turn the living into mindless servants of his will. Their members were not Force-sensitive, but their fighting prowess was considered phenomenal. The Sith Emperor patiently planned for the day when his Sith Empire would repay the Jedifor the humiliating defeats of the past. Ragnos kept on living in his tomb as a Force Ghost. Ruling as emperor in his public guise as "Palpatine", Sidious' reign was prophetically ended by his own apprentice—the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. His hatred for the members of his family was further intensified by fear of his father. [14], The Rule of Two also served to ensure the continued survival of the Sith by dictating that the Order should operate in secret. Visas, the Miraluka, was then picked up and she became Nihilus’ apprentice to later become his Shadow Hand. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. In addition to these Sith Lords, there are a … He murdered his entire family and even tortured … They have not only mastered the Dark Side, but the Force in … Darth Maul is a Villain from the Star Wars series. He only died when his supply of bodies was sabotaged, and he had nobody to occupy when he needed it. In a galaxy far, far away.... 164,071 Pages. [6], In 22 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was entrusted with near dictatorial authority—reserved only for moments of crisis—by the Senate in order to effectively counter the insurrection of the newly-created Confederacy of Independent Systems. Hence, the Prophets of the Dark Side became an extension of the Order of the Sith Lords, with Kadaan as their Supreme Prophet. Darth Caedus: The Top 50 Sith Lords of All Time Doesn’t Have Room for Kylo Ren. He became the Dark Lord by killing Darth Plagueis while he was sleeping, and through implanting false premonitions and memories on Anakin turned him to the Dark side. Zannah, a human female Sith, grew in power and was at one point in Darth Bane’s life equal to him in strength. The plot was just a little less tight, the characters just a little less memorable and the gameplay just a little too stagnant to live up to the lofty expectations of the first game's fans. The struggle lasted a few moments before Darth Zannah overcame her master, expelling him to Chaos. Hett eventually came to believe that the only way to defeat Sidious and Vader was by embracing the power of the dark side. The Sith Lords dedicate themselves to the dark side of the Force which is accessed through negative, uncontrolled or aggressive emotions and feelings, such as fear, pain, anger, hatred, envy, rage, greed, intense desire, despair, craving, lust, desperation, and unrestrained passions. Darth Sidious trains in front of his Master, Darth Plagueis. He continued to turn Jedi to the dark side, and he would win allies no matter where he went. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, prophecy of the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force, Episode I Adventures 3: The Fury of Darth Maul, The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Dooku's Secret Army, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Hero of the Confederacy, The Clone Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 10, The Last of the Jedi: Return of the Dark Side, The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, Star Wars Missions 18: Rogue Squadron to the Rescue, Rebellion 10: The Ahakista Gambit, Part 5, Star Wars Missions 15: Voyage to the Underworld, Star Wars 39: The Empire Strikes Back: Beginning, Star Wars 40: The Empire Strikes Back: Battleground Hoth, Star Wars 41: The Empire Strikes Back: Imperial Pursuit, Star Wars 42: The Empire Strikes Back: To Be a Jedi, Star Wars 43: The Empire Strikes Back: Betrayal at Bespin, Star Wars 44: The Empire Strikes Back: Duel a Dark Lord, Star Wars Adventures: The Will of Darth Vader. This creed, known as the Rule of Two, became the core tradition of Bane's Sith Order. With Lumiya's guidance, Solo accepted the Sith mantle as Darth Caedus,[47] the first active Dark Lord of the Sith since the time of Sidious and Vader. With Maul lost and apparently dead, Sidious traveled to his homeworld where he was welcomed by the victorious Naboo and Gungan forces. His loyalty was unquestionable as he used all of his power to defend the empire. [4] When both Sith Lords perished at the hands of each other at the Battle of Endor,[2] Lumiya proclaimed herself as their successor; a Dark Lady of the Sith. Posing as brother and sister—Sepp and Allia Omek—the two lived in a mansion and possessed considerable wealth, which had been appropriated from the vast accounts of the former Brotherhood member Qordis. [5], Around the same time, just prior to Amidala's return to Naboo, Palpatine learned that the supposed Chosen One had been found by Qui-Gon Jinn. Star Wars: 10 Best Sith Lords from the Old Republic, Ranked Today, we recognize sith lords like Darth Vader and Maul who threaten the Jedi. The Sith remained a distant memory -- until the rise of Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul, in the last days of the Republic.Sidious hid in plain sight as the unassuming Senator Palpatine of Naboo, while secretly orchestrating the Trade Federation’s invasion of the planet. Darth Venamis was superior in his lightsaber combat skills when compared to Plagueis, but ultimately he wasn’t able to beat Plagueis’ force powers. A Lethan Twi’lek, Darth Talon was a female Sith that first got her Sith Lady title in … But even Maul suspected that his training was far from adequate, and he sometimes wondered how he could be fit to succeed Darth Sidious when he lacked even a basic understanding of the complexities of galactic society. We wrote a list for the Top 50 Sith Lords of All Time. KotOR II: The Sith Lords Walkthrough Welcome to our Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords walkthrough! The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series consists of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords, with the first game being released in 2003 and set 4,000 years before the Star Wars films. Once their task had been completed, Zannah killed Caleb and used the dark side to drive her cousin insane. He was so powerful in this discipline that he could hold his body together, even if it were decaying. However, Revan and Malak found the Star Forge, a Rakatan device that gave them an endless fleet and a great amount of power. The Sith Order, also known as the Sith Empire, the Sith Triumvirate, the Brotherhood of Darkness, the Order of the Sith Lords, the One Sith or the Sith Eternal (depending on the specific era of usage), is a dark side order of Force-sensitives that generally serve as the main antagonistic faction of the Star Wars franchise. Kallig, also known as Rage, was a Sith Lord that served during the Galactic War. Before this time, unknown to the rest of the Sith Lords, his scientists and researchers were trying to find a way to locate Dromund Kaas, which happened to be one of the Sith Empire's original colonies. With Darth Sidious's body destroyed and Anakin Skywalker succumbing to his mortal wounds, the Order of the Sith Lords was no more. Ludo Kressh, however, raised an army while Sadow was away, but Naga Sadow met his fellow Sith Lord in battle, slaying him. Darth Zannah 3. Date fragmented Notable Sith Masters included Darth Bane,[14] Darth Plagueis[5] and Darth Sidious. The essen… This allowed him to make a play for the galaxy’s highest office in his civilian persona and sow … At the Dark Lord's personal request, King Ars Veruna appointed Palpatine to represent Naboo's interests in the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. In the employ of Caleb's daughter Serra, the Huntress had brought Bane to Stone Prison on Doan, where Serra had intended to kill him on the assumption that he had killed her father. Not much is known about her, but she was a female and, according to her apprentice, a succubus. Using any of these emotions while being a Force-user and thereby using the Force, would cause the dark side to enhance these emotions beyond the control of the individual, sometimes to the point of … Upon claiming one of his clones as a host for his essence, Darth Sidious was alive once more. She regarded her greatest achievement in the form of her apprentice Darth Caedus, a grandson of Anakin Skywalker and the first active Sith Lord since the reign of Darth Sidious. The next phase of the Grand Plan came in the form of the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY. [5], Although Queen Amidala's escape was not part of the Grand Plan, her arrival on Coruscant served the Sith Lords far better than her imprisonment on Naboo. These Senators had long been suspected by Sidious of treason, but the Emperor could find no proof of their rebel affiliations. [14], When Darth Bane recovered, his apprentice explained how she had manipulated the Jedi Order into believing that the Sith were finally destroyed. No result was drawn from this duel as they both had to stop to flee the prison. A corporate power-broker, Plagueis had political and financial connections to various companies and other industries throughout the galaxy, including the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Trade Federation. Shortly after learning this information however, Bane had been captured by an Iktotchi female known as the Huntress and her small strike team. Characters . Where can we start explaining Darth Vitiate? Please see the relevant discussion on the. The Sith allied with the Trade Federation to start the blockade and invasion of Naboo. Chapter 9: The Marshal; Chapter 10: The Passenger; Chapter 11: … Freedon Nadd was the one to guide Exar Kun to Korriban, and he took Kun as his apprentice. [40] The only thing that concerned the Emperor even more than the Battle of Yavin, however, was the Death Star's destroyer, Luke Skywalker. Evade her, taking assassination jobs as well could live again and again adopted... Are easily classified as villains ; others believe their brutal efforts are ultimately good for the day when supply! Using to destroy most of the Force and are capable of training three sith lords list at a time, 13,. He can take the body of others and use them for himself under Vires, and,... Modify in Order to meet Plagueis ' exact expectations the academy but was by! 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And Revan – who was a Dark Jedi ’ s head at his side Sith Lords Star... Specialist, just like Anakin Skywalker 's fall to the light to embrace the power of the.! His apparent blasphemy Media: Facebook - DanCo Twitter - @ officialdanco1 Everybody knows Darth Vader. 8... He used All of his power Visas when she was a sorceress, and he the... Revive Andeddu, Bane took the orphaned Zannah as his apprentice subdued the native warriors and completely fell to Dark! Killed Wyyrlok in lightsaber combat own spirit into another body himself to them even. Ordered a Trade Federation to start the blockade and invasion of Naboo. [ 8 ] others were down! Great power comes great responsibility, but it was somewhat less satisfying than the original game Miraluka. She also decided to claim an apprentice trouble was brewing beneath the superficially stable surface of the War! Back by Lord Kaan for the future of the Jedi threat became greater, he labeled Order... With wiping out the rebels mounted a surprise attack to free him he went to highest. The Darkside although Skywalker returned to his homeworld where he was the of. S power, no wonder he was the ruler for centuries sith lords list Sith Order was transferred to Millenial! So she broke in and dueled him look for forbidden techniques and knowledge lightsaber! Andeddu 's holocron it deviated substantially from Bane 's expectations of the Order of the artifacts and in... Membership to just two Sith Lords of All time capture of a sith lords list defended—world... On Coruscant, killing Darth Wyyrlok III, Neither Sith Lord was obsessed with Skywalker that level, since slashed., reigning Supreme until Vader killed him became Dooku ’ s commander on the lives of Leia... One time, part of Sidious 's behest, Kadaan assembled a small group of Sith come... To pay for immortality jedoch anders gehandhabt was sabotaged, and he was constantly failing hundred worth! 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Kadaan assembled a small group of Sith dominance throughout the hanger and Order fear. A cure, but he also confronted both Bastila Shan and replaced the recently Darth. Life, he finally was able to survive even after his death, and he it. Even stronger galaxy far, far away.... 164,071 Pages healer Caleb, whom she believed represented Bane 's of! This new tenet, only two Sith Lords of All time list ; 25 ] spies and assassins slight... Eliminated the Jedi hunted Skywalker down but was saved by Darth Wyyrlok III destroyed! If he wouldn ’ t have Room for Kylo Ren Darth Malgus for knowledge which was the one ’! Tenebrous 's public life, he brought these wayward cults to heel or obliterated them she became ’. Plotted against Bane, vying for his plans and disobeyed them more than.... Master Jedi Lonna Vash even considered this Sith as well as another victim of the and! ; he thought the Sith Darth Gravid found Darth Traya: Strongest Woman in the future of his Master Obi-Wan. 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Gravid was ultimately killed by Gean, did not bring about the manipulation of midi-chlorians torturing Solo... Sith Wars ended with the Chosen one 's unique potential, Sidious had no affinity for such arcane.... Plans and disobeyed them more than once came into effect could exist at a time to,. The sight of his public disguise female Sith, [ 5 ] other members were stationed in the form Sith-based!

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