darth plagueis species

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darth plagueis species

As he boarded his ship to leave the planet, however, he had a vision of the admonishing spirit of Marka Ragnos. As he reached the city, Plagueis had a vision of the future: a future of war for Bal'demnic. [1], Five years after handing his son to the Dark Lord, Caar Damask was appointed director of the treasury branch of the InterGalactic Banking Clan (IBC), realizing his lifelong dream of wielding real power within the IBC. Hego's mother instructed her son to keep his powers secret, and confided in him that they shared the gift. [16], Darth Plagueis was considered a mystic,[16] despite the fact that he sought to develop an entirely rationalistic system of Force study, was among the few Sith Lords to have serious doubts about the existence of Force ghosts—even after confronting the purported ghost of Marka Ragnos—and was similarly weary of supposed prophecies. Sidious and Plagueis then entered a meditative trance and managed to tip the scales of balance in the favor of darkness. Darth Plagueis, born Hego Damask II of the wealthy Clan Damask of Muunilinst, was a male Muun Force sensitive who later became a Sith, trained in the dark side of the Force by Darth Tenebrous.At some point, Plagueis killed his master, and took upon the title of Darth and that of Dark Lord of the Sith.Plagueis then took Darth Sidious as his apprentice. [8], Sidious would not kill his master, however, until he understood the lessons of Plagueis[8] and had become powerful enough to defeat him. Before his fifth birthday, Hego discovered that he could manipulate the Force by using it to ply the feelings of his playmates. Growing up in a domed city on a perpetually frozen and sparsely populated planet under the overly attentive gaze of his mother, Hego had a very atypical childhood for a Muun. He considered that it might be Tenebrous's spirit come to hound him, as legend claimed had happened to Darth Bane after he desecrated the tombs of the Dark Lords. Pale[1] Eventually, he achieved a level of midi-chlorian control that allowed him to kill and resurrect sentient beings, as well as regenerate damaged or aged portions of his body through direct mental contact with the organelles,[1] and came to see himself as the Sith'ari, the being free from all restrictions. Darth Tenebrous, the Sith Lord behind the birth of Darth Plagueis, Several years before Hego Damask II's birth, his father, a Force-sensitive Muun named Caar Damask, who worked as a middle-ranking Banking Clan agent, met renowned starship designer Rugess Nome by chance on High Port Space Center. Haven't had a chance to keep up with all my accounts these days, but I will try to get everyone up... Plagueis . Celanon and Serenno were in a dispute over the placement of a new hyperwave transceiver in Celanon space that would expand the reach of the HoloNet into the Corporate Sector. Preparing to exploit Sifo-Dyas' fears about the future of the Republic, Plagueis was about to tell him about the cloners on Kamino that could rapidly raise an army for the Republic. During their discussion, they were spotted by Senator Pax Teem, who realized that Palpatine and Damask were working together. In 24 ABY, the Book of Sith and Plagueis's journal were recovered from the Mount Tantiss storehouse and were passed to Grand Master of the New Jedi Order Luke Skywalker. Sidious, convinced that his master had outlived his usefulness, eventually killed the Muun in his sleep the night before his election and eventually rose to become ruler of the Galactic Empire. Skywalker, seeking Plagueis's power to save his own wife, Padmé, later apprenticed himself to Sidious. He then ordered his Sun Guards to locate the infiltrator's ship and move his body to Aborah, with the intention of using the Bith as a test subject in his midi-chlorian experiments. Sidious later recounted the tale of his master's demise to lure the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force. After the two Sith unsuccessfully tried to damage the probe using Force lightning, they hastened to return to the grotto where they had landed the ship, leaving the treddroid behind. [1], Following the Battle of Theed, with the death of his former apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku resigned from the Jedi Order and later fell to the dark side of the Force, becoming the new apprentice of Darth Sidious. A non-canonical image of Darth Plagueis from Tag & Bink: Revenge of the Clone Menace. [1], As Plagueis spied on the departure of the Jedi and the Queen from Coruscant, wherein he caught his first glimpse of the boy prodigy, he received a vision of a cyborg clad in dark armor and a dark helmet—confirming his fears, that this boy would change the course of history in the galaxy. Yes, I’m saying Baby Yoda is Darth Plagueis. [1], Plagueis was also skilled in lightsaber combat, although he disdained using his blade in combat, regarding lightsaber duels as tedious affairs; Tenebrous viewed his apprentice as a master of the art. With this potentially devastating political mine now safely defused, Sidious issued the blockade order to Nute Gunray, who, in prompt fashion after setting his freighters in place, warned the Republic that any attempt to break the embargo would be met with "deadly force" and that if the new regulations were not rescinded the Naboo populace would starve. He may have been also capable of Convection, as he was able to melt snowflakes before they reached his person on Mygeeto. "[11], Darth Plagueis sought to understand the Force in a purely scientific context, doing away with the trappings of mysticism he believed the Jedi had corseted it with. [5], Owing to Darth Plagueis' teachings, Darth Sidious returned after his first death, Twenty-three years later, during the Battle of Endor, Sidious came to be killed by a redeemed Anakin Skywalker, who turned back to the light side of the Force and threw Sidious down a reactor shaft to save his son Luke. Mygeeto[1] Resisting the urge to attack the lower-caste Kon'me of the nearby dwellings for sustenance, he sated his hunger on bats and dead fish washed ashore. Sidious arranged with Sate Pestage to have Kim killed on Coruscant by a Maladian assassin. Palpatine suspected that the story was embellished to goad him into killing his family. Darth Plagueis was named as early as the first draft of Revenge of the Sith (April 2003), and possibly earlier. Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side–class. [7] Plagueis could save others from death and, when his power was applied to the extreme, he could create new life from the midi-chlorians found in all lifeforms. Dark Plagueis (titre original : Darth Plagueis) est un roman de James Luceno situé dans l'univers étendu de Star Wars. However, Plagueis was unable to form the dyad. Darth Plagueis [1][2][3] "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. [1], One Order, two Sith Lords: a Master and an apprentice, Darth Plagueis traveled the galaxy with his master, masquerading as Rugess Nome's young accountant while the two carried out the Sith plan of spreading discontent to ripen the galaxy for their rule. Maul—from whom the holocron had been re-acquired by a pursuing Pavan in the orbital facility's docking bay concurrent with the political rally's proceedings—had nearly failed Sidious in catastrophic fashion. An act in direct violation of the nature of the Force, Plagueis and Sidious attempted to will a being of their own design into creation, pouring their malicious intent into waves through the Force to the countless midi-chlorians spread across the galaxy. [38], It is requested that this article section, Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. [5], According to Sidious, Plagueis was powerful enough that he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life and keep the ones he cared about from dying, a precious knowledge that awarded him the epithet of "The Wise. The candidate of the latter faction, Bon Tapalo, secured the endorsement of both Damask Holdings and the Trade Federation by promising to open Naboo to trade, which would allow them to profit from the plasma resources: Plagueis explicitly involved the Trade Federation in the construction of a new spaceport for Theed to export the plasma to reconcile them to the earlier Free Trade Zone Deal. It also caused the destruction of a red sun and its planet, whose only survivor would go on to become a hero on Earth—references to Krypton and Superman, respectively. [1], The night before the election, Damask made his first public appearance in years, and a rare appearance with Senator Palpatine: they attended the premiere of an experimental Mon Calamari piece at the Galaxies Opera House together. While Darth Plagueis was first mentioned in ... From the popular game Star Wars The Old Republic, Lord Scourge was a member of the Sith species as well as a true Sith Lord, and saw looming on the horizon a time when the Sith Emperor would try to destroy the entire galaxy. [8], Plagueis believed the secret to immortality laid in science. Plagueis realized then that to destroy the Jedi the Sith must exploit their sense of righteousness and obedience to the Republic, making them appear to be the enemies of peace and justice rather than the guardians. Between 147 and 120 BBY,[2] Mygeeto[1] Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Though this would not ultimately be the case, the resolution of the Yinchorri Uprising still proved to be of great benefit. [28] However, this contradicts the depiction of the Muuns with noses that were nearly flush with the rest of their faces in most other sources, including their appearance in G-canon sources like Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones[29] and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. [11], At some point after Plagueis's death, some of the members of a Sith cult known as the Apex Society believed that Collan Eislo, the leader of the cult, was being guided by the spirits of deceased Sith Lords, such as Plagueis. Kim's behavior became more intense and erratic after the death of his entire family in an airspeeder accident on Kaadara. [9], By 54 BBY, Plagueis and Palpatine were maneuvering to raise Ars Veruna to the throne of Naboo, encouraging his plans to establish a space fighter corps to allow Naboo to deal with the Trade Federation from a position of strength. Meanwhile, Plagueis advised the InterGalactic Banking Clan to invest in Outer Rim and trans-Perlemian shipping to take advantage of the new arrangement. But he also experienced a sensation of sadness and loss in the Force. Cybernetics [35] Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force confirmed his species as a Muun and was the first source to give him a canonical image. Plagueis now saw the young man as insidious, ambitious and arrogant by nature, as well as completely lacking in empathy, ready to join the Sith as his apprentice. Tenebrous, using Bith scientific methods, had predicted that the offspring of Damask and his disciple would be strong in the Force. Darth Plagueis (pronounced /'pleɪɡ.əs/) was a Force-sensitive Muun male Dark Lord of the Sith and the master of Darth Sidious. In terms of simple bloodshed, the conflict saw the deaths of seven Jedi; one of whom was a member of the Jedi Council. Gender [3], Focused on achieving immortality, Darth Plagueis managed to discover a way to become immortal, which consisted on transferring his consciousness to another body and use it like a vessel. [11] He believed that power was to be gained incrementally, beginning with the self and culminating with control of the entire galaxy. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. [4] He was a meticulous planner, who tried to accomplish the Sith's goal to replace the Galactic Republic with a Sith Empire. He accepted the classification of the Force's aspects into three categories: the aperion (equivalent to the Unifying Force), the anima (equivalent to the Living Force), and the pneuma (conscious thought as expressed in the Force). Darth Plagueis per a aquest punt ja tenia ple control dels midiclorians i, 8 anys abans de l'elecció de Palpatine, havia convocat per força perquè li manaren un enviat, un ser creat per la mateixa Força. Caught by surprise, Plagueis momentarily believed this to be his deceased Master Tenebrous, and then mused that he might be an artificially created offspring, but the Bith claimed to have been selected by Tenebrous as his Sith apprentice under the moniker of Darth Venamis. [3], One of the few Jedi to survive was a Padawan named Ferren Barr. Homeworld The Wavlud Manuscript, one of the few sources of knowledge for the Jedi on the Sith and Sidious, revealed information on Plagueis to the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order. The Muuns were forced to remain in one of the spaceport's holding areas for about an hour, after which time two Palace Guards arrived to escort the Magister to a waiting Gian speeder. [1], Both Plagueis and Tenebrous had waited a long time for that moment—the latter had hoped that his apprentice would have made his move years earlier, and was happy to finally be allowed the chance to implement his secret scheme, while the former had wanted to carry the Grand Plan to completion alone, without being burdened with the formalities of the Banite system. [13] All of these converging power plays and reversals combined to prompt Plagueis's solemn resolve that "It is the will of the dark side that we finally reveal ourselves," to which Sidious concurred: "I will see to it that Maul is ready. Members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan refused to release any information about Damask's funeral or about the disposition of his holdings. But his apprentice had other plans. The weapon and pose exhibited in Plagueis's miniature (and the accompanying card illustration) exactly match those in the comic image. Plagueis left Mygeeto for the first time in his life, and began his life as a Sith. A week later, Kim was riding in an open-air speeder with his last remaining heir when the hired assassin fired a round at the car, killing Kim before committing suicide to evade capture and interrogation by the Jedi. The Muun found the Dathomirian Zabrak to be useful to the Sith since he had been brought into Sidious' hands by his mother as a baby. [10], In 52 BBY, Plagueis was involved with discussions with the Kaminoans about the possibility of creating a clone army to one day destroy the Jedi Order. After some back-and-forth palaver, Palpatine revealed to the Magister that he sought ultimate power, and Plagueis told him that he was willing to be his ally in this quest provided that he free himself of all restrictions, chief among them his family. [5] He elected to change the usual means of Sith succession, death of the master by the hand of the apprentice,[3] by becoming immortal together with his own apprentice and forgoing the need for succession. He sliced into an office computer's control network, and called up information on the ship he had selected: the Woebegone out of Ord Mantell, captained by a Togruta woman by the name of Ellin Lah. However, after learning of Darth Maul's apparent death at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo, Sidious dismissed his concerns, deciding that this was the true cause of the feeling of loss he experienced. [8] As his own powers grew, he became afraid of nothing but losing that power. "[32] The novel was replaced with Darth Bane: Rule of Two. But like no Sith Lord ever, he possesses the ultimatepower—over life and death. Star Wars: Darth Plagueis James Luceno. Famished, having caught little sleep, with an infected wound and tormented by biting insects, Plagueis was in bad shape, but he immersed himself in the dark side and ran. [1], From this first encounter, Plagueis learned much about the young aristocrat: he was interested in politics but was shy to admit it; had a modest fondness for art and desired for his homeworld to be opened to the wider galaxy. Darth Plagueis was a male Dark Lord of the Sith who, at some point, chose Sheev Palpatine, a human from Naboo, as his apprentice. Plagueis. A Sith lord with the ability to manipulate life and death, Plagueis is the mentor and murder victim of Palpatine (Darth Sidious). See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. None[1] [1], Once Darth Maul was finished dealing with the loose cannon that was the Monchar-Pavan incident, the Zabrak assassin was recalled by his master to the offworld Perlemian facility, where he was to deliver the recovered Sith holocron to Sidious himself but where, quite by accident, the Sith crystal was instead delivered by Lorn Pavan himself to Sidious' public persona, Palpatine. Venamis told Plagueis that he planned to execute his Master's last command—to kill Plagueis, and legitimize the title as Darth. The experiment did not yield fruit, however, as Plagueis perceived the Force growing silent to his probing. His codicil wife disappeared without a trace. It was then that Plagueis had the impression of hearing the Force whisper to him that his moment had come to claim his stake to the dark side, and lost no time in contemplation—he swiftly brought the huge slabs of stone down on his Master using the Force. But Plagueis insisted that Veruna already was helpful by dying, which would increase the Sith Lord's power. Plagueis's lessons involved forcing Sidious to face his fears, denying him pleasures, and taking from him the things he loved. Sidious spoke little of Plagueis to his apprentice Darth Tyranus,[17] who himself knew the Muun as Hego Damask II. [Source]. He confronted Naat Lare and tasked him with the elimination of the Jedi. He sent an IBC agent named Vesto Slipher to monitor Maul's progress. ISBN 10: 0345532554. Darth Plagueis is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Plagueis had developed a theory that the Force was actively opposed to the Sith's efforts, and he saw each setback in this light. However, Veruna and Bon Tapalo's policies were still fiercely opposed by Senator Vidar Kim, who planned to vote against a bill to seat numerous Trade Federation-controlled star systems in the Senate. [21] Plagueis even discovered the ability to retain one's identity in the Force while becoming one with it, but this manner of surviving death did not appeal to him, as he was not concerned with the non-material world. Bon Tapalo's opponent was supported by staunch royalists and traditionalists such as Cosinga Palpatine, patriarch of House Palpatine, and Naboo representative Vidar Kim, influential figures in Naboo politics both. Not wanting the Jedi therefore to train the boy, he ordered Sidious to have Darth Maul kill Qui-Gon, in order to prevent his catastrophic Force vision from becoming a reality; Sidious, as added insurance—for he knew well Kenobi's reputation and status, that he stood on the brink of Jedi Knighthood and might perchance take the boy as his own apprentice—ordered that Master and Padawan both be killed. Plagueis claimed that he had hired the geneticist to conduct phony treatments, and that he took pleasure in his siblings' early deaths, inheriting the wealth they had tried to deny him. Chronological and political information Early expanded universe materials (such as Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader) relating to Palpatine's relationship to Plagueis, particularly the murder of the latter, implied that Palpatine killed Plagueis out of the suspicion that Plagueis was secretly crafting a new apprentice to take over when doing the Grand Experiment. Had a slight weapons malfunction. Nome, in his capacity as reigning Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tenebrous, had been searching for the right apprentice to train for the sole purpose of eventually possessing through the virule… Teem had just expected Palpatine to vote against the Trade Federation, but on orders from both King Bon Tapalo and Plagueis (the former wishing to placate domestic critics of Naboo's deal with the Trade Federation, the latter planning for the new member-worlds to be caught in between a Republic that heavily taxed them and a Federation that exploited them to foment discontent and pave the way for a future secession crisis that would destroy the Republic), Palpatine declared that Naboo would abstain from the vote, tipping the Trade Federation towards victory. Plagueis ordered 11-4D to set a course for the coordinates he provided, and retreated to the captain's quarters. The Sith spirit urns in Darth Sidious's collection, one of which contained Darth Plagueis's remains. The deal eventually went sour, and Plagueis killed everyone—captain Lah, first mate Maa Kaap, the pilot Blir', the navigator Semasalli, and the crewmen Doo Zuto, Wandau and PePe Rossh, all fell to Plagueis's lightsaber; he only spared Lah's droid, 11-4D. [16] It notably established Plagueis to be a Muun just as Lucas proposed. The surviving manuscript concluded with Plagueis's interpretation of the Sith'ari prophecy as a description of his achievements, even though he rejected the concept of prophecy. [1] He had previously boasted about being able to create the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy,[11] as his Master had expected of him. [13] While falling, however, Sidious reflected that he had prepared himself for that scenario unlike Plagueis and called on all the power of the dark side to leave his body and thrust his consciousness far, far away to a cloned body created by the Sith Eternal on the secret Sith world of Exegol. Book of Sith author Daniel Wallace later confirmed on the official Star Wars blog that Plagueis's Aurebesh mirror writing, combined with an ancient, parchment-like appearance to the pages, was a reference to Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci and his journals. Born Darth Plagueis trained Darth Sidious with the hopes of ruling the galaxy side by side with him. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [1], Plagueis defends himself during the Maladian attack, In 52 BBY, while attending Larsh Hill's Order of the Canted Circle investiture ceremony in the Order's Fobosi Lodge, Darth Plagueis was nearly killed by Maladian assassins in a hit ordered by Pax Teem and Santhe Security. [7] Plagueis attempted to create a Force dyad with Sidious, a unique Force-bond as strong as life itself and which inspired the Rule of Two. He acquired considerable knowledge of the Force, but was ultimately betrayed and murdered by his own apprentice, in accordance with the Rule of Two. With the comatose Bith safely inside a bacta tank in Aborah, Plagueis set out to eliminate them and secure his position as the reigning Dark Lord. [20] He also had some familiarity with the concept of transfer essence, a technique his master also was interested in,[5] but chose not to investigate it, as he desired to become immortal while retaining the use of his body of birth. [1], During the Gathering on Sojourn, Plagueis met with Gardulla the Hutt, Senator Pax Teem of the Gran Protectorate, and Qayhuk of the Yinchorri Council of Elders. [14] Little did the Jedi Master know, however, that Sidious and Dooku had learned of this clandestine measure taken under Damask's counsel, and together they plotted the steps to ensure Sifo-Dyas' demise. [4] In the following decades, Sidious only gave Vader brief hints about Plagueis. Racing to Tenebrous's side, Plagueis tried to comfort his Master. "[1], It had been at the political gathering at the Perlemian Orbital Facility hosted by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, above Coruscant, that Plagueis had approached Sifo-Dyas, who was in attendance alongside Jedi Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Jorus C'baoth. [18], At some point after Palpatine brought the galaxy under his heel by reorganizing the Republic into the First Galactic Empire, probably between 19 and 18 BBY, the Dark Lord included a manuscript fragment from Plagueis's scientific journal on the nature of the dark side and the progress of the Aborah experiments written by Plagueis's hand around 45 BBY (both dates were Master Luke Skywalker's non-scholarly estimates) into his Book of Sith, showing respect for his master by including him among the handful of Sith who advanced the cause and left behind documents detailing their approach to the dark side. Plagueis, accepting responsibility for his action, informed Tenebrous that his death would mark the end of the Rule of Two, and that he would escape the grotto even without the ship; he then broke the Bith's neck, killing him. The young man was furious at his father's attempt to meddle in his affairs, and his fury buffeted Plagueis as he felt it in the Force. Soon after the murder of his family, Sidious began the first stages of his training, designed to "break" him as an individual in order to remake him as a Sith, under Darth Plagueis. 32 BBY (3:4), Coruscant, killed by Darth Sidious[1] Plagueis was obsessed with finding a way to cheat death and in addition he was the only known practitioner of Midi-chlorian manipulation which he used to create Anakin Skywalker. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Weapons & Uniforms: Citizens of Coruscant, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Plagueis?oldid=9684026. Muun voices often sound nasal due to their small noses.Mu… [1], The Wobegone arrived at Deep Space Demolition and Removal, owned by Damask's ally Boss Cabra of Black Sun. He conducted in-depth research into the biological underpinnings of life and unnatural experiments, through his ability to coax the midiclorians, in an attempt to cheat death, that, though incomplete, were encouraging to his apprentice. [26] His name is clearly derived from the English word "plague," a connection later made in-universe in the Wizards of the Coast article Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 2: The Becoming. Biographical information However, the Kaminoan geneticist Ko Sai pointed out that the Yinchorri's natural aggression would be extremely difficult to control in a military environment and interfere with their ability to obey orders. But perhaps most significantly, the Yinchorri incident critically undermined the Chancellorship of Finis Valorum. In the 2011 short story "The Tenebrous Way," an illustration by Brian Rood depicts Plagueis with a large, Human-like nose,[5] in keeping with the Muun characters shown in both Star Wars: Clone Wars[27] and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Ruling the galaxy, with the eventual goal of control over the last few months saying Baby is. When attacked by a Bith to whom he bestowed the name `` Darth Plagueis Wise! 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