daniel pinchbeck new book
Pinchbeck proposes that we can break through our current blockages, activate our social imagination, and create a post-capitalist, post-work utopia. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Conspiranoia: The Betrayed States of America. His slim charisma spews vitriol but advances no argument; he is a fledgling dictator buttressing his dubious beliefs with insults. Part manifesto, part tactical plan of action, How Soon is Now? And yet, nothing quite prepares us for the lucidity, rationale, and informed audacity of this seeker, skeptic, and cartographer of hidden realms. In fact, everyone but me and a few other people who agree with me are stupid. Daniel Pinchbeck is an American author living in New York's East Village. Daniel Pinchbeck is on Facebook. In a sense, “How Soon Is Now?” completes a trilogy and offers solutions to help us transition from a dying culture to a fresh one, and hopefully with a whimper and not a bang. The actions we take over the next decade are critical. About Daniel Pinchbeck From Daniel Pinchbeck’s Website I am the author of Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002), 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006), Notes from the Edge Times(Tarcher/Penguin, 2010), and How Soon Is Now (Watkins, 2017). A philosophical and metaphysical epic, “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl” argued we were indeed in the crucible of an intense global transformation - as the Hopi describe it, a passage between worlds. Pinchbeck offers us a new dream and in doing so takes us on a powerful, magical voyage into balance and sanity.’ – John Perkins, New York Times Bestselling Author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman ‘With his new work Daniel Pinchbeck is proposing systemic solutions to the ecological crisis looming over us, requiring a drastic shift in lifestyle and new levels of global cooperation. Daniel Pinchbeck is an American author. While we have seen massive progress, we have also seen moral failures… and our unwillingness to question preexisting dogma might cost us dearly. Daniel Pinchbeck: By the way, Alex, the idea that the world is already is perfect is actually an idea that’s totally in my book. Covering everything from energy and agriculture, to culture, politics, media and ideology, Pinchbeck’s book is ultimately about the nature of the human soul and the future of our current world. presents a compelling manifesto for personal and planetary change. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Through global cooperation, we can face this collective threat- ecologically, socially, politically, and spiritually. The New York–based author came to mainstream prominence in 2006 with the release of his book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, which used indigenous prophecies as a launch pad for exploring fringe phenomenon including crop circles, shamanic practices, ayahuasca, and aliens with an open-minded … Even at a time when we are losing as much as 10% of the planet’s biodiversity every fifteen years as climate change accelerates, Pinchbeck claims that we are not powerless. Pinchbeck offers us a new dream and in doing so takes us on a powerful, magical voyage into balance and sanity." Daniel Pinchbeck’s new book offers a revolutionary view of how to live Thu, Feb 23, 2017, 10:45. Buy, We are on the brink of an ecological and political mega-crisis. Author Daniel Pinchbeck sexually harassed and coerced interns, community members, and those less-powerful than himself, harming untold numbers of women in the psychedelic community. 13 talking about this. Buy, Feb 21, 2017 ©2021 Verizon Media. Overview. Between a manifesto and a tactical plan of action, How Soon is Now? I am the author of Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002), 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006), How Soon Is Now (Watkins, 2017), and When Plants Dream (Watkins, 2019), among other works. Daniel Pinchbeck has been called an icon, a visionary, and a quack. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Author Daniel Pinchbeck has deep personal roots in the New York counterculture of the 1950s and 1960s. gives us the context we need to understand the chaos and turbulence of our times.” – Sting, ‘It speaks to something I often say our culture sorely lacks: Rites of passage.’ - Neil Strauss‘How Soon is Now? gives us the context we need to understand the chaos and turbulence of our times.’ – Sting‘A blueprint for the future’ - Russell Brand ‘Daniel Pinchbeck’s HOW SOON IS NOW? is a powerful exploration of our need for a massive upgrade of collective consciousness if we are to address the inconsistencies and pathologies that afflict the modern world. Young Milo does not know how to listen. Daniel’s book offers a startling call to action!’ - Jason Silva, artist, filmmaker and futurist ‘Here we are, humanity, caught in the moment between devolution and conscious evolution by choice, not chance. Buy, Feb 21, 2017 This deed is still more distant from them than most distant stars -- and yet they have done it themselves.” ~ Nietzsche, “This is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a whimper.” ~ Eliot, It was extremely disheartening to watch Milo Yiannapolous on "Real Time with Bill Maher" last week. His poignant new book “How Soon Is a Now?” is extremely necessary at this time of name-calling and marginalization. It is not only accessible to everyone; it should be actively accessed by everyone. Psychedelics, 2012 & Quetzalcoatl. Daniel Pinchbeck has 37 books on Goodreads with 20487 ratings. | ISBN 9781786780362 This inspiring, visionary manifesto - featuring thoughtful prefaces from Russell Brand and Sting - offers an antidote to the grim negativity of dogmatists such as Yiannapolous and Trump currently gripping our planet. Daniel Pinchbeck's new book is a remarkable synthesis of esoteric vision and hard fact, packaged in a highly readable form accessible to everyone. Thankfully, this week we are offered myriad solutions from the genius writer Daniel Pinchbeck. Between a manifesto and a tactical plan of action, How Soon is Now? Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Like Donald Trump, Yiannapolous offers his opinions freely as if they were self-evident truths. Thus, he cannot be part of the conversation for he does not even know what the conversation is about. by radical futurist and philosopher Daniel Pinchbeck outlines a vision for a mass social movement that will address this crisis.Drawing on a huge range of resources and references Daniel Pinchbeck presents a compelling argument for the need for change on a global basis – it is only when we see ourselves as one planetary tribe that this change can occur. For the sake of our planet and our species I do hope that people such as Yiannapolous and Trump start looking for solutions and stop imposing their moribund dogmas on others. Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of How Soon Is Now: From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation, Breaking Open the Head, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and Notes from the Edge Times.He is the founder of the think tank, Center for Planetary Culture which produced the Regenerative Society Wiki and his essays and articles have been featured in He calls for an intentional and consciously designed metamorphosis of our current systems, which transform capitalist and exclusive structures into participatory, democratic, and inclusive ones, based on an integration of Eastern metaphysics, social ecology, and radical political thought. These are only available via Amazon. In this unsparing tour of the perils and promises of the current era, visionary author Daniel Pinchbeck helps us understand that we don't need to wait for the dawning of the next age to radically change our perspectives. Saturday - May 13 2006. But one thing is certain: if he were listening then he might have reflected back to him the fact name-calling is a far cry from solution finding. Today is National Voter Registration Day! My new book, Conspiranoia, is out on Amazon as an E Book and now also a paperback. by radical futurist and philosopher Daniel Pinchbeck outlines a vision for a mass social movement that will address this crisis. Astrological conjunctions and epochal shifts. “How Soon is Now? He is the author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl. I can also send you a PDF if you don’t use Amazon. It’s at once an initiation for himself, and an invitation for us to ask these same sorts of questions of ourselves as individuals and a society.’ – Doug Rushkoff, author, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus‘Provides deep insight into the essential issues of our time … could spark the revolution of consciousness that is the revolution not just of thinking, but of acting.’ - Ervin Laszlo, Bestselling Author and Philosopher‘Daniel Pinchbeck’s life is the hero’s journey. And by the way, the Alt-Right isn’t full of homophobic Nazis who would Crazyglue homosexuals’ rectums shut or throw them alive off of buildings like ISIS does.”. outlines a vision for a mass social movement that will address this crisis.“How Soon is Now? Part of HuffPost News. “How Soon Is Now?” is replete with references to the work of other thinkers and visionaries such as Buckminster Fuller to Hannah Arendt, Karl Marx, David Graeber, Rebecca Solnit, Naomi Klein, Antonio Negri, Albert Camus, and many more. We can do more than survive: we can thrive.“A blueprint for the future” Russell Brand, We are on the brink of an ecological mega-crisis threatening the future of life on earth and our actions over the next few years may well determine the destiny of our descendants. We can launch a new operating system for human society based on regenerative principles.The Choice Is OursAccepting this crisis as our initiation, we can choose to evolve to the next level of consciousness as a species. Pinchbeck leans heavily on Cacilda Jethá and Christopher Ryan’s excellent book on evolution and human sexuality, Sex at Dawn.To be clear, at no point in their meticulously researched, celebrated work do Jethá and Ryan excuse, condone, or provide cover for sexual coercion or the use of drugs to violate anyone’s affirmative, enthusiastic consent to sexual contact. Message me at Daniel.pinchbeck@gmail.com . Between a manifesto and a tactical plan of action, How Soon is Now? By passing through this initiation we realize ourselves as one unified being, a planetary super-organism in a symbiotic relationship with the Earth’s ecology and the entire web of life. He co-founded the web magazine Reality Sandwich and the online platform Evolver.net. His poignant new book “How Soon Is a Now?” is extremely necessary at this time of name-calling and marginalization. Is this the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius?! We are on the brink of an ecological mega-crisis threatening the future of life on earth and our actions over the next few years may well determine the destiny of our descendants. September 06, 2019 / Kyle Outlaw. | ISBN 9781780289724 44:42 One of the topics covered in his new book is the evolution of love and sexuality in society, the need for harmony between the sexes and the dissolution of the nuclear family. In When Plants Dream, coauthored with anthropologist Sophia Rokhlin, we look at the global spread of ayahuasca. Drawing on extensive research, Daniel Pinchbeck presents a compelling argument for the need for change on a … We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote. Daniel Pinchbeck’s new book takes us to this exact inflection point and reveals in remarkable clarity and brilliance, We Do Know What To Do, in almost every field from spiritual to social to environmental innovations arising everywhere.’ – Barbara Marx Hubbard, author, Conscious Evolution ‘Daniel Pinchbeck has emerged as a rational and clear voice of hope for a new post-capitalist future, offering alternatives to hack democracy for a better society.’ – Jefferson Hack, CEO and Founder, Dazed & Confused ‘I recommend this book to anyone who is trying to make sense of climate change within a bigger picture that includes the evolution of civilization and consciousness.’ – Charles Eisenstein, author, Sacred Economics ‘How Soon Is Now offers a spiritually driven approach to global economic and ecological crisis… With dangerous and admirable honesty, Pinchbeck tests his deepest held assumptions and judges his life choices in a crucible of self-doubt. Please try again later. The central thesis is that humanity has self-willed the ecological crisis in order to bring about the necessary conditions for transcendence of our current state of being, by undergoing an initiatory ordeal on a planetary scale. We’ve dreamed a world that is consuming itself into extinction. About Daniel Pinchbeck. His father was an abstract painter, and his mother, Joyce Johnson, was a member of the Beat Generation and dated Jack Kerouac as On the Road hit the bestseller lists in 1957 (chronicled in Johnsons bestselling book, Minor Characters: A Beat Memoir). Daniel Pinchbeck is the bestselling author of Breaking Open the Head, and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl. Daniel Pinchbeck. will challenge most conventionally held assumptions about the global environment” MobyThe World Needs to ChangeWe have unleashed a mega-crisis threatening the future of life on Earth. A Literary Master Class From George Saunders, Staff Picks From Tara Singh Carlson, Executive Editor at G.P. will challenge most conventionally held assumptions about the global environment.’ – Moby, Sign up for news about books, authors, and more from Penguin Random House, Visit other sites in the Penguin Random House Network. There is still time to join us (capped at 66 attendees due to Covid restrictions). From what I could gather, Mister Yiannapolous’s argument is as follows: “I have reconciled being Catholic and homosexual and anyone who has not reconciled these seemingly dissonant paradigms must be stupid. Use the code ‘ 2020portal ‘ … Pinchbeck believes that we have the technical ability to live harmoniously in a new paradigm and it is only our social systems and fractured ideologies that stand in our way of accepting our role as responsible stewards of Gaia. I am speaking and leading workshops at this event in Coba, Mexico. Overcoming limited greed and self-interest, we can design a resilient global civilization that works for everyone and not just the 1%. Conspiranoia: The Betrayed States of America - Kindle edition by Pinchbeck, Daniel. | ISBN 9781786780867 ( www.howsoonisnow.info ) looks at the ecological crisis as a rite of passage for humanity and proposes, in Russell Brand's words, a "blueprint for the future." See less Daniel Pinchbeck book subjects His books include Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and Notes from the Edge Times. Lightning and thunder require time; the light of the stars requires time; deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard. However, for this to transpire, Pinchbeck proposes we may have to force a collective transcendence of our current state of being, a new understand of humanity and its relation to the planet and well as how humans relate to each other: most people are trapped in a limited, egoic level of consciousness, focused on material rewards and comforts; the next paradigm could be win-win, rather than Trump and Yiannapolous’ zero-sum win-lose paradigm. But if you listen closely you will find that he is not partaking in the conversation. Our actions over the next few years may well determine the destiny of our descendants. By clicking SIGN UP, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Penguin Random House’s, Editor's Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Stories Read By Your Favorite Celebrities, Discover Book Picks from the CEO of Penguin Random House US. Pinchbeck is most well known for his iconoclastic 2002 book “Breaking Open the Head,” which helped reintroduce the subject of consciousness-raising into the mainstream and preceded a renaissance in the study of several ancient medicines. Filling in for Art Bell, Ian Punnett welcomed one of the leading voices in today's counterculture, Daniel Pinchbeck, who discussed ideas from his latest book, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl as well as his personal experiences with psychedelic "medicines." He is a co-founder of the web magazine Reality Sandwich and of the website Evolver.net, and edited the North Atlantic Books publishing imprint Evolver Editions. In fact, he is not partaking in any conversation that does not involve his own reflection telling him how pretty and smart he is. By clicking Sign Up, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Penguin Random House's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Daniel Pinchbeck’s new book takes us to this exact inflection point and reveals in remarkable clarity and brilliance, We Do Know What To Do, in almost every field from spiritual to social to environmental innovations arising everywhere.’ Laura Kennedy. I co-founded the web magazine, Reality Sandwich, and Evolver.net, and edited the publishing imprint, Evolver … He was featured in the 2010 … Instead we should reframe this challenge to see ourselves as protagonists in a cliffhanger, a story just as amazing as “Star Wars” or “The Matrix.”. "How Soon Is Now" by Daniel Pinchbeck: Book Review, Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. DANIEL PINCHBECK is a philosopher and author. Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Pinchbeck considers the ecological and geopolitical crises that confront humanity as “rites of passage,” initiations, that will force us to evolve rapidly if we want to survive. The book then traverses this theoretical idea to propose the hands-on changes we must make to our technical systems - industrial, energetic, and agricultural - as well as our political and economic systems. Like Homer’s Odyssey, How Soon Is Now is a song of redemption for a world torn apart by the monsters of our own creation. by radical futurist and philosopher Daniel Pinchbeck, outlines a vision for a mass social movement that will address this crisis. Whether or not you agree with all of his conclusions, How Soon Is Now? The book came out last February, and my focus now is on getting the ideas from this new book into the mainstream as I also embark on new projects. Surprisingly, Pinchbeck is optimistic that we can not only avert a catastrophic rupturing of the earth’s ecology, but in the process of doing so create a world that is far more equitable, peaceful, and harmonious. This collective ordeal is necessary for us to evolve from one state of being – our current level of consciousness – to the next. Daniel Pinchbeck is Senior Lecturer of Creative Technologies at the University of Portsmouth and Creative Director of thechineseroom, an independent, research-led game development studio. He has written many books including Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 2002), 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and Notes from the Edge Times (Tarcher/Penguin, 2010). All rights reserved. They will determine the destiny of our descendants and the fate of our world.Is It Too Late?How Soon is Now? A co-founder of Evolver, a visionary, and create a post-capitalist, post-work utopia we can a. 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