anna rountree 2020

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anna rountree 2020

It has taken a very long time and I cannot tell you how much money to get the cassette tapes put into CDs and then to hire a person to transcribe the CDs. He does make it joyous for us. We need to ask our Father to deal with these high demonic powers. They are “in fashion” and everyone talks about them and relies upon them as being valid – but, dear children of the living God, these “dunghill doctrines” are carrying the body of Christ into deeper and deeper sleeping sickness and (I have told you where sleeping sickness leads) spiritual death. When he told me his name I said, “But you have written to me. Therefore, when you are “in the gap”, rejoice for you will mature, (if so be you love the Lord more than your fleshy soul life) and you will learn to battle and defeat these greater demons, (if so be you are willing to live a sanctified life giving them no ground on which to set up camp.). The water boiled and emitted steam every time His staff plunged into it. (You see, I was going to heaven daily and all of the experiences could not be included.) (You really need to look to see it.). The earth shook for they marched in time with one another and the vibration of the marching shook the whole earth. That means whatever is on earth, under your feet where your physical body is. Therefore, we will uncover the raised beds and plant fall/winter crops. The messenger had his hands behind his back and was rocking slightly back and forth on his feet. Out of these few, only a tiny fraction succeeded and their bombs hit their targets but with devastating effect. Within this particular meeting we had seven major prophetic voices in attendance – rare in the best of times. “Helping to train people in obedience cannot be a pleasant job.”, The angel replied, “It is of great significance to the Father and absolutely necessary. Now – He is moving to separate us from false doctrine. So many came that no large auditorium could hold them in Kansas City, therefore, for the last meeting of this week-long convocation, those in attendance gathered in Arrowhead Stadium. The Lord needs our prayers, dear children of God, in order that His righteousness might prevail. January 2013 When the fire ceased, honey dripped from her mouth; those in chains licked up the drops that fell to the ground. Please keep us in your prayers and you know you will be in ours. When the fulness of time came, both Bob and I received the mantles the Lord intended us to have. “Are you an angel assigned to help train me?” I asked. I pray constantly throughout the day and into the evening for the governmental leaders of this nation – and the nation itself… but no longer do I feel a bitter root growing within me. A fraction earlier, and he would have directly. I am baffled by what I see and hear and equally saddened. For, there will be spiritual nurseries in homes, churches, empty buildings, and well, everywhere people may gather. I heard person after person say: “I just can’t watch the news. Going to ER.” When I walked into the room I found Clint white as a sheet, struggling to breathe, drooling, unable to swallow, swollen, and on the verge of losing consciousness from the amount of excruciating pain he was in. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy – 2020 at last. I believe the wilderness has been a good training ground. The books are in about 30 languages. My desire is for you. How will we meet His return? These spirits were not solid in appearance. Here the Lord is steadying us. First come the “pioneers” and when they move on, the early “settlers” move in. Glory! A young man my late husband and I knew in Kansas City in 1989, wanted to cook Texas, barbecued brisket for a picnic for those who came to pray. “Forgive me. But a truth about Him is not Him,” the first spirit added. Eric: “Jenny you’ve got to understand. Thereby, we recorded EVERYTHING from the first ”hello” to going out to eat afterwards. Therefore, “Shine, Jesus, Shine.”. But righteousness has begun to make a stand and face down the champions of darkness. In other words, if the person’s decision is not founded on or in truth right from the outset, the person will veer from the Lord’s path in greater and greater measure as he moves forward. Then, he said, he looked behind him. In other words, they are friends, but they are “all business”. It is called: “First Day in Heaven”. Then the rest of the leaders will fall in like sheep. I was saved in 1974 and the heavens opened to me in 1994…twenty years later. Sewn with the thread of life; He is finally getting the Cabinet he needs, He is trying to clean up America’s cities from functioning like cartels to coming under the rule of law of the nation. These are not easy times and we see every donation as a great sacrifice on your part to the Lord and to His work. I hope Bob is watching from the great cloud of witnesses and this time, he is not disappointed in our response to God’s wonders. You’ll sing of your true home and hardened hearts will be moved. Anna Rountree provides readers . AND, if possible, give some physical sign that you believe the word will be fulfilled. Find Anna Rountree in the United States. When we are moving out of our usual level of protection—that bubble or shield that has been built up through repeated battles and hard won victories—begins to thin. The room is completed. (This may not help everyone, but if it helps even one person that has been rattled and distressed in the extreme by all that is happening, then sharing this will have been worth it. November 2018 Great moves of the Spirit usually come every forty years. Beyond the vegetation (leeks) you see one of the mountains. All right, let me think through where we are. Most of the fifteen years I lived in New York City were spent in the West Village—and most of that, on West 11th street. In order to advance the Kingdom, therefore, we have begun Friday “Prayer on the Mountain” again – open to all who wish to come together to “praise-back” the encroaching darkness and to glorify our Great God. His neck and back were so swollen it looked like he had football pads under his skin. A concierge was asked if we needed to go or if the fire was getting under control. I suppose I should not be surprised because it seems to happen every spring. We have been plunging deeper into God and also raising higher and aiming truer. This unrighteous judgement was based on spiritual arrogance. VISION: Friends of mine had opened this website for me already. I believe that I have related to you the fact that my husband, Albert, and I researched and helped to mount the first city-wide repentance service in America with the First Nations people. We have not been idle. Now it has been 20 years since the heavens opened (1995-2015). Many have been told that we have all authority to tackle anything demonic. 4. First let me say that I was raised Protestant but have been privileged to witness great wonders. It is written and will be a reality one day. ), Expanding his understanding, WS said “As the swamp is drained, alligator and crocodile dens will be exposed. Always, those who practice such sin justify them to themselves and others. Forty years ago, the Charismatic Movement came to an end. At least they were secret about these leanings. We are blessed beyond measure. We shuddered at their obstinacy – their callousness toward the One that had delivered them. We are cut off from one another and just doing the best we can with the stash of ammunition at hand. The bestowing of this mantle can be found in THE HEAVENS OPEN and HEAVEN AWAITS THE BRIDE in Chapter 12 called THE INSTALLATION. Then a mighty song began to come forth from this army: The army on earth looked up for the heavenly host was joining in the chorus when they sang the song again. But they took out vital targets like ball bearing plants. The healing of our spirits and of the angels is the same. I felt it (I am sure you have too). “Please do not do this again.” He held me trembling. Therefore, all of us are somewhat discombobulated. But at times in the spiritual history of the Bible, the Father has allowed such an insult through widespread humiliation of His anointed Kings as well as of Himself at the hands of nations who worship false gods. Looking up after her prayer, she saw a cloud formation in the shape of the arrow in the picture. A whole new generation has arisen. We have added one more worker in the office and are about to add another. Al and I stood at the police barricade looking up. It does not mean that I have some sort of exalted authority but that the revelation is of that which is above. During those ten years, by putting our heads down, trusting in our God and inching forward, we could say with Paul: A direct hit to the restaurant/observation tower. Well, we too are comforted and trained after an attack. Hope, dear children of the Living God. Beloved wife of the late William. As we walked away, we could feel the intense heat of the burning building. Join Facebook to connect with Anna Roundtree and others you may know. The meetings during the week were held in various denominational churches. So may I suggest that you are hindering your growth through known disobedience. Bob often said that Al and I and one other couple were the oldest friends he had. We cannot in good conscience leave him standing alone. The vision shown here is right from my journal of 2008. August 2013 My mother called from my home in Texas begging me to “get out of there.” “Oh, mother,” I answered naively, “that wasn’t even on our block.” (You can tell I was in my twenties.) But never in my lifetime have we seen so clearly the division between Christ and the world. But these witches’ curses are having a ripple effect. They were in the air – as though they were tentacles of a huge hydra. But I believe the vision is correct. Pictured below are a few of the beds. If such a location has been chosen by God for the revelation of His Fatherhood, we have always felt that the area around the ridge should be warmer – friendlier – more like family … more like coming home. For it is here that many prophets have prophesied that He will actually appear when His chapel is built. It is horrible to watch these demons moving on people to take them down. Now you have passed whatever tests that are required to be allowed to take on higher callings for the kingdom. Come and add to the Lord’s blessing by seeing more of us together. When glorious occurrences take place that bring honor and praise to the Lord, do we share them – to the praise of His glory – or do we hide them, fearing that they might lead to accusations of sensationalism or to an eventual tawdry tarnishing of God’s special signs and wonders. In this scenario, we believe the Lord will back up the prophets and bring victory to our president (and to America). Ask the Lord to cover these two leaders with the blood of Jesus. It is as though we have heard and believed but waited a long time for these glorious words to overtake us: “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “When the plowman will overtake the reaper And the treader of grapes him who sows seed; When the mountains will drip sweet wine And all the hills will be dissolved” (Amos 9:13). While staying at a cabin in the mountains . FOR ONE THING September 2014 I sat down, but He stood and poled us across this narrow waterway with His staff. However the journals were saved.). If you have questions that arise from Heaven Awaits the Bride or wish me to pray for you, please write me via my Moravian Falls address which you can find on the Contact page of this website. But I still feel that if we repent and turn to God that He will heal our land. We are ready for ACTION. Those present were beside themselves with joy. These camels brought hope chests that were my dowry—given to me by my heavenly Father to bring to the formal betrothal to the Lord. He was true to His word. I looked at the angel. Because of your love and goodness toward us, we are able to move forward to provide even more and deeper revelations from our Lord. Team Focus USA The next question in the minds of most is: “What do they plan to do with the land?” The answer is: “steward it.” They do not plan to build on it. Other angels present according to testimony were: Wealth, Finances, Prosperity, Counsel, Strategy, Hope, Good Measure, Full Report and an This was the front door of the ministry for Christmas. Each person is headed into unfamiliar territory, therefore, we become prone to mistakes when faced with new challenges. I am showing you the drawings from the experience that depicts that impartation. I thought that to be the strangest beginning of a film I had ever seen. May 2018 Page # 11 The Three balls mean The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit…all three will be shown in no special order. Twenty years—a lot of life and living in between—a lot of heartache and love—thousands upon thousands of dollars spent in preparing this material and now the Lord has said that it is time. To be “up a tree” means to be in a difficult situation. Then they came down like a down-pour. I realize that the news in this country and indeed almost every country is negative and gives little promise of turning around—according to worldly reports. It always comes as a surprise but is always appreciated after passing through it. The “Esophageal Tear” was no longer there – healed. Spiritually, this battle is not the American President’s. The location is a place apart. At the end of this gathering in the stadium, a person on the platform (that was down on the field), rose to give a spontaneous prophetic word. We have heard the absolute pile-up of prophetic words concerning this year as far back as ten years ago. Finally the Lord answered—but the anointing bestowed on that congregation was not of the extraordinary intensity of the original poured out on those at the retreat center. Each week we meet new brothers and sisters from around the world. It sounded like bugs hitting an outside bug light. 17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. He continued: “Your Father trusts you to stay the course – holding the line against the enemy within and without. 7. He had been in the air force in WWII and the word “flack” took him into a vision that not only related to our prayer group; but to all Christians passing through these increasingly difficult times. You are not forgotten. He may be giving you “Previews” of things to come. These pages are right from my journal. We pray the Lord rewards you a thousand times over, dear blessed friends. There may be day to day happenings relating to life, but also, there are the amazing spiritual encounters he experienced-starting as a small child. However, I will type the other parts of the vision…( The print is much too damaged from the fire to be read easily as it is.) When Al and I were in Kansas City (from ’89 through ’93), I felt that the Lord wanted me to interview Bob Jones concerning his life. We lived right beneath that in the top apartment. This demon is one of the top high three demons – Satan, Leviathan and Beelzebub – the unholy trinity. “Is there some significance to placing them on spindles?” I asked. . Please do join your voices to ours in prayer and praise. Then, with the ribbons wrapped, they would place the spools onto equally large, silver spindles that were suspended in midair. Even knowing this, I could feel myself slipping from passion in prayer into a borderline tortured distress. What a miracle. Thank heavens; they give us the answers in the Word. I had seen the Seraphim at a distance and, it seems, asked the Lord if I might see one more closely. We are here for a purpose. It was then that I realized that my friend had nothing to give the congregation. NO TRESPASSING – a visible command from Christ Himself. Let us gain more knowledge so that we may disarm the enemy. Through this web-site—hopefully–I am continuing to add to these experiences. It was the sort of singing you might hear if your mother was making bread in the kitchen on a cold winter’s day. April 2013 This is very encouraging. When He began to answer those prayers, we were horrified. The commentator said: “They are trying to kill him.”. November 2017 I’m happy for it. We see all manner of reactions to this virus, since most of us have had flu but few of us have lived through a pandemic of a new disease. He has brought us “home”. Those tossed are the remnant. Those encounters and those messages related through them were too important to me. “Come before Me, with broken hearts and contrite spirit, direct link to audio of The Marching Song, direct link to audio of The Song of Ascent. February 2013 I could see myself and others falling from a great distance into the center of the flowers. We were the sailors on the sea. If these strongmen fall – their nations will fall – then so will the world. His eyes were about to brim over. “Why yes,” I answered. Therefore, we have put up a few signs to help everyone: These signs are near the gazebo. This, of course, makes you a much more yummy morsel to the demons whose job it is to stop you. But the alarm confirmed the word of the prophet. The color indicates that I was headed for the throne room.) We are so hopped-up we have spiritual ADD. Or He will speak through a friend or stranger. 8:08 – Double new beginnings. Especially, if you walk up from Apple Hill Lodge, Morning Light Retreat Center, The Elijah House, or Mountain View Lodge, will a chair to sit in be welcomed. even suffering the loss of our home (by it being burned down by a coven of witches) and the loss of my dear husband (who died a few years later). I was his care-giver until his death—which halted my own writing for years. Given the same challenges now, I would choose righteousness over the blessing of the mantle any day. We actually took time to gaze at the stars or watch the lightning bugs begin to come out at twilight. The Bible itself tells us very little about the eternal life before creation and it tells us very little about life after the Millennial Kingdom. The Lord has given us jobs down here. Truly, there are no words to express the all-encompassing love radiating from His near presence. Bob was a young boy when he was offered a mantle. DOES THE LORD ISSUE WARNINGS WITH SOME ANOINTINGS? ), “What does it take to separate you from this world? At that time, I had no idea I would be writing books or sharing any of these experiences. It is a brave new world we are headed into and we want to be brave, new people as we answer our Father’s call. The push, push, push of the type of life we live at present, has slipped away and we are left confronting our priorities, our lack of private reflection and hunger for God. It’s exciting, for all of its pinned together glory. If you sense any change at all in the anointing you are carrying, begin to tread more carefully. This is always the way with civilizations. I knew he saw the problem. So let us take a sign that has been given to us in these recent days as an illustration of how one might break down such a challenge with scripture: sort of a modern-day “how to.”. The boldness of the witches, the erratic behavior of many of the people, the defiance of the law, the disrespect of those in authority all show that we are dealing with the enemy camp. When the footpath was cut, the top of the “mountain” glowed for two weeks. We have done a good deal of growing up in that wilderness. 5:8). She turned in our direction. Yes He does. When we got the call that our house was on fire, we rushed home. 3. Please join us in thanking the Lord for His kindness and compassion toward us. . But we now find ourselves collecting our gear and being shipped out to the front lines. “Lord,” I said, “I am selfish. Every little seam “We are trying,” I said finally. “Come down, my Lord,” I said. For, indeed, you are more than a friend, you are family. We are learning how to grow from seed, how to eliminate bugs without dangerous chemicals, when to harvest, etc. The name Anna Rountree has over 8 birth records, 2 death records, 1 criminal/court records, 20 address records, 3 phone records and more. Dear God, are we the ones for whom Christ died so that we might be His witnesses here on earth? I’m like a kid in a candy shop. I want to shout toward the horizon: “Come on, God!” like I’m at a football game. The request surprised me, for I said to myself: “If the Lord is asking me to pray for these angels (let us just assume for this discussion that these are angels assigned to me personally) then there is almost a lifetime that I have never considered angels as having needs—and certainly not praying that those needs be met.”. Also, it makes you wonder what it will be like when – as foretold in the book of Revelation – Satan is thrown down to earth: (Rev 12:12b) “…woe to the earth and sea because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath. Warriors! Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are being attacked from within (which is always the way the enemy weakens a work of God). After the song ended there was a holy silence. However, with me, after the warning, I decided to use my mind to decide how the enemy might attack me. Rejoice blessed of the Lord. This book reveals Jesus in glorious new ways and the … The Lord reminded me that I was not supposed to judge by mere external appearances (John 7:24). Therefore, like the youngest kid in the neighborhood, they take our money and use our toys – and – if we give them up willingly they will let us into the club house – and we have been grateful to them – truly – for letting us in the door. Another part of the ministry is disaster relief. Somehow the savagery of the distress that is occurring in America as the duly elected government seeks to return this nation to the rule of law, reminds me of a huge animal that has been wounded and is screaming and thrashing violently. What! Join Facebook to connect with Anna Rountree and others you may know. Are we so apathetic that we do not want to see Him rip open the heavens and step down—splitting the forests as He manifests among us? Now – I have lived in this mantle since 1994 or twenty-four years. I am using all three sections: Angels, Personal and Teaching to share this revelatory account. I chose the latter which meant that at no point in this process was I going to let myself or Clint partner with anything but life and life abundant for him (John 10:10). We can feel it rising from the ankles to the knees, to the hips and soon we will swim in it. MAY OUR GREAT GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU. They had been waiting a year to receive that anointing.”. As we move into the new level we, like those entering middle school, are not as steady on our feet… we have “bigger things” to deal with. As I have worked on this website, I have begun to realize how many angels I actually know. I do not dictate that you be with Me. But what is our Heavenly Father doing? Red tears of the aromatic gum were slipping from the heart of the wood.5, I pulled back, holding Him at arm’s length, looking into His eyes. We brought the present-day leaders of these five tribes to Kansas City to allow the ministers of the seventy-two denominations represented in that great city to repent to the leaders of the tribes for the sins committed against the First Nations people. FREE Shipping on Orders $20 and Over! November 2014 Much has transpired, but I feel it has been more like “family business”. He or she is scattered in the initial direction or target. Praise God. “Watching?”, “We are getting the ribbons together for sewing. Repentance for any known (and unknown) sins. Most do not know that blueprints were already in place. We turned and quickly began to descend the stairs. Somehow, I knew they were looking for someone to squeeze the life out of. A healing revival is coming and we need to be “up” and “going” when it “hits” us – instead of running to catch it as it passes. We need to set ourselves to be among those who “make it through”. Please feel free to sit in or use the gazebo as you need it. . THE UNDER SECRETARY. Jesus Himself was the light on our way. But this attack does seem unusually severe. July 2013 He loves you and so do we. This picture was taken right after she became an American citizen a few weeks ago. The building was falling in on itself.12 We could hear it above. The police, firemen, etc. The first month of the year came in with everything (and I do mean everything), more intense: work, relationships – everything. I am merely sharing a request made to me—which in many ways has changed my life. I thought you might like to see the journal pages on August 4, l995. Let us arm ourselves. We stepped over the police tape and turned to watch the building burn. These flowers were red and blue also. However, do you not know that disobedience creates a wall between you and Him?11 It is a wall of your own making because you cannot curb your natural desires. Look in the Prayer Meeting section for the prophetic words spoken in the April “Prayer on the Mountain” meetings. They were to belong to Him in order that He might bless the rest of the Israelites (Deut. In distress, my assistant took down her number, and I called her. These were taped over a year’s period of time twenty-three years ago. “Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth” (Isaiah 43:19a NASB). It was many years later that I looked back at these journal drawings and understood His message to me. They are singing in an angelic tongue – which I do not understand. But we shrugged off these reservations with the thought that they, too, were friends of the older prophet and would love to be with him and minister to him. In the vernacular, we speak of this stabilizing as “getting on top of it” or “getting it under our belt” (referring to a time when the clothing was long and loose and therefore needed to be tucked up into the belt to unencumber the feet for battle). I looked toward the dark entrances of the caves. You better believe we are ready. We were never the same after 9/11. “the glory has departed.”) He said that a generation would pass [forty years] before He – the Spirit – would return in such power. No one has ever seen anything like it. At each station – or “x” there would be a clue and a reward. [Bob grew up in Arkansas. So – The Lord has spent about fifty years training us in His gifts: we can pray for the sick, pray for deliverance, prophesy as God leads, speak of salvation through Christ, etc. James 4:3-4 – You do not have because you do not ask v4You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.”. But while the angels are here they are very busy. I was hoping he was giving us a sign that He was moving forward. 12. There is a hole in the center of the planting because a bird built a nest, laid eggs and is now raising baby birds right were the center flowers were planted. Satan and his upper management team, (the princes, powers and world rulers of this darkness) dwell in the midheaven. Almost the whole world believes that there was fraud in our elections… (that’s whether they may be for the outcome of fraud or against it), just as when everyone knew that O. J. Simpson murdered his wife and her friend (which he admitted years later), still many – though not believing his innocence – pulled for his receiving a “pass” in the trial. All else seemed like – well – not worth the effort . A careful measured growth in Christ is now not exciting enough to hold our attention. Godly acceleration was to be careful on that day. ” and nothing will it... Meetings only. ) that could be handled equally mild damage to His presence return! Fog has cleared and we both invited Holy Spirit our great Teacher and friend by..., passed freely to the door and asked the Lord ’ s world was weighted against us…but for.... 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