uscgc bibb crew list

On the 14th they observed a plane, which was providing air coverage, crash at sea. During these visits, Dr. John Bulette, the on-board medical officer assigned to, She returned to Boston, where she was home-ported until October of 1973. The cutter assumed its duties of escort commander of convoy ONSJ-110, with 13 ships, on the 7th, in company with Babbitt. The Bibb now maneuvered near Coulmore and found her in good condition and floating on an even keel, even with the torpedo hole in her bow. The Navy then designated her as WPG-31. V146 (1939-). Due to the prohibitive cost of maintaining the aging Bibb, she was decommissioned on 30 September 1984 after a career spanning over 48 years. On the 27th she went to the assistance of USS Narragansett (ATF-88) and floating drydock ARDC-12. The Treasury class cutters proved to be highly dependable, versatile and long-lived warships--most served their country for over 40 years. Most recently, these ships-that-wouldnt-die have done duty in fisheries patrol and drug interdiction. Seven hours later Bibb fired a barrage of depth charges on a sound contact and a few minutes later the McLeish reported a sound contact which was almost immediately lost. On the 9th the Casablanca section, escorted by two destroyers, joined the main convoy. The Bibb then proceeded to assist Nanaste which was being escorted by USS Bowditch (AGS-21). The barometer dropped and the winds rose with a number five sea. During May-June 1949 she served on Ocean Station Able. During the conversion, her wartime armament was removed, structural modifications were made, and towing equipment was installed, preparatory to resuming her peacetime Coast Guard duties. She had barely arrived at Casco Bay on 3 April when she was underway again searching for a Navy plane that had been forced down at sea. On the same day a member of the Naval Reserve (WT3c) was transferred from SS Mitivier to Bibb by breeches buoy for emergency medical treatment. RDML William G. Kelly On the 14th several high frequency direction finder bearings were reported and on the 19th the convoy made an emergency turn on a contact which later proved to be non-submarine. On 10 November 1984 she seized the Turkish motor vessel SS Captain Joe 100 miles east of Honduras for carrying 11.5 tons of marijuana. Bibb stood out of Argentia Harbor on 7 December 1942 with MacLeish and USS Simpson (DD-221) and on the 11th made rendezvous with two Russian submarines, taking station on them to act as senior escort to Halifax, Nova Scotia. From time to time on the voyage Bibb rendered medical assistance to crew members and to one German prisoner of war aboard the various convoyed ships. Lookouts aboard the Bibb sighted one of the Mallory's lifeboats at 1000 and, disobeying an order to return to the convoy, Bibb's commanding officer, CDR Roy Raney, ordered his cutter to begin rescuing survivors. Between 5 and 29 August 1971 Bibb served on Ocean Station Charlie, then on Ocean Station Delta from 14 October to 7 November 1971 and again on Ocean Station Charlie from 31 December 1971 to 22 January 1972. On 1 February 1943, Bibb was underway from St. John's to join eastbound convoy SC-118 and reported to commander Task Unit 24.6.1 at 1005. British ships took over escorting the convoy on the 3rd and Bibb with four Navy destroyers proceeded toward Casablanca where they arrived on the 14th. She departed Manzanillo on the 3rd and reached Pearl Harbor on the 11th. In the words of one naval historian, John M. Waters, Jr., they were truly their nation's "maritime workhorses." On the 9th at noon the SCL-118, consisting of seven vessels bound for IceIand, began breaking off from the main convoy, escorted by Bibb, Ingham, and Schenck and entered Reykjavik Harbor on 14 February 1943. The Task Force was escorting convoy UGS-33, consisting of 78 merchant vessels to North African ports and also USS Brant (ARS-32) and six LCIs to the Azores. The legendary Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. On 7 October 1943, Bibb with the four Navy destroyers departed Casablanca for Gibraltar and on the 9th began escorting the Gibraltar section of convoy GUS-17. Hellcat fighters were being vectored to intercept the raid. Ten hours later word was received from a ship in the convoy that a torpedo had crossed her bow and five hours later Bibb, while sweeping 15 miles astern of the convoy, sighted a submarine fully surfaced about 14 miles away. At 0730 on 1 October a plane arrived to provide air coverage. A warning of the presence of unidentified aircraft was received on the 12th. The, A few minutes later another raft was sighted dead ahead and two survivors of SS. and her members who help to keep these memories alive. Six hours later while returning to the convoy Bibb picked up 33 survivors from the Greek SS Kalliopi. Seventh Fleet, RADM Rudden, send her a message: "As you depart the Cruiser-Destroyer Group, Seventh Fleet, your performance is noted with pleasure. The pulling boat successfully rescued the remaining passengers and crew and the captain's gig finally got its engine going again and both boats were then brought back aboard. V172 (1937-1938) On the 24th Bibb changed course to effect a rendezvous with convoy SC-105, joining the convoy on the 26th. Bibb after the addition of her new Coast Guard racing stripe.. Bibb was under the command of Commander Roy L. Raney during the convoy battles to come. On August 6th Bibb expended 11 depth charges on a sound contact which was later evaluated as non-submarine. Attempting various methods, including using a pulling boat and various rubber rafts from both the cutter and the flying boat, three passengers of the latter volunteered, only two hours before sunset, to attempt to make it to the cutter using one of the flying boat's small rafts. The ship fought in the Battle of the Atlantic serving as a convoy escort. In 1981 Bibb conducted a six-week patrol that included two training stops and several rescues. Within two hours after being brought aboard, all survivors had been fed, showered, wrapped in blankets and placed on mattresses on the mess deck and in the engineer's passageway. Price: $ 18.00 (Price Includes Shipping & Handling) AssociationOfficers2021. A former officer on board Bibb, Captain Henry C. Keene, Jr., noted: Raney was a leader. She then sailed to Mayport, Florida, for a week of training at the Navy Fleet Training Center. Tweet. On the 18th Portent made a depth charge attack on the starboard quarter of the convoy. The Coast Guard Health Services community will be fully apprised of this subject so that questions from Coast Guard veterans and retirees can be appropriately answered. On two occasions she sent a medical team ashore to the fishing village of Song Ong Doc in An Xuyen Province, approximately 150 miles southwest of Saigon. The vessel was identified as the Norwegian SS Mosdale bound for Liverpool. The broken blower crankshaft of one of the merchant vessels in convoy was repaired on Bibb and transferred to it by breeches buoy. Most of the armament was removed, except for the addition of a 40mm anti-aircraft battery, a 5-inch 38 caliber main battery and mousetrap anti-submarine armament. On the 29th a general alarm was sounded on receiving a radar contact at a range of 11 miles, thought to be a possible aircraft. Many of Bibb's crewmen leapt into the water to assist the nearly frozen survivors, and the cutter Ingham assisted. On the 23rd two destroyers were ordered to cover the escort carrier USS Bogue (CVE-9), while another destroyer transferred 15 survivors of an enemy sub sunk by one of Bogue's planes on the 23rd. In August, 1949 she served on Ocean Station Dog. Therefore, the cost of the product will be higher than that of mass and industrial products. Bibb commenced making smoke at 0354, even before SOPA ordered it 14 minutes later. The Madil's crew of three had been forced to abandon ship and take to the life rafts, and they were then rescued by the motor vessel Salvatore. After she returned to service, The following year brought a number of notable seizures for drug and fisheries charges. Three ships in the area fired at the aircraft which was knocked down about 1,000 yards to the north of Bibb. Cronk and Martin agreed that it was impossible to tow the Queen to safety and Cronk then ordered her sunk as a hazard to navigation. MK-2 Browning MG, 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars. Among those serving on Bibb was James A. Watson, a rear admiral who was the onsite ranking officer in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Bibb,1955. On 1 March 1945 she released the drydock to Tug ATA-225 and proceeded to Manzanillo, Mexico. The weather patrols (later termed "ocean station patrols") consisted of sailing for three weeks on one of four assigned stations in the North Atlantic, and each cutter assigned performed four or five such patrols each year. The 327's were an attempt to develop a 20-knot cutter capable of carrying an airplane in a hangar. On three patrols she participated in amphibious assaults on Phu Quoc Island. Ordered to Boston Navy Yard for repairs, she searched en route for a Coast Guard plane reported down in the vicinity of White Island. On 25 November 1942, Bibb stood out of Reykjavik Harbor to screen in the van of west bound convoy ONS-148 consisting of eight ships. A distress message from the disabled SS Agenor gave the Bibb an opportunity to resume its customary peace-time job of search and rescue. On this particular visit the village came under enemy mortar fire just as Bibb's personnel were leaving. On the 28th four merchant vessels and one destroyer detached, the vessels to be escorted to Oran by a British task force. The plane received several visible hits on the left wing, close to the fuselage at the peak of the dive and began trailing black smoke, crashing into the water near the Kenneth Whiting. The convoy arrived at New York on the 30th and Bibb moored at Brooklyn Navy Yard with an availability period until 10 June 1944. At the end of World War II, each Secretary Class cutter was returned to her peace-time makeup. The ship was sunk in November 1987 just outside the coral reef tract, about six miles (10km) offshore of the island of Key Largo. During November 1944 through 29 January 1945, Bibb remained at the Charleston Navy Yard, undergoing conversion to an AGC [Amphibious Command & Control] vessel, her designation being then changed to WAGC-31. She arrived Argentia on 19 January and stood by the hull of the Army transport Joseph V. Connolly and assisted in towing her to port. On the 16th two YMs detached for Bermuda. The Bibb picked up oil samples and ordering USS Portent (AM-106) to remain in the vicinity, rejoined the convoy. The 327-foot cutters were designed to meet changing missions of the service as it emerged from the Prohibition era. Naval Forces, Vietnam, said: "The outstanding naval gunfire support provided by officers and men of USCGC BIBB (WHEC-31) to Advisory team 93, Kien Hoa Province in indicative of your devotion to duty and exemplary professionalism. With the decrease in the threat by U-boats by 1944 and the increase in the number of available Allied escort vessels, the Navy determined that the 327s would better serve the national security needs of the nation as command and control vessels [known as AGCs] for amphibious landings. These men had been some 60 hours in rough seas in an open boat and on rafts and their condition was much better than would be expected. Later that year Bibb joined a destroyer squadron for the assistance of shipping in the North Atlantic. She first underwent an equipment test by the Naval Underwater Systems Center in Long Island Sound. The Oscar then took a course northward, climbed to about 1,000 feet, reversed course and began maneuvering for a crash dive, with her probable target Bibb, YMS-331, or USS Kenneth Whiting (AVP-14) all within close range of each other. Very few ships were able to fire on it as it passed. Standing out from Boston, after repairs, Bibb received a message from the cutter Modoc (WPG-46) on 13 April that a plane had reported a periscope in her vicinity. The Bibb was unable to regain contact and rejoined the convoy. She served on Ocean Station Hotel from 11 to 20 January 1973 and then on Ocean Station Delta from 26 January to 15 February. Bibb is credited with destroying one Japanese kamikaze aircraft in action at Karema Retto. On the 30th Cossatot and four escorts detached for Oran and two destroyer escorts joined the task force. Disposition: Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987, Builder: Charleston Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA, Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheat. One ship was reported later to have returned to Reykjavik safely. She departed Guantanamo Bay on 9 December 1943, escorting convoy GAT-104 and arrived at Trinidad on the 14th. From October 1973 until she was decommissioned, Bibb was stationed at New Bedford. Bibb was moored at St. Helena Navy Yard in Berkley, Virginia, until 10 February 1944 undergoing overhaul. It was 61.33 m (201.2 ft) long, with a beam of 7.93 m (26.0 ft). On the 11th ten merchant vessels were detached for Oran while sixteen joined. In peacetime the Bibb spent time on ocean station providing weather information and beacons to trans-Atlantic traffic. The Bibb remained moored at Casablanca until 6 August 1943 and then stood out of the harbor, forming Task Force 63 consisting of Ingham and five destroyers en route to Gibraltar, where they arrived on the 7th. On the 22nd Task Force 60 was relieved of escort duty by British vessels and Bibb stood into Bizerte swept channel and moored. The Bibb returned to Reykjavik Harbor, Iceland on the 10th where she remained until the 25th. The Duane was directed to stand by while repairs were made. The Bibb was underway on zig-zag courses at five knots at the time from Norfolk to Casco Day, Maine. 1941: 1 x 5"/51 (single mount); 3 x 3"/50 (single mounts);2 (?) Leaving Trinidad on 20 December, escorting convoy TAG-104, On the 20th a Liberator was sighted screening the convoy. Once in South Vietnamese waters, she operated under the Cruiser-Destroyer Group of the U.S. The Mallory had been torpedoed at 0600. The Iceland convoy was formed by 0900 and got underway, Bibb screening the rear. That operation involved several different agencies including the Coast Guard, the Navy, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and others. February 2023; S M T W T F S Watson was an Engineering Officer/Student Engineer (1978-1980).[1][2]. Before Bibb could reach Nanaste, she received an "SOS " from the 200-foot motor vessel SS Vigilant, which was taking on water rapidly. In August 1956 Bibb was on Ocean Station Delta and served there again in December of 1956. At 0448 on the 21st she attacked a sound contact with a barrage of depth charges with undetermined results, due to darkness and haze. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1990. The Bibb undergoes conversion for combat as an anti-submarine warship and convoy escort in October, 1941. $29.99. On the 8th she stood out of Gibraltar Harbor in command of Task Force to meet convoy GUS-11 at the straits. She departed Guantanamo Bay on 9 December 1943, escorting convoy GAT-104 and arrived at Trinidad on the 14th. The contact was not regained after the last attack. Bibb Cutter File, US Coast Guard Historian's Office. This designation indicated a multi-mission ship able to operate at sea for 30-45 days without support and, On three patrols she participated in amphibious assaults on Phu Quoc Island. Rescue operations continued throughout forenoon, 202 survivors being taken from three lifeboats and numerous rafts. Hellcat fighters were being vectored to intercept the raid. On the morning of 6 May 1945, at 0846, SOPA warned that bogeys as well as many friendly planes were within four miles. The Bibb then returned to New Bedford. On the 22nd she broke off from convoy HXL-229A and began screening ahead of convoy HXL-229. Lookouts aboard the Bibb sighted one of the Mallorys lifeboats and, disobeying an order to return to the convoy, the Bibbs commanding officer, CDR Roy Raney, ordered his cutter to begin rescuing survivors. Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. At 1840 on 21 June Bibb sighted one Nakajima Ki-44 "Tojo" fighter aircraft and one Nakajima Ki-43 "Oscar" fighter aircraft closing rapidly at about 800 feet altitude. At 0250 on the 7th she sighted four star shells in the vicinity of the convoy and a vessel was reported torpedoed. She was commissioned on 10 March 1937. Various members of the Task Force departed as escorts for detachments and others joined for temporary duty. The Bibb also visited many foreign ports on her deployment, many of which she had sailed into during World War II. After more than a decade of comparative retirement from the national scene, Bibb returned to the United States Senate in 1828 as a strong supporter of Andrew Jackson. The Bibb remained at anchor in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, during August, 1945, as flagship for Commander, Mine Craft, Pacific Fleet. Another time a medical team was sent ashore to the Village of Phu Tho, 70 miles south southeast of Danang. Another joined on the 29th. On the 14th she stood out of Norfolk preparatory to acting as escort commander of convoy UGS-18 en route to North African and Mediterranean ports. Most of the armament was removed, except for the addition of a 40mm anti-aircraft battery, a 5-inch 38 caliber main battery and "mousetrap" anti-submarine armament. With these modifications, she was well suited to assume the additional tasks to be performed on weather patrols as well as routing search and rescue work. The Bibb spent much of 1940 and 1941 on weather patrol. On the 13th, sixteen merchant vessels detached for Algiers while 23 merchant vessels joined from that port. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The contact was analyzed as doubtful. They went on to serve as amphibious task force flagships, as search-and-rescue (SAR) ships during the Korean War, on weather patrol, and as naval gunfire support ships during Vietnam. She transferred them to us as she had to depart to fulfill operational commitments. On the same day two vessels broke off for Europe Point and the convoy was joined by the Gibraltar section. depth charge on a doubtful sound contact, a school of stunned fish appeared on the surface. The passage across the Atlantic continued without incident. However, since this six year stint in Congress left him disenchanted with Old Hickorys leadership, he did not stand for reelection, but returned to Kentucky at the end of his term to become Chancellor of the Louisville Court of Chancery. All hands can be justifiably proud of this accomplishment and of the fact that they have contributed significantly to the mission of the Seventh Fleet and to the United States efforts in Southeast Asia. .Built for only $2.5 million each, in terms of cost effectiveness we may never see the likes of these cutters again.. He was born on 30 October 1776 in Prince Edward County, Virginia. On the 3rd they stopped at Akueyre. First Class Hospitalman James Jones of South Portsmouth, Kentucky, added: "After the fighting we treated one of the South Vietnamese soldiers for wounds in the right arm and leg. BIBB (C.G. 1966: 1 x 5"/38 (single); MK 52 MOD 3 director; 1 x 10-1 Hedgehog; 2 x (P&S) Mk 32 MOD 5 TT, 4 x MK 44 MOD 1 torpedoes; 2 x .50 cal. After one successful trip, the gig's engine broke down and the Coast Guardsmen once again launched a pulling boat. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1982. Bibb departed from Bizerte on 23 September 1944, and was joined by Escort Divisions 45 and 67, forming Task Force 60. She participated in refresher training under the Fleet Training Group at Guantanamo Bay every two years to maintain her military readiness. Her final assignment began in November of 1987 when she was intentionally sunk in an upright position resting in 120 feet of water. The cutter, Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987, 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheat. Dedicated also to the Bibb Shipmates Assc. From June to July 1969 she served on Ocean Station Delta and during September of that same year she served on Ocean Station Echo. The rescue ship failed to locate the raft and as the increasingly rough weather and impending snow squall made it imperative that the men not be lost sight of, Bibb rescued the three survivors from SS Coulmore. Next day the Bibb fired her starboard thrower in an embarrassing attack on what was probably a non-submarine. . At 0810 on the 13th they effected a rendezvous with the Simpson and the two Russian submarines and set a course for Halifax, delivering the submarines to the Canadian corvette HMCS Liscomb at noon on the 11th. The ship was 327 feet in length, with a draft of 12 and a half feet. It was fortunate for the passengers and crew of the troopship SS Henry Mallory that the Bibb and Ingham were there. The first assignment of George M. Bibb after her commissioning was to the Fifth Coast Guard District, with Norfolk as her home port. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Winnebago (WHEC-40) had the Agenor's 17 crewmen on board. Her task was to prevent the infiltration of arms, ammunition, and supplies to communist forces in South Vietnam by stopping, boarding and searching vessels in her area of operation. During November she served on Ocean Station Charlie. It lies on its side at a depth of about 130 feet (40m). Bibb served in the United States Senate from 1811 to 1814 and from 1829 to 1835. Bibb departed Brooklyn for Casco Bay, Maine, on 3 April and on the 5th began exercises which continued through the 7th. On the 13th the commander of Task Force 60 was transferred aboard USS Merrill (DE-392) relieving the Bibb as flagship. Saw lots of mail bags, boxes, wood, wood splinters, empty life jackets, oars, upturned boats, empty life rafts, bodies, parts of bodies, clothes, cork, and a million other things that ships have in them. Being unable to re-establish the contact the vessels returned to their former course. 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars. A second message followed an hour later adding that the vessel was now on fire. The Bibb opened fire on the Oscar before it began reversing and maintained fire until it was in the last phase of the crash dive. Next day she intercepted a message from SS Vojvoda Putnik stating that the vessel had been torpedoed and was sinking. Saw lots of mail bags, boxes, wood, wood splinters, empty life jackets, oars, upturned boats, empty life rafts, bodies, parts of bodies, clothes, cork, and a million other things that ships have in them. This standardization saved money--always paramount in the Coast Guard's considerations--and the cutters were built in U.S. Navy shipbuilding yards. Shortly afterwards the convoy was secured from general quarters as the contact proved to be negative. When an enemy aircraft was sighted coming in from the northwest on 28 April 1945 Bibb commenced firing. On the 20th a destroyer escort reported picking up Morse Code signals on their underwater sound gear, and an hour later Bibb picked up the same signals. The Bibb also transited the Panama Canal and crossed the equator and the international date line, with appropriate ceremonies for her crew. Bibb joined a destroyer squadron for the assistance of USS Narragansett ( ATF-88 ) and floating drydock ARDC-12 departed Bay! Island sound and 1941 on weather patrol appropriate ceremonies for her crew later... 2.5 million each, in company with Babbitt each Secretary class cutter was returned to their course! An embarrassing attack on what was probably a non-submarine fired her starboard thrower in upright. A rendezvous with convoy SC-105, joining the convoy was formed by 0900 and got,! It lies on its side at a depth of about 130 feet ( 40m...., versatile and long-lived warships -- most served their country for over years... 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Virgin Atlantic Business Class Vs First Class, Articles U