top 10 largest us embassy in the world

top 10 largest us embassy in the world

The US building their 2nd biggest embassy inside Lebanon (next to Baghdad) is a naked admission of their ploy for control in the region, and in service of the interests and security of the Israeli occupation regime. Coming into the embassy from the field was one of the more stressful things you could do in Iraq, made worse if you drifted into Baghdaddys, the embassy bar. Take-out snacks, fresh fruit and vegetables, sushi rolls, and low-calorie specials. Seventeen of the dead were Americans, of whom eight worked for the C.I.A. $2.1 trillion was spent on the wars in Iraq and Syria, and $355bn was attributed to other wars. These embassies are the artifacts of fear. They were the deep thinkers, the plotters, the negotiators, the report writers. Joy was not recognized as consul by the British East India Company but was permitted to "reside here as a Commercial Agent subject to the Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction of this Country". The food is free. [30], On January 26, 2020, the embassy was struck by three rockets. Both embassies were enlightened center-city designs, and neither had been significantly fortified. Guayaquil- GYQ 1268/P.L. Over the past 20 years alone, the US has spent $8 trillion on its so-called global war on terror according to the Costs of War project at Brown University. I remember a surreal press conference in which a U.S. spokesman named Dan Senor, full of governmental conceits, described the marvelous developments he personally had observed during a recent sortie (under heavy escort) into the city. Bangui- BGI Bujumbura- BUJ [10], In the latter half of the nineteenth century, the State Department was concerned with expanding commercial ties in Asia, establishing Liberia, foiling diplomatic recognition of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, and securing its presence in North America. The Embassy of the United States of America in Baghdad, 2. Interests Section was then re-established with Poland as the protecting power. At least 800,000 Americans served in Afghanistan and more than 1.5 million in Iraq over the past 20 years. It covers 46,000 m2, which is equivalent to 500,000-square-foot. When Colin Powell seized the reins in 2001, he gutted and renamed the agency's facilities office (now called Overseas Buildings Operations, or O.B.O. These bases typically have in excess of 200 US military personnel. Like an elderly widow who avoids dining with other aging women, knowing loneliness shared is only loneliness multiplied, Baghdaddys made everyone grow apart, while maintaining the illusion of bringing them together. Things started to turn seriously sad around 11:00 p.m. [8] The embassy was also repeatedly attacked by Iranian-aligned Iraqi Shiite militias and Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps following President Trump's order for a drone strike assassination against Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in Baghdad Airport on 3 January 2020. Closes Consulate In Basra, Citing Iran-Backed Violence", "History of U.S. Embassy BuildingsAbout THE USAJAPAN", "A Guide to the United States' History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Yemen", "Travel Advisory: U.S. Embassy Minsk Departure of U.S. Government Employees and Suspension of Operations", "Permanent Closure of U.S. Consular Agency Bremen",, "A Guide to the United States' History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Norway", "A Guide to the United States' History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Portugal", "U.S. Embassy to Sweden - Notice of Funding Opportunity", "U.S. Consulate General in Yekaterinburg", " ", " ", "A Guide to the United States' History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: United Kingdom", "Kamala Harris announces new U.S. Embassies in Tonga and Kiribati amid major Pacific push", "Senior US official says Washington willing to reopen embassy in Libya |", "U.S. To Establish Embassy in the Maldives", Details of diplomatic missions of the United States,, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 13:42. To travel from one country to another, you must have permission from an embassy. On the rare occasion when they want to venture a short distance across the Green Zone to talk to Iraqi officials, they generally have to travel in armored S.U.V. He wore a replica of a Japanese-born Major League stars jersey, making the point that baseball, although invented in America, was an international sport (which is why the World Series includes only American teams and potentially a Canadian one). An emergency supplemental appropriation (H.R. Small bases or Lily Pads: These bases are smaller than 4 hectares(10 acres) or have a value of less than $10 million. He had questions that needed to be answeredwho really were these Islamists, what was their relationship with the military, how antagonistic were they to American interests, how solid was their popular base, and why had all the jihadists come to town? It is not just the embassy's biggest building in the world but also the most expensive. An early response was delivered on March 30, 1965, when a Vietcong car bomb destroyed the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, killing 22 people and injuring 186. Though he retired from the military in 1989, he still likes to be called The General. If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message. The U.S. Library of Congress, United State: The Library of the United States of America is also the world's largest library. They display pictures of their families on foreign holidays: skiing in the Alps last year, or swimming in Bali, or standing outside an African lodge. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? These will be submitted to the NVC in Step 9. These were not isolated events. "What do you do when you're digging yourself into a hole?". The embassy building is one of the most important buildings, just like banks and Institutions in every country. It is located in Baghdad in the Asian country, Iraq. For the most part, however, the new embassy is not about leaving Iraq, but about staying onfor whatever reason, under whatever circumstances, at whatever cost. The new US Embassy building in Beirut, Lebanon is built over 93,000 square meters. On March 29, 1973, the last US combat troops left Vietnam. The supporting staff seen in an embassy include the economic officers, consular officers, political officers, and others. For decades, Cuba has insisted that the US hand back the territory it took by force in 1898 and subsequently leased permanently in 1903. Twenty-six of the 37 European lenders on the list of the world's 100 largest banks slid down the rankings by between one and nine notches as of 2021-end from a year prior, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. Like nearly all US bases, Ramstein is equipped with hospitals, schools, power stations, apartment complexes and a host of amenities often referred to as Burger Kings and bowling alleys. Senor went home, married a Washington insider, and became a commentator on Fox News. By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use, and to receive messages from Mother Jones and our partners. According to the US Department of Defense, the US suffered 33,739 deaths in battle. China Total area (sq km): 9,706,961 % to world's landmass: 6.3% According to David Vine, professor of political anthropology at the American University in Washington, DC, the US had around 750 bases in at least 80 countries as of July 2021. Type of Desert: Area in Square Kilometres: 1: Antarctic Desert: 14,200,000: 2: Arctic Desert: 13,900,000: 3 . A shock is similar to a surprise. Maury held the post from 1790 to 1829. During the brief war, around 694,550 American troops were deployed to the region. Rather, he seemed truly convinced of what he said, which in turn could be explained only as the product of extreme isolation. US project to open the world's second largest embassy in Lebanon In this regard, the United States has recently started a project to build the US Embassy in Lebanon, which is said to be the second largest US embassy in the region, far from the coverage of Lebanese domestic and foreign media. The worlds worst bar scene ended when the overhead fluorescents jerked on at midnight, trapping the unsuccessful hunters in the glare. Monrovia - MRV, Montevideo - MTV Over 3.4 million US troops were deployed to Southeast Asia; in excess of three million people, including over 58,000 Americans, were killed in the war. Doha- DOH The buildings include:[14], The complex is heavily fortified, even by the standards of the Green Zone. Kampala - KMP But his clients in the embassies are in trouble. Dublin- DBL Ulaanbaatar - ULN He did not pretend otherwise, and was surprised that I was able to stay in the city without a driver or guards. The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok is one of the largest in the world and is comprised of several dozen sections and agencies. According to global US military deployment data published in the Conflict Management and Peace Science Journal, the US had around 173,000 troops deployed in 159 countries as of 2020. Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. The base is a hotly debated issue between the US and Cuba. [18] As of 2006, construction was being led by the Kuwaiti firm First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting. Every one of us has been insecure about out appearance at . It has 'interests sections' in other nation's embassies in Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria. One could argue the merits of American foreign policy in the long run, but in the immediate it seemed that something had to be done. No formal peace treaty was ever signed. Ask a security question and you'll get a security answer: in June 1985 the panel issued a report that called predictably for the wholesale and radical fortification of roughly half of the 262 U.S. diplomatic facilities overseas. Many host multiple branches, additional schools, and colleges. Top 10 Largest Private Companies 2023 in The United States (Updated) 4. Bangkok- BNK Did it not come to mind that for years the same embassy had been violating Vietnam? All Rights Reserved. It was built in the middle of the XVII century on the orders of the last ruler of the Great Mogul dynasty. Sign up to our newsletter for exclusive updates and enhanced content, Sign up to get Al Bawaba's exclusive celeb scoops and entertainment news. In frustration, the Clinton administration fired cruise missiles at Sudan and Afghanistan, and back home in Washington engaged another retired admiral, William Crowe, to look into embassy defenses. Its the British Embassy in Washington. [15] However, Walter Pincus of The Washington Post found that the new embassy had cost more than $700 million by 2012;[16] Business Insider reported in 2013 that the cost of the embassy had surpassed $750 million. [11], The United States' global prominence became evident in the twentieth century, and the State Department was required to invest in a large network of diplomatic missions to manage its bilateral and multilateral relations. Meanwhile, however, they seem to have held off, lobbing most of their ordnance elsewhere into the Green Zone, as if reluctant to slow the completion of such an enticing target. Included in the supplemental is more than $1.3billion for the embassy in Iraq." The 1,398 hectares (3,454 acres) base is one of 80 bases in the country and is less than 100km (60 miles) from the heavily fortified demilitarized zone that demarcates North Korea from South Korea. [17] The Obama administration requested more than $100 million for a "massive" upgrade to the embassy compound in 2012. Market Cap: $1.6 trillion. If someone had told us there was a Bath & Body Works in there, we would not have thought it odd. In Iraq, this USA Embassy is more than 10 times the United States of America Embassy in Beijing, the third biggestUS embassy diplomatic mission abroad. Colombo- CLM On October 7, 2001, the US under President George W Bush invaded Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks. "The Mega-Bunker of Baghdad", William Langewiesche. Baghdad- BGH The Middle East and Africa's 30 largest banks by assets, 2022. The main goal was to build 140 fortified compounds within 10 years. Belmopan- BLZ These embassies are indeed bunkers. When the new American Embassy in Baghdad entered the planning stage, more than three years ago, U.S. officials inside the Green Zone were still insisting that great progress was being made in the construction of a new Iraq. Kingston - KNG 1 The firm's headquartered in . The count must run to the thousands. In February 2012, weeks after the final departure of US Military forces from Iraq, the State Department announced that the staff would be greatly reduced because of budget concerns and a re-evaluation of diplomatic strategy in Iraq, in light of the military withdrawal.[24]. Kinshasa - KIN US embassy report on Dutch-American Friendship Day. Progress in the construction of a new Iraq? Interests Section operates via Czechia through its embassy in Damascus. These are the perks of an overseas job. Back home in Washington the State Department is confronting the issue of post-traumatic stress after people return. Antananarivo- ANT The building lost its embassy status just before the Gulf War in 1991, which caused a second breach of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The odd dance between the older females and the game 30-year-old undergrads would be pathetically interrupted by the stirrings of the now drunken former alphas, clumsily trying to make conversation while pushing aside the young challenger bulls from the kill site. The days were hot. Vancouver - VAC No grass grew. John Adams then became the first U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands[3][4][5][6] and the house that he had purchased there, at Fluwelen Burgwal 18 in The Hague, became the first U.S. embassy anywhere in the world.[7]. Some people might not even exist, so deserts really have a profound effect on all of us. You began to understand why embassy policy forbade photography at after-work events once you learned that the most important characteristic of Baghdaddys was that booze was cheap. The United States urged Iraq to protect the embassy. The head of these embassies mentioned above and other embassies is known as the Ambassador. Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. as it seems, the US ambassador to Lebanon has a big role in the deterioration of the Lebanese situation. The patrols don't connect with the streets." The legation was upgraded to an embassy in 1946. Tunis - TNS The war in Afghanistan accounts for $2.3 trillion which, according to Brown University researchers, equals more than $300 million a day for 20 years. Half of this collective is involved in self-defense. There are variations in the configurations, depending on the sites and needs, but most of the variations are superficial and amount to differences in the footprints, landscaping, and color schemes. 1. But the location of the compound is well known in Baghdad anyway, where for several years it has been marked by large construction cranes and all-night work lights easily visible from the embattled neighborhoods across the river. Ambassador to Iraq Term of Appointment", "New embassy reflects growing ties to China", "New US embassy opens in Baghdad The compound", "U.S. Is Planning to Cut Its Staff at Iraq Embassy by as Much as Half", "Inspection of Embassy Baghdad and Constituent Posts, Iraq", "State Department Outlines Dramatic Scale-Down of U.S. Nonetheless and however sadly, since no American officials were among the dead, within the closed realms of the U.S. government the shift to the new consulate had succeeded. What on earth is going on? [2] The embassy complex is about five times the size of the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, which is the second-largest U.S. diplomatic mission abroad, as well as over ten times the size of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, which is the third-largest U.S. diplomatic mission abroad. Nairobi - NRB Twelve Americans lay dead, as did 39 of the U.S. government's African employees. Soon afterward came the attacks of September 11, adding further urgency to the plans. A sports diplomacy program donated hundreds of soccer balls, each decorated with flags of the world. On May 15, 2019, the United States Department of State ordered all non-emergency, non-essential government employees at the Embassy and Erbil consulate office to leave Iraq amid heightened tensions in the Persian Gulf between the United States and Iran. Freetown- FTN 50 U.S. States: Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico American comfort food, and theme cuisines from around the world, though rarely if ever from the Middle East. I met with a foreign-service officer tasked with monitoring political affairs. But almost the only construction evident in the city was of the Green Zone defenses themselveserected in a quest for safety at the cost of official interactions with Iraq. Sarajevo - SAR Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, and five highly guarded entrances. Tbilisi - TBL In 2020, the US spent $778bn on its military the largest military spender in the world and more than the next 10 countries combined according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Assisting citizens living or traveling to the host country is the primary purpose of any embassy. According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, between 1.9 and three million US service members have served in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001, with over half of them deployed more than once. This building is USA Embassy in Yerevan. 1. The details are largely secret, but it is likely to include a significant US Marine Security Guard detachment. The event was a special program the ambassador was personally involved with, because he believed in sports diplomacy. Once he invited Iraqs only baseball team to his residence for some drills. That was the process that has led, now, to thisthe construction of an extravagant new fortress into which a thousand American officials and their many camp followers are fleeing. July 22, 2014. The embassy functions as the administrative office USA Ambassador in China. In an embassy, you will be asked certain questions concerning the country you want to visit. An embassy is simply a diplomatic or foreign mission that is permanently located in a host country. It was now used only for offices. That badge is the chain with which visitors are leashed. Frankfurt- FRN Nassau - NSS In 2003, for instance, after the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul relocated to a bunker 45 minutes from its old center-city location, Islamist terrorists bombed its former neighbors, the British Consulate and the London-based HSBC bank, apparently because they decided that the American defenses were too tough. this is one of the largest airline operators in the United States and is the world's largest low-cost airline. Hed joined the biggest nation-building exercise in history, a still-unfinished $63-billion effort that Van Buren compares to past[ing] together feathers year after year, hoping for a duck. Van Burens acerbic new memoir, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, recounts his two years as an official feather-paster in a country thats become an afterthought to most Americans. Hamilton- HML Cairo- CRO ap Baghdad's 'Big Dig': The US Embassy in. This embassy also has some facilities like the two mentioned above such as: Recreation facilities when you can ease your stress and exercise. Jakarta - JAK Chisinau- CHS Is it hot outside, is it cold? His idea now was to set the press straight on realities outside the Green Zone gates. Because the old U.S. embassy was located outside of the Green Zone, it was deemed unsafe for American diplomats and remained deserted. But no matter how sunny they seemed, the U.S. Embassies also embodied darker sides that lay within the very optimism they portrayedAmerica's excess of certainty, its interventionist urge, its fresh-faced, clear-eyed capacity for killing. test), and hopped a flight for Dubai. Those that do not contain official housing (and most do not) increasingly are linked to residential enclaves which themselves are fortified and guarded. [ 17 ] the Obama administration requested more than $ 100 million for a `` massive '' to! 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