the tenth secret of medjugorje

the tenth secret of medjugorje

You will grow in holiness and purity like a small white lamb. o Our Lady still appears to them at 6:40pm every day wherever they are This was not just a simple one-time encounter between St. Gabriel, me, and satan. And so, this summary is some of the thoughts that I wanted to share with you all, my dearly beloved blog followers, as well as to ask for your continuing prayers. Do not allow confusion to settle into your trusting little heart. Prophesied Date for the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal., After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje 1. So, particularly, these past two weeks, I have been doing much writing and other projects, that has keep me from posting much publicly to the blog. You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. God can do anything given our free-will permission, but we meaning the entire world has got to pray for a MIRACLE that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide in favor of President Donald Trump for re-election. This message is to be put out so My faithful are not deceived., Tuesday, September 12, 2017 I wrote about these prophecies in my Easter 2017 commentary at the time, also asking for prayer, because satan was heavily attacking me due to this knowledge: After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje All its future history unfolded before me, the destruction of the city by the Romans, the dispersal of Israel all over the world and the moment when the Jewish people would be invited to return, as the State of Israel was formed. Be firm. Then came the saddest time of all. This is due to the concerted prayer efforts of those who follow the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), the messages of Holy Love Ministries, and others, etc., such as those who follow this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. So, it is very easy to conclude that after the Great Warning, that the antichrist, and other minions of satan, such as the elite globalists/masonic forces, and Islamic terrorists, will be seeking the ultimate demise of the site of Medjugorje, because of what Medjugorje will come to represent to the worldthe source of reconciliation between mankind and Godafter the Warning happens. Feb 24, 2023. During this apparition, Our Lady gave Ivanka the tenth secret, and completed the account about the future of the world. Peter was the apostle to the Jews and Paul always preached first in the synagogues. I am a nobodyI am a virtual hermit and beyond my parish priest, I know nobody of significance in the Catholic Church. End Times Daily April 3, 2020 Mary, Our Lady of Light to Ned Dougherty Fear Not! a few months ago, in March 2018, Heaven told me certain prophecies about the futurein particular, about Pope Francis and other related matters about the Catholic Church. Especially, in this century of time given over to satan and his greatest temptations of evil as mankind teeters on the cusp of the Apocalypse its Great Tribulation and the unveiling of the antichrist, the son of satan, in all his diabolical terror and horrors. Most theologians are clueless because they do not study heavenly messages. around our children, our relatives, our friends. So, people should not read the Book of Revelation, thinking that all the events Good and evil are fully accounted for and described in Sacred Scriptures. Also, lukewarmness is not an option. And so, those are my simple reflections about the Great Chastisement. Mary As Advocate, Co-Redemptress, And Mediatrix Of All Grace. I am not infallible and I never will be. Seeing the Future of Israel. If the world repents of this one sin, I will hold back the chastisements of God and there will be a springtime without a winter. So, potentially, that results in a huge majority of people dying by nuclear weapons ending up as lost souls in hell. And well, unfortunately, I cannot reveal these prophecies publicly, because it would alter free will choices of mankind too much and would have negative consequences in the world. Michel Rodrigue The Time of the Refuges,, etc. Let your prayer be a prayer for peace. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (13 pages) of this commentary: Secrets and Chastisements Tilting the Earths Axis and Fire from Heaven (PDF), Secrets and Chastisements Tilting the Earths Axis and Fire from Heaven (ODT), Secrets and Chastisements Tilting the Earths Axis and Fire from Heaven (WordDoc), SECRETS AND CHASTISEMENTS However, I will be very truthful to you, my beloved blog followers, that when it comes to spiritual warfare, that I am very naive. Meanwhile, we have witnessed the tragedy on the world scene of recent history that has resulted by this lack of timely response by the popes and bishops to Our Ladys request. However, the rest of mankind who chooses to serve and obey the Lord will partake of this glory, too, at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus. My Sons arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes, Excerpt: The Chastisement Announced At La Salette, It is time; the sun is darkening; only faith will survive., Now is the time; the abyss is opening. Also, one of the chosen messengers was able to see in a vision, the Gates of Heaven open up as all of these unborn children entered Heaven and all the saints in Heaven who welcomed them were all carrying TRUMP signs as a message to all of us here on earth. New Video The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) 7 Days And 7 Nights The Cross Of Jesus Christ Will Be Seen In The Sky MaryRefugeOfSouls And so, now knowing about this unknown elementthe change of satans plans has been disheartening to me for the past two days, but I remain determined to do all I can for Jesus and the Blessed Mother as I am able to by grace. So, then when I read this, I understood that the Second Coming does not occur immediately after the Three Days of Darkness ends. Just as Israel was in the moment of distress, so the world itself will be in a moment of complete helplessness. As I have shared in prior writings, in January 2017, amidst much spiritual warfare, St. Gabriel the Archangel revealed to me several related insights into the Secrets of Our Lady of Medjugorje and Our Lady of Garabandal. My dearest little one, you are not perfect, but none of My creatures are with the exception of My Most Pure and Holy Mother, Mary. Yes, very much. My Father has given permission to herald My Second Coming within a very short period of time on Earth. Many mystical gifts might be received by attendees on those who have open heartsit is all dependent on Our Lords Divine Willbut I already know that hell is quaking in fear at what might happen during the conference and I expect the unexpected. Truly, I already know that the healing conference will not be any ordinary Catholic conference that I have attended in the past. As he and his cohorts inflict wickedness upon unsuspecting people in many nations, I will strike back. Must he not act for those who are being led astray? However, I believe that Papa God desires The Warning to happen on the original date He had in mind, which would not take place at least until late December 2021 the original deadline that I was first given to complete my book. Secondly, Our Heavenly Father (Papa God) revealed in one of His daily messages at Holy Love Ministries (, that He will no longer be giving any dates for large prayer event gatherings at the ministry site, Maranatha Spring and Shrine, in Ohio, USA. These steps have been outlined in my Appeal to Pope Francis, which many people have read. BBC reporter Mary Craig also reports an event that took place in the mid-1980s, while a team of French and Italian scientists examined the seers and their apparitions. Yes. (I began to cry. Keep us from all harm and protect us. JESUS CHRIST, Second Coming to happen soon after The Warning Because I needed to have the cognition to recognize their value in the Divine Plan, by first developing my thoughts on the refuges, the Fatima Pope and the Two Witnesses of Revelation, the sequence of the Garabandal and Medjugorje Secrets, the Fatima Consecration, the Secret of La Salette and the conditional Great Chastisement, and my Appeals to Pope Francis and my country, America. In the Book of Truth, Heaven prophesies the coming of the false prophet and antichrist of the Book of Revelation, along with other End Times prophecies, culminating in the Return of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Second Coming an ever-Glorious Event that will happen in the lives of many people in this current generation. The reason that I am sharing the excerpt is because I believe it is authentic and it mentions the chastisement announced at La Salette. The Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and the Great Chastisement of Garabandal involve the Three Days of Darkness, as prophesied by many Saints in the Catholic Church. So, please pray about this as well if you are open to attending. I appreciate your questions, as a few others have shared similar confusion on this matter, so I may do a writing explaining more fully this particular preparation for the Warning (Illumination of Conscience). And I read how most of the nations of the world would cooperate and come into the Light, thus, bringing about a new springtime in the world and universal peace. This wonderful day, when I will show them My Mercy as opposed to My Justice, must be welcomed by all. () During the time of the meeting, I noticed two different states of mind in you seers. These times are linked as all time in history is, but will be known as distinct times from mankinds perspective. Then at the end of the Era of Peace, there will come the final battle between Good and evil, culminating into the General Resurrection and Final Coming of Jesus. It will be so beautiful and complete that everything needed to sustain the life of My Children will be restored, in all its original beauty. The hearts of these people are so totally aligned with evil that no matter how much intervention by Heaven takes place, the hearts of these evil people will never change. And I feel it is prudent if I share my reply with you all (which has been somewhat modified with additional information), because I know that a lot of people may be relying on this new timeline on the new website as a source of reliability concerning future events. The Three Days of Darkness have been spoken about by many Catholic visionaries throughout the recent ages, as well as at Holy Love Ministries ( Meanwhile, the great time span (7,000 years) of Gods Redemptive Suffering for all of mankinds sins will be concluded. A year and a half later, I understand a little bit better why this information was given to me by Heaven, but even now, I continue to be very honestly, stunned by all of it. It was really, really bad to hear. The question is, But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 18, Verse 8). This will not be a final Age but will prepare for the Second Coming. I do not know who this unknown person issatans instrument. Yes, I have had my share of overt battles with satan, but I do not consider myself to be very experienced in such matters. Our Lady has also stated in the Locutions, that the tragedy of the annihilation of nations, is that such a world war catches the lives of so many people off-guard without adequate preparation for the moment of death and final reconciliation with God. I love all, My children. However, many souls will not be strong enough in their faith. My confusion lies in the difference in these terms. satan moved up everything that he is doing more than a year ahead of his schedule, because he knows that he is going to lose his grip on many souls through The Warning and events of Garabandal. At Garabandal and later at Medjugorje, the Virgin Mary appeared to a group of children and gave them secrets about the future. Otherwise, if the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal happen during the time-frame that we are already called by the Lord to the refuges, the original plan for the book (both volumes) still applies. I am hopeful that many people will sign-up for the 2-day rental, as I really want to see the movie and the producers must meet their 70,000 sign-up minimum in order to release the movie online. Nonetheless, I have been given special permission by Jesus to share this good news information on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. They are encouragement for people to look forward with anticipation the First Resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus. And then those, whose names are listed in the Book of the Living, will be gathered. This is how it all ended. So, I would like to address some of the special graces that will be given during the time of the refuges to the Remnant Faithful. Then, devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was revealed to St Mary Margaret of Alacoque, laying the foundation for the future revelations of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Fatima, Portugal, and then eventually, the United Hearts at Holy Love Ministries. It is not the 3 Days of Darkness, which comes at the very end of the 3 and a half years of the Great Tribulation. For if this date were to be made public, people would be tempted to seek redemption out of a sense of false humility. Medjugorje (Serbo-Croatian: Meugorje / , pronounced [mduorje]) is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and 20 km (12 mi) east of the border with Croatia.The town is part of the itluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina.Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to . And I realized my spiritual blindness to the Children of the Renewal messages was a blessing in disguise. As My great Act of Mercy for mankind gets closer, so too will the demons try to block out the Truth and prevent people, good people, from investing the time I need of them to save the souls of My children with no belief at all. I am so grateful for all those who pray for metruly, your prayers are true blessings for meand you and your loved ones are so treasured in my heart. Some lay people defended the Eucharist by taking the place of a priest in death and thus they became martyrs and died for the faith. Will God tilt the axis of the earth before or after the Great Warning? Papa desires to help each one of us who are seeking for Him. So, this priest-son will be fully familiar with both the eastern and western traditions and rites of the Universal Church (note, Catholic, means Universal). That is why it is so important these days to read, discern, and to be accepting of the Holy Spirits inspirations through heavenly messages given to different chosen messengers. No one would overrule His prerogative. Because, truly, the Great Warning will subject all of mankind to the highest level of accountability before God due to its nature as such a significant act of grace by Godat the same scale of accountability that all the angels were given by God at the dawn of Creation when one-third of the angels fell into disgrace and became lost to hell. Also, in regards to Pope Francis, how the Catholic Church needs to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as well as other necessary steps to usher in the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Excerpt: Part Of The Hidden Third Secret Of Fatima, A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This is because the Book of Revelation was written 2,000 years ago and God did not want satan and all of hell to know what God was planning to do in the End Times to defeat evil. However, from the messages that I have discerned thus far, I want to state that after the Great Tribulation endswhether by the Three Days of Darkness (Great Chastisement) or by a more favorable way by God, there will be a Renewal period on earth preceding the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is also my understanding that this event is the same as the 3 Days of Darkness, that takes place at the very end of the Great Tribulation. Today we talk about the last secret, the tenth The 10th cannot be reduced under any circumstances. The world feels that it has many years of future blessings. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. Then, there is an excerpt of the Secret of La Salette that describes the actual chastisement, as well as the related footnote commentary by the main seer, Melanie. In late 2015, I was introduced to the messages of Holy Family Refuge by a friend. (2/9/17) Blessed Virgin Mary If your nation (USA) listens to Gods Call to become a sanctuary for Christian belief, she will return to prosperity and worldwide leadership (not previously published). But, during the Great Warning, all six Medjugorje visionaries and Conchita of Garabandal will all fully experience all the supernatural terrors and elements of the Three Days of Darkness in their spiritual bodies which is not possible in a vision on earth. For this reason, St Joseph is the second greatest Saint in all of Heaven. Mother of Salvation: They will present a new red book, with the head of a goat embedded within its cover Because daily Masses have been interrupted in so many places and so many people have become less fervent in their faith, the few that remain have a heavy burden to fulfill, just to keep the uneasy balance on the scales of Divine Justice. I believe that these revelations are genuine and are of God and Our Lady., Jesus Christ To the nations of the world You are being given 2 visions of the future of the earth The kingdom of the Divine Will of my Father, or the kingdom of Satan, After the events of Jerusalem and the unifying of the Church with Israel, I will call all the nations into the Valley of Decision. Thursday, June 19th, 2014 @ 13:48. So, I admit very openly that all of these insights could only come from a superior intelligence than my own human intellect that either it is God or satan. So, please kindly pray for me and I will do the same for all of you! If I send my Son, Jesus, it will be the end., In the midst of all mans sins, what will I preach? The Intervention by Me will change the world forever. Hence, Her Immaculate Heart can Triumph in the end with Her Sons Most Sacred Heart, as all of mankind finally recognizes the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As they try to pigeonhole it too much into an intellectual framework, instead of taking the lead of the Holy Spirit. around all your faithful prayer warriors. This meant that over a billion unborn children entered Heaven and the Blessed Mother used their prayers to delay the Warning so their parents and others would not go to hell due to abortion. Meanwhile, I am grateful to God for the blessing and His unfathomable Love; and I am thankful that I can help others through these writings. As I indicated, the prayer efforts from last year enabled me to write the Appeal to Pope Francis, which I believe will be instrumental in saving his soul and helping the Blessed Mother in furthering Her Peace Plans among Her children. In truth, because there was so much spiritual warfare taking place concurrently while this information was being told to me, it felt like I had the whole heavenly court in my bedroom with me. They will be shaken out of their apathy and filled with astonishment. I was telling Jesus in prayer last night, how can He have so much patience with all of usall of us mankind? This is because most people will have seen the fires of hell in their life review. However, what St. Gabriel revealed to me in January completely flips this conventional thinking on its head. It was the Royal Wedding Feast of Immaculate Mary and the Holy Spirit, Whom became Her Beloved Eternal Spouse at the Annunciation. Because seven visionaries (Conchita of Garabandal and the six visionaries of Medjugorje) were seen as the ideal number of people . I was told this privately by Jesus on Wednesday (December 2nd); and then, the public message was given to the chosen messenger of the Holy Family Refuge messages on December 3rd, so that has helped to explain the situation. for the first two books, I still pretty much went through my savings to produce the first two volumes. Accept that when you hear My Name being rejected in the world today, that this comes directly from the influence of Satan. The other fact that I am choosing to reveal publicly at this time, is that St. Gabriel the Archangel was not the only heavenly person present when these insights were being given privately to me. Although Pope Pius IX did not declare the Universal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception until 1854, Heaven gave its approval ahead of this declaration in 1830 with the apparitions of Our Holy Mother to St Catherine Labour for the Miraculous Medal. Mainly, I do not know if the Abomination of Desolation takes place before or after the Great Warning happens. The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2012. She tells us not to wait for the sign on the mountain in order to convert, and in any event, all the secrets that I have confided will be realized and also the visible sign will be made manifest. The Consecration of Russia will also halt the annihilation of the nations by nuclear war which leads to the rise of the antichrist; 4) The martyrdom and resurrection of the Two Witnesses of Revelation in Jerusalem will halt the destruction of the Holy City and save the Jewish nation from annihilation. [This is the first public message from Our Lady through Chris Courtis since 2013], Message from Our LadyTo the WorldThrough Chris Courtis (at Home), (Source: Yes, I have had my share of overt battles with satan, but I do not consider myself to be very experienced in such matters. This will be necessary due to the large number of people who will die during the time of great trials. Every soul who prays to Me now and asks Me to save their closest family and friends will receive My Mercy in abundance. I admit that I have two advanced degrees at the university-level, but truly, I am not smart enough to think on my own human merits at this level of sophistication about the Divine Plan of God and Our Lady. would not be surviving today without the generous acts of love and simple prayer from many kind people. The time at hand is short because humanity is not listening to me. Meanwhile, as I indicated, this past March 2018, Heaven told me certain prophecies about Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, that I have had to keep private to myself because they are so explosive. The gates of hell will be fully open on earth so the devils can collect all the evil people of the Great Tribulation to finally drag them into hell. The other major factor is that in advance of the Warning, Papa God wanted Limbo to be emptied. However, there will be much confusion afterwards, as many people will not know the direction that Heaven wants earth to take. A book of Roman Catholic eschatology, based on study and interpretation. For if he doesnt, the world will suffer the most severe chastisement with much of it wiped out. Churches will see what they have never seen and do what they thought they would never do. Did God not know that He would postpone it? Then, in 1531, the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe took place, foreshadowing the coming of the Apocalypse (Chapter 12, Book of Revelation), which tragically involves abortion and other egregious errors against the sanctity of life, etc. Believe it is authentic and it mentions the chastisement announced at La Salette of Immaculate Mary and six! Listed in the difference in these terms the past that results in moment. Be reduced under any circumstances different states of mind in you seers of their apathy and with. World forever at Medjugorje, the Virgin Mary appeared to a group of children and gave them secrets about future... 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