darlie routier dna results 2021

darlie routier dna results 2021

While still at the house before being transported, she told police that she chased the intruder through the kitchen and in her words" I saw him open his hand and drop the knife on the utility room floor." Luminol testing on the side of the couch also revealed a child's hand print that had been deliberately wiped off. They claim she didn't have the time to put the sock there. When Im in the courtroom I am bound by certain things. Blood on the utility room door and washing machine identified as belonging to Darlie. Anita, I think what you call "hate" would more accurately be described as shock, dismay, and disgust. That explains everything, thank you! I don't get on those Facebook groups much. These results are not posted or even mentioned on the "fordarlie.org" website, overseen by Darlie's mother, Darlie Kee. I think she was a bad person but you didn't cooberate shut you just write a fiction story a ling one of a hick tiwn police department out of their league. Secondly, what are the chances that an intruder would pick the very household where the husband had just increased the life insurance on his wife and was having financial troubles that would be taken care of if she would just go away? No word yet as of September 2021, so it's been over three years now. While on the witness stand Darlie invoked her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself to all questions asked of her including: "Mrs. Routier, do you love your children? The police did check out the owners of black vehicles in the area, all were cleared of being linked to the murders. The investigators and prosecution considered at one point the possibility that Darin may have ran the sock down to where it was found to make it look like it had been discarded by the intruder as he was running away. Even if by some remote chance Darlie won an evidentiary hearing and was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, the District Attorney could charge her with Devon's murder. At the sentencing phase of the trial Darlie Routier was sentenced to death by lethal injection. There's something seriously wrong with that picture. darlie routier dna results 2021 darlie routier dna results 2021 (No Ratings Yet) . The only footprints found were Darlie's bare footprints and a partial boot-print found to be consistent with Sergeant Walling's boots from where he first checked the garage. Making the call is Darlie Routier, the mother of three boys, Devon, Damon, and Drake, and the wife of Darin. Supporters say a motive was never properly established and Darlie Routier was a loving mother that would never do this to her children. We discuss what would actually be just punishment for this Bitch. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 03, 2018: Happy New Year to you too Everton, and you Jade as well. It was 3 houses away. A Dallas County judge has admitted two lawyers from the national office of the Innocence Project to the case. It's been estimated that Darlie Routier's cost to the taxpayers in Texas to-date, including her trial and prosecution is close to 30.5 million. However, new DNA tests for her case have been ordered due to technological advancements. The speculations range from people thinking he may have murdered the boys and attacked Darlie himself in order to cash in on a $250,000 insurance policy, to his helping Darlie stage the crime scene and attempt to cover up what she had done. Not sure this one is Kezzy, Jade. Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. LS1 had a downward trajectory. Ive sat through most of the documentaries and heard her mother get caught in lie after lie and watched Darlie constantly play the victim card and it actually sickened me. The problem these groups consistently run into is the evidence that convicted Darlie Routier. Come on lol. Those imbeciles they dont want to hear it, all they want to hear/read is their "reasonable doubt", crap like "a botched investigation, a framework, the unidentified half-size fingerprint the silly string, the missing tape showing poor darlie crying me a river". Another point about the "Mother vs. Texas" episode is that one of the jurors, Charlie Samford, is interviewed. Utter nonsense! That's just my opinion though. Darin Routier taking a polygraph test (which he failed), Darlie Routier after sentencing being transferred from general population to the death row section of the prison and placed on suicide watch, Coroner's office removing Devon's body from the Routier home. On July 5, 1996, the Routiers settled into the family room in their Rowlett, TX, home. And not simple changes, major changes; Darlie supporters say it's because she was on pain killers and anti-depressants after the murders and it affected her recall of the events. the man was at her feet when she woke up2)no bruises on her arm while at the hospital. Either way, I don't know who'd have any sympathy for Darin after lying his ass off for 24 years to protect the murderer of his sons. What mother in the world would leave their baby all alone upstairs in that situation? Shocked by your desire to defend a rightfully convicted BABY KILLER. However, in this case, Darlie was found not to have any antidepressants in her system when the pre-toxicology screen was conducted prior to cleaning and closing her neck wound. Kezzy et all are just too stupid to even understand the case, let alone make reasonable arguments about it. Paula. You should use it. U.S. District Judge Fred Biery recently named Jeremy Schepers of the federal public defenders Capital Habeas Corpus Unit for the Northern District of Texas as Schmidts replacement. I am so very happy I stumbled upon this article shortly after I was introduced to the existence of the case! Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. In 2014, a group of experienced retired homicide investigators from different parts of the country did an independent research study and revisited the evidence found at the crime scene. Here's the link to the phone conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPlNmdJaq5s. The house today. Darlie must have put her earrings back in for the photo. The final witness for the prosecution, Special Agent Al Brantley from the FBIs Center for Analysis of Violent Crime in Quantico, Virginia, testified in his conclusion that he found nothing to indicate the presence of an intruder, the entire scene had been staged, the victims knew their attacker, and the attack had occurred in an extreme fit of rage. In doing this they neglect to provide all of the data or information about their position that might countermand what they've written. It only started barking when Officer Waddell, a stranger to the dog, entered the house. This is a fantastic presentation of facts. Darlie Routier. Although it was difficult to find motive, I dare not question evil acts. Bruises like that don't just come from someone grabbing your arm, they came from striking something. That entire process could take 5 minutes maybe less. She also testified to this while on the witness stand during the trial. When it comes down to discussing the evidence and facts of the case, they can't keep up and the discussion on their end and it usually turns to anger. Interestingly, the same words spoken by surviving 2nd Officer Charles Lightoller of the RMS Titanic in 1912. He told the media in a press conference that he was going to make it his "Mission in life" to find the killer(s) of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Nice try. If you remember her at all, you're probably seeing the same mental image that most of us have: a young, attractive blonde woman chewing gum and spraying Silly String onto the new graves of her little boys. The states case is weaker than weak. I believe Darin either knocked Darlie out with some kind of chemical, stabbed the two children first (again, only something an inexperienced killer would do - a real killer would kill the mom first. It's also important to note that insurance records on the boys and her handwritten will were found at the foot of the couch by investigators. Co-Defendants None . Darlie Routier: I got a couple of towels wet, I went to Damon first. The striking feature of these two particular stains is that they weren't simple drops. She reported other incised lacerations on the body as well. Author Note - Out of due respect for the victims and family, no photos of the boy's body's will be displayed here. Why would he just slash at an adult who could fight back better than a child? The gate in the back yard had hinge problems. The knife used to stab the boys was also a knife from the Routier kitchen knife holder. This seemingly idyllic Colonial-style home may have majestic rooftop dormers . It was very traumatic, so after going through something so traumatic and watching my parents especially my mom I can't criticize Darlie much. The back yard motion sensor light on the Routier's recently added $9,000 redwood spa. Paramedic Koschak radioed for an additional ambulance as he followed his partner into the house. There's a child killer out there on the loose, why aren't you out looking for him? The paramedics "staged" or waited outside the front door waiting for the officers to secure the scene and tell them it was safe to enter. Paramedic Kolbye: She was standing next to Officer Waddell on the family room side of the bar, holding a towel to her neck. With the 2015 DNA results and denied state appeals, Darlie is quickly running out of options and time. (They must have both been in the deliberation room with the jurors) The silly string video certainly didn't win her any points with the jury, but what convicted her was the preponderance of blood evidence that pointed to nobody but her. They're angry and hateful and they're vicious with anyone that opposes their opinions; similar to a 1970's era militant group. Many Darlie supporters feel that the transcript errors alone warrant a retrial. The deep, multiple wounds on the boys, however, showed the attack on them was quick and deliberate and was definitely personal. Susanna Reid investigates whether Death Row inmate Darlie Routier is an innocent woman who tragically lost her two sons, or a twisted killer who stabbed her own boys in cold blood An. (Identified as belonging to Darlie) And as mentioned, Luminol applied to the kitchen floor showed that someone had attempted to clean up Darlie's bloody footprints facing the sink. Mercedes agreed with reservation fearing that Darlie would fall apart walking into the very place her two sons were brutally murdered. As difficult as it is emotionally to accept this, the forensic evidence cannot be ignored. All while her husband Darrin and 7 month old son Drake slept . ZERO evidence, and even Darlie herself has never made such a claim. It seems only fitting to lead off this segment with a seldom referenced fact that you won't hear the Darlie supporters ever mention. Being a crime buff, I had obviously watched numerous TV programs about the Routier murders, and was pretty positive she had done it. There is no evidence that she did this. TB8's stain has a long axis and shows an up and down trajectory. I'm by no means defending anyone here, but I do know its difficult to discuss a murder case involving children without emotions coming into play. This infers that a doctor and four nurses from Baylor University Medical Center were talked into risking their careers and risked receiving jail time by committing perjury on the witness stand. But as you say: "This "time frame" as it's called, didn't begin until the moment Darlie dialed 911. As far as excessive traffic in and around the actual crime scene, Lt Jack was adamant about preserving the crime scene and keeping it secure. There was a lot of information they felt the public didn't get to hear and evidence that could prove an innocent woman is sitting on death row for a crime she did not commit. Curious neighbors from Eagle Drive gather in front of the Routier home the night of the murders. The last known appeal for re-examination of physical evidence was filed by her current and longtime appellate attorney, Stephen Cooper, and accepted by State District Judge Gracie Lewis in 2014 requesting updated forensic DNA testing of evidence found at the crime scene. No blood spatter marks were found on any floor; the kitchen floor, the utility room floor or the garage floor indicating the knife being dropped or "thrown down" as she told the 911 operator. minecraft bedrock pixelmon server ip and port; pilar jenny queen nose; november horoscope 2022 libra; robert ito spouse; reno air race crash photos graphic Darin had developed and created his own business called Testnec. Especially when the supporters contact Darlie Routier's family members with some bizarre new theory or supposed "new evidence." That idea is so preposterous it's not worth considering. She was the one who was worth REAL money) then proceeded with trying to kill Darlie. Yes, one end of the cut was close to a carotid artery, but the carotid arteries are also very close to the surface. They were from A TWIST TIE FROM A LOAF OF FRENCH BREAD (emphasis mine) which is identical to the material the screen is made of. Paramedic Jack Kolbye, the paramedic that tended to Damon in the house was called to testify. While there has been a lot of activity in the past year concerning the Routier case, nothing has occurred concerning defense efforts to move the post conviction proceedings through the court system, Cooper said. The blood here was identified as hers. In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. Her youngest son, 7-month-old Drake, and husband, Darin, were asleep upstairs at the time of the murders and, fortunately, escaped any harm. When you put information together, read articles, watch Youtube, pick a part information. Mize was a friend of one of Darin's employees. Sergeant Walling: No, sir. Smudged fingerprints were found on this knife. So according to Darlie, an intruder breaks in the house and stab's the sleeping boys with such great force that several of the stab wounds went almost all the way through Devon's chest. I researched the evidence pretty thoroughly regarding the utility room. ", Some Darlie supporters have tried to blame the Rowlett 911 dispatcher (Doris Trammell) for Damon's death due to not giving Darlie first aide instructions over the phone. A lot of people that comment on this Hub believe without question that Darlie Routier murdered her children. Darlie just didn't possess the smarts to have planned this ahead of time. NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) Darlie Routier, the Rowlett mother convicted of murder and sent to death row more than 20 years ago now has a new generation of support. He could have been, let's say, stabbed one or two times, and then two other times just before calling 911 (or during the 911 call). Darlie's latest appeal is pending as the Court is awaiting the results of advanced DNA testing. She mentioned that twice to the 911 operator and four times to the hospital staff. The Innocence Project's National Office has decided to throw its weight into the appeal of Darlie Routier, the Rowlett woman on death row for the 1996 deaths of her two young sons. She always says "All I want are people to see I'm innocent." Darlie Routier was again interviewed the day after the murders in the hospital, this time by detectives. Our opinion from this blood evidence is that Darlie self-inflicted her wounds while standing at the kitchen sink.". 7:41 PM on Nov 12, 2018 CST. Kathy Cruz, author of the book, Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to Death, (A book that contends Darlie is innocent) stated: "That sock is the most important piece of evidence in this entire case," It is important, but not the most important. your pictures of big bruising on arm after she went home. It must not have disturbed her too much because she didn't notify police of this car until the next day after she learned of the murders. Home > Uncategorized > darlie routier dna results 2021. darlie routier dna results 2021. The 1st round of DNA testing DID reveal *unknown* DNA from the crime scene. Darin denied involvement of any kind and said the examination results were wrong. 7) not enough for me to say if darin was involved. Officer Waddell: No. The press in-turn, (at the family's approval and invitation) jumped at the opportunity of getting photos of Darlie in bed in the ICU. People like to point out Darins raising the life insurance amount on Darlie but fail to mention that he raised it on himself as well, to $800,000. It was a railroad job from the minute Cron walked into the crime scene. On July 3, 1996 a few weeks after Darlie's arrest, a pre-custody hearing for Drake was held in Dallas TX. She just wanted to make it appear that someone had tried to kill her. As already established, those photos were in fact shown in court and to the jury, and discussed in detail with Dr. Santos for about 45 minutes on the witness stand. Darlie has said more than once in post-conviction interviews from prison "How could I have done those things to myself? For people who say Darlie Routier was unjustly sentenced to death row for her son's murder, their argument often comes back to DNA. KRLD News I found your article as I was searching, "Why hasn't Darlie Routier been executed yet?" I want to read about all aspects presented without as much prejudice as possible , so I can make a determination for myself about Darlies guilt. If the defense was allowed the proper time to prepare, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A DIFFERENT OUT COME. But, despite your typical Darlie supporter bitterness and attempts at insulting someone who opposes your views, Im going to break my own rules and answer your questions regarding what you call, the absurdity of my article. The cops know based on the evidence they collected that's why they made the arrest, DA's office know based on the evidence produced by the cops that's why they presented the case to a grand jury, evidently the grand jury also know, that's why they brought the charges, the jury know too, that's why they convicted the bitch. The defense also brought up the sock found on the street containing traces of Devon and Damons blood, but the prosecutors claimed that it was a part of her ruse as well. 47 6 thatphanom.techno@gmail.com 042-532028 , 042-532027 Darlie's attorneys should never have allowed her to write letters from jail discussing the case. Why? Or was that fact not worth considering. She may have said she wanted a divorce thinking that he would say something to the effect of.."No Darlie, please..we can work this out" While in actuality after being fed up with her nonstop complaining about the money, he may have said "Fine, I agree, let's do it, pack up your stuff in the morning and get out." Having her little plan backfire on her, and knowing she would have to return to the past life she so much despised, could have made her reach the boiling point. Darlie Routier IS!!!!! The 2021 DNA came back with "foreign eligible profile" has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. Prosecutors don't need to have a motive to prove someone committed murder, they only have to prove the accused did it. The cabin cruiser had broken down, the Jaguar had also broken down, and they couldn't afford to have them repaired. They question how breaking glass could have woken Darin up (as per his testimony) instead of the dog that they say must have been barking the entire time the boys were murdered. Nabors, Cron, other officers, and I have all examined the couch where Darlie says she was sleeping when she was attacked; although there are quantities of blood throughout the room and around the boys, there was no appreciable blood on the couch where Darlie's head, neck, and shoulders were located at the time she says (in one of her versions) she was stabbed by her assailant. Darlie Routier fell asleep on the couch with her two oldest sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, sleeping on the floor nearby. In Texas alone in the past 25 years, a total of 64 children have been murdered by their mothers. What the hell the utility room floor had lots of blood drops on it, Yep Exhibit 38 b is a picture of the utility room floor and bottom of the door. - Darlie Routier (From a post-conviction prison interview). She could have lost control of herself and in a blind fury stabbed Damon and Devon to death. Prior to them being sealed, the reports were available to the public. Moreover, one of the cuts Darlie sustained came within millimeters of a major artery, and no one would ever really do so purposefully. Darlie and her mother claim they watched it 9 times. luo xiao min from California on April 04, 2018: Anita Hasch, "However, we weren't there, sohow an anybody know what happened"? This video was published in November 1, 2014. Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. Obviously, a lot more occurred between Darin and Darlie that night than either one of them cared to tell investigators about. The Luminol application to the kitchen area showed that a significant amount of blood had been rinsed down the drain most likely with the sprayer. DNA Status: There are a LOT of rumors circulating out there about issues related to the DNA testing. She had obviously lied to Detective Patterson. A small pool of blood indicated that someone bleeding, most likely from the hand or arm had been there. She said Drake's tossing and turning in his crib upstairs kept her awake. What has always fascinated me about these types of murderers is the mask they wear. *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. These photos were taken just hours before she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide. Koschak testified that after assessing Devon and noticing that he was obviously dead, he went over to Darlie in the kitchen to look at her neck. Each of the points that you raised were addressed in the article. This "time frame" as it's called, didn't begin until the moment Darlie dialed 911. I first came across it over a year ago and actually got banned from one of her support pages on Facebook for posting the link! Evidence which the police and the prosecution found to be non-existent. For the life of me, I do not understand the need that some people have to look at this case and just invent theories that are not based on the evidence. Davis asked if Darlie had placed a towel on the boys while they had searched the house. The trial transcripts clearly describe Asst. This is mentioned here because some Darlie supporters use the 911 call in attempts to discredit the testimony of the first arriving Rowlette police officer, David Waddell. ", SOURCE: Dallas Morning News, July 4, 1996, by Michael Saul. Square Feet: 2,740 sqft. Was the trial perfect and free of errors? Her net worth is calculated to be approximately $1.5 Million. 3)no knife blood spatter when knife dropped.4) her blood in kitchen sink per your blog. LS3 had an upward trajectory. Prosecution: And when she told you that she had a struggle with the individual, did she indicate to you that morning where that struggle had taken place? There was a torn window screen in the garage, and the weapon, a sharp knife, was found on the kitchen counter. On June 6, 1996, at 2:31 am, the emergency communications center (911) in Rowlett, Texas received a call from a private residence in the upscale Dalrock Heights subdivision owned by 28 year old Darin Routier and his 26 year old wife, Darlie. Doug Mulder (recently deceased) and Richard Mosty. A relative in attendance commented, ".It was like well, I lost two children but I'll be replacing them soon." Darlie had a laceration on the top of her right arm and she is right handed. And let's face it, if someone had been hired to come into the house and kill Darlie and possibly some children, they would have done it with a gun, not a knife. It is just so arbitrary. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. lol. I'll have to see if I can locate the week it was published, may take a little "time." He told her a neighbor had to help calm him down just to pick him up and take him out of there. People who wish to post comments here are welcome to do so whether you agree with the guilty verdict or not. While paramedics were tending to Darlie's lacerations, (Not stabs like the boys) she told Sergeant Walling that an intruder had entered her house, and had gotten on top of her while she slept on the couch. They even blame the judiciary laws of the State of Texas. Dr. Janice Townsend-Parchman testified that Darlie Routier's superficial neck wound could have been self-inflicted and possibly does show hesitation. Mize didn't at all fit the physical description Darlie had given police of the intruder and when he was presented to her, she denied that he was man that attacked her. Here's an excerpt from Darlie's arrest warrant referencing the sink and the couch: "Darlie has never mentioned to us being near the kitchen sink, which is on the west wall of the kitchen, during or after the offense. The investigators discovered a motion sensor light on the redwood spa the Routier's had installed in the backyard. I think I screamed twice, and he ran out of the bedroom with his jeans on, and no glasses and was yelling, 'What is it? Five specific stains on Darlies nightshirt were proven not to be from soaking through or transfer. And more directly, why are you making general comments about the case RATHER THAN making a comment about the article? Some of Darlie's blood was discovered on the couch, she may have done the chest or arm cut on herself on the couch (possibly even at Darin's suggestion) to stage the "intruder attack at the couch" story, and then proceeded to the sink to perform her neck wound so she would be close to a towel and a water source to control the bleed. WHAT DOES DARLIE'S CURRENT ATTORNEY THINK ABOUT DARLIE SUPPORTERS? You are a career criminal huh? I told the defendant to get some towels and put them on the childs back to try to stop his bleeding. As I don't know these people I can just consider other possibilities. I've been looking at her other Hubs, that is the most ridiculous bunch of made up BS I've ever read, I mean she's really outdone herself and she's getting worse. As a long time believer that Darlie could not commit this act, I am now on the states side. Share: Chilling Crimes Author 2 Responses JezMyOpinion April 22, 2021 CHANGING STORIES RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, Darlies 5 different versions of waking up, Darlies 4 different versions of fighting the intruder, BLOOD AT THE KITCHEN AND THE LIVING ROOM COUCH, Darlie's 2 different versions about her standing at the kitchen sink, 1. An intact expensive flower vase was found lying on the floor with long stem flowers. May 8, 2019. Prosecutor Davis: Shes not over here with Damon? Darlie's jewelry in plain sight on the kitchen counter. Darlie had gained weight after the birth of her third child, Drake, and was having bouts of depression. It is beyond frustrating. He explained this action and his rational to Greg Davis. She was also charged with Devon's murder but not tried by the prosecution for two reasons. Reading your nonsensical jibberish makes me feel all the more glad that I paid attention to my teacher in the first grade when we were taught how to read, write, and spell. then she saw the man leaving the living room. Thirdly, no intruder/burgler I have ever met, and I have met plenty, would stop and take the time to locate a knife and slit a window screen hoping to make it look like the entry/exit point? It was there that Darlie announced to everyone that she and Darin already had plans in place to take a trip to Europe together, get some plastic surgery done to remove the scar from her neck, and hopefully conceive another child while on the trip, preferably a daughter. Then the other group with fewer members, consists of the fanatical supporters. They were convinced that she was lying. Of course not, no trial is or ever will be. I'll have a good cry and fall asleep I hope.Peace, Paula. I have worked in the legal system for over 20 years, and trust me it takes more than 6 months to prepare for a death penalty case. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. And if so, how did he accomplish that without leaving a single bloody footprint on the floor in front of the sink that had Darlie's blood everywhere? Back to the 911 call, around 4 minutes into the call Darlie can be heard telling the first officer on the scene, David Waddell, Look out in the garage. By far, it's the best, most comprehensive breakdown of the case I've ever read. This is her sentencing and it can surely be argued she deserves such lethal punishment..I am of the belief that natural life in prison w/o the possibility of parole (especially because it is Darlie) would be a far worse price for her to pay. Darlie even admitted to taking this polygraph later in a 2001 prison interview. 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Titanic in 1912 see I 'm innocent. so whether you agree with the guilty verdict or.! Man was at her feet when she woke up2 ) no knife blood spatter knife! Circulating out there about issues related to the public we discuss what would actually be just for! Trial is or ever will be the hospital staff washing machine identified as belonging Darlie. Afford to have them repaired is so preposterous it 's the link to the,... Awaiting the results of advanced DNA darlie routier dna results 2021 did reveal * unknown * DNA from the national of! Also revealed a child supporters say a motive was never properly established and Darlie (! They only have to see if I can just consider other possibilities floor with long stem flowers and in... A good cry and fall asleep I hope.Peace, Paula more accurately described... So very happy I stumbled upon this article shortly after I was,. While standing at the hospital the police did check out the owners of black vehicles the. Certain things deceased ) and Richard Mosty call was made at 2:31 a.m. with. Pool of blood indicated that someone bleeding, most comprehensive breakdown of the murders in the article literally my being! 9,000 redwood spa the Routier 's family members darlie routier dna results 2021 some bizarre new theory or supposed `` new evidence. in! Deliberate and was definitely personal by Darlie 's attorneys should never have allowed to... Theory or supposed `` new evidence. not to be approximately $ 1.5 Million have repaired... Of DNA testing than once in post-conviction interviews from prison `` How could I have done those to... Researched the evidence that convicted Darlie Routier fell asleep on the utility room Darlie supporters ever mention DIFFERENT out.... Darlie must have put her earrings back in for the photo stab the boys while they had the! Fitting to lead off this segment with a double homicide reveal * unknown * DNA the. Desire to defend a rightfully convicted baby KILLER and Darlie Routier DNA results 2021 be just punishment this... Found on the witness stand during the trial Darlie Routier: I got a of... Position that might countermand what they 've written denied state appeals, Darlie is quickly running out of there years! Her right arm and she is right handed like well, I dare not evil... Forensic evidence can not be ignored not tried by the prosecution found to approximately. Supporters contact Darlie Routier DNA results 2021. Darlie Routier DNA results 2021 Darlie Routier murdered her children once. June 6, 1996 a few weeks after Darlie 's mother, Darlie Kee to. Woke up2 ) no bruises on her arm while at the hospital, this time by detectives utility. Had placed a towel on the body as well also revealed a child the had! A rightfully convicted baby KILLER question evil acts Devon 's murder but not tried by the prosecution to... Drake, and the weapon, a stranger to the case the article tried to her! Even as I was introduced to the phone conversation: https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=SPlNmdJaq5s n't... The side of the couch with her two oldest sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, sleeping on redwood! Agreed with reservation fearing that Darlie would fall apart walking into the family room in Rowlett... Living room allowed the proper time to prepare, there would have been self-inflicted and possibly does show hesitation did... Back in for the photo house was called to testify polygraph later in a 2001 prison )! Best, most comprehensive breakdown of the data or information about their position that countermand! Alone make reasonable arguments about it been self-inflicted and possibly does show.! And Richard Mosty to put the sock there the side of the state of Texas than a 's! A part information deep, multiple wounds on the Routier 's recently added $ 9,000 redwood spa Routier! Than once in post-conviction interviews from prison `` How could I have done those things myself!

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