conflict management icebreaker activities

conflict management icebreaker activities

Give them a different topic and different sides and this time they are not allowed to use But or However. to be viewed during the training. I used 'course introduction' with a group on a departmental awayday. Make crayons, markers or colored pencils available. Part of the process for designing an ice breaker includes designing the best environment for conflict resolution to take place. })(); Top : Exercises and Training Activities To Teach Conflict Management: In this section you'll find descriptions and links to free training activities and exercises that can be used to teach conflict management and conflict resolution skills to all ages. Please feel free to integrate them into your training sessions and workshops. Each time traveler should represent a different jump in time, for instance later in the day, the next day, next week, next year, and ten years. Ask them to write 4 words down that they associate with the word "conflict" Step 2: Useful For:Everyone who interacts with others at work. copyright 2003-2023 6. Each employee mustshare a conflict they navigated in the past (regardless of the outcome) and how they handled it. So the pair will have 4 words at the end. Group Size:This module can be used with groups of any size. Defusing Angry Customers Resolving those in the exercise to create common meaning or vision can be part of working through disagreement. Following this format, teammates will work together to write a story based around a work conflict. You can develop a story or scenario similar to what they might encounter in the workplace and roleplay it with your team. This is a really great activity, either for a Listening exercise or for going down the Assumptions route. They feel worse working in their environments, snip and snipe at their teammates, and treat others like competitors, not partners. Animals should be tiger, turtle, fox and dove. No one said you can't talk to one another (if they did not communicate. If so, please feel free to leave a comment down below, and we'll get back to you within a day or two! The icebreakers in this activity set the stage for working on conflict management in a group. The rest of the team can give the leader feedback about their success at the end. Some examples: "The king could no longer walk". While ideal for the first days or weeks of school, the resources in this bundle are suitable for any time of the school year. Aims: To encourage participants to share information about themselves. To explore values and beliefs. To build rapport among participants. | Library Home Page | This activity is, after all, a very personal exercise. After the first round, you can have a second round so that the other person has now the chance to start asking the first question. You can modify each activity to meet the specific needs, abilities and interests of those in your group. Well written, and contains a good reference list at the end. - Fun short exercise done in demonstration form with two volunteers, to highlight how our assumptions color what we hear, the importance of active listening, and relationship of assumptions to conflict. Recently I used this for a communications workshop and I love the participants reaction to this every time. Make sure you play outdoors or in an open indoor space. Simultaneously, it will give participants a chance to work with and get to know others in the class. Conflict Resolution Activities | Trainers Warehouse WorkSMART: Tips for a happier, more engaged workplace Call Us: 800-299-3770Fax: 508-651-2674 Home Recent Posts Shop About Get in Touch Response 2 Yes, you are. You'll Need: A printed copy of the large (A3) Trainer version of the Word Search grid provided, affixed to a flipchart. It nearly always creates controversy - 'Can you read that again?'. As a result everyone is part of a much more valuable training where they learn about diversity and get to call upon on the experiences in the room. Twitter What would you do if you heard that a teammate was spreading a rumor that you were hoarding all the packets of Cheez-Its from the break room snack stash? It really gets participants to listen when in an argument or a conflict situation. 1. You also want to avoid ongoing conflicts or stories that involve anything too personal or too risky to disclose. 7. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants. Aims: To define assertiveness and identify the characteristics of assertive behaviour. To identify situations where participants find it difficult to be assertive. You want as many points as you can get and don't care about anyone else. You can ask questions such as: Download this Conflict ResolutionActivity for adults (PDF). In each corner of the room, hang a sheet of paper with the name of one animal. Doing so provides you with astrongstarting point from which you can build conflict resolution strategies using the other games and activities on this list. Closed questions are those that require just a yes or no answer. I've used it with new recruits to customer service teams and with senior managers in a local council. Aims: To introduce different styles of information gathering. To understand that we all have a different viewpoint or perspective. Here is our list of the best conflict management games to play at work. I quite like to let this session over run by 5 or 10 minutes when it is going well as it rounds off a hectic morning nicely. The game helps teammates be less reactive, and think through how conflicts could play out, which helps them control themselves and control the outcome. The employee tells their story, and the team can discuss it, offer criticism and suggestions, and talk about what an appropriate resolution might look like. It has allowed us to use a fun exercise to identify the pitfalls of assumptions and stereotypical situations. One of the interesting 'take-aways' was that the fear of not understanding every word (the B1s) was greatly reduced as they were told they were going to hear a story. To do this in a meaningful and productive way, your group members will need to know one another, be able to share a laugh, and be comfortable talking together. These modules worked extremely well and prompted lots of interest from the participants and also some key learning points were easily identified. The statement should be workplace-relevant and otherwise innocuous, like "When will you have X task completed? Before I allow them toexamine the rope closely, I ask them to come up with a consequence that the whole group must do if they guess wrong. Notes:Running times will increase with larger groups. Each person can take responsibility for one fraction of the mural, and it does not matter if their drawings have anything to do with one another. The troubled parties explain the problem, and the time travelers talk about the ways the problem was solved in the future. You should have found a more professional way to deal with the problem, instead of harming your coworker. Trivia is a simple icebreaker that allows a team to practice teamwork techniques. Unfortunately, these methods may conflict with one another, so recognizing how an individual responds to conflict can build awareness and the ability to work around it. Having said that, for a topic such as conflict management, the The Positive Definitions Game Ice Breaker above gets people working in teams from the start and fits in with the course title itself so this is quite a good starting activity. A simple, yet effective exercise, I like the fact that it uses Goldilocks, a story which most of us will be aware of from childhood. In fact some people had been quite arrogant in their assumptions intially and quickly realised that this resulted in their undoing! Before I sign off, here are some more great resources to help you: Here are some of the main causes of conflict in the workplace for your information and also Lencionis model which discusses the five dysfunctions of a team one of them actually being fear of conflict! The topic for the presentation was Diversity for Dummies. 2. Once again both parties will have 5 minutes. You will have chosen person A to take an opinion on the topic and person B another opinion on the topic. - Great starting point for conflict management exercises. I've used this in Customer Service training to highlight the importance of not making assumptions about what you think you know or think the Customer wants when making recommendations on products. In each corner of the room, hang a sheet of paper with the name of one animal. After playing for about ten minutes, ask participants to describe what they noticed and what did or did not surprise them about the rest of the group's participation. Ask each pair to stand facing each other and hold out one of their fists (like in the game rock, paper, scissors) and say together: Nothing, something, anything! Once they say the word anything, each participant will have to say the name of one object they can think of (for example, car, table, cat, flower). This chain can end afterdiscoveringthe underlying meaning and proceed to the discussion of the disconnect between what one party means and what another hears. Company Number: 06680497 VAT Number: 422947194. Pages Updated On: However, some of the statements are ambiguous and biased towards eliciting an incorrect "true" answer. Ive since trialled your Witches of Glum on a group of B1-C1 level participants (Italian professionals, from the same company). This was my first venture into this type of presentation of this topic as I have only recently begun to train in the topic with the Ford Motor Company. Solving a riddle will require team members to work together to discuss potential solutions and will open the doors for communication. Original Poster Somebody kept stealing my lunch from the break room fridge, so I slathered my sandwich in extra hot habanero sauce yesterday. While anger management activities for adults may take more time to plan, there are also a variety of games that can be used in anger management groups to help practice and understand skills, as well as promote bonding across members of the group. Guest Contributions - Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution, How Fighting Dirty At Work Can Be A Career Stopper. I solved this by reducing the statements to only one fact. FIND THE COMMONALITY The game is a perfect team bonding game. Misunderstanding can result from poor listening and conflict can easily arise from the misunderstanding. Ask them to write the titles Definition, Negatives and Positives and to list their answers under those headings. I use it alone, as a quick review of team performance, or as part of a team building day to make the more abstract learning apply to the actual experience of all participants. While folks can speculate how they may react in certain scenarios, the truth is that teammates cannot predict every possible conflict or know how they will react to challenging situations. Finally, bring everyone back together and ask each group to share something about their conflict identity with others. Works really well in getting the point across around not making assumptions and reinforcing the importance of active listening. As such, what a great way to get people to listen actively, consider why people don't always 'get-it' first time, stops them tutting at each other, and maybe (just maybe) helps to improve communication by considering the ears half of the equation. Clio has taught education courses at the college level and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Or, you could also read scenarios out loud in a Zoom call, and ask participants to respond via reaction, the chat, or the polling feature. Please share below. For an instructor, there might be awkwardness, too, as she tries to assess a class. I have used this exercise a number of times. Group Sports mixetto / E+ via Getty Images In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. 2. My favourite conflict resolution activity is called Everything before the BUT is BS! and is something that I like to use in Management Development Programmes and generic Manager Training Courses. - When Messages get Lost in Translation, Course Introduction - A Basic Introduction to Training Events, Flendas Tale - Understanding Our Impact on the Behaviour of Others. . 30 minute activity. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size. Illustrates the importance of listening and not making assumptions really well and it doesn't take too long to do either. I then have a discussion with the group asking them why they made the assumptions and it really makes them think about it. After three minutes, pause the game and ask participants to engage in dialogue this time. Thus, you can promote appropriate means of handling conflict. Sentences might include relatively superficial ones, such as: Sentences can also get a bit more complicated, such as: It can be helpful to intersperse the more superficial sentences with the deeper ones. 5. Its a good influencing skills example as well. Explain that debate is an attempt to prove that your position is better than the other persons position. And ESH, for "everyone sucks here," a scenario where no one acted appropriately. Conflicts can get heated, and it is important to create an environment of respect where teammates can contribute safely. Time:This exercise will take about 25 minutes to complete. You'll Need: Flipchart paper and plenty of post-it notes. We cover topics of interest to regular employees, managers, and HR professionals. Then, ask the group to think up and share all possible entries for each category. How could you use open questions during a conflict? You can have players vote on certain actions multiple-choice style in a poll, or call on players to share answers out loud. It is a good alternative to the Goldilocks exercise. Use hypotheticals and genericized stories instead. Hundreds of techniques, tips, advice, taken from our books on dealing with difficult customers and conflict with customers. (influencing) Most unique | 3. Open questions start with what, how, why, who, when, where and they usually require more than a yes or no answer. I really liked the audio file, the story was familiar but different enough to be interesting and it made a change than listening to the trainers voice. Teaching people to manage conflict is one of the best ways you can help them be productive and satisfied. In this game, developed at MIT, players focus on hidden motives, differing objectives in negotiation, and the conflicts that arise from individuals operating with their own interests in mind. Divide your team into two groups so that one can be the management and the other can represent employees.. Explain to the group that you are going to read a set of sentences. Time Traveler Troubles is a fun roleplaying game. At the end of each story, other team members can weigh in, share praise or constructive criticism, and suggest other ideas for dealing with the issue. While you can do so with traditional training, games and activities are one of the best ways to handle it. Fantastically effective exercise. The first speaker then reacts with a you heard, I meant, statement. Blow Wind, Blow! It is better to teach teammates how to effectively navigate conflict rather than trying to avoid clashes altogether. I have used it in small groups of 6+ and more recently I used it as part of a large event on commissioning / co-creation where we had 50+ so it is very versatile. Our main site with over 400 articles on life in the workplace. To do Choose Your Own Adventure Stories as a group, you can pick a tale to play on, or write your own script with multiple outcomes. 1. Our product and service descriptions are free of overblown claims, and selling. Icebreakers are short games or activities designed to get a group going and make everyone in the group feel comfortable with everyone else, all while having a good time. Remote/Virtual Delivery:There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers Library. What would you do if your boss took credit for your work during a meeting? After the allotted time is up, have one person from each group, say aloud to the class, what their definition and positives and negatives were, that they listed. Objective: To get team members to work through conflicts, differing opinions and how different team members handle conflict. One team member starts by making a statement. The Team Conflict Strategies Inventory is another assessment meant to help train teams to assess and resolve conflicts between groups without leaving individuals feeling left out of the conversation. What techniques did you use to come up with the 4 words? Well help to transform your leaders into managers through our practical and engaging approach and strategies to learning and development. Ten or more exercises explained in depth, including guides for facilitators, and group leaders who want to use them. Why? What would you do if two teammates refused to speak to each other and used you as an in between? Advise participants to use open questions instead of closed questions. In every case, I've never been disappointed with the response from the learners and it's such a good way of taking the wind out of the sails of the more arrogant delegates! Copyright 2008 - 2023 is a part of ProMarketingOnline Ltd. There are several ways you can use AITA-style storytelling to facilitate team training and conflict resolution. Please do check its suitability for your audience before running this quiz. In fact some things can have completely different opposite connotations. Ask the participants to work in pairs. Let's dig in! Conflict Management Icebreakers Who Are You In a Conflict? In groups, they were able to discuss what they heard and often the lower levels had taken in lots of detail. How to Keep Employees Engaged and Motivated During Training, 5 Simple Tips to Prevent Employee Stress and Burnout, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, read more about this exercise and the debrief here. Be cautious here about the stories each individual chooses. Assign each team a side for the conflict, which they will then argue for 2-3 minutes at a time. In this activity, teams map out the development of an issue. Thegroup's moderatorplaces the rope in a pile and tasks the group with deciding whether or not, if the rope is pulled from both ends, it will have a knot in it. The story is, of course, Assumptions The Witches of Glum. It is possible to use this exercise in conference situations as well as more usual training interventions like courses and workshops. This module is also suitable for remote/virtual delivery see separate note. Assertiveness Spectrum Time: In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes. Inform the teams that they must answer the 3 questions: 3. Were a trusted brand and you will be in safe hands. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module. My participants seem to really love it and it never fails to cause discussion and training room banter with bags full of light hearted frustration. A cold wind blows for anybody who has ever helped someone else resolve a conflict. 28-Jul-2017 Make-Believe Mediations are one of the most fun conflict resolution games. Another teammate responds by giving their interpretation, in a you said, I heard format., You said, When will you have that report ready?. Aims: To identify things participants have in common with each other. To explore the impact on relationships of finding common ground. Aims: To welcome the participants. To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other. To introduce the facilities. To agree the course objectives and timetable. As our company is a financial retail business we deal with all types customers from all walks of life. Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. Really makes people think about their active listening skills. The aim is to win over the other person by finding faults in the other persons position. I can thoroughly recommend its use for any type of presentation in this area of work. (function() { After the time is up, hang the mural and ask participants what they notice and what they learned from sitting and working alongside other group members. If questioned, I have had the entire group turn their decision around. For this activity, your team gets together to tell stories about actual, real conflicts they've been involved with in the past. Thetopic can be broad and far-reaching, like the issue of climate change, or narrow and interpersonal, like a conflict over parking at the office. One of the most useful team exercises for conflict resolution is to have candid discussions about past challenges. Table of Contents Before You Begin Activity 1: AITA Activity 2: Rotate Debates Activity 3: Said, Heard, Meant Activity 4: The Two Dollar Game Activity 5: Arm-Wrestling Activity 6: Storytelling Activity 7: Knot or Not Resolving Conflict Before You Begin When the word conflict resolution comes up, most folks minds go straight to mediation. Hundreds of techniques, tips, advice, taken from our books on dealing with difficult customers and conflict with customers. Include the causes of the incident and any related happenings that preceded the climax, as well as the main points of conflict, and the after effects. No-one has ever got all the questions correct yet! Pro tip: If you do not have a work conflict to explore, then you can have team members practice this exercise by using a pop culture or historical conflict. First, they must decide if-when they pull on the end of a rope-there will be a knot or no knot within the length of the rope. Our Google Reviews and our FEEFO Reviews speak for themselves. Conflict Activity: Four Words Objective: To get team members to work through conflicts, differing opinions and how different team members handle conflict. This exercise encourages honest self-reflection and communication, and is a good fit for more serious groups who are not into games. Pro tip: You can also add one extra round and ask debaters to argue both sides of the argument together by collaboratively thinking up new points for each topic. The follow-up question must be connected to the previous question. 2. Thanks Glasstap for providing such fabulous material. The other person will then either just answer the question or answer and follow up with another question, but which must build on the previous question. We also have a list of books on negotiating and books on problem solving skills. NTA, for no, you're not. Some of the delegates didn't listen when I read the story, as they thought they knew it (as it is a popular children's tale). Notes:You will need a clear space for your participants to move along the Assertiveness Spectrum. Work Storm Brainstorm is a collaborative conflict-solving activity that collects input on an issue from the whole team. This simple activity requires one prop: a colorful, distracting rope. However, a large part of solving workplace conflicts is preparing team members to handle disagreements and teaching pre-emptive skills to handle these issues. How did you feel about each situation (debate vs dialogue)? Different people view conflict differently and take different actions to resolve them. Person B will argue against it. I recommend this little gem of a resource as suitable with all staff and management! At least 50% of the delegates get less that 50% of the statements right each time we run the session perfectly illustrating the learning point. Pro tip: To get the maximum impact from this activity, have teammates talk through how they can apply Choose Your Own Adventure logic to real-world conflicts at the end of the exercise. LinkedIn EQUIPMENT: Flipchart MATERIALS: Handout: Pop Quiz on Attitudes Toward Conflict PROCEDURE: 1. Then, have each group talk among themselves, getting to know one another and sharing why they chose that corner. Explain to participants that people often come to a conflict-resolution While sharing the story, the presenter should touch on the following points: If the conflict happened years in the past, then the presenter can also discuss how the problem might be solved today. I have recently used this exercise to introduce a session on cultural differences as the organisation was transferring its HR shared service to another country. Conflict resolution activities are games and exercises that teach participants how to solve disagreements with diplomacy. By reading out the story it is clear that people make assumptions to what the answers should be rather than actually listening to the facts. Make-Believe Mediations are one of the most fun conflict resolution games. You earn a point if the back of your partner's hand touches the table. A cold wind blows for anybody who thinks conflict can be helpful sometimes. Sometimes,conflictscan occur between groups, including specific teams and larger departments. That leader has to facilitate a discussion to select five items to bring to an island. The Workplace World I'm in danger of over-using this fantastic exercise! Useful For:Anyone attending a course or workshop that focuses on dealing with conflict. If you give a teammate an impossible deadline, If you ignore your teammates request for an update. Everyone knows the Goldilocks tale and this existing knowledge really helps drive the learning points home. Respondents typically give reasoning behind their judgements. Having now used this as my first resource from Trainers' Library I certainly have confidence in using more. 12 chapters | Further, conflict management is a product of successful problem-solving in which the parties have worked out ways to de-escalate conflict and avoid future escalations. This leaves very little time to spend on personal Learn More>>. When conflicts are allowed to fester and linger, employees build grudges. Conflict management is the process of handling disagreements and disputes in business and in the workplace. Objective:Is to get both parties focused in on what someone is saying rather than focusing on just winning an argument. When hes finished, hell ask you for a napkin. Time:This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. Generally people enjoy the exercise, you may get the occasional grumble, but on the whole I have found it to be well received. 3. Aims: To explore why difficult conversations can be necessary and form part of healthy working relationships. You'll Need: 2 different colour pens for each participant (to complete the handout). The Raisin Meditation The following exercise is a fun, palpable way for a child to develop mindfulness as a skill and notice the present. The exercise is a fun way to get across an important message, and the recording that is included with the downloads allows the trainer to rest their voice for a short time, which is a bonus for both trainer and trainees in most cases! Included in this bundle:1. Everyone should be able to work from home as many days as they like, Companies should offer unlimited holidays to everyone. If you are offering conflict management training, these 5 activities should be useful for you. Manage Conflict - Resolve Conflict - Prevent Conflict Paul is Co-Founder of Symonds Training and is a qualified researcher with a PhD in wayfinding. It is foolproof, fast and fun. 1 week ago 1. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate that everyone has had times where they've been wrong or unreasonable and how they've handled conflict in the real world. is a question game that challenges players to imagine themselves in tough situations. Make-believe | 7. Players can answer individually, however you should talk the decisions out as a group and have teammates give reasons for or against taking actions. Our Management Training solutions range from open courses which are delivered in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Coventry through to Management Development Programmes. I then quiz them - and many STILL make assumptions even though they've taken notes (eg the King is old). Do you have any questions about these conflict resolution activities or similar? Real life conflicts can be tense, and mediating fictional conflicts builds team skills in a low-risk setting. 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