Koh Phaluay

KohPhaluay community is located at the east side of Donsak district, SuratThani and 18 kilometers far from Donsak district. Most of the mountains in KohPhaluay arelimestone and they have changed shape due to the weather. Accordingly, there are many caves and cliffs of various shapes. KohPhaluay is known as aplace for energy conservation in Thailand where sunlight and wind power has been adopted for use in most houses. As an area of energy conservation tourism, it becomes a very attractive tourist attraction.
There are many stories of how the island was named. It is believed that there are three mountain tops in the shape of water containers (Phluay). It is also believed that there is smoke rising from the mountain. Some people believe that this island is very fertile causing the rich people to name itKoh Ma Ruay(Ruay means rich) and later it was changed to KohPhaluay. The last belief is that there was a group of monks from SuanMok temple visiting this island and named it both KohPhaluay and another name, KohBhudaraksathamkhumkhrong (Group discussion of KohPhaluay community, 2016). There are many stories about the naming of this island.
Koh Phaluay is located about 20 kilometers east of Donsak district, Surat Thani and about 18 kilometers west of Koh Samui.
Transportation to Koh Phaluay
For odd days, take a ship to Sam Bay. For even days, take a ship to Song Bay. (There are 4 bays at Kho Phaluay namely Nueng bay, Song bay, Sam bay, and See bay. It is more convenient to take a ship at Song bay to the island.
On the ship

The accommodation atmosphere
Tourist attractions at Koh Phaluay
This time, we took a boat from the beach in front of the resort and travelled around the island.
1. Sam Boe cave

2. Song Pheenong bay: there are park officers at this stop who serve drinking water and snacks. Many tourists are droppedoff in this area in order to snorkel at thecoral reef.

3. Thien bay : there is Whage Sea reaching to Koh Hue Khangthak.

4. Son bay
5. Nueng bay, Song bay, Sam bay, and See bay
360 degree sea view point
At the Eco resort, there is a 360 degree sea viewpoint. A teacher named Pheeraphon first thought of the idea to have a sea viewpoint which is located on the top of a mountain and can provide views around the island. The route to the area starts at the entrance which is located between Song bay and Sam bay. Tourists are able to see the scenery around the island. As resort customers, we can admire the atmosphere of the sunset and the sunrise free of charge.
After viewing the sunset and the sunrise fromthe 360 degree sea viewpoint, we walk back to the beach in front of the resort in order to appreciate the pleasant evening atmosphere of the sunset again.

Ban Koh Phaluay School
The school is a center for environmental and clean energy learning and is supported by the Ministry of Energy and company groups for electrical power supply. The school building, named Somdech PhraBoromarajajonani,exhibits Koh Phaluay history and a small demonstration of electrical power supply.

Khoma cave
There arehouses for priestsand monks on the island.
Hornbill sightseeing
Hornbills are native to Koh Phaluay so tourists can see them around the island, such as at schools and resorts.