gitmo prisoner list 2021

gitmo prisoner list 2021

Without fail, they have been shocked and horrified by the various human rights abuses at Gitmo and related breaches of international humanitarian law. Facts. Capital Hill Update!! Steve Lane in Bethesda, Maryland says, "Dear President Biden, seventeen of the 40 men detained at Guantnamo Bay are forever prisoners, who have never been tried, because there is little or no evidence against them. This photo features, from left to right, Abraham Khanian, Faizan Sheikh, Sammy Sheik, Philippe Diaz, Mico Saad and Ali Maqsood. But seriously lets get Ashton Kutchers execution scheduled. Required fields are marked *. They Live And Their Meatsuit Is NO Longer Holding!! Do the right thing. Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and former prisoner Mansoor Adayfi, in Serbia, calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. The Breakdown of the Original Viral Video Like You've Never Seen, And the Conspiracy Theories That Came To Pass! By Saphora Smith. FL County Votes To Stop All mNRA Jabs! This information is far from complete. Richard Perry/The New. Share Tweet. Ultimate Clinical Potency Curcumin- Natural pain relief, reduce inflammation and so much more. 2.28.23 ~ March 1, 2023, Biohackers collude with Big Tech to run risky gene therapy trials ~ March 1, 2023, Study: Veganism more harmful to the environment than limited meat consumption ~ March 1, 2023, Rafi Farber: Society will always go back to gold and silver in the event of a financial collapse ~ March 1, 2023, Idaho House approves bill to move Idaho-Oregon border ~ March 1, 2023, Pentagon plans to use missile-carrying drone swarm as new weapon of mass destruction ~ March 1, 2023, George Soros calls for weather modification to stop ice sheet melting, global warming ~ March 1, 2023, X22 Report: Trump Put a Plan in Motion to Bring Manufacturing Back to the US ~ March 1, 2023, Mar-a-Lago Spies Sent To White Hat Base in Guam ~ March 1, 2023, Putin Issues Nuclear Warning to US, Threatens To Resume Weapons Tests ~ March 1, 2023, Dr. Kia Pruitt (w/ Andy Schectman): Countries and States Return to Gold as Money ~ March 1, 2023, Rothschild & Co to delist from stock exchange ~ March 1, 2023, New Dr. Lee Merritt:Ohio Chemical Spill Its Not What You Think ~ March 1, 2023, The Economy Is Crashing Even Faster Than A Lot Of The Experts Had Anticipated ~ March 1, 2023, President Trump Vows To Clean House Of Deep State, Warns World War III Has Never Been Closer ~ March 1, 2023, Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2023, What Do You Know About Antartica? Oxy Powder- Natural Colon Cleanser! Human Rights 02/13/2021 . THERE HAVE BEEN THOUSANDS OF ARRESTS AROUND THE WORLD. Every party, every department, every administration for decades. From 2004 to 2009, the military held tribunals to determine whether a detainee met legal criteria for wartime detention as a member of the enemy force. Independence Day, and the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,115 days. I'm more impressed that if you've been executed, you still have to make mandatory appearances! Twenty-three detainees have never been charged with a crime and 20 are cleared for transferthree having been cleared for more than a decade. This page features photos of supporters, throughout 2021, holding up posters showing how long the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open, and urging Joe Biden to close it without further delay, starting with 6,941 days on Jan. 11, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison, and continuing with 6,950 days on Jan. 20, the day of Joe Biden's inauguration, 7,000 days on Mar. 2383Views |ToAlternativeon Friday Jan 08 2021 23:32, Amy Schumer/Capital Hill Shooter False Flag Coup Connection, Who May Be American Senator!! Ali Hamza al Bahlul, Guantnamo's only convicted war criminal, in a photo from his 2008 prison profile. NOTE: The list of arrests and executions of famous people should be released early 2022 to the public.If you have any other info on Arrests and executions of famous people 2021, please share in the comments below. 11, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,000 days, and Don E. Walicek of the University of Puerto Rico, Ro Piedras Campus, urges President Biden to close it without further delay. The Alliance Set Up Congress To Confisgate Their Computers For Future Court Of Law, Not All Killed In Attack, Are Really Dead, VP Causes Delay InSaving America, Alliance Uses Quantum Computer System, Says JFK Via Channeling!! I have been reporting from the U.S. naval base since the first prisoners were taken there from Afghanistan in January 2002, when access to the internet was dial-up and making a telephone call to the base from the mainland required a Cuban country code. Please feel free to take a photo with some or all of the photos, and send them to us at The US government manipulates and controls life and death for current and former Guantanamo prisoners. Donald TrumpWill Rule The World Not As Dictator But WithADivinely Led Earth Council, Which Connects To Solar Hierarchy And Beyond!! On Jan. 11, 2021, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Timothy Lind, in Three Rivers, MI, urges President-elect Joe Biden to close it without further delay when he takes office in nine days' time. Let's see them show us they're a little different from Trump and the GOP.". I turned to The Docket in my years at The Miami Herald. Thu Apr 20 2006 - 01:00. The arrests will include small town mayors to former Presidents and First Ladies including Michael Obama. In time, the Bush administration bowed to pressure from the courts and released the names of many of the men and boys who were brought to the U.S. military detention center as enemy combatants. But by the time the Pentagon let the lawyers visit, hundreds of the detainees were already gone, many of them sent back to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and Close Guantnamo co-founder Andy Worthington says to Joe Biden, "Youve now been President for eight months, and yet youve done next to nothing to move towards the closure of Guantnamo just one prisoner has been released, ten men approved for release and 17 'forever prisoners' are still held, and 12 men are still caught up in a broken trial system. 11, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,000 days, and Robert Kolkebeck in Park Forest, Illinois says, "About 46 years after FDR locked up Japanese-Americans, Reagan apologised. Today, Mar. You're right. President Biden has renewed the Obama administrations efforts to close the prison. LUDVIGSON LACE Aftcra You can do this. Press Esc to cancel. Guantnamo's Last Prisoners Wait for Justice Nothing but Pitch Black Darkness Ahmed Rabbani's journey through the U.S. dark prison system to Guantnamo. If someone was being charged as a pedophile, you'd think any employer wouldn't say, "but he has to work, so send him in anyway," and the court wouldn't agree. Many had been handed over to the United States by allied Afghan and Pakistani security forces early in the U.S. invasion meant to crush Al Qaeda and topple the Taliban. The Latest on Military Tribunals Judges Have Been Seated Death Chambers Prepared [GITMO] Tribunals Read more here ~ March 1, 2023, BREAKING NEWS: USA, Canada & Switzerland 3 US Law Enforcement Agencies Activated ~ February 27, 2023, New SGAnon with Conservative Patriot Nation Network w/Update on Ohio, Ukraine, DUMBS ~ March 1, 2023, SG Anon: Major Intel and Updates! Love, Spirituality, Free Energy, Abundance, Quantum Awareness. - The Real GS News, Breaking: Sirens Going Off in Ohio! Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and Dorrine Marshall in Irvine, California calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Today, Mar. It should be obvious bring justice to the men we have imprisoned for decades at Guantnamo Bay.. Release the 27 men who have never been charged with a crime, and move the trials of the ten men who have been charged including the five men allegedly responsible for the 9/11 attacks to federal court, bringing to an end the broken military commission system, which is incapable of delivering justice. Nascent Iodine- Promotes detoxification, mental focus and thyroid health. on June 19, 2020. Trying those who have spent a significant part of their life locked up at Guantnamo, despite never having been charged with a crime, would be another. All but 32 of the estimated 780 detainees have been transferred to other countries through repatriation and resettlement deals negotiated by the Bush and Obama administrations, including nine who died in military custody. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and William Hudon, Professor of History at Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania says, "President Biden PLEASE listen to the members of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. For March 11, marking 7,000 days of the existence of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Sumer Wood, the daughter of Steve Wood, who was Mohamedou Ould Slahi's guard, calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Really hope if this is a great deception those who have orchestrated it are punished by Jesus in full. By BEN FOX February 12, 2021. "Major" Cyber Attack! This tribunal is pretty lax if they just let the people go about their business in the meantime. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and Don E. Walicek of the University of Puerto Rico, Ro Piedras Campus calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. 12 long years ago, you were Barack Obamas vice president when he promised to close it, but failed to do so. Today, Mar. That's why 24 U.S. Please close that symbol of injustice as soon as you can.". Times Insider explains who we are and what we do, and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. We have done the reserach. These rituals involved torturing children then murdering them as a sacrifice. The Guantnamo Docket, a database that tracks men and boys who have been detained there, is one of the longest continually updated digital projects undertaken by The Times. He is among the 40 men listed at the top of the database and, like many, illustrated with recent photos in place of booking-style images from the earliest days of detention operations that leaked a decade ago. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and our co-founder Andy Worthington says, "President Biden, you have now been president for 150 days, and yet no one, to date, has been freed from Guantnamo, even though eleven of the 40 men still held have been approved for release by high-level government review processes, five of them on your watch. The United States has been leasing the 45 square miles that the base sits on . no date given) . February 12, 2021 8.18am EST. When the U.S. military realized how young they were, they moved them from the adult detainees housed in Camp Delta to a reform-school style detention site called Camp Iguana. Comparison of results in Sweden and the USA. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. GITMO: Where They Go One, They Go All To Tribunal ~ June 8, 2022 There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it. Its only a few more days and it will start to roll out. We detain them because we fear what they might do in the future, not because they are guilty of a crime. He now knows. On this, Bidens first July the Fourth as president, I ask him to close Guantnamo as swiftly as possible, to bring to an end this shameful hypocrisy.". On Jan. 11, 2021, the 19th anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, James Yee, the former Muslim chaplain at Guantnamo, who was imprisoned on baseless charges of being a spy in 2003-04, urges President-elect Joe Biden to close it without further delay when he takes office in nine days' time. 187. Im telling you this because some of you are worried and Im concerned about your health and well-being. Carol Rosenberg is the only journalist devoted full time to covering the U.S. naval base at Guantnamo Bay, including detention operations and military commissions. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said it was the "intention" of the Biden administration . Executions 1910 - 1920; Executions 1921 - 1930; Executions 1931 - 1940; Executions 1941 - 1950; Executions 1951 - 1961; Executions 1984 - 2006; Side Nav. Need real PROOF! Many have been tortured, most never charged with any crime. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LIST THEM ALL ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 2021 UPDATED: ANDREW McCABE ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE Today, Jan. 20, 2021, the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 6,950 days, and, in California, Dorrine Marshall calls on him to close the prison without further delay. Today, Jan. 20, 2021, the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 6,950 days, and, in Park Forest, Illinois, Robert Kolkebeck says, "The Democrats are in control of congress and the White House. (Defense Department, Shane T. McCoy, U.S. Navy) Each DAB is signed by the Guantnamo commander at the time of . Yet neither Congress nor the White House are focused on Guantanamo's high price tag. Today, June 19, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,100 days, and Ed Charles, the editor of the World Can't Wait's Spanish website, in Los Angeles, calls on President Biden to close it without further delay via one of the group's Spanish posters. Practice of 'Rectal Feeding' of Prisoners. SHARES. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for "special prisoners". Today, Sept. 27, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,200 days, and Michele Mattingly in Berkeley, California calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. In these records you will find the most recent and the most authoritative articles on the topics, people and events that are shaping the criminal justice conversation. They might well ask, 'What to the Guantnamo prisoner is the Fourth of July?' US Election 2020 To BEcome Greatest Coup dtat In Universal history, Says Galactic Federation Of Light!! President Obama orders closure of the detention operations at Guantnamo Bay within a year, suspends hearings and orders a task force review of the status of the remaining prisoners, who number about 240 men. Kate Villarin calls on President Biden to close it without further delay. Release the 39 men still there, cause they shouldnt be 'forever prisoners', theyre forever human beings. After that, you will be redirect to your options page. With the many great announcements that formed President Trump's first official State of the Union address, tucked in the detail was a confirmation . Will JFK Jr. Emerge to Be First President of the Restored Republic? As of now there are 182,771 sealed, 21,381 . Recidivism among detainees freed from the compound at the U.S. Anyone can read what you share. Youll also find the files of the men who died there, and an emerging category of those who have died since their release. For March 11, marking 7,000 days of the existence of the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Alli Jarrar, North America Campaigner with Amnesty International, says, "March 11 marked 7,000 whole days that Guantnamo has been open. Reply. Please appoint a Special Envoy for Guantnamo Closure as soon as possible, to arrange for the release of these men, and follow up with concrete and realistic proposals for the prisons closure.". 11, 2021, the prison at Guantnamo Bay has been open for 7,000 days, and Michele Mattingly, in Berkeley, California urges President Biden to close it without further delay. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. WASHINGTON . ","D","O","U","%","x","N","*","b","d","R","A","J","]"," ","B",". REAL RAW NEWS: A disruptive Hillary Clinton was placed in lockdown at GITMO following a series of incidents in which the former Secretary of State spat on guards, defecated on the floor of her cell, assaulted U.S. military personnel, and, in her witch's cackle, hurled obscenities indefatigably at staff and fellow inmates, said a source familiar with Clinton's arrest and incarceration at . Abundance, Quantum Awareness and related breaches of international humanitarian law price tag been cleared for more than a.! Solar Hierarchy and Beyond! |ToAlternativeon Friday Jan 08 2021 23:32, Amy Schumer/Capital Hill Shooter False Flag Coup,. Mandatory appearances orchestrated it are punished by Jesus in full different from Trump and GOP... Close it without further delay Each DAB is signed by the Guantnamo commander the. Send them to us at info @ without further delay who we are and what do. Make mandatory appearances July? will JFK Jr. Emerge to Be First president the. 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