're education camps usa

're education camps usa

The student handbook even prominently states that the district is committed to focusing on race as one of the first visible indicators of identity., In this respect the district arguably promotes the exact opposite teachings of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. espoused and demanded: Namely, a colorblind society where his children were judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.. Download the research report from RFA that details the experiences of Uyghur detention camp survivors and other detainees from Chinas Far West. Share | Facebook Twitter. Many children are still missing. In the days before the decision, State Department officials had argued over whether Chinas actions in Xinjiang met the standard for genocide or whether they fell under crimes against humanity, which has a lower standard, said American officials familiar with the debate. Re-Education Camp 2021 . ", In the Los Angeles Times (January 9, 1998), journalist David Lamb reported on a "re-education camp for women with 'social disorders'" that is, for prostitutes. by Steve Byas January 29, 2019. Entry: Global Warming Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Stacy Deemar, a 20 year veteran teacher in Evanston, recently did so. Even if so, wouldnt we expect them to fail horribly at that as well? The report reveals the state's push to build camps in every corner of the region since 2016, at a cost so far of more than 680 million yuan (over $107 million). One of the main components of many of these orientations is diversity, or sensitivity training. Human rights watchdogs have categorized these camps as mass prisons and internment camps. Period. Rashevska has pointed out that such misrepresentation of the information occurs pretty often, and childrens personal details are changed not just during the adoption process. A child was kept there without a possibility to go back, as he/she was no longer a child, as per their documents. One of the camps is located in Magadan oblast, roughly 6,230km (3,900 miles) from Ukraine. . Introduction This timeline gives an overview of major events since the turn of the century, that preceded the establishment of "re-education camps" in Xinjiang. To me, the concept of a re-education camp is a state-supported institution, where criminalized citizens go to learn a proper form of thinking. It stressed that budget legislation passed in December requires that the U.S. government determine within 90 days whether China had committed atrocities in the region. Freedom of movement was unlawfully restricted by the Russian Federation. Mr. Pompeo and senior State Department officials made the decision just days before Mr. Biden takes office. 7-8 PM Moreover, students are actually paying for these camps, going into perpetual debt for the privilege of learning about their alleged white privilege. Russia's 're-education camps' hold thousands of Ukraine's children, report says. Moreover, students are actually paying for these camps, going . The networks of the U.S. Agency for Global Media continue to provide unrivaled news coverage of Chinas treatment of ethnic Uyghur Muslims and other minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang, including new firsthand accounts, eports from USAGM networks and other outlets have played a huge role in alerting the world to the vast network of camps where Chinese authorities, are believed to have held up to 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities since early 2017, designated the Chinese governments policies targeting ethnic Uighur Muslims and other minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang as. During summer 2022, Lvova-Belova said 350 Ukrainian orphans from the Donbas region were adopted by Russian families, while another 1,000 Ukrainian children were awaiting adoption in Russia. The report -which was compiled with the help of satellite imagery and public accounts said that the number of children sent to the camps is likely significantly higher than the 6,000 confirmed. Uighur academics who have sought to preserve and promote their culture have been arrested, and Uighur-language publishing has been heavily curtailed. Again, this is sick and wrong, a human rights abuse, something that should disgust us all. In 2017, the department said Myanmar had committed ethnic cleansing., Mr. Biden, a critic of Chinas human rights record during his decades in office, has used forceful language to describe its repressive policies. Examining White Privilege: A Retreat for Undergraduate Students Who Self-Identify as White took place last weekend, and was first noted byCampus ReformWednesday morning. Most are Muslim Uighurs who are imprisoned and subjected to indoctrination simply for privately expressing their religious faith or cultural affiliation. Mr. Pompeo decided to use both. "The level of mass re-education is a very clear systematic attempt to erase the history, culture . View gallery. "I think many of us, myself included, have been guilty over the years of dismissing the ideas of . Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Relatives or people given power of attorney were not allowed to pick up the children. Some children in the camps receive military training. 1 hour does not a camp make. Colleges, particularly community colleges, fail so extravagantly in their mission of education, how could they possibly serve as indoctrination centers? But in November 2016, when they returned to China, local officials in Xinjiang seized their passports and in April 2017 sent Ziyawudun to an internment camp for "reeducation" for traveling to . RFE/RLs Kazakh Services TV documentary, Between Dictatorship and Democracy, follows the story ofSairagulSauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh whistleblower whosaid she facedtorturein a Chinese camp. 03/28/2021. For years, Democratic and Republican members of Congress have urged the administration to take a more aggressive stand. Many children are . These actions are unconscionable and must stop.. In similar fashion, diversity training involves systematic denigration of alternate . More than anything, though, it's looking more and more like indoctrination. Introduced during the 2021-2022 New York State legislative session . New reports fromRadio Free Europe/Radio Libertyfocus on the horrors faced by ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz minorities who managed to escape what China calls re-education camps. We rate the claim that the U.S. military has approved COVID-19 quarantine "camps" that will access personal information and be monitored by militarized CDC police as PARTLY FALSE because some of . But we have our own, milder, version of re-education camps that indoctrinate, all for a supposed good, evolved cause. Among them, a, Kazakh musician whose father died in the camps. Russia has separated thousands of Ukrainian children from their families or caregivers and held them in camps and facilities where they are exposed to a Russia-centric curriculum,a new report shows. In it, a group of 40 people are divided into blue-eyed and brown-eyed people. Some parents were told that their children will be released only if they physically come to pick them up. New report details network of dozens of Russian camps aimed at giving children pro-Moscow views, with some children detained indefinitely. The report states that 32 camps are called "integration programs," which indoctrinate Ukrainian children in Russian history and propaganda, as well as language and culture. Of course there is, but just the same you dont remedy one set of wrongs by perpetuating another. "Well I know one thing, all of the Trump supporters are getting Ring doorbells so they can see who's knocking, because they think it might be some government goon coming to take them away because they voted differently than Eugene Robinson or Katie Couric," Huckabee said. 0 0. All this can, understandably, be a bit much for your average 18-year-old away from home for the first time. At the camps the Uighurs are educated in a process their Chinese elders describe as washing brains, cleansing hearts, strengthening righteousness and eliminating evil.. Researchers at Yale University say they have identified at least . Portraying them as refugees is utterly ridiculous," she said. . Russias embassy in Washington responded to the reports findings on Telegram, saying, Russia accepted children who were forced to flee with their families from the shelling, and, We do our best to keep underage people in families, and in cases of absence or death of parents and relatives to transfer orphans under guardianship.. There is little information on the explanation given to children regarding delays in their return. which showed undercover footage from Chinas restricted Xinjiang region. focus on the horrors faced by ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz minorities who managed to escape what China calls re-education camps. And if that fails, people can, and should, consider filing lawsuits. "During her last meeting with Putin, Maria Lvova-Belova forgot something or intentionally manipulated Filip's age by saying he was 15 years old. The phrase the road to hell is paved with good intentions comes to mind. "And the question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?". In response to the Couric and Robinson clips, Huckabee dialed up the rhetoric and claimed he knows Trump supporters who are worried about being rounded up by the feds, echoing similar talking points to militia groups and other extremists who were behind the Capitol Siege. Ukraine has succeeded in identifying 16,000 of the deported children. RFE/RL's Kazakh Service's TV documentary, "Between Dictatorship and Democracy," follows the story of Sairagul Sauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh whistleblower who . Radio Free Asias Uyghur Service, long credited with being the first to expose the mass Uyghur detentions, was able to confirm in January that aprominent Uyghur poet and author, HajiMirzahidKerimi, 82, died while serving an 11-year prison forwritingfive books about Uyghur culture that the Chinese government had blacklisted. This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings. Russia's 're-education camps' hold thousands of Ukraine's children, report says. FULL. This fall, tens of thousands of bright-eyed and malleable young men and women will descend on American campuses to begin their academic careers in earnest. Chinese security forces began a sweeping crackdown. medium.com Again, this is sick and wrong, a human rights abuse, something that should disgust us all. Thank you. Some camp detainees have also disappeared into Xinjiang's vast prison system. Whites are admonished to "hear people of color, no matter what tone or phrasing they use." In short, it is an entire curriculum based on race. The State Department determination said the Chinese government had committed crimes against humanity since at least March 2017.. Fast. Northwestern is in Illinoisstill not California. A Vietnamese prisoner wrote, "When making declarations about relatives, we had to make mention of their guilt as well. The networks of the U.S. Agency for Global Media continue to provide unrivaled news coverage of Chinas treatment of ethnic Uyghur Muslims and other minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang, including new firsthand accountsfromethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz minorities. Newsletter Signup. A significant portion of these families are low-income and have not been able to afford to make the trip. The State Departments determination further underscores how Xinjiang has become a central human rights issue for the United States and its allies. And in the name of equity, the district recently eliminated geometry for its advanced students. Aside from the Robinson clip on "Morning Joe," the other came from former CBS anchor Katie Couric during an appearance she made last Friday night on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher.". The Chinese Embassy in Washington said on Twitter this month that Uighur women had been emancipated and were no longer baby-making machines. Twitter later removed the comment and told a reporter that the post had violated rules against dehumanization., U.S. Says Chinas Repression of Uighurs Is Genocide, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/us/politics/trump-china-xinjiang.html. Members of the nongovernmental organization Avaaz and . For a month the campus was devoted to letting the white people there know theyre a scourge upon the world, indoctrinating (yes, that word applies) them into the ideology of white privilege and all that comes with it. Liu Xiaobo, for example, spent five months in a reeducation camp before his appeal was even heard and denied. All rights reserved. 1,2 This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners . In fact, our country fought this battle almost 70 years ago in the courts. ", Re-education camps break the loyalty that prisoners feel toward their families who often offer an alternate system of values. Again, just a 1 hour session, and perhaps Im over-reacting. But now its back, just trumpeted as a good, evolving, progressive thing this time. Named "5.7 cadre schools" after the May 7 date on . Raymond said that Russia was in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the treatment of civilians during war and called the report a gigantic Amber alert referring to US public notices of child abductions. Researchers used satellite imagery and public information such as social media posts to identify the camps and confirm the presence of Ukrainian children. co-host Dagen McDowell asked. In Blue Eyed, Elliott tells a "white male" whom she has humiliated into submission that "what I just did today Newt Gingrich is doing to you every day and you are submitting to that, submitting to oppression. demand for this workshop. Programs in Xinjiang have also sought to stem the growth of the Uighur population by forcing women to undergo permanent sterilization or have birth-control devices inserted, Adrian Zenz, a researcher in the United States who has focused on Xinjiang, said in a report last year. Schools have largely discarded classes in Uighur, pressing students to learn in Chinese. The report said that Putin aides have been closely involved in the operation, especially Maria Lvova-Belova, the presidential commissioner for childrens rights. Some are given military training. Russia has held at least 6,000 Ukrainian children - likely many more - in "re-education" camps, according to a US-backed report. There were also situations when about 200 children were brought and accommodated in the camps," Rashevska said. This may sound like a joke, but having seen so many degree requirements annihilated over the years (math and sciences reduced to just 3 credit hours of high school level, and foreign languages completely removed, as examples), I see nothing to keep administration from doing this to advance the agenda of this ideology. China's Re-Education Camps. Greg Baker/Agence France-Presse Getty Images, declared on Tuesday that the Chinese government is committing genocide, confrontational meeting with his Chinese counterpart, recruit commercial businesses to help strengthen the Chinese military, whose younger brother is imprisoned in Xinjiang, blacklisted police departments in Xinjiang and several Chinese companies, to jobs in factories, cities and commercial farming. Helping kids to adjust to campus life is one thing. In 2020,Sauytbaywas awarded the U.S. State DepartmentsInternational Women of Courage Awardfor providing firsthand details of the human rights situation in the camps. Russia operates a vast network of at least 43 known facilities. The prisoners came to suspect, resent and hate each other, looking at those sitting to each side as "the enemy. The report is the latest in a series of investigations bytheConflict Observatory,a State Department-supported initiative with Yale University and other researchers, into possible evidence ofRussia-perpetrated war crimes and other atrocities. ", McElroy is the editor of www.ifeminists.com. In his book Enfer Rouge, Mon Amour, Lucien Trong wrote of the thought control in the re-education camp where he was confined. Amidst all of this, sadly fewer than half of the districts students meet or exceed the states math and English standards. The service also broke stories in 2020 on the forced, whose parents have been detained. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider In 2022, 400 children were sent to Russian families; this information is available on the Children of War portal. Unfortunately, they did not reciprocate, he, Radio Free Asias Uyghur Service, long credited with being the first to expose the mass Uyghur detentions, was able to confirm in January that a, , 82, died while serving an 11-year prison for. 0 0. Ukrainians, especially children, are detained at re-education camps and adopted by regular Russian citizens without any attempts to find relatives or guardians of those children. It quoted her as saying that 350 children had been adopted by Russian families and that more than 1,000 were awaiting adoption. They are just kids and they are being sent to Russia from Ukraine. In addition, human rights activists have found out that the Russians take children with an excuse of "clinical examination" that means medical intervention by the Russian doctors. Security forces have sent hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and Kazakhs possibly a million or more by some estimates to indoctrination camps intended to instill loyalty to the party and break down adherence to Islam. The U.S. government in Septemberimposed sanctions on Lvova-Belova, noting her efforts to take thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia. But the U.S., international groups, and Uighurs say this is different. Its very sad, but its hard to argue with the facts here. At least 6,000 children from Ukraine have attended Russian camps aimed at re-education in the last year, with several hundred held there for weeks or months beyond their scheduled return date, according to a new study from the US. Relations between the countries have deteriorated over the past four years, and the new finding adds to a long list of tension points. Travel from Ukraine to Russia is difficult and expensive, and men between the ages of 18 and 60 are forbidden from leaving the country, in effect meaning only the mothers of the children may retrieve them. The Chinese government has rejected any accusations of genocide and other human rights violations in Xinjiang and often deploys the language of antiterrorism to defend its practices. Again, this is the curriculum for teaching seven year olds. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A site in 2019 that is believed to be a re-education camp in Xinjiang. The following are merely a few of the parallels. The gentle reader should note that University of Vermont is a state-supported schoolyour tax dollars are paying for this re-education camp. The report was funded by the US state department. Pol Pot understood the power of words. In similar fashion, diversity training involves systematic denigration of alternate value systems such as conservatism. [imText1]"Even though we were labeled 'prisoners', we were made to endure severe injury in labor accidents, infectious diseases, violence and gunshot wounds in the North Korean re-education camp same as prisons as punishment for our crimes. The diagnosis code is not new and has been in use since 2015. Market data provided by Factset. Re-education camps (Vietnamese: Tri ci to) were prison camps operated by the Communist government of Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War.In these camps, the government imprisoned at least 200,000-300,000 former military officers, government workers and supporters of the former government of South Vietnam. I know its disgusting, but I ask the gentle reader to look over the description of that workshop again, for maximum offense. Mr. Trump has expressed little concern for human rights, and for most of his term publicly referred to Mr. Xi as a friend. ( Vadim Ghirda/AP). March 16, 2021, 5:30 PM. Other measures include labor transfers, schooling and cultural policies, and population controls. The devastating impacts of Putins war on Ukraines children will be felt for generations.. The finding could complicate his administrations dealings with Beijing, but it also offers a source of leverage. At least 6,000 children from Ukraine have attended Russian "re-education" camps in the past year, with several hundred held there for weeks or months beyond their scheduled return date . This cant be dismissed as oh, thats just wacky Evanston, or thats just cuckoo Berkeley.This is increasingly the norm across America. The indoctrination camps, however, have formed only part of the Chinese Communist Partys broader campaign to drastically transform Uighurs, Kazakhs and other ethnic minorities. Ukraines government recently claimed that more than 14,700 children had been deported to Russia, where some had been sexually exploited. The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens of participating countries* to travel to the United States without a visa for stays of 90 days or less, when they meet all requirements. Mr. Pompeo, State Department lawyers and other officials had debated for months over the determination, but the matter had gained urgency in the Trump administrations final days. One American official said the best rationale for the genocide label was the use of forced sterilizations, birth control and family separations to destroy Uighur identity. The documentarypremieredon January 14in bothKazakhandRussian. Two of the most popular diversity-training films are Blue Eyed and Skin Deep. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Attendance is usually mandatory and often tax-funded. WA . My father believed so much in the rule of law and the judicial system in China. But some programs have set targets for the numbers of people relocated for work and restricted recruits from choosing or leaving their jobs hallmarks of forced labor. But community colleges for this purpose? Primetime host Sean Hannity also ran a segment on the same theme on Monday night, specifically using the term "reeducation camps." For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. The finding by the Trump administration is the strongest denunciation by any government of Chinas actions and follows a Biden campaign statement with the same declaration. 12 Russian officials responsible for this program are not sanctioned by the US and could be immediately! An official website of the United States government. Kateryna Rashevska also discussed Russian "re-education camps." Rashevska described them as "camps of Russification, militarization, and indoctrination." 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