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In Thinking Mathematically, 7th Edition, Bob Blitzer's distinctive and relatable voice engages students in the world of math through compelling, real-world applications — student-loan debt, time breakdown for an average NFL broadcast, and many more. In Thinking Mathematically, 7th Edition, Bob Blitzer's distinctive and relatable voice engages students in the world of math through compelling, real-world applications - student-loan debt, time breakdown for an average NFL broadcast, and many more. Textbook Authors: Blitzer, Robert F., ISBN-10: 0321867327, ISBN-13: 978--32186-732-2, Publisher: Pearson Thinking mathematically 7th edition chegg. Solucionario. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart's texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. 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