strategic planning session agenda

strategic planning session agenda

Your agenda will be based on the amount of time you allow for your strategic session and should include each of the items listed in the sample agenda below. 2. - Increase appreciation of the impact of organisational context, culture and systems. The energy around making big plans and thinking about a prosperous future goes hand in hand with worries about agreeing on how to accomplish goals and the process to get to that agreement. How to Conduct a Strategic Annual Planning Meeting | Bizfluent It's in the name: strategy. This document consists of eleven session plans that make up the agenda for a three-day strategic planning workshop. Getting your strategy day agenda right is critical. Strategic planning is envisioning the future of the company or organization, translating that vision into measurable and achievable goals, and then implementing long range planning to accomplish those goals. The Proposify yearly offsite planning session agenda Before you plan where you want to go, you have to know where you've been. In this article, I've included a free one-day agenda. Strategic planning agenda doesn't necessarily have to be written a week before the meeting. if you know the right ways to liven it up while still developing solid strategies! Key Issues and Opportunities. While a result of any strategy process is a series of coordinated actions, they must focus on serving customers, opening new markets and developing competitive strengths, not listing operational improvements. Explore the full Agenda. Sample Strategic Planning Agenda- 2 days This meeting agenda template is part of a strategic planning process designed specifically for use with remote participants. A strategy session is often thought of as time set aside for planning, which includes a long list of assigned activities with timeframes and resources. 8+ Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Templates in PDF ... 10+ Strategy Meeting Agenda Examples in PDF | Examples Strategy 7 Ways to Make Strategic Planning Fun. SAMPLE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION AGENDA - DAY 1. Half day planning session agenda topics: If you are a business with more than 10 people we highly recommend that you host a one day strategic planning meeting at least every 12 months, ideally with a facilitator to allow everyone to participate as well as speak freely. Virtual Strategic Planning Strategic planning is the process by which organizations determine their vision for the future and develop strategies to get there successfully. The Great Derail. During these sessions, the partners should revisit the practice goals, update the environmental assessment with new data, and identify strategies needed to address issues that will arise within the next 12 months. IN CONCLUSION. The Strategic Planning Process in 4 Steps | OnStrategy Building a really strong strategy means defining a common, clear vision of how things are, then creating alternative scenarios of how things could be so that an effective plan of defensive moves and offensive pushes can be developed. Assign Tasks and Timelines for Implementation. Open Meeting and confirm a quorum is present. . Non-Profit Strategic Planning Session Template (Appreciative Inquiry) Download Now. The output from the session can consist of a list of the most favoured ideas and any themes that emerge. This is both a sanity check and calibration exercise. Use the following steps as your base implementation plan: Establish your performance management and reward system. Through workshop-style sessions and discussions, learn how to take your strategic plan from a static document to a truly functional roadmap that . Attendees go way off-topic, and get everyone else lost in the process. 10 tips for efficient virtual strategic planning | NATIONAL In fact, 95 percent of employees do not know their company's strategy, regardless of whether the organization has one or not. Tactical. Define Options. Figure out timing. ET. Keep the session short or break it up into multiple days. 1. Some believe this is where a company's vision is created or best practices are followed. Such a planning agenda consists of the missions and visions of the company, the areas that need special attention including the threats, strategies . Many firms relegate strategy work to an occasional off-site or planning session. They happen because someone is committed to THINKING through the purpose and outcome, PLANNING all of the details in advance, and DOING the hard work of running the meeting. Focus on accountability for results, lessons learned, and changes to be made. For this reason, the first issue that boards need to review is whether the vision and mission should remain the same. All these ideas would be taken to a planning or strategy session to be looked at in more detail by a smaller group. Most of these will be existing and ongoing projects, so it is a matter of taking a baseline of where the projects are at and creating or confirming a project plan for the next several weeks and months. If you are leading the meeting, be prepared with a list of problems and . A strategy meeting agenda contains the main points of a strategic planning session. It may sound crazy and overwhelming but with the right steps and guidelines, it could be just effective and successful like most of the strategic planning agenda. Prior to the session: Construct plan or agenda with tentative timeframes. The rest of this executive strategy meeting agenda template will help you figure out your strategic priorities and how to act on them. Although every strategic planning session is different depending on the needs of each organization, most strategic planning agendas have a similar structure. Strategic Planning Sessions Agenda Preparation: Key management and/or employees must individually: Create Vision Statement Create Mission Statement Identify Company Values Identify Company Objectives These are given to facilitator one week prior to Day 1 to compile and set up for Day 1 session. Set up annual strategic review dates including new assessments and a large group meeting for an annual plan review. As with any agenda it is important to first confirm the objectives of the meeting. Duration: 30 minutes Materials • Flip Chart • Markers • LCD projector Power point: Strategic Planning Workshop STEPS Step 1: Introduction to the concept of strategic planning This serves many purposes. Download. Strategic Planning Session . 1. SAMPLE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION AGENDA - DAY 2. A high-quality program delivers tremendous results and makes the voice of Human Resources strong. How to run a strategic planning meeting in 7 steps To get the most out of each session, you should prepare thoroughly — from the agenda to who you'll involve and how. 2 Contents . Mar. Determine the agenda. Mission: what you're going to do and for whom. 30,190 views. Download to read offline. 25, 2011. Q Your mission statement sets the tone for strategic planning. A difference between useful Human Resources function and the great one is the plan. This meeting agenda template is part of a strategic planning process designed specifically for use with remote participants. Here is some advice we have for any organization trying to do strategic planning virtually. Strategic Planning Webinar. A simple SWOT analysis can be carried out during a team retreat or strategic planning session with a facilitator leading discussion and collecting views at the session based on some pre-work. End the meeting on a high note. Do all the participants know each other or do you need to have name badges etc. The annual planning session is normally two to three days, while the quarterly sessions are one to two days. Much of the first day was spent discussing the previous year. Or delve into the weeds, and pull everyone down as if they were in quicksand. Yes, strategic planning can be fun . Strategic Planning Meetings are focused entirely on strategy, they need to be scheduled regularly, and aim to use relevant data to assess and improve progress on a number of organization priorities. - Learn ways to build and sustain a strategic process. ? As with any agenda it is important to first confirm the objectives of the meeting. You can find an overview of the three-day agenda below: Please note that the agenda can be adapted and tailored to the needs of your group, however he sessions are put in a t And yet, many organizations do not operate with an executive strategy. In addition, the output should highlight any highly innovative ideas, even if they didn't receive many votes. Click here for: Virtual Strategy Session Agenda. - Create an agenda for self-assessment and self-improvement. 10 Questions to Jumpstart Your Strategic Planning Process It's time to start planning for next year. Family of Conferences. Organizations can rectify this with an executive . Everything If the company's purpose doesn't match the planning, either the company's vision should be updated, or the plan is getting off track. A Strategy Day Agenda for the Lazy Facilitator. prayer and reflection. Questions for Board Members to Ask at Strategic Planning Meetings. Perhaps, do the above in an evening session. The ordinary Human Resources department does everything right; the great one incorporates the business strategy and innovates its practices to . (IV.A.) Strategic planning is vital for a company's future. The Strategic Management Meetings Driving the Correct Course of Action. Discuss and Gain Consensus on Major Goals and Objectives. Strategic planning meetings that simply rehash the old strategic plan with your management group don't scrutinize the plan for possible improvement. Additionally, board meetings always take more time than allotted on the retreat agenda. A strategic plan is a key tool for your employees, leaders and board members to make sure everyone knows where the credit union is going and why. Held a strategic planning session to review, revise, and consider new activities for the Strategic Plan 2023-2025, with a focus on the Strategic Plan Dashboard and incorporating activities from the new DEIA Work Plan. 5. September 9, 2021. There are five stages of holding an effective strategy review meeting: defining the process, meeting preparation, the meeting itself, follow-up, and maintaining momentum. Strategic planning works with the ultimate goal in mind. This process walks remote teams through creation of the core elements of a strategic plan: vision, mission, values, goals and strategies, resulting in what we call The Essential Strategic Plan. End the meeting on a high note. Successful Agendas for Strategic Planning Sessions As credit unions make preparations for upcoming strategic planning sessions, integrating the strategic framework into the structure of their agenda can increase the likelihood of a productive and enjoyable session. After the strategic course is determined in the initial planning session, the group should meet at least annually. . If you go through the strategic planning process once, don't think you won't have to do it again. Your agenda will be based on the amount of time you allow for your strategic session and should include each of the items listed in the sample agenda below. There are three meetings in the strategic cadence: an Annual Strategic Planning meeting, a Quarterly Strategic Refresh, and the Monthly + Anytime Strategy meeting. Sample Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda. Retreat Day Two. If you're intrigued by the possibilities, download our FREE eBook, 11 Fun Idea for Strategic Planning. Whether you're holding a remote, hybrid, or in-person meeting, this process will help you out. Enabling the team to make more strategic market, customer, program, and investment decisions will show your team and the C-Suite that this work is connected to the bigger picture. The strategic planning process is a critical part of making sure everyone in the company is on the same page moving forward. - Understand the essence strategy implementation. Each agenda item will feature a pre-recorded presentation, which will be posted online one week before the conference. The last thing you want is for your strategic planning session to be a flop. SAMPLE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION AGENDA - DAY 2. We've created this one-day strategic planning agenda to help with your planning needs, for those who don't have the time for a two-day session, or for those who may be reviewing their strategy on an ongoing basis. To ensure successful strategy review meetings, you'll need to make sure you clearly define the process. Strategy Planning is a way to discuss the issues of the company and plan to set priorities, focus on the operations and ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals. A more comprehensive analysis involves formally surveying a leadership team, staff, business So now the important strategic planning work becomes rushed. Set up monthly and quarterly strategy meetings with established reporting procedures. Identify Areas of Need. Ensure everyone involved has been communicated with. The first third of each planning session (day one of the annual planning session; three hours of a quarterly session) is spent reviewing the SWOT (optional), and the first three columns of the One Page Strategic Plan (OPSP). 11 Ideas to Make a Strategic Planning Process More Fun! Q Hold a second session to review the mission statement (perhaps the next morning). Strategic HR Agenda. Unlike the usual business meetings, a strategic meeting requires more extended hours and involved managers and leading office positions to discuss long-term plans to address different topics. Template for non-profit board strategic planning session grounded in Appreciative Inquiry methodology. The City Council of the City of Leander, Texas will conduct a strategic planning session to allow the City Councilmembers to communicate and assess the current status of issues, programs and policies that affect the City of Leander and to engage in comprehensive planning regarding the city's anticipated future issues and needs for its . In fact, it could be written in just one day. This is the role of an excellent virtual planning facilitator that can help . Design your market planning session agenda with a focus on improving your ability to measure its contribution to the organization and manage performance. The strategic planning process is about looking forward, outside the immediate future for your organization, to reach a particular set of goals. Strategic Planning Workshop 1 : Morning Session The morning session kicked off with the CEO's review of the corporate vision. The Council will next seek to connect with current SAA leaders and members refine the new draft plan and dashboard. Session Agenda The Real-Time Strategic Planning kick-off session focuses on developing consensus about your nonprofit's identity, developing a Strategy Screen, and selecting a current opportunity or challenge in the environment that you would like to address, that is, your current Big Question. By Rae Swan Snobl. Afternoon Session: Big Bold Goals and Mind Maps After lunch, the board focuses on reviewing (and revising) the big bold goal. The strategic planning process puts everyone's minds together to think of creative ideas. 1. Part I: Plan the Strategic Planning Retreat. This report will be tailored to your credit union's size, location, business strategies, and areas of strategic focus . 5 Fun Strategic Planning Activities. The live event will feature two sessions with a matching format: a brief recap of . SAMPLE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION AGENDA - DAY 1. - Apply frameworks to address the strategy and the balancing of short-term and long-term goals. Nearly everything the board does revolves around the organization's vision and mission. 2020 is just around the corner. It also involves laying out—step-by-step—how you're going to get there. A. Welcome and Meeting Objectives. This meeting agenda template is part of a strategic planning process designed specifically for use with remote participants. LOCATION: Spokane Convention Center 334 W Spokane Falls Blvdand Room 202ABC Spokane, WA 99201 WebEx Link or Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-415-655-0001,,1776412402## \\\Public\2021\11-November\Strategic Planning Agenda_Publish.docx Strategic Planning Session The following items will be discussed at a Strategic Planning Session of the Board of Commissioners of the Post Falls Urban Renewal Agency. Session 1: Introduction to strategic planning Objective To introduce participants to the concept of strategic planning and the main elements of a strategic plan. 2. Below is a sample strategic planning agenda for a two-day off-site planning session that we have adapted for this article. On day two of your nonprofit's strategic planning retreat, take a look back at your organization's last strategic plan and determine what worked and what didn't. Decide if there are elements from that plan that need to be carried forward to your new plan. Here's how to bring some energy to your goal-setting meetings and keep team members engaged throughout. DATE & TIME: June 16, 2021 12:00 p.m. Engage in advanced strategic planning sessions that use the agile method of project management to create a robust, iterative strategic plan and process. Strategic Planning Meetings are focused entirely on strategy, they need to be scheduled regularly, and aim to use relevant data to assess and improve progress on a number of organization priorities. This process walks remote teams through creation of the core elements of a strategic plan: vision, mission, values, goals and strategies, resulting in what we call The Essential Strategic Plan. Summarize. Instead, ImageThink always suggests spreading that one-day virtual strategic planning session over two days, and creating a virtual-specific strategic planning schedule. Agendas Used for Client Co. Y's Strategic Planning Sessions Tel: 917.626.0065 3 Strategy is not a tactical operations "To-Do" list. Running a Strategy Planning Session . If your goal is to perfect your strategy for the coming year, start the meeting with a SWOT analysis of the current strategy. After giving the planning cabinet an opportunity to review what was accomplished at the first session, a second session is held a few weeks later. Strategic Planning Session Agenda 9 B. Here's how I organize the "planning the planning session" process: Below is a sample strategic planning agenda that you can use and customize to your needs. Strategy meetings can be intimidating and require much preparation. For most boards, there's probably no need to make a change. This agenda leverages the strategic plan to inform your meeting agendas and plan time for a review of performance achievements (I suggest quarterly and at least bi-annually). Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Day 1: Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Day 2: Every organization has their own strategic priorities and every strategic planning facilitation agenda is unique to different organizational . Kami Guildner Coaching. In this post, we are sharing some effective tips for conducting strategic planning sessions remotely, hoping it will help you carry out your meetings successfully. Have Fun! As strategy planning experts, we often get asked how to run a strategic planning meeting, as g reat strategic meetings don't happen by accident. None of our competitors can match our over 400 years of combined experience or our areas of specialization, including offering the best in conference experiences. If you've ever seen me present a strategic thinking workshop, you've likely heard me say, "People think strategic planning is boring, and I agree with them. We've facilitated close to 100 strategy days and, while they all have a similar theme, none are exactly the same. The public is invited to attend. A strategic planning meeting, or review, or strategy session, is a type of meeting that particularly focuses on how to improve certain prioritised areas within a business, using data. While some people might not like going through a sales meeting agenda or a planning meeting agenda, it is still an important part of moving the company in the right direction. Agenda Sold Out Each day 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Objectives, Responsibilities and Targets (Completed Sample) 15 D. Individual Objectives, Summary/Status Report 17 E. Information Resources 19 _____ INTRODUCTION This publication introduces you to strategic planning. To maximize your time, make sure to get your team involved prior to your one-day strategy meeting. This process walks remote teams through creation of the core elements of a strategic plan: vision, mission, values, goals and strategies, resulting in what we call The Essential Strategic Plan. As you prep and plan to have strategic conversations with your team start with a custom Strategic Planning Trend Report from Callahan. Public comment will not be taken on the remaining items of discussion . We've all been there: sitting in a strategic meeting, perhaps a strategic planning retreat or brainstorming session, and then it happens. Without this foundation in place, you're likely to get caught up in a tornado of urgent activities that may not actually . Review Data and Progress Reports. This differs from long term planning. One organization that completed a successful planning process held a first session at which the following things were accomplished: Take the 3-day retreat and schedule the agenda over the course of a week. During this period, attendees can submit questions early using a webform. Prepare a fulsome agenda organized by topic areas or phases of the meeting, with clear objectives. What is a strategy session? Review . A Strategic Planning Report Tailored For Your Credit Union. Brainzooming, Collaboration, Competitive Strategy, Compilations, Creativity, Innovation, Insights, Strategic Thinking, Tools. 1. Strategic planning sessions seem to evoke emotions of excitement and dread about equally. Business. Strategic Planning Session and Agenda. . One way to do this is to develop a strategic agenda for your leadership meetings. They are or should be, relatively regular and with a specific goal in mind. IN CONCLUSION. The strategic planning process is a series of steps your credit union takes to determine its: Vision: the direction of your organization. The three meetings operate at different levels of detail and scope. Step 10: Detail priority cards (4 hours) The strategy session transitions into implementation with detailing of the priority projects. Strategic Plan Format 11 C. Objectives, Responsibilities and Targets C-1. Strategic Planning Webinar is proud to be Part of the FEA. The strategic plan is a living document; it should change over time. Sometimes even a third session is necessary. The next item on the agenda was the Environmental Scan. The full-day offsite doesn't work as well online . Depending on your situation, consider doing a two-day strategic planning retreat; half a day to review progress this year, and 1.5 days to plan for next year. Strategic. In short, a major strategy session must have three overriding goals: enlightenment, truth, and creation . 3 Essential Topics for Your 2020 Strategic Planning Session. Consider all external and internal factors in your church, community, and the world. Preparation for this meeting requires doing your homework ahead of time and creating a solid agenda. Define a clear outcome for the meeting American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Discussion and Strategic Planning Session, Special Session (22nd Voting Session), Executive Session, and Work Session October 19, 2021 Agenda "The City of Hagerstown will promote a diverse, business-friendly, and sustainable community with clean, safe, and strong neighborhoods." Here are 3 topics that should . Then, host a brainstorm about the vision the group has for your . Here are two such examples of successful agendas and a look at why they work so . 10. Aug 21 2019 at 8:27 a.m. Defining The Process. The key thing to decide on before the day is what a successful strategy day looks like. Don't let your team come up with a brittle--and ultimately unimplementable--hodge-podge of . Click here to return to the main FEA homepage and to explore our other conferences and products. 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