make sentence with uneven

make sentence with uneven

We think of grammar as strict and harsh, something punitive, prescriptive. " " Do what is best for you. The explorers set out to uncover the location of the Holy Grail, but never found the legendary object. 5. The floor felt uneven under his feet. The narrow crooked lanes of this quarter still contrast with the straight, regularly laid-out streets of the modern city, which extends to the north-west, north and east of the ancient citadel. Using Strong Verbs, Worksheet 2, 17 Exercises http:/ 1 Rewrite each sentence to make 26. exact 34. Criticism falls into two types: fault-finding and constructive criticism. These can be exemplified in a sentence, a paragraph, or even a whole section of a paper. Yes, it's part of grammar, but it's also part of what makes an essay or a sentence sound good to the reader's . "You can feel the uneven ground beneath your boots" "A foul, coppery smell lingers in the air" "The cave walls are slick to the touch" Sentence 4: The Most Immediate or Interesting Thing in the Scene . [.] It is vital to track down the ideal equilibrium of flavor and . more_vert. Police were able to uncover an underground drug ring that had worked under the radar for several years. Select your entire document by pressing CTRL-A. After creating the reverse outline, students review it to make notes about necessary revisions. Root word: Able. And yet grammar is the key to much of what makes sentences sing. " . • Reading As a support technician, you need to read an e-mail With contact lenses, you will not have to bother with this effect. 4. The archetypal sentence, consists of two, 4 bar phrases. Correct each prefix or suffix that is spelled incorrectly. The girl's bangs are uneven and need to be lined up symmetrically. He left it on the floor in the dining room. There is less time needed to adapt to contact . The renovations included installation of new floors. Simple. In the Split Cells dialog, check the split type you need in the Type section, and the check Spac e in the Split by section. Model #2. This standard paragraph formula is sometimes called TEXAS or TEEL (topic, evidence, explain, link). A two page scan of Eric Hayot's book Essential Elements of Academic Style shared the concept of the "Uneven U.". They can add a sense of tangibility to your scene. Following is the unofficial transcript of a CNBC interview with Galleon Group Founder and "Uneven Justice: The Plot to Sink Galleon" Author Raj Rajaratnam on CNBC's "Squawk Box" (M-F, 6AM-9AM ET . The floor is uneven. Under the Home tab, click the small arrow in the lower right-hand corner of the Paragraph toolbar. Writers, poets and songwriters make use of similes often to add depth and emphasize what they are trying to convey to the reader or listener in a vivid way. : The present uneven distribution of working hours is seriously affecting the personal well-being of many Australians. 21. As the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (Central), Delhi, Gajender Singh Nagar, is set to hear on November 15 arguments on sentencing the former president of the Delhi High Court Bar Association president, Rajiv Khosla for assaulting advocate Sujata Kohli on August 5, 1994, V.VENKATESAN and SABAH GURMAT put together the elements of legal saga, waged by Kohli over the past 27 years. Simple. She fainted. 20 examples: The problem of walking on uneven terrain is addressed in this work. 10 Common Un- Prefixes unable. In this correction, the sentence actually starts with "I." But the thoughts have been joined to make a compound sentence that is significantly more captivating than the short, uneven sentences. Similes can make our language more descriptive and enjoyable. 40. Uneven definition, not level or flat; rough; rugged: The wheels bumped and jolted over the uneven surface. She stumbled a little on the uneven path. Exercise B - Possible answers The reverse outline shows that the essay is missing some key components such as a thesis statement, a topic sentence and some supporting ideas are not sufficiently developed with detail. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. Similes can be funny, serious, mean, or creative. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Subscribe: you may see too much space between the words after you justify your paragraph text. Click Ok, select a cell to output the split cells in the popping dialog, and the click OK to finish. 64. Click: how to align text in table cells in Microsoft Word at English How to use "make uneven" in a sentence . 3. The ratio of cars to trucks in the parking lot is 3:5. The mob dispersed. 2. Professor Rose does not agree with Professor Randall about the uneven distribution of grades in the freshman class. Find 55 ways to say UNEVEN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The floor was covered with broken glass. After hearing the news of her husband's death, she fainted. Because the table legs were uneven, it rocked back and forth anytime something was placed on it. Tattered, frayed, or torn. The essay is in the attachment. Its function in the sentence is to add detail or description about noun. So I thought to re-read the longer sentences, and that also let me notice certain words padded sentences and could often be removed, even from sentences that weren't all that long or hard to begin with. Let's fix it with the Uneven U method. " " Do what you are told. The overall purpose of a sentence is to help establish a tonality and to present the basic material that a composition is made of. I teach people to make physiological changes that are pretty profound. Meaning: To not be able to do something. " " Please do what I say. 1. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples PC laptop or desktop computer: 1. This is the component of Earth that is the most uneven part of the climate system. 2. 207+10 sentence examples: 1. . I've been teaching the TEXAS/TEEL . / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices. " " Do it the right way. High quality example sentences with "as uneven as" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English . 101. Un is a prefix meaning not.It's used to give opposite and negative meanings to adjectives, adverbs and nouns. Stillwater was loosely inspired by the case of Amanda Knox —who spent nearly four years in an Italian prison after being convicted of the 2007 . . It took several spies to uncover the German secrets. But they gave up hope of finding any more survivors a week ago and are now using heavy machinery to pick apart the ruins and uncover the bodies buried inside, CNN . Smoothen and polish the sentence (800 words)(make sure that the sentences flow smoothly and easy to read) I've marked "which help do I need" in each paragraph. Each line on the graph indicates c. at how the new division will be structured. The music sentence is a vehicle for presenting your ideas. Unformatted Attachment Preview The Uneven U can also be a great strategy to keep people reading as they await that level 5 resolution you hinted at in the beginning with your level 4 opening. In writing papers, you will paraphrase more than you will quote. Previous: 4.3 Word Choice. Include five words with prefixes and five words with suffixes. 207+10 sentence examples: 1. Uneven results definition: An uneven surface or edge is not smooth , flat, or straight . . I felt a profound movement of renewal forming around my candidacy, But its economic impact, while profound, has been uneven. 1. How to make Variety of Sentences in essay Knowledgeable author or a scholar, who wants to finish an essay, is fearful of repetitive and tough to learn sentences. Answer (1 of 7): I have some very fussy friends, perfectionists. 1. Example 5 The black line gives us b. the next pie chart. By maintaining a parallel structure, you will avoid grammatically incorrect sentences containing lists. Does your English sentence make sense? Uneven ground definition: The ground is the surface of the earth. Ans. Examples of Uneven in a sentence. Match the two parts to make sentences used to talk about visuals. 65. 5. Embarrassed by his uneven teeth, the boy asked his parents for braces to make them straight. She had come here in 1949 after losing everything in China: her mother and father, he family home, her first husband, and two daughters, twin baby girls. Let's now have a look a. shows our revenues since 2007. If there are 360 vehicles in the parking The Paragraph menu will appear. It is imperative to pick the correct sauce to supplement your picked pasta. The girl's bangs are uneven and need to be lined up symmetrically. It was also uneven in its distribution. The definition of Uneven is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. 3. For a report or research paper, you may need to gather background information that is important to the paper but not worthy of direct quotation. The closer the lenses get to your eye the lesser you will perceive things in a slanted way. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " Do it this way. See screenshot: 3. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). 5. : For a start, the process of change was uneven throughout the region, and many elements of the communist past persisted. What floor is your office located on? To begin, I took the first sentence - which was level five - and made it the last one. Your work is always uneven. Matt Damon and Lilou Siauvaud in 'Stillwater'. The population distibution in the US is uneven. Similes are often used in creative writing. If I can identify these sentences, then I will ace my quiz tomorrow! 2. Discussions of prose style very seldom concern themselves with the actual grammar of sentences. Can you make a sentence with the words population and habitat? The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk. To make these two sentences into one compound sentence, you take away the period in the first, add a comma, and add a coordinating conjunction. 7. The colours vary from pale grey brown to a rich black, and many have even or uneven sprinkling of white or silvery-white hairs. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Fill in the blank to make the sentence true. She walked back carefully over the uneven gr How Does Garth Greenwell Make Such Wonderful Sentences? Lets leave "prosaic" - as it doesn't have a companion for the pair. (adjective) Ragged clothes. 2. more_vert. Larissa is a student of history and psychology. Please use plagiarism checker! Example 4: I tried to place my picture on my wall, but kept hanging the two nails in an uneven line. It is widely used among all other types of adjectives. The comedian's coarse humor was not to her liking. Exchange papers with a classmate and circle the prefixes and suffixes in your classmate's paper. Descriptive adjectives are used to make sentences clearer, meaningful and complete however; must be added at right place having right intent. The floor felt uneven under his feet. What does ragged mean? English How to use "make uneven" in a sentence . Sentence examples for as uneven as from inspiring English sources. Uneven consequences meet threats of political violence: The Note. Even the most profound intellectuals always like to see gorgeous females. " " Make sure you do it soon. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Uneven. Hayot's Uneven U is a different take on the generic advice that is given to structure a paragraph, namely that one should start with a Topic sentence, then an explanation, example, analysis and summary. Adjective Make the layers thick, thin or uneven to change the look of the finished piece. Let us use conjunctions to join the sentences 1.She heard the news of her husband's death. Kicking the brush out of the way, the hunters were . "Course" is a noun that means a plan of study or a path: The course on fashion design filled up quickly. 3. In poor countries the population can be low along with their habitat. FREE Course! These are some of the most powerful senses for setting a scene. The town is a labyrinth of narrow, crooked streets, and some of its houses are Moorish in character. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris told ABC News . It's about the way that a sentence feels and flows. if you alternate the words in the pair, meaning pf the sentence doesn't change. . Show More Sentences Jennings started the project thinking that the Wari culture of 600 to 1000 CE was an empire, and he expected to uncover evidence that the Wari were conquerers. Synonym Discussion of Uneven. The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk. Select the sentence cells, and click Kutools > Merge & Split > Split Cells. However, with eyeglasses, this effect can only go away after time when your brain adjusts to the new visual experience. Atoric lens designs. Write a paragraph describing one of your life goals. 198. _____ But, for example, I was told there were too many sentences with difficult syntax (which isn't surprising, since the character was a prodigy). Subscribe: you may see too much space between the words after you justify your paragraph text. It's difficult to see profound in a sentence . Un is a prefix meaning not.It's used to give opposite and negative meanings to adjectives, adverbs and nouns. 90 Chapter 3 Topics, Main Ideas, and Topic sentences Reading and Writing Connections EvEryday ConnECtions • Writing You are sending an e-mail to the technical support personnel of a computer manufacturer asking for help with a problem. - Read online for free. 18-50% tips will be add for excellent work! Get the complete tutorial . While the writer may have a solid foundation of ideas, she might improve the flow of her writing by experimenting with different sentence structures, conjunctions, and subordinating clauses. Instead of getting big fat curls, I emerged with an uneven mass of crinkly black fuzz. 2. 4. The constructive . It is a subtle Division Sentences Example Video Questions Lesson Share to Google Classroom Example Video Questions Lesson Share to Google Classroom A division sentence is a mathematical way to show how an amount is shared.Here we have 18 counters in total.We share the counters into 6 equal groups.There are 3 counters in every group.We write the total amount … Continue reading "Division Sentences" Meaning: To not be able to do something. Soon after . She stumbled a little on the uneven path. One British couple detail their dismal 11-day sentence at a Holiday Inn after returning from red . See screenshot: 2. Now comes the essence of sentence equivalence, where we want pair of words that: 1. obviously fit the context, and. Answer (1 of 7): These are the various samples of floor coverings. The meaning of UNEVEN is unequal. 43. Covid vaccines manufacturing scale up to 11.2 billion in a year, but feat overshadowed by uneven distribution Single-brand retailers want criminality clauses removed from Legal Metrology Act Specials 2. Bear in mind the instances, when the sentences gave the impression to be clean within the course of however turned out fully uneven within the end result? They can be altered when used with the phrase, adverb or clause. 2. To fix uneven spacing in your paper on a . The 5 levels are as follows: Major claim or contribution of the idea . 4. open_in_new Link to EuroMatrixPlus; warning Request revision; One big drawback is the lack of itemized receipts or access to purchase history, which can make uneven check splitting tricky. 10 Common Un- Prefixes unable. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The runners followed the course to the finish line. Coarse vs Course: The Easy Explanation "Coarse" is an adjective that can mean rough or crude or rude or offensive: The coarse cloth was uncomfortable against his skin. 2. make sense together as a pair i.e. The . Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing. Indeed, in technical writing direct quotation is rarely used. Tags: Light, quirks, music, broken, soul, dance, jig The stone beneath her feet was uneven and worn, old. How to use uneven in a sentence. HALIFAX — An inmate who held a cell door closed during a vicious Halifax jail attack has received a sentence of five-and-a-half years in prison from a Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge. It accomplishes the " formal functions " of presentation, continuation and cadential. Why did you leave the money. While not necessarily an earth . Choppy writing might be defined by repetitive sentence structure (sometimes sounding "robotic") which rely on simple sentences. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. Yikes! The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Uneven but also gives extensive definition in English language. She walked back carefully over the uneven gr : It appears, then, that there is an uneven distribution of cultural industries . View 10 Grammar Work--Strong Verbs.pdf from ENG 123 at Suffolk County Community College. Search Ludwig and find the best examples of use! See more. Sentence 3: Smell or Touch. Light quirks of music, broken and uneven, make the soul dance upon a jig to Heav'n. Alexander Pope — Alexander Pope, Moral Essays (1731-35), Epistle IV, line 143. Complex. Example 3: Embarrassed by his uneven teeth, the boy asked his parents for braces to make them straight. I get criticized for mispronouncing words, uneven presentation, and sometimes for being an arrant bullshitter, and none of that bothers me. I then reparsed the new first sentence to make it into a stronger topic sentence and created a new, second sentence pitched at level three. Examples of uneven terrain in a sentence, how to use it. Using our sentence punctuation corrector takes only a few minutes of your time and can make a huge difference to the standard of your writing. . With them, short and uneven sentences can be joined into more full lines. Suppose a Sentence is a critical and personal reflection on the art of the sentence in literature, widely conceived. There's a disconnect about which kind of behaviors are acceptable in politics. Your topic sentence should directly state the problem. Root word: Able. The symbol is used to indicate that a line of text is. Fill in the blank to make the sentence true. "The computer's ability to usability improved" is a grammatically incorrect sentence because all words following the phrase "the computer's ability" must be verbs, but "usability" is a noun. The Uneven U works off of a concept of 5 different levels of thought. 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