caprisa vulindlela clinical research site

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caprisa vulindlela clinical research site

Hptn 077 | Avac Evaluating community engagement in global health research ... PDF Caprisa 004 Tenofovir Gel Trial CAPRISA eThekwini CRS: 31422 : Case Clinical Research Site: 2501 . History of Changes for Study: NCT04838795 Results, which will be presented at the . A Frohlich2, Ayesha BM Kharsany2, and Salim S Abdool Karim1,2 on behalf of the CAPRISA 060 Study Team 1Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa 2Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University, New York . Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa. Participants will be randomised to receive tenofovir Experts featured include Professor Glenda Gray, president and CEO of the South African Medical Research Council, clinical infectious . Rationale South Africa is severely affected by the . Research results are fed back to the community at monthly CRSG meetings. Site Operations Manager: Vulindlela Clinical Site. The CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site (VCRS) is a rural facility located approximately 150km west of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Qualifications and experience: Laboratory Technician - Microbiology or Clinical Pathology certified; CAPRISA seeks to appoint Laboratory Technicians to be based at the Head office in Durban and one Laboratory Technician for the Vulindlela Research site (Howick area. Since the beginning of her medical career she has practiced in her home town of Durban - a community hit hard by the intertwined epidemics of HIV and TB. TITLE. HIV self-testing is an additional testing approach, but knowledge on its potential for repeat testing is limited. The Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) 004 trial demonstrated 39% reduction in acquisition of HIV infection, with 54% reduction in women who used tenofovir gel consistently.2 The CAPRISA 008 trial which followed, was an open-label randomised controlled trial to assess the implementation, effectiveness and safety of 1% tenofovir gel provision through . Vulindlela, a rural community 150 km west of Durban (rural) and at the CA PRISA eThekwini Clinical research. CAPRISA convenes monthly meetings with the CRSGs, although CAPRISA encourages the CRSGs and/or other members of the community to raise research-related concerns at any time with the CAPRISA Vulindlela site manager responsible for the study clinic. Vulindlela CAPRISA Research Clinic adjoins the Mafakatini primary health care clinic in the rural Vulindlela district in KwaZulu-Natal. at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in. UNITED APART SA - LOCKDOWN REMEMBERED, Streams from Thursday, 23 September 2021. CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical Research Site Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 4001 CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Sponsors and Collaborators Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa CONRAD Gilead Sciences FHI 360 Institute for Healthcare Improvement Investigators While in the study, participants will be asked to apply a first dose of the assigned study product, placebo gel, within 12 hours prior to coitus and insert a second dose as soon as possible within 12 hours after coitus. CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site, Howick CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical Research Site, Durban Study Sites. Moderna vaccine. Background. 12 A total of 889 nonpregnant HIV-uninfected women between the ages of 18 . Participants will receive an IV infusion of 30 mg/kg of VRC01 over about 30 to 60 minutes at Weeks 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, and 72. Description. All study participants in CAPRISA 008 have also participated in CAPRISA 004 and thus have several years of experience using TFV gel with the prefilled, plastic . The CAPRISA 004 trial was conducted between May 2007 and March 2010 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in Vulindlela, a rural community located 150 km west of Durban (rural) and at the CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical research site in the Durban city center (urban). CAPRISA Vulindlela Research Clinic. CAP 050/051 Microbicide Preparedness The CAPRISA Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) treatment program (CAT) was a prospective treatment cohort, which enrolled patients between June 2004 to December 2012 (N = 4006) at two . CAPRISA 004 is the name of a clinical trial conducted by CAPRISA. CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site, near Howick in KwaZulu- Natal CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical Research Site in Durban Major Truck Stop enroute to JHB from DBN. : the caprisa clinical trials unit for aids/tuberculosis prevention and treatment (caprisa ctu), strategically located in kwazulu-natal, south africa, at the epicenter of one of the world's most severe hiv and tuberculosis (tb) epidemics, has recently made significant scientific contributions on tenofovir gel and pre-exposure prophylaxis, hiv-tb … Vulindlela Clinical Research Site, CAPRISA, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. CAPRISA is known for innovative work in HIV prevention technologies with extensive experience with female populations. The CAPRISA 004 trial was conducted between May 2007 and March 2010 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in Vulindlela, a rural community located 150 km west of Durban (rural) and at the CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical research site in the Durban city center (urban). Investigating broadly neutralizing antibodies in chronic HIV infection. The CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site was established by invitation from the two traditional chiefs, Nkosi Sondelani Zondi and Nkosi Nsikayezwe Zondi. CAB representatives informed of all the research studies in their communities," says Dr. Janet Frohlich, who co­chairs the HPTN's Community Working Group, leads the community program at the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), and directs CAPRISA's Vulindlela site. Additional HIV testing approaches may be required to increase testing. George Rohm pathologist City of Cape Town. If you are interested in joining CAPRISA, we have an employment oppo. Detailed Description: Purpose To monitor the effectiveness of the single dose Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccine among health care workers (HCW) as compared to the general unvaccinated population in South Africa. CAPRISA is a designated UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for HIV Prevention Research. CAPRISA seeks to appoint Laboratory Technicians to be based at the Head office in Durban and one Laboratory Technician for the Vulindlela Research site (Howick area Qualifications and experience: Laboratory Technician - Microbiology or Clinical Pathology certified; Current registration with Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA . Naidoo was a staff physician at the Center for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) when she applied to the program in 2005. The community of Vulindlela, South Africa, one of the sites of the CAPRISA 004 tenofovir gel trial. CAPRISA Careers Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa2 days agoBe among the first 25 applicants. One GSK1265744 tablet orally every day from study entry through Week 4. Dr Christiaan Jansen -- Port Elizabeth. Can the. CAPRISA Cohorts. The Biomedical Research Ethics Committee of the University of KwaZulu-Natal approved the study. Women were randomized to one of two study groups - 445 to the tenofovir gel group and 444 to the Measures . The Vulindlela clinic adjoins the Mafakathini PHC clinic, which services an average of 500 clients per month seeking family planning services and will . Corresponding author: Sengeziwe Sibeko, MBChB, FCOG, CAPRISA, 2nd Floor, Doris Duke Medical . Repeat HIV testing is important in high HIV burden communities to enable sustainability of prevention initiatives; however, an understanding of repeat testing practices is limited. CAPRISA 004, a phase IIb placebo-controlled, double-blind randomized clinical trial , was conducted to assess safety and effectiveness of 1% vaginal tenofovir gel to reduce HIV acquisition in women at one rural (Vulindlela) and one urban (eThekwini) clinic in South Africa (12). Disclosures This prospective open-cohort study was conducted between of HIV-positive status were categorized into partner dis- June 2006 and August 2009 at the CAPRISA Vulindlela closure (disclosure to any marital or sexual partner), family Clinical Research site, approximately 150 km west of disclosure (any disclosure to a sibling, parent, or . SITE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/S. If necessary, participants will also be recruited from a second site, the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site, a large research clinic in uMgungundlovu District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which is adjacent to the Mafakathini Primary Healthcare Clinic. The study enrolled 889 sexually active HIV-uninfected women at two sites in South Africa: the CAPRISA eThekwini clinical research site, located in central Durban, and the Vulindlela clinical research site, located in a rural setting approximately 90 minutes by car outside of Durban. Rural women were enrolled at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Research Clinic adjacent to a comprehensive primary health care clinic in Vulindlela, which is a rural community of approximately 90,000 people and about 150 km northwest of Durban. Address CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Clinic Contact Details Tel: +27-33-2606851 Email: They will then receive an injection of GSK1265744 at Weeks 5, 17, and 29. 1% tenofovir gel provision through a public sector family planning services with 2-3 monthly provision and monitoring and the use of QI methodology to promote reliable service delivery. CAPRISA 007 : First Posted: August 25, 2010 Key Record Dates: Last Update Posted: January 19, 2017 Last Verified: . Africa (CAPRISA) eThekwini Clinical Research Site. : The CAPRISA Clinical Trials Unit for AIDS/Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment (CAPRISA CTU), strategically located in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, at the epicenter of one of the worid's most sever. Clinical Research Sites. Bioethics and Global Health, Bhopal/Pune, India. The CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinic, the rural control site for this study, is situated in Vulindlela, a rural sub-district with approximately 90,000 residents located in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. The CAPRISA 004 trial was conducted between May 2007 and March 2010 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in Vulindlela, a rural community 150 km west of . This research facility, which hosts an adolescent-friendly clinic, has a close working relationship with the local community to study new approaches to HIV prevention and treatment. Free access to ART and pre-ART . cordant at follow-up visits had blood sample collected The CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research site (rural at the same visit for HIV antibody testing (Enzygnost site) is located 150 km north-west of Durban. This open-label study is being con-ducted at the CAPRISA Vulindlela and eThekwini Clinical Research sites in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (the same clinics used in the CAPRISA 004 trial), and their neighbouring family planning clinics. The CAPRISA 004 trial was conducted between May 2007 and March 2010 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in Vulindlela, a rural community 150 km west of Durban (rural) and at the CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical research site in the Durban city centre (urban). Vulindlela is a rural community characterized by limited infrastructure, poor economic opportunity and high HIV prevalence . Dr. Janet Frohlich, CAPRISA's Vulindlela Clinical Research Site Director, explained to IPS that microbicides are a type of a gel substance which women can insert into the vagina or rectum which 'we hope to show with this trial can help in the prevention of the spread of HIV.' The partnership between the CAPRISA researchers, community organizations, HVTN 705: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2b efficacy study of a . CAPRISA is an award-winning global research organisation located on the campus of the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine in Durban, South Africa and undertakes research in HIV, TB and Covid at four clinical research sites in KwaZulu-Natal. NETWORK. Report this profile About . Vulindlela CRS: 31448 : Wake County Health and Human Services CRS: 30076 : Ward 21 CRS: 31966 : Washington University Therapeutics (WT) CRS: 2101 . Marian Dr van Rensburg (Smit) PATHOLOGIST DR at CAPE TOWN CLAREMONT,AUSTRALIA,UK. Hilton Humphries (MA, PhD) is a South African Behavioural Scientist working in the field of HIV prevention. Evaluating community engagement in global health research: the need for metrics. The CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site (VCRS) is situated in a rural location in KwaZulu-Natal within a community that experiences a very high prevalence of HIV, especially in young women. Elizabeth T. Robinson/FHI 154 Communications Handbook for Clinical Trials Bongani Zulu Medical Doctor(pathologist) at PathCare City of Johannesburg. Study design Open-label, single-arm phase 3B vaccine implementation study. Study sites Department of Health Vaccine Administration Sites across South Africa supported by the Sisonke (Together) (VAC31518COV3012) Trial Research Site Investigators and Study Staff Study duration Participants will receive a homologous Ad26.COV2.S (Janssen) booster dose of vaccine at least 6 months post the prime vaccination. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Vulindlela Clinical Research Site: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa : Sponsors and Collaborators. South Africa and the Vulindlela Clinical Research Site in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. CAPRISA 070 is designed to enroll rural women who exit from CAPRISA 008 - an ongoing trial assessing implementation, effectiveness and safety of TFV gel in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Visit our careers page to apply for the position or to register your profile for future positions. At the rural site, volunteers were recruited from among women attending the FP clinic from one of the primary health care centre, adjacent to the . Zakiyah is stationed at CAPRISA's Vulindlela Clinical Research Site where her projects include work in the areas of: HIV/AIDS in adolescent populations, social mobilization, community engagement and community lead approaches . If necessary, participants will also be recruited from a second site, the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site, a large research clinic • Pass Mafakatini Primary School all the way to the bottom of the road to a T-Junction • Take left at the T-Junction onto the gravel road. The source population for this Acting Site Director at CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site Durban. • CAPRISA • Tongaat Clinical Research Site • Verulam Clinical Research Site • Vulindlela Clinical Research Site Elandsdoorn • Ndlovu Research Centre Klerksdorp • The Aurum Institute Klerksdorp Clinical Research Site Ladysmith • Qhakaza Mbokodo Research Clinic His interests include understanding risk pathways, epidemiological risk and the social practices that characterise HIV . Women cohort study was undertaken at CAPRISA's two testing concordantly positive, indeterminate or dis- clinical research sites. Participants will be provided with a supply of single-use, pre-filled applicators according to their randomisation. This particular study was the first to show that a topical gel could reduce a person's risk of contracting HIV. Phase 3. This prospective open-cohort study was conducted between June 2006 and August 2009 at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research site, approximately 150 km west of Durban in KwaZulu-Natal. • After 250metres the Mafakatini Clinic is on the left hand side • Entrance to CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinic research site is before Mafakatini clinic CLINICAL RESEARCH SITE. Social and Behavioral Health Sciences, FHI 360, 359 Blackwell Street, Durham, NC, 27514, USA. The district is home to approximately 250 000 residents whose main access to health care is at seven primary health care (PHC) clinics that provide comprehensive services. He is currently a Scientist at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Research Site. ONGOING. PCZ CDC is located near the transportation hub for public commuters in central Durban and initiates approximately 2,000 PLHIV on ART each year. Take R617 Underberg/Howick/Merrival o˜ramp. CAPRISA Clinical Research Sites launch Covid-19 Prevention Network studies 28 August 2020 T he CAPRISA HIV Prevention teams at the eThekwini (ECRC) and Vulindlela Clinical Research Sites (VCRC) successfully launched two observational SARS CoV-2 studies as part of the newly formed NIH-funded Covid-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN). This open-label study is being conducted at the CAPRISA Vulindlela and eThekwini Clinical Research sites in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (the same clinics used in the CAPRISA 004 trial), and their neighbouring family planning clinics. CAPRISA is an award-winning global research organisation located on the campus of the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine in Durban, South Africa and undertakes research in HIV, TB and Covid at four clinical research sites in KwaZulu-Natal.<br>CAPRISA's goal is to undertake globally relevant and locally responsive research that contributes to understanding HIV Vaccines and Pathogenesis . CAPRISA's goal is to undertake globally relevant and locally responsive research that contributes to . Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 84 connections. . As the site director of the VCRS, I was responsible for overseeing the operations of the clinic and the conduct of all research on the site. CAPRISA Tongaat Clinical Research Site Verulam Clinical Research Site Vulindlela Clinical Research Site Elandsdoorn Ndlovu Research Centre Klerksdorp The Aurum Institute Klerksdorp Clinical Research Site Ladysmith Qhakaza Mbokodo Research Clinic Medunsa MeCRU Medunsa Mthatha Nelson Mandela Academic Clinical Research unit (NeMACRU) . CAPRISA 004, a phase IIb placebo-controlled, double-blind randomized clinical trial, was conducted to assess safety and effectiveness of 1% vaginal tenofovir gel to reduce HIV acquisition in women at one rural (Vulindlela) and one urban (eThekwini) clinic in South Africa. Site Name. CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Site, Dr [Recruiting] Durban, KWA ZULU Natal, South Africa Contact: Contact: Disebo Makhaza, MBCHB +27(0) 31 655 0687 Contact: Principal Investigator: Disebo Makhaza, MBCHB : Qhakaza Mbokodo Research Clinic [Recruiting] CAPRISA eThekwini clinical research site, located in central Durban, and the Vulindlela clinical research site, located in a rural setting approximately 90 minutes by car outside of Durban. CAPRISA sign. cohort of research-experienced participants in CAPRISA 008. All participants requiring clinical care received it either at the CAPRISA clinical research sites in Durban or Vulindlela, or were referred to a specialist facility. eThekwini. Background: Community engagement in research has gained momentum as an approach to improving research, to helping ensure that community concerns are taken into account, and to informing ethical decision-making when research is conducted in contexts of vulnerability. Description. Site number. Join to Connect CAPRISA. and eThekwini Clinical Research Sites; the staff at the CAPRISA eThekwini and Vulindlela Clinical Research Sites in implementing this trial; and CAPRISA Data Management and Statistics staff for management and quality assurance of case report forms. CAPRISA 004, a phase IIb placebo-controlled, double-blind randomized clinical trial , was conducted to assess safety and effectiveness of 1% vaginal tenofovir gel to reduce HIV acquisition in women at one rural (Vulindlela) and one urban (eThekwini) clinic in South Africa ().A total of 889 non-pregnant HIV uninfected women between the ages of 18 and 40 were eligibly . Volunteer. CAPRISA is an award-winning global research organisation located on the campus of the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine in Durban, South Africa and undertakes research in HIV, TB and Covid at four clinical research sites in KwaZulu-Natal. UBUNTU is a research study conducted in Eastern and Southern Africa to test the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine in adults living with HIV or with existing health conditions that put them at risk of severe COVID-19. at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in Vulindlela, a rural community 150 km west of Durban (rural) and at the CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical research site in the Durban city centre (urban). rtunity for a Research Assistant at the Vulindlela Clinical Research site, outside Howick. . . . This documentary unpacks what went down when SA when into a hard lockdown in March last year. Photo credit: Dean Demos. Varisty College, Pietermaritzburg Campus. The rural town of Vulindlela in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical Research Clinic is based. CAPRISA VULINDLELA CLINIC CAPRISA Vulindela Reception: +27(0)33 260 6851 / 6887 Nondumiso Ngubane: 033 260 6887 / 076 244 8719 Coordinates: S 29.6434840, E 30.1471810 Helen Hingle: +27(0)72 9288706v Take N3 Durban to Johannesburg, pass Pietermaritzburg, Hilton and Cedara o˜ramps 1. The CAPRISA 004 trial was conducted between May 2007 and March 2010 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at the CAPRISA Vulindlela Clinical research site in Vulindlela, a rural community 150 km west of Durban (rural) and at the CAPRISA eThekwini Clinical research site in the Durban city centre (urban). The trial, which started on 23 May 2007, was conducted at CAPRISA's Vulindlela and eThekwini clinical research sites, and ran for a total of 30 months. CAPRISA, Vulindlela Clinical Research Site Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 4013 Sponsors and Collaborators Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa FHI 360 United States Agency for International Development (USAID) CONRAD Investigators More Information Go to Additional Information: However, guidelines and scholarship regarding community engagement are arguably unsettled, making it difficult to implement and . The community at monthly CRSG meetings the University of KwaZulu-Natal approved the study scholarship regarding community engagement are arguably,... Relevant and locally responsive Research that contributes to the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee of the African! Crsg meetings, 359 Blackwell Street, Durham, NC, 27514, caprisa vulindlela clinical research site... 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